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alright so here's a new story! Hopefully you enjoy and I would love to hear comments from ya guys! This is also posted on my livejournal account so ya...

Characters: Jaejoong
OC...not sure who yet

Summary: He was alone in the world and he wanted to escape. He felt there was nothing in his life that could make him change his mind until he met him...and then his eyes opened and he could see his life in a different light.

btw...this story is RATED; meaning there will be sex, drug-use, violence, possible rape, and language. you have been warned ^^ buuuuut there will be a lot of happiness and fluffiness too so enjoy nonetheless!




Chapter 1

Loneliness. That was the word Jaejoong had thought of as he ran from his house to escape his life. His mother didn't come after him and he was grateful but then she knew he would return. He always did.

He ran until he couldn't anymore but he had reached his destination. It was a park, shrouded with trees to give it a forest feeling. The trees weren't thick and they didn't block out the busy street beside it but it was enough. Jaejoong stumbled behind a tree and raised his knees up to his chin, tears threatening to break out. Even though he had a tough outlook, Jaejoong was very fragile and easily brought to tears. Especially when it came to his family. And the only person who knew was his best friend Changmin.

Changmin was like his other half as he put it, they were completetly opposite and yet bound together by some strange bond. It didn't matter if Changmin was younger, all that mattered is that the two of them had someone to turn to because Changmin didn't have an easy family life also.

Tears stained his cheeks, and his eyes felt heavy and swollen, Jaejoong tilted his head back and looked up at the sky, watching as the fluffy white clouds drifted by slowly. The gentle breeze that carried them ruffled his shaggy black hair and he closed his large teary eyes. The wind was always so annoying but today it was almost as though it wanted to blow all his troubles away.

His phone vibrated and he looked at the call display and sighed. He held it in his hands until it stopped ringing and flipped it open. There was no way he would be answering those calls tonight. But he needed a place to stay, and he knew exactly where to go. Sniffling Jaejoong dialled Changmin's number and let it ring, attempting to fight off the tears that still tumbled down his cheeks.
The chance to stop the tears wasn't successful when Changmin answered the phone.


"Cha—Changmin," Jaejoong said softly, so to cover his crack in his voice. Changmin wasn't fooled, and his tone became alert.

"Jae? Are you alright? What happened?"

"Um..." Jaejoong cleared his throat, but it felt thick and his face felt sticky from the onslaught of tears. "It's my parents...mom actually...do you think I could come over for the night? I don't want to go home right now."

"Yeah for sure. I'm at work right now though so give me a half an hour and I'll be done," Changmin said, gently this time. His voice was soothing already and Jaejoong could feel the tears slowly die down. "I'll meet you here 'kay?"

"'Kay," Jaejoong muttered softly, "see you in a bit." He hung up his phone and left his has drop limply to the side. He felt heavy and motionless, his head throbbing and his throat was sore. Nonetheless he willed himself to stand up and drew his hood over his head to block it from curious passersby and left, staying in the thin cover of the trees. He knew his mother wouldn't come looking for him but he felt better walking that way anyway.

Hurriedly he wiped the old and new tears away and looked in a window to make sure he looked decent. His cheeks were red and his eyes were swollen. Even in his breakdown he still managed to look beautiful and he felt like the girl he looked. Or...at least what everyone said. People always turned heads at his beauty, making him feel uncomfortable and yet proud. His looks were amazing but yet they were too feminine. His porcelain skin, heat shaped lips, round eyes and thin slight body could pass him as a girl in an instant. He also had an amazing voice and could dance with the best of them. His smile was breath taking and he was weird and such a dork.

But what he wore on the outside was something entirely different from what was on the inside. On the inside Jaejoong was alone and crying for someone to help him. He didn't have the strength it took to stand up to his parents nor could he even find it in himself to truly express his feelings. Girls wanted to date him but he never seemed able to make the right approach. He was so stressed that his body was taking the toll and he could feel it every day. Life for Jaejoong wasn't what people may have though; in fact it was miserable.

The light flashed green and Jaejoong jogged across the street to avoid peoples' stares. He kept his head low and his eyes peered out ahead as best as he could so he wouldn't run into anyone. Changmin's work was about ten minutes away so Jaejoong would just have to settle for waiting.


Yuhno sat in his car waiting for the light to turn green. It was a nice sports car, one that his parents bought him for his birthday. For what it was worth it was alright, but Yuhno had driven far superior vehicles to that one. But he'd had to settle for the one he had for now.

As the light turned green Yuhno noticed someone dart across the street, their head covered by a navy blue hood. At first he thought it was a girl, but then the person turned their head slightly to the side and Yuhno knew in that moment that it was a young man, probably around his age. His hands were in his pockets and he seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere.

Yuhno watched, suddenly very interested in this young man as he hurried down the sidewalk, his eyes on the ground.
'He looks upset,' Yuhno thought to himself as he sped off. He was going in the opposite direction but it still left Yuhno curious. But the attention of driving took his mind and he almost all but forgotten about the young man.


Chapter 1 done! Comments welcome and hopefully it turns out alright ^^




Chapter 2

Changmin came into the restaurant and spotted Jaejoong easily. His hyung looked like he had cried his eyes out and Changmin's heart ached for him. Even though Jaejoong was completely proud and would never show his weakness, Changmin had seen him in him when he was a complete wreck.

Changmin loved his best friend like a brother. He would be there for him no matter what, and yet he still found that he could never get Jaejoong to fully open up. It was as if Jaejoong had too much bottled up that he didn't even know where to start.

As he sat down Jaejoong looked up and relief flooded his face. Changmin smiled reassuringly and Jaejoong took a sip of his water.

"Alright so what happened?" Changmin asked and Jaejoong shrugged.

"The usual," he answered, "things didn't get carried away before I left though. But it almost did."

Changmin nodded and a waitress came up and handed him a menu. He thanked her and Jaejoong looked out the window. His beautiful face was unblemished, but Changmin knew that he had scars all over his body.

"And what about your dad?" Changmin asked, and again Jaejoong shrugged.

"He doesn't give a shit," he muttered, staring intently at the glass in his hand. "I'm his only kid and he doesn't care...he told me flat out that it isn't his problem and as long as it doesn't happen to him than it's not a problem."

Sighing Changmin shook his head and ran a hand through his brown hair. "Wow, how can a parent be so heartless? His own child too."

