Vegito Learns His Place

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The two had a short stand off before Vegito transformed into his super Saiyan form "so this is what you wanted to see right? Then come on then, show me what ya got!" Vegito charged at the God and went for his first strike however it was easily dodged by the God of destruction, Vegito continued going for rights and lefts trying desperately to get one of them to connect however nothing seemed to work.

Suddenly however an opening appeared and Vegito managed to grab Beerus by the tail and proceeded to swing him around multiple times before slamming Beerus into the earth "Hmph, so this is the god huh? I thought you'd put up more of a fight than this" Vegito mocked.

However before the fused Saiyan couldn't even react as a purple blur that was Beerus charged towards him and punched him hard in the face, sending Vegito flying and almost knocking him unconscious "well this is interesting, you are far beyond any mortal that I've seen Saiyan, I guess that's what happens when you combine the prince with the being that defeated Frieza" Beerus grinned seeming to be entertained "I just hope I didn't end my fun already, come on, get up!" Beerus demanded as he began to walk towards Vegito, the grin still on his face. Vegito attempted to use instant transmission however he could not sense Beerus's energy.

Vegito struggled back to his feet, he tried to kick Beerus in the side only for the god of destruction to grab his leg by his tail and drop Vegito on the ground "come on, you already bore me!" Beerus spat before kicking the fused saiyan across the face "fight back! Fight back Saiyan!" He demanded before pressing his foot down on Vegito's gut, pressing down harder and harder till Vegito's screams echoed through other world.

Vegito's screams then began to change to chuckles "here's a fight for you!" Vegito then raised both hands and blasted the cat God in the face sending him backwards before kicking up onto his feet and charging up for a Kamehameha. Just as Beerus got up Vegito used instant transmission to teleport in front of King Kai who was currently behind Beerus. As Vegito fired the powerful blast Beerus turned around, raising his hand and erasing the blast "wh-what?!" Vegito gasped in shock.

Beerus chuckled before wiping a small bit of blood off of his cheek "my my, you are better than I thought, I do hope there is more where that came from Saiyan, or I'll be ending this now".

Vegito shrugged "you want more, fine, I'll just take it up a notch" Vegito then transformed into a super saiyan 2 and stared coldly into the cat Gods eyes "I'm ready Lord Beerus" Vegito growled, he charged at Beerus firing multiple strikes at the god, over and over and over again, but none connected, Beerus blocked and dodged each and everyone of the hits, it seemed worthless, however suddenly Vegito turned super saiyan 3, the increase of speed being enough to knock Beerus off guard and he kicked Beerus in the side of the head before punching him in the gut and finally uppercutting him to the ground. Vegito then picked up Beerus by the legs and swung him around before being thrown into the yellow clouds that surrounded King Kai's planet. Vegito smirked and turned to Whis "sorry about your cat" he joked.

Vegito was about to walk away until he heard something in the distance, he turned to see Beerus charging back towards him enraged. Vegito flew up to meet him and fired an energy blast which was then swatted away and Beerus grabbed the fused Saiyan by the throat before he began punching him in the gut "I am done with these games Saiyan! You will see the power of a god! You hear me?! A true Go-" Vegito punched Beerus hard in the face however it seemed to just anger him more than anything, Beerus dropped Vegito to the ground before firing many blasts down on him, piercing his legs, arms, face and stomach.

What surprised Beerus was the now bloodied Saiyan still tried to struggle to his feet, gasping for air "I..I'm not done, I-I know I can beat you, if not now then l-late..." Vegito then lost his transformation before also losing consciousness, before he hit the ground however Beerus caught him.

"You are indeed powerful Saiyan, a true warrior...perhaps you can become the super saiyan God. Whis we are leaving, with this Saiyan, he will indeed be useful" Beerus demanded "so Kai, do you by any chance have anything that can help with his wounds?" Beerus asked.

King Kai shot out of his shock and immediately nodded "o-oh, yes lord Beerus!" King Kai then came forward with a bag of Senzu beans, Beerus flicked Vegito in the head lightly to wake him up slightly so he could open his mouth and eat the Senzu being.

After that Vegito woke up once again, after a bit of looking around it was clear what has happened "aw man! I lost! Heh, though I have to admit that was fun, but I'm keeping that promise I made, next time I'll matter what" Vegito promised.

Beerus grinned "good, because now you will be coming with me, you will train under whis and become the super saiyan God I witnessed in my dreams, but I promise you this Saiyan I have yet to show you a fraction of what I can do to you and you are not worthy for anymore than that, however soon you will, Whis we are leaving" Whis was about to send them off till Vegito backed away slightly.

"Wait wait wait wait! I cannot just leave, I have a family, I must tell them I'll be leaving..with your permission Lord Beerus" Vegito asked.

Beerus nodded "very well, we'll go, if you can get us their in less than 5 minutes which I'm sure not even Whis or I could possibly do?" Beerus challenged with a confident grin, however his expression changed to one of confusion when he noticed the smirk that grew on Vegito's face.

"Sure, I can do that, just put your hands on my shoulders" Vegito replied. Beerus and Whis both complied and placed their hands on each one of Vegito's shoulders, Vegito then placed two fingers to his forehead and disappeared via instant, leaving King Kai in complete shock wondering what the hell just happened.

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