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Warning: I forgot to mention there will be swearing, especially very explicit swears in near future of this book. Enjoy. '

Life's a bitch. It's a real bitch when it comes to those who are conflicted with pain and sorrow. Those who are abused, tortured, cheated, murdered, or emotionally harmed by him/herself. Most people troubled by their own trauma managed to move on with professional help and move on with their lives. But some refused to move on, especially those who refused help.

There are short results of refusing help: making themselves miserable for life, harm themselves physical, mental, emotional, or eventually resulting in suicide. But some prefer to live longer before death comes for them. Yes, they are afraid of death; only because they won't know what truly lies beyond their world. But they begged for it only to end their pain.

    Around the world shows many lives of different difficult individuals. However, there is one person who is the main focus of this situation. A young woman in her late twenties, a 5 foot and 1 inch tall with a more obese figure. She wore her more comfortable outfit: a black sweater with a short zipper, blue jeans, and black and white checkered sneakers. Her brown black curly medium hair hung low in the center behind her shoulders. Ears halfway hidden in the hair, showing red spots by the body's temperature. Her hands hidden within her pockets. She carries a black purse with only three zippers: one main compartment, and two smaller compartments.

    Focusing on the frontal profile, she has distinctive features: perfect arched eyebrows in the same color as her hair, plump shaped face, smooth tanned skin tone, small nose, small pair of tinted red colored lips, long eyelashes, and a pair of chocolate colored eyes.

Her eyes expressed a more sad emotion, she was crying earlier wherever she went. It expresses her heartbroken emotion. Whatever made her sad got to mean that someone she once loved betrayed her and replaced her with someone more beautiful and better than herself. She sometimes hates her own life: being a fat loser who doesn't know how to make her life better.

    She stopped, standing there as she wiped her tears away. She got to come home without being seen by her parents and siblings. She doesn't want to be bothered since they cannot understand what heartbrokenness feels. Once she gets to her room, she'll spend many hours getting rid of her depression. In her case, she has always been depressed since her early teenage years. And over the years, her depression gets worse and worse mentally. There's no pill or cure to her depression, it has to be decided by how she'll find her happiness. But she finds it futile and gives up on happiness, she will be in her own world; a world of her own loneliness, pain, and sadness in her heart.

    She is a woman who was betrayed by her once loyal lover, now convinced that she cannot trust any guy. She did meet her first lover in her first year of high school and dated him for a year: sadly he stole over a thousand dollars and abandoned her. She was angry by his action and eventually, her money was never returned since he spent it all on drugs that he overdosed on and died. She'll never forgive those who used her for money, sex, and tore her heart in pieces repeatedly.

    She shook her head, forgot her hurtful memories and opened the front door. She is living in a modern time country known as the USA. She experiences recent events since college: a new president since November was selected and he is the worst president they ever had. He did create job opportunities for the unemployed, but sadly she was rejected over five hundred job positions.

She asked for a  student loan forgiveness to pay off her loan debt. But they denied her request and made her face anxieties and fear that she won't be able to pay them. In fact, she feared the only way to pay them all off was by being a cleaning lady in federal prison while being in prison for not paying her loans. All that president did is help only those who show decent careers and ones with well experienced people with or without degrees.

    She felt she had no other talent except her passion for art. She has a Bachelor's of Science in art degree along with a painting, graphic design, and illustration minor degrees. She is proud of herself for enduring twelve semesters in college. She did have trouble with art history courses, so she stayed extra four semesters to finally graduate.

But after graduation, she waited ten months applying for jobs, but sadly they prefer more experienced and talented people than her. Her parents encouraged her to never give up; she did take that advice, but being at home for months drove her insane and felt like she wanted to live on her own. But since she's broke, she cannot do that.

    This month is by far the worst in American History. The president allows a harsh punishment for those who cannot pay off their loan debts: go to prison to pay it off. But for those who are women, it's either prison or being sent to a whorehouse. She shudders in fear, hoping she won't end up there. She opened her door, she noticed it's already unlocked. But as she enters and closes the door, she turns her gaze to her parents, standing next to random strangers.

Both of them are in their late forties, obese but thinner than her, and taller than her. Her mother has her face except having long wavy hair, blue eyes, and has grey highlights in her hair. Her father has a beard connected to his moustache, has thin hair, and wears his glasses. He wore his casual t-shirt in his favorite team Boston Red Socks, blue pants, and leather shoes. Her mother wore her stylish yoga pants with long sleeved grey and aqua blue shirt and tanned colored furred house slippers.

Her eyes wide open as a couple shake her father's hand. In her family, she has five siblings: one older sister and four younger brothers. But since her first younger brother's death months ago, she only has three brothers now. Her second younger brother graduated and married, and her third younger brother moved to his own apartment near his university, it's only her youngest brother at age sixteen.