Jaejoong looked up and sadness filled his eyes. It broke Changmin's heart to see him like that but there was nothing more he could do except be Jaejoong's shoulder to cry on. Jaejoong refused Changmin's offer to step in countless times and it drove Changmin insane to know what was going on and he couldn't stop it. Changmin could never tell Jaejoong the truth. He was far too scared to find out the answer if he ever did. Changmin reached out, however, and patted Jaejoong's hand assuredly.

"Don't worry Jaejoong. Things always have a way of sorting themselves out sooner or later," he said softly, and Jaejoong nodded silently. "Trust me on this. I know there's nothing that can be done right now but just think about it...you could always move out if you wanted to."

"But what about school?" his hyung asked and Changmin's brows knitted together in frustration. "I can't afford to live by myself and go to school."

"Jaejoong listen to me. A lot of people live by themselves at your age. I know it's hard but if you really think about it, no one's there to stop your mom are they? You can't even concentrate on school, so don't go telling me that school is on the top of your list right now. You need to get out of there Jae can't you see that? What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of losing everything," Jaejoong whispered, and Changmin looked at him stunned.

Silence followed. Changmin stared speechless at Jaejoong, wondering what would be the right words to say. Jaejoong looked so distraught and worn down Changmin was surprised to see he was still able to stand.

"Jae...Jae listen to me. You're not going to lose everything if you leave that house," he said gently, looking straight into those sad eyes. "Everyone will be there to support you. You can't let her run your life like that."

"And you're one to talk?" Jaejoong snapped and Changmin stiffened.

"My parents have nothing to do with this. Yeah my parents are fine assholes themselves but they don't...they never.... He struggled to get the right words out as if afraid to come right out and say them So Jaejoong finished it for him, his voice lifeless and cold.

"They don't rape you? Yeah I know they don't...and I'm sorry I snapped at you."

Changmin swallowed but continued. "Jae...your mom has no right to do that to you, no matter what her reasons are. It's just disgusting and...and disgusting."

Jaejoong stared out the window stubbornly and Changmin knew that he had heard. And Jaejoong knew Changmin was right.

But he was too scared to leave; he couldn't leave. His mom knew that and that was why she kept him so close to her. She lost her husband and she wasn't about to lose her only child. Jaejoong could see it in her eyes every time he came home and she was sprawled out on the couch completely wasted. That was when she looked into his eyes and called out her husband's name with a slurring voice. She said that Jaejoong looked like just like him in every way, that if she couldn't have him she would have to settle for Jaejoong. The woman was stronger than she let on and the times she hurt and abused Jaejoong were too many to count on ten fingers. Jaejoong's parents got a divorce when Jaejoong was only two years old. Now he was in his last year of high school and he could hardly stand up to the woman he so feared.

"Jae let's get out of here," Changmin said suddenly, and Jaejoong blinked. "Come on, I know of a party some rich kid's having. Let's go check it out 'kay? You could use the distraction I think."

Nodding silently, Jaejoong followed Changmin out to his car and down the street where Changmin lived, a ten minute drive from his work.

On the way, Changmin's phone rang and he answered it quickly. "Junsu hyung? Hey, yeah it's me. Yup I got him. Um...I think we'll be another hour or so, we have to eat and everything first. Alright. Hey listen, thanks for inviting us...seriously. 'Kay sweet, bye."

Jaejoong only half listened to the conversation as he stared out the windshield, watching the trees and houses fly by.

"That was Xiah Junsu," Changmin explained, "he's the one who's hosting the party. His parents are loaded but I can't seem to remember where I met him.... Anyway he has a really nice boyfriend...Yoochun I think his name is. They're such an awesome couple...." Changmin chattered away and Jaejoong guessed it was a small attempt at keeping his hyung's mind occupied. So Jaejoong nodded and made the right expressions whenever necessary, but he wasn't really paying attention. Instead his thoughts were elsewhere.


"Changmin!" Junsu exclaimed, opening the door enthusiastically. "You guys made it awesome! Come in, come in! Christ that kid looks...wow...that's all I have to say." He smirked at Jaejoong, who smiled back. Instantly he liked Junsu. "Listen watch out for him Minnie...people will be fighting to get their hands on him that's for sure." Junsu let out a little laugh and moved out of the way to let Changmin and Jaejoong in. Both of them gasped at the size and style of the house. No...mansion was a much better word.

They were standing in a grand entrance with white walls, the lights giving off a golden colour. The tiles on the floor were like pearls and there was a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the domed ceiling. A grand staircase stood in front of them, leading to balcony and then the rooms. On one side there was a room with couches and chairs made of white leather. On the other the room had been cleared out to make a dance floor, a strobe light spinning dizzily around above. There was a DJ in the corner, mixing songs and creating a noisy and dance atmosphere. People littered the house and the dance floor was crowded. There were servers going around with drinks and snacks and everyone looked like they were at a club instead of a house party.

"Do you want something to drink?" Junsu asked loudly, over the music. Jaejoong shook his head but Changmin asked for vodka slime. Jaejoong snickered and Changmin rolled his eyes.

"Why does everyone separate drinks into girl drinks and guy drinks?" he demanded, and Jaejoong shrugged, his laughing stopping. Changmin gave him a quick smile to let him know he was only joking. Relief filled his eyes and Jaejoong smiled back.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, but since the music was far too loud for anyone else to hear, Jaejoong went and instantly opened it. Standing in the doorway was a young man with short dyed brownish hair and a thin face. His eyes were so dark they looked black and he had a scar on his otherwise perfect cheek. His skin was darker than Jaejoong's and he had a more masculine figure. The air around him wasn't arrogance...no he had a sense of responsibility and looked like he would make an amazing father.

The man stopped when he found Jaejoong in his way and looked up. Then his eyes widened and he took a step back.

"It's you!" he exclaimed, making Jaejoong blink and tilt his head curiously.

"Um...hi?" he said uncertainly, looking to Changmin for help. Changmin shrugged.

"Oh...crap...sorry..." the man said, looking embarrassed. "You didn't see me...right."

Jaejoong waited for a better explanation but the man had already hurried by him and left him standing in the door way, holding the door knob stiffly.

"What the hell was that all about?" he muttered, finally coming to his senses and closing the door.

He looked after the man who had found Junsu and was greeting him happily. Jaejoong thought he could see his cheeks red and caught Junsu shoot a glance in his direction before turning back to the man. The corners of Junsu's lips curved upwards and Jaejoong suddenly felt so confused and in the dark that he turned to Changmin and grabbed his hand.

"Come on let's go get some air," he said, and Changmin gasped.

"What? We just got here and you want to go back outside?" he moaned and Jaejoong gave him a sharp nod. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He felt his cheeks burn when he suddenly remembered Jaejoong was holding his hand. His pudgy hand was smooth and cool but Changmin's slender hand felt hot and sweaty.

'Oh just great,' he thought miserably. 'Now what?' There was no answer.


Here you go! Enjoy ^^

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Bottom of Form




Chapter 3(EDIT...in case anyone read it in 5 min xD)

Yuhno watched as the feminine young man hurried towards the back yard and slumped against the pillar. Junsu watched him with an observant eye.

"You know, you should just go after him," he advised, "I said it already but he's a really good looking guy...he won't be up on the market for long that's for sure."

"No it's not that," Yuhno said, shaking his head. The image of a tear stained face flashed into his head and he wanted to get rid of it. He wasn't very successful so instead he let the image engulf his thoughts until Junsu's hand waving in front of his face brought him back to the present.

"Then what is it?" he asked, and Yuhno shrugged.

"There's something different about him that's all," he said lowly, and Junsu had to lean in to hear it. "He's not like anyone else I've met or seen. When I saw him for the first time today he looked so sad and alone it was almost pitying. It did something to me Junsu...I don't know what it was but seeing him like that really did something to me. At least it did when I saw him for a second time."

"Well he didn't seem to know you," Junsu pointed out, "he looked really freaked out to see your reaction when you walked in."

Yuhno nodded but remained silent. Unconsciously he turned his gaze to the backyard but he couldn't see him anywhere.

"By the way do you know his name?"

Junsu looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. "Yeah, Changmin said it was Jaejoong. He's older than the boy but apparently they're tight." Yuhno nodded again and smiled.

Now the face had a name. A familiar feeling stirred within Yuhno as he thought of Jaejoong and he felt warm and light. Maybe he'd be able to get Jaejoong's eyes to shine with life and happiness instead of sadness. The thought made Yuhno extremely happy himself.


Outside Jaejoong slid into an empty lawn chair and ran a hand through his hair. Changmin looked at him, his hand still in Jaejoong's.

"You alright Jae?" he asked, and Jaejoong shook his head.

"No...I mean yeah...I don't know," he admitted, "who was that Changmin? He gave me the weirdest look...it was as if he knew me." Changmin shrugged and sat next to Jaejoong.

"I don't know...probably a friend of Junsu hyung's. And maybe he thought you were someone else. I wouldn't think about it too much...you'll give yourself gray hair with all this stress."

Nodding slightly, Jaejoong leaned back in the chair and stared up at the night sky. It was like black velvet dotted with precious crystals. The moon was white and full, and so bright it was almost blinding to look at. Jaejoong envied those stars and the moon; they were so high up in the sky where no one could bother them or hurt them...it was what he wanted so very much. He felt Changmin shift beside him and smiled. Well for now he was glad he had a friend like Changmin, who would be by his side no matter what.

Changmin watched Jaejoong out of the corner of his eye, noticing how he suddenly looked so relaxed and himself. The scared, beaten Jaejoong was gone and replaced by the one Changmin loved the most.

"Remember when we used to just sit outside on the roof of your house and watch the stars," Jaejoong said suddenly, making Changmin jump slightly.

"Um...yeah I do...you were so nervous being up there that you actually slipped and I had to save you. We didn't go back up for a while until you felt brave enough to face it. After that you had no problem whatsoever. Hell even after we got caught you still wanted to go up."

Jaejoong smiled. "It felt like I was so close to them that I could just reach out and grab them. It made me feel so alive—so free—to be sit up there and just watch them. There was no screaming, no abuse...it was just the two of us and the stars."

Changmin nodded and he looked at Jaejoong. "And it will always be the two of us, and we'll always watch the stars. No matter what alright?"

Jaejoong nodded and closed his eyes as if savouring the moment. "Yeah, no matter what."

Changmin smiled and stood up. "I'm hungry...I'm going to grab something to eat."

"You're always hungry," Jaejoong snorted, shaking his head.
"Whatever," Changmin pouted, "do you want anything?" Jaejoong shook his head and Changmin rolled his eyes.

"Don't starve yourself alright Jae? I don't think I could handle it if you wound up in the hospital." He smiled at Jaejoong who smiled back, and Changmin hurried off into the house. Jaejoong sighed and turned back to look up at the stars.


Yuhno popped his head out into the back yard, scanning the crowd for Jaejoong. He found him easily, sitting with his friend in the corner by the fence. They were looking up at the sky and talking softly to each other. Jaejoong looked so peaceful and relaxed Yuhno had a moment's doubt whether he had actually seen him crying. But Yuhno found himself doubting that...who could mistake something like that?

Suddenly Changmin stood up and hurried off into the house and Yuhno saw his chance. Quickly he moved towards Jaejoong, wondering what he should say. Words eluded him as he approached Jaejoong and he suddenly got a wonderful impression of his hyung. His pale skin looked so delicate and soft, his black hair equally soft looking. His eyes were so round they dominated his face and his lips were full and pink. He was short and thin, which again reminded Yuhno of a girl.

Jaejoong blinked when Yuhno came up and his eyes widened in curiosity. Instantly words slipped away and Yuhno stood there, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry for earlier," he said hastily, "it's just...you shocked me. I wasn't expecting to see you...here...at this party."

"And why's that?" Jaejoong asked, crossing his arms expectantly.

"Um...well you see...I didn't really think you were a party animal."

Jaejoong gave him a look that was drenched in sudden suspicion and Yuhno cursed.

"No! No, it's not that I'm a stalker in any way!" He said, waving his hands in front of him. "I saw you walking across the street today and I saw you...I thought you...okay I'm going to shut up now."

Suddenly Jaejoong's pale skin went red and he looked down quickly. "You saw me walking across the street?" His voice was soft and thick and Yuhno mentally smacked himself. Of course Jaejoong wouldn't want anybody knowing he was crying, it was natural but kind of embarrassing. Especially if you were a male who looked like a girl.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have watched," Yuhno said slowly, choosing his words carefully. "You just caught me off guard that's all. I was surprised to see someone so...so attractive...and in so much pain." Jaejoong didn't look up and Yuhno dropped into a crouch. He was now eye level with Jaejoong who was blushing furiously, and tears were sprouting in the corner of his eyes.