    Her father turns to her, "Welcome home princess pie...", and pauses as he knows that his daughter is rather shy yet shocked to see these people in her home. "Um...who are they?", she asked, not sure what's happening. Her father sighed, "Fe, these are the lawyers who...who's here to evaluate us", he explained.

Fe cannot believe a single word he said, she knows he's hiding the truth. Her mother held her husbands' hand, "Fe, we lost our house", she confessed. Fe's eyes widened in shock and felt anxiety hit her mind, "Oh no, why?" "The previous owner lost her home; she and her children and grandchildren need the house back. Trust me, we never want to move out. But after a few days in court, they won the house and we're forced to move out. We have no choice. But there's more that you deserve to hear", her mother explained and confessed again.

    Fe placed her hands on her face, shaking her head. Her father felt nervous yet he spoke, "Fe, we're in the bottom of the status. Because I cannot find any more jobs, I won't be able to support us. And worse, if we don't do this negotiation, we'll lose your brother to child services." She felt tears rolling down her cheeks, "No! No....", she mutters in fear.

Her mother walked over to her and hugged her, petting her head, "Fe, we're so sorry! To keep him from child services, we have to sell you off to pay off your student loans and extra money to survive", her mother apologized while beginning to sob. Fe felt her heart break, unable to believe that her own parents decided to get rid of her just to avoid the whorehouse and avoid losing her brother.

    She refused to go, wanting to stay by her parents' side. But since she's over 21 years old, they have no claim on her anymore. And by official rule, she has no right to stay with them. But only one rule that claims their child if they allow her to live with them. Since she has nowhere to go, they have to sell her off. The lawyers took the documents and left the house.

She sat on the couch, helpless and unable to convince anyone to let her stay with her family. Her eyes stared at the floor, now imagining a cold white vast wasteland of snow and ice. No one was around and not a single creature was there. It's her own world and prison which keep her depressed and make her own freedom to make risks for herself.

    Her ears heard a door open, her echoes of her parents greeting new people coming inside. She doesn't want to see them, she hates her life, she hates the life she lives in, she wants to be free from her own hell. To be perfectly honest, she finds her life unfair and boring: her family has no money to travel the world, only to her home state and another state to visit her sister. Fe is going to prepare for her new life, a new hell which will imprison her to have her own freedom to live in her own life.

She will ignore them as long as she lives, until she dies of old age, or in the near future when death will come to her. She hates her life; she wished to be reborn living in Japan, or even better, live in the world of Dragon Ball which her favorite character lived in. If only they were real, she would've left everyone behind and live there: she can get to find a real job where they need her the most, live on her own and how to take care of herself, and eventually find her true happiness. Fe cried again, depressed that she would never get there or feared it would never exist.

    "Oh hi, you must be Fe!", chimed the cheerful voice. She stopped, heard the familiar voice that she knows. "No, it's impossible!", she thought to herself, "There's no way! Is it!?" Slowly, she moved her face up, slowly sitting up straight. Once she sits up straight, her eyes widened in shock: before her is Dr. and Mrs. Briefs.

Mrs. Briefs smiled as she pet her head, "Oh my! I love your curly hair! I cannot wait to give you the best hairstyles!", she said excited. Dr. Briefs walk beside his wife, "Well hey there Fe, I'm Dr. Briefs. And this is my wife Mrs. Briefs. And well...we're your new family!", he explained. And his wife nodded. Fe sat there, dumbfounded, and slowly exclaimed, "WWWHHAAAAAATTTT!!!!!?????

    Fe opened the door with her foot, angrily stormed into her room. She cannot believe that her so-called country's president did not reveal the existence of where the Briefs lived. She blames him for this, but there's no way out of this. They gave her a very strange thing that only she can use. She sighed, "I hate to live with strangers, but maybe this is my only opportunity to live a better life and away from my awful exes", she said.

She snapped her fingers and a portal appeared: a swirling opening as it showed a vast space. For an hour, she packs up her belongings including her artworks, her art studio, family photos, and her anime merch. But left her tv with DVD, her bed, reclining chair and her L-shaped desk in her room. Since they'll provide a new room, she won't need them. She looked around the now half empty room and muttered, "Bye room", and left.

    Dr. and Mrs. Briefs waited outside for her in their car. Once she bid her brother a goodbye hug, she headed to the side door. Her brother couldn't care less of the farewell, he got other things to deal with in his life. Her other two brothers wished to be there, to bid farewells, but there's no time now that she is no longer staying.

Once she made it outside, her parents pulled her into a big farewell hug. Her father planted a big kiss on her forehead; she groaned a little by feeling the hard short prickles of her father's beard. He shakes his body as he will miss the big hug that she used to give when she was little. Once they let go of the embrace, Fe placed her backpack in the back seat. She climbs in, puts on her seatbelt and suddenly finds the car driving away from her home. She cried again, waving at her parents.

    Then, Dr. Briefs drove off. Before them is strange: a much bigger portal appeared and the car drove inside. Once they vanished, so did the portal. Her old life ended. And her new life has just begun.

To Be Continue

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