"I think we got off to a bad start," Yuhno said, extending his hand. "So let's do this properly. I'm Jung Yuhno."

Jaejoong stared at his hand for a moment, before reaching slowly out and taking it. "I'm Kim Jaejoong."

Yuhno smiled and Jaejoong smiled shyly back. Maybe Jaejoong would open up easily after all. And Yuhno would find out the reason why Jaejoong had been crying that day.

Alright here you go! Enjoy ^^




Chapter 4

k so i had a little bit of confusion with the chapters...it seems i forgot to post one so if you already were reading it then chapter 3 has changed and this is chapter 4 ^^


Changmin came back into the backyard and saw Jaejoong sitting with the stranger he had encountered at the door. Jaejoong was smiling and Yuhno looked like he was telling him a funny joke of some kind. Changmin suddenly felt something stir inside him and he was surprised to find it was jealousy. Quickly he swallowed it back and came up to the two, a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey," he smiled, and Jaejoong looked up excitedly.

Changmin stopped short as he watched Jaejoong's quick transformation. When he had left, Jaejoong looked so reserved and timid. And yet when he came back Jaejoong's eyes were sparkling and he looked...alive.

"Changmin!" he exclaimed, smiling. "This is Jung Yuhno...he was just telling me his time in Paris. It's hilarious because his French was terrible."

"That's...great," Changmin forced as Yuhno stood up.

"Jung Yuhno," he said, holding out his hand. Changmin took it stiffly, forcing the smile to stay on his lips.

"Shim Changmin." He turned to Jaejoong quickly. "Listen, we should get going...my parents would have a field day if I stayed out for too long. We can chill back at my place."

Disappointment briefly flashed across Jaejoong's face before it relaxed and he smiled. "Alright. Um...Yuhno it was nice to meet you. I'll see you around alright?"

Yuhno nodded and as Jaejoong turned to leave, he slipped a folded piece of paper into Jaejoong's jacket pocket, praying he'd find it sooner or later. Yuhno didn't mind waiting; the paper couldn't stay hidden forever. He missed Chagmin's dirty look before he followed after his hyung. Yuhno watched as the black haired man disappeared into the house and fell heavily into a chair.

"Looks like you managed to leave a mark," someone said from behind him. Yuhno nodded lazily and then turned.

His boss,Yoochun, leaned against the table, his arms crossed. His face was calm and expressionless but Yuhno knew there was danger behind those eyes. Yoochun's family was a powerful influence in the underground world and he was the head. Junsu had fallen for a powerful and terrifying young man, but he was smart because he had all of the mafia behind him in case something happened. And Yoochun really did love Junsu.

"Yeah I guess I did," Yuhno said slowly, as Yoochun came to sit across from him. "And...where are you going with this?"
Yoochun shrugged and took a quick drink. "I don't know, I was just observing, but are you sure you want to mess with him Yun? That kid, whether he knows it or not, has a connection to the Lee gang. If they find out he's with you and that you're with me you can be sure they'll come after you."

Yuhno leaned forward and smiled. "So? Let the bastards come, Jaejoong has nothing to do with them so what else is there to say?"

"You're wrong Yuhno," Yoochun said, shaking his head. "Kim Jaejoong is directly linked to the Lee gang because his mother is dating their leader. His mother was seen at a bar where the Lee family were regulars and I guess they got together quite fast. My informant told me she looked pissed off."

"What?!" Yuhno exclaimed, standing quickly. Some people turned curiously, and muttered amongst themselves. Yoochun glared at him and pulled him down.

"What the hell are you thinking?" he snapped and Yuhno shook his head. "Do you realize what would happen if they caught you? You'll get killed...Jaejoong will get killed. Can you really live with that?"

"We won't get caught," Yuhno said stubbornly, "Jaejoong's innocent, there's no evidence to pin on him. He doesn't even know that I'm part of your gang Yoochun so they can't blame him."

"The Lee family doesn't care. Their only goal in life is to get rid of my crew and I bet if they had a way in they would use it. You're only putting Jaejoong into danger by doing this."

Yuhno stood up and shook his head. "Then let them come, and when that happens I'll protect Jaejoong to my death, you hear? I...I love him...."

Yoochun blinked and spoke quickly. "You just met him Yun, you can't love someone you don't even know."

"I know him," Yuhno whispered, "when I look at him his emotions are laid out on the table for me to look through. I know him just by looking at him."

"Whatever." Yoochun stood up and patted Yuhno on the back. "Have it your way, but when the Lee family comes knocking on your door, remember what I told you alright?" Yuhno didn't answer as Yoochun walked away, but he was lost in his own thoughts.

Even if he wanted to stay awat from Jaejoong, things had been set into motion and they couldn't be undone now. The paper in Jaejoong's pocket was bound to be found sooner or later and when he called Yuhno knew he would answer it. Already the web started to tangle and Yuhno prayed that Jaejoong would be able to live a little before things got too carried out of hand.


Changmin and Jaejoong drove silently, Jaejoong suddenly completely wiped. His eyes threatened to close the whole way to Changmin's house, so when they had parked in the driveway Changmin had to come and help a groggy Jaejoong to the door. It was almost as if Jaejoong was drunk, but he didn't drink any alcohol that night. Changmin guessed it was just his body slowly succumbing to the stress. It was almost too much for him to think about.

"Alright here we go," Changmin whispered, opening the door as quietly as he could. It was well passed one o'clock and Changmin knew his parents were fast asleep. Or, at least he hoped they were.

As they passed through the living room, Changmin was relieved to see that his parents weren't waiting and he tiptoed towards his room. Once inside he closed the door and set Jaejoong on the bed, watching as Jaejoong's chest slowly rose and fell in a deep rhythm and his eyes moved under the lids as if he was dreaming. His mouth was slightly open and Changmin suddenly felt the urge to touch them.

Slowly he bent down and watched Jaejoong's sleeping face with a tightening of his chest. Then he leaned over and his lips brushed Jaejoong's slightly, and he felt the other's hot breath tickle his lips.

Suddenly he jerked back and stood up. He crossed the room and felt his cheeks burning.

'What the hell am I doing?' he asked himself, feeling as if he had been caught. 'Crap, I can't do this...it'll ruin our friendship for sure.' Slowly his eyes drifted back towards to Jaejoong's sleeping frame and smiled. At least he didn't wake up. But then Changmin's smile fell as he remembered seeing Jaejoong's smiling face when he sat with Yuhno. The picture was enough to pull Changmin back further and he decided sleeping on the couch was for the best. But his night was sleepless with sadness and busy thoughts that he couldn't calm no matter how many times he got up.


Hope you like it! Comments welcome ^^




Chapter 5

The next morning Jaejoong woke up and was momentarily confused as to where he was. Quickly he sat up and realized it was Changmin's room, but there was no sign of his best friend anywhere. He slipped off the bed and made his way to the door and poked his head out.

Changmin's room looked out into the living room so it was easy to tell where the younger man went off to. He was sprawled out on the couch, an arm and a leg hanging off the edge and his mouth open slightly. Jaejoong giggled and went to adjust Changmin.

Then he checked his phone and noticed that his mother had called him ten times that night. With one quick look at Changmin, Jaejoong slipped on his shoes and crept out the front door. Changmin would be pissed off when he found out where he went, but he did have to grab a few things from his place.

He decided to walk so to prolong his encounter he was about to have with his mom. The terrifying nightmares haunted him almost every night even though now he was able to keep from waking up and alerting his mother or Changmin. Whenever he thought about it his old scars hurt and he felt nauseous but the memories were relentless—just like his mother.

Surprisingly he found himself walking quickly. Maybe if he got there quick enough he would avoid seeing his mom and he could sneak back out again when he was finished packing. Then he would get back to Changmin's house and none would be the wiser.

Soon he was standing in front of the yard of the small townhouse. Dead flowers littered the small garden, the grass was brown and dehydrated. A broken wagon stood off to the side near the fence, and there was a rusted patio set. The gate squeaked loudly when Jaejoong opened it and he held his breath, frozen in place. No one stirred and Jaejoong let himself breath. It just might be a good day after all.

But as Jaejoong went to the door, holding his key to the door knob, the door was opened and Jaejoong looked up in shock, dropping his key to the ground as he stared up at the person standing in front of him.


Yuhno had a hangover. Enough said.So, since he couldn't risk drinking and driving Yuhno ended up crashing at Junsu's house where pretty much everyone who went stayed. Compliments of Yoochun, Yuhno was given one of the many spare bedrooms for himself. He closed the door and found it locked before stumbling to the bed. He flung himself onto it and curled up under the blankets, snuggling so far into the pillows you could barely see his face. He smiled in a drunken stupor and closed his eyes.

Instantly he was hit with an image of Jaejoong's sad face, his hand reaching out for him. He looked like he was begging for help, and Yuhno's eyes snapped open and he sprang up in bed.

"What the hell?" he mumbled, running a shaking hand through his hair. "What the hell was that?" He had never seen Jaejoong look distraught the first two times he had met him, so why was he picturing that?

'A glimpse of the future?' he asked himself, and then shook his head. "Nope, I'm just being paranoid....And I'm drunk." He chuckled softly, before pulling up the covers to his chin and closing his eyes.

He didn't dream after that but in the morning his mind was bogged down by that tortured looking face of Jaejoong. It puzzled Yuhno to no end and when Yoochun brought him a mug of hot, steaming coffee, he downed it so fast that the liquid burned his tongue and throat.

"Whoa...you must have been drunk," Yoochun snickered as Yuhno finished the cup in less than five minutes. Yuhno winced as the burns took form and shrugged.

"Rough night last night," he said hoarsely, "couldn't get to sleep."

"That's what alcohol does to you Yun," Yoochun muttered, "but something tells me it doesn't have to do with the drinking."

Yuhno shook his head, but the door opened before he had the chance ot say anything. Junsu looked excitedly by the door, holding a phone in his hand.

"It's Changmin," he said, "he doesn't know where Jaejoong is and says he's not answering his phone."

Gasping, Yuhno scrambled off the bed so fast that he knocked Yoochun over, spilling the cereal on the floor.

"Oops," Yuhno mumbled, as Junsu hurried to help his love up. "Sorry!"

"No, no it's okay," Junsu assured him, "I'll get someone to clean this up. You go find Jaejoong." Yoochun nodded and Yuhno hurried off, as Junsu called after him.

"Wait! Changmin gave me his number! Take it, maybe you'll be able to get a hold of him." Yuhno paused and grabbed the number before running off, his hang over completely forgotten about. The only thing in his mind was Jaejoong's pleading face.

'Please tell me that's not true,' Yuhno prayed, speeding off, Jaejoong's number clutched in his hand.


"Who the hell are you?" Jaejoong demanded, standing in the door of his house. He was looking up at a giant of a man with a shiny, bald head and dark, fluffy eyebrows. His skin was dark and his body was short and square. He glared down at Jaejoong suspiciously.

"Who the hell are you?" the man spat back in a demanding voice, and Jaejoong took a step backwards.

"I...I live here," he said, his courage failing quickly. "But you didn't answer my question."

"Oh, you're the brat," the man smirked and his face sent cold shivers down Jaejoong's spine. "You're the one she's been talking about eh? Well you are something that's for sure."


"Your mom idiot who else. She was fucking worrying her tits off because you hadn't showed so she came crawling to me, piss drunk and doe eyes full of lust." The man shrugged. "Whatever, she's hot so it doesn't matter to me."

Jaejoong stood speechless at the man, and then started moving. "My mom? You took advantage of her?! Where is she? Let me see her right now!"

"Jaejoong?" A groggy voice asked.

Jaejoong ducked around the man and spotted his mom wearing her faded green house coat. She looked like she just woke up but when she saw her son her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms.

"Where the fuck have you been?" she snapped, pushing passed the man. "Do you know how many fucking times I called you and you wouldn't pick up?"

Jaejoong could feel his cheeks go red as his mom stood yelling at him in front of a stranger and their neighbours who, if they weren't awake before, were now. His mother stared up at him furiously and the man stepped back slightly to let the tiny woman through.

"I...I went to Changmin's house," he said quietly, and his mother gave him a dirty look.

"That little shit again? Jaejoong you surprise me," she scoffed, "I don't know how many times I told you to stay away from him and yet there you go again, disobeying me. What else do you have to tell me? That you got some chick pregnant?"

"And what about you?" Jaejoong snapped, shooting a glare towards the man. "Who the hell is he?"

His mother shrugged and ran a hand along Jaejoong's arm. It sent shivers through him and he pulled away as if she had stung him. She frowned and looked at the man quickly.

"Since you ran out on me last night I went to the bar to clear my head—"

"To get drunk more like it," Jaejoong muttered and his mother ignored him.

"I was sitting alone and he came and offered me a drink, and here we are." She smiled at the man who gave her a smile back. "His name is Kwan Lee."

Jaejoong stared at the man in front of him, feeling so small in comparison.

His mom continued. "Where you and that pathetic excuse for a husband failed me, Kwan filled in. He's given me so much more pleasure than you were ever able to Jaejoong. Ever since your father left us I've been waiting for the right man to give me what I want. Now get inside, we have a lot of talking to do and I'm sure you'd love to get to know your new step father a little more."

"Screw you bitch," Jaejoong growled. Suddenly something hard and painful smacked Jaejoong in his check, and he was sent collapsing to the ground. Blood filled his mouth and he spat it out, sucking in his breath. The pain was sharp and stinging but he was able to block it out easily.

"What did you do that for?" his mother demanded, looking around at the neighbours frantically, "what if someone saw you?"

"Relax, the police can't do anything to me," Kwan said and Jaejoong looked up at the man with hate. "Don't you ever talk to your mom like that...ever you hear me, brat?"

Jaejoong took one look at his mom, who was looking anxiously at the neighbours, and stood up shakily. His legs were like rubber but he found himself able to move. He was running, and running fast. His cheek was throbbing and he found he had bit the inside of it but he kept running.

Seeing his mom with that man...why was he so affected by it? After all she had done to him she deserved to suffer, but yet Jaejoong found himself not wanting that.

His father had been a nice man. Never once had he laid a hand on Jaejoong or his mom. His mom was happy then, treating Jaejoong even those he was just a baby. Her arms were comforting and her smile was so beautiful. She used to call Jaejoong Jae-baby, and the only way Jaejoong knew about that was because she called him that name when she was drunk and leaning over him.

Jaejoong felt nausea roll over him and he collapsed onto his hands and knees, and the vomit spilled out. Tears blurred his vision but he was aware of someone coming up behind him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.


Hopefully this chapter helps with the family confusion of chapter 4 ^^ enjoy!!

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Chapter 6

As Yuhno sped down the street he remembered which direction Jaejoong had come from the previous day when he saw him for the first time. He veered off to the right and came across the street. Yuhno dialled Jaejoong's number at least a dozen times but there had been no answer. Then, when he was half way down when he noticed a familiar figure on his hands and knees. Yuhno swerved and parked alongside the sidewalk and slid out quickly, jogging around the car. He knelt down beside Jaejoong, who was vomiting and shaking, tears in his eyes. That's when he noticed Jaejoong's cheek. It was swollen and purple. He stared at it for a moment and then gently he wrapped an arm around his shoulders and rubbed it slowly, waiting for Jaejoong to stop.

When he was done, Jaejoong looked up and his eyes widened. Without a word he stood up and was about to walk away but he staggered and Yuhno reached out to catch him.

"Whoa, take it easy," Yuhno said, "I'll give you a ride how does that sound?"

Jaejoong didn't say anything asYuhno led him towards the nice sports car and helped him in. The new car smell was almost unbearable after Jaejoong just got sick, but Yuhno rolled down the window and Jaejoong felt the cool air brush soothingly against his hot face. Already he was feeling better. His cheek throbbed painfully but he knew it wasn't anything serious.

"So...what happened?" Yuhno asked and Jaejoong tensed. He didn't want to tell Yuhno anything, but Yuhno had seen him already in tears and throwing up so what could it hurt? Yuhno seemed trustworthy enough, and Jaejoong did find lots of comfort being with him. Maybe Yuhno would be able to help him escape in ways Jaejoong never could have before.

"It's my mom," he said slowly, swallowing back the wave of nausea that hit him again. "My father and my mom used to be so happy together. My dad was a baker and my mom was a stay-at-home wife. She was expecting a child—me—and that's when my dad's bakery went bankrupt. It was too small and run down to really appeal to anyone so he had to close it, and finding a new job was extremely hard for him.

"When my mom gave birth to me, my dad stayed for two years; hoping to find something that can keep his family afloat. But as soon as I turned two he gave up and left. I talk to him still, but then he's so distant and non-caring that I hardly ever dial his number." He swallowed, suddenly terrified to speak. When he did, his voice was shaking and he looked like he was in pain.

"My mom, on the other hand, suddenly took an intense interest in me. She would cuddle me for hours, smoothing back my hair and kissing my forehead and lips. She was a little depressed by my dad's sudden disappearance, so for five years she treated me like gold; buying me gifts, pampering me despite not having the money. Her depression got worse and worse instead of better and she soon took to drinking as her one comfort. She stopped giving me whatever I wanted and started using the money to buy alcohol. When I turned seven that's when it all started.

"I was sleeping, the babysitter in the living room watching TV when my mom came in, and drunk as usual. She dismissed the sitter and went into my room, and the stench alone was enough to wake me up. She leaned over and kissed my lips, and I still remember what she whispered in my ear that night: 'Jae-Baby come play with mommy for a little bit hm?' And of course, being a little innocent child I agreed, eager to play as always." His smile was sad and Yuhno stopped at a red light and watched him tensely. "Let's just say my idea of playing and her ideas of playing were two totally different things."

Yuhno's hands clenched the steering wheel and he had to force himself from saying anything. His temper was bad enough and he didn't want to scare Jaejoong. So instead he let Jaejoong continue, his voice shaking as though he was remembering horrible things.

"As I got older my mom realized I was getting taller and bigger than she was. I don't know why she kept persisting but she did and she even found new ways to keep me there. At first I was able to get away easily, but my mom's surprisingly really clever so she managed to change all that.

"She started by tying my wrists and ankles so I couldn't get out, but she wasn't the best knotter out there. Then one day she brought a knife and by then I was losing my will to fight, but seeing that knife turned me into a wild animal. I struggled and kicked her and bit her until she drove the knife into my stomach. She let me bleed while she sat there screaming at me for being such a wimp and just sucking it up. I don't know how I got to the hospital but by the time I woke up my mom had told the doctors a story about how it happened so I couldn't tell them the truth because they wouldn't believe me. In the end I had to go home with her and I found she cut all the phone cords and kept her cellphone on her at all times. She kept that knife on her too because she would use that to cut me if I resisted or whatever.

"I managed to get my hands on a phone because of Changmin but by then it was too late for me to do anything. She monitored my calls...I don't know if she still does, and she's in charge of the phone bill so she can see how many calls I've made. I...I feel so weak and useless that I can't fight back, but she always seems to be one step ahead of me. I'm sorry...I...I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I'm not looking for pity or anything I just...I need to tell someone I suppose."

Yuhno shook his head, biting his tongue and his hands were gripping the wheel tightly. "No...no I think it's good you're letting it out. Keep going, I'm here to listen."

Nodding, Jaejoong closed his eyes and stared out the window. "Today I went home to pack some things but I met her new boyfriend. His name is Kwan Lee and apparently my mom met him last night when she went out. I told my mom to screw off and he swung a punch at me and that's when I ran off." He clenched his hands and his jaw tensed as if forcing the tears from coming.

At the mention of Kwan Lee's name, Yuhno stomped on the brakes and completely caught Jaejoong off guard. He flung forward and almost hit the dashboard, but his seatbelt saved him. He looked wildly up at Yuhno who stood there, panting heavily and his hand gripping the steering wheel so tightly that Jaejoong thought it was going to snap.

"Kwan Lee?" Yuhno said, and the tone of his voice scared Jaejoong. Slowly he nodded and Yuhno turned to him. His eyes were blazing and Jaejoong shrunk against the door. "Don't you ever go near him again you hear me? He's a dangerous man and messing with him will only get you in trouble...or worse."

Nodding meekly, Jaejoong looked at Yuhno who noticed Jaejoong's sudden cowardice. Instantly he relaxed and held out his hand.

"Oh crap I'm so sorry Jaejoong," he muttered, and Jaejoong took his hand slowly. "I didn't mean to...it's just I really hate that guy."

He started the car and sped along the street, thankful no one had passed them. Jaejoong was still shooting Yuhno worried glances, and Yuhno did his best to keep his temper under control.

'Way to screw up,' Yuhno cursed to himself. He smiled at Jaejoong who gave a shaky smile back. "Really I'm sorry...I...my temper doesn't break easily so please don't be scared alright? Where are you staying right now?"

"Um...at Changmin's...oh no! Changmin! He's probably worried sick!" Jaejoong scrambled for his phone, and in the process felt a piece of paper in his coat pocket. Slowly he pulled it out and opened it. On it was a phone number and a name. Jaejoong looked up and saw Yuhno smiling at him. Jaejoong looked back down at the piece of paper and smiled.

"Thanks," he whispered.


Changmin was frantic. He woke up to find Jaejoong was gone and wasn't answering his phone. Then he realized that he must have went to his mom's house and that almost drove him over the edge. So he called Junsu and told him...and Junsu said he would tell Yuhno about it right away.

The thought of Yuhno finding Jaejoong was almost painful but Changmin wanted to stay at home in case Jaejoong should come around. In the end he stayed and checked his phone and the door every so often.

About a half an hour later he was pulling on his coat and sliding on his shoes when the phone rang. He leapt up to grab and answered it on the second ring.

"Jaejoong hyung?!" he exclaimed, and was relieved when he heard the soft voice on the other end.

"I'm sorry if I worried you Changmin," he said, and Changmin scoffed.

"As long as you're not hurt and still in one piece than it's okay," he said, but then turned serious. "You're not hurt are you?"

"No...well a little bit but it's not so bad," Jaejoong assured him, "things didn't go as expected that's all."
"What?! Where are you? I'm coming to get you right now." He heard Jaejoong's soft no and paused.

"It's okay, Yuhno came and picked me up. I'll see you later alright? Changmin?"

Changmin stared at the wall in front of him, the pain and jealousy hitting him square in the chest. He knew that that's what would have happened if Yuhno found Jaejoong, but Changmin was praying he didn't. So to hear that Jaejoong was going to hang out with Yuhno was just...just painful.

"Um...uh, yeah...yeah I'll catch you later," Changmin stuttered, hanging up the phone quickly. His throat felt thick and his eyes watered, but he pushed his tears away hastily, the habit of being strong for Jaejoong a permanent mark.

"What does Yuhno have that I don't hyung?" he whispered, resting against the wall. He knew the answer to that but he just didn't want to admit. Nonetheless the thought still floated in his head like an annoying fly.

'You're just his best friend, and that's all he'll ever see you as.'


Chapter 6 is here!! man this story is reeeallly starting to depress me xD

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Chapter 7

Yuhno told Jaejoong that the carnival was in town and he wanted to take him. Of course Jaejoong agreed; the carnival had always been his favourite. The lights, rides and games always got Jaejoong excited and he made sure to go every year. Even if meant sneaking away from his mother. So they pulled into the parking lot and Yuhno helped Jaejoong out who was feeling much better. His cheek was still smarting but even that felt like a distant memory.

"Here we are," Yuhno smiled, and Jaejoong nodded, his gaze passing over all the rides and his ears taking in the excited screams from the people. He smelled the wonderful, delicious aroma of the carnival food, and could hardly control his excitement.

Yuhno risked taking Jaejoong's hand, and even though the older didn't resist, Yuhno could feel him stiffen briefly. Then his hand loosened and he relaxed.

'It's easy as that,' Yuhno thought happily, 'this is all you needed isn't it? Someone to be there for you and love you the right way.'

Yuhno insisted on paying for the tickets and told Jaejoong the day was for him, Yuhno's treat to him. Quietly Jaejoong thanked Yuhno and accepted the pass. All the while Yuhno held Jaejoong's hand as if afraid to let go.


Changmin was standing at the door when Junsu opened it and he looked up at the younger man.

"Changmin what's up?" he asked, moving out of the way to let Changmin in. Yoochun stood a few feet away, his arms crossed and his face expressionless. Changmin looked up at Yoochun and acknowledged him briefly.

"I don't know what's up anymore!" he exclaimed suddenly, making Junsu jump. "At first I thought it was only a brotherly love, and now I'm not so sure...."

"Eh?" Junsu breathed, looking at Yoochun for translation. Changmin cleared his throat and looked at the pearly floor.

"Jaejoong, Junsu hyung," he said, "I think I love Jaejoong."

"Oh! Oh..." Junsu's brow knitted together in understanding and Yoochun sighed.

"Looks like you're in a bind now aren't you," he said, "but then again you might be better suited for Jaejoong than Yuhno. But the decision lies with Jaejoong."

"What do you mean?" Changmin asked and Junsu ushered them into the living room.

"I don't know if you should tell him," Junsu said quietly, but Changmin heard.

"Tell me what? What's going on here, and what does this have to do with Jaejoong?" he demanded, and Yoochun sighed.
"I'm the head of the Park Family alright? Last night my rival, Kwan Lee, was seen at one of his regular bars with some woman who's description resembled Jaejoong's. Turns out it's his mom, and by the looks of things they're an item now. Yuhno is part of my gang and if Kwan Lee finds out that Jaejoong knows him Kwan will definitely go after him and Yuhno. Not to mention he'll have an easy entrance into my family because Yuhno is almost like my right hand man."

Changmin took this all in, and he grew paler and paler with each word. "If Yuhno really did love Jaejoong then he would leave Jaejoong...keep him out of danger."

"If Yuhno had any sense yes he would," Yoochun agreed, sitting back, "but Yuhno's stubborn as he is loyal. He loves Jaejoong and will do anything to protect him even if it puts his life on the line. I think it's quite brave of him...stupid as hell...but brave."

Changmin clenched his fists. "But he doesn't even know Jae! I do! I've been with him through the worst times and the best times...how can Yuhno just say he loves someone he just met yesterday?!"

"Love has no boundaries," Junsu said, sitting next to Yoochun, and slid his hand in his lover's. "There's not telling what it will do...their love just might be fate, but we don't know what Jaejoong thinks do we? And right now he's the only one who can make that decision and you both will just have to accept it, no matter who he chooses. Don't forget, you are his best friend, his brother. He may or may not see you in a different light."

Changmin threw up his hands and slumped into the leather chair. "I know, and boy am I really happy I met Jaejoong. He's been through literally hell, and back but he still keeps going. He's my rock as much as I'm his...or at least I was."

Yoochun and Junsu exchanged a glance and Yoochun leaned forward and patted Changmin's knee affectionately. "Then go for it Changmin. Just confess and see how he responds. This secret will tear you away from him and that won't be good for him. It can't hurt right?"

Nodding slowly, Changmin stood up and smiled. "Thanks hyungs. I knew I was right to come to you guys."

"Well duh...after all we're passionately in love with each other!" Junsu exclaimed, throwing his leg around Yoochun who rolled his eyes. He kissed Junsu lightly on the lips and smiled up at Changmin.

"And when you see Yuhno, tell him I need to talk to him...he'll know what about."

Changmin nodded slowly before leaving the two love birds to express their love, and he climbed into his car.


"Yuhno you never told me about your family," Jaejoong said, after swallowing a bite of candy apple. Yuhno took a sip of his slush and shrugged.

"What's there to know? My dad owns a huge law firm and my mom's a clothing designer. My younger sister's studying in Japan right now so I'm like an only child. Other than that there's nothing special about my life."

"But your rich," Jaejoong blurted, and Yuhno shrugged. "That's special...plus...." He looked slightly embarrassed to say it but he forced himself to. "Plus I got to meet you. To me that's special all in itself."

Yuhno blinked but a warm smile crawled on his lips. "I'm glad to have met you too Jae."

When Jaejoong smiled it wasn't like all the others. It wasn't sad or full of grief; instead it was light and free and so beautiful. Yuhno was shocked at how much more beautiful Jaejoong looked when he was happy and free of his burdened life. It made Yuhno love him even more.

"Oh! Let's go on the Ferris Wheel!" Jaejoong said suddenly, bringing Yuhno out of his reverie. He nodded and let Jaejoong drag him towards the sky high ride and they were able to get a seat all to themselves.

Once inside the ride began to move instantly and Jaejoong looked out across the city. The air blew through his hair and ruffled his shirt slightly and Yuhno found he couldn't take his eyes off his hyung. Jaejoong must have felt his eyes because he turned and smiled at Yuhno. Yuhno couldn't resist anymore and before he could give it a second thought, he leaned in a pressed his lips onto Jaejoong's.

Jaejoong's body tensed and he went to pull away, but Yuhno wrapped his arms around him. He leaned close to his ear and whispered soothingly.

"I won't hurt you Jae," he said, but Jaejoong still resisted. "I won't hurt you, I promise...I'm not like that I mean it."

"No," Jaejoong whimpered, and Yuhno finally dropped his arms. He looked at Jaejoong who sat gazing at the ground intently. Well, at least it was a start...and if Jaejoong kept going the way he was going eventually he wouldn't pull away, but welcome Yuhno.

'Slowly though,' Yuhno thought to himself, 'all the crap Jaejoong has gone through is still an open wound. Once it heals then it'll be different. I hope.'

Jaejoong shifted uncomfortably but slowly turned towards Yuhno. Without warning, Jaejoong suddenly leaned in and his soft lips lightly brushed Yuhno's.

"I trust you," he whispered, and Yuhno smiled.

'That was fast.'

Yuhno wrapped his arms around the skinny body and drew Jaejoong close. He was careful not to hold him too tightly, just enough to let Jaejoong know that he wouldn't hurt him. Jaejoong's lips were soft and moist, his breath hot and sweet with candy apple. Yuhno closed his eyes and let the kiss slowly progress, Jaejoong's tense body slowly relaxed into his and Yuhno allowed a little smile. His tongue circled Jaejoong's mouth and Jaejoong's breathing quickened. They both wished the moment wouldn't end, that it could carry on forever.

But just then the Ferris Wheel came to a halt and Jaejoong let go abruptly. He turned to see the people waiting in line and his face went a crimson red. Yuhno turned to see the crowd gawking and he rolled his eyes.

"You have a problem?" he snapped, grabbing Jaejoong's hand. "Geez, you'd think people have never seen a couple kissing before."

He pulled Jaejoong off the ride, shoving passed the crowd who stared curiously. Jaejoong kept his head bowed but he was secretly relishing the moment they had on the ride. Maybe Yuhno really did love him; and maybe Jaejoong loved him too.

As they walked through the crowded carnival, they missed a man in a tourist outfit, watching them intently. He had seen everything and a smile played on his lips. He pulled out his phone and dialled a familiar number.

"Hey it's me," he said, "I found him. Yeah he's with some other kid...a guy...no I don't know who he is but there's nothing stopping me from finding out. They seem quite chummy with each other...VERY chummy." He listened intently, his vicious smile widening. "With pleasure. I'll keep an eye on him for now, and give you an update in a few hours. I won't lose him. Bye."

He hung up and slowly shuffled in the direction Jaejoong and Yuhno had gone.


Chapter 7 is here! Enjoy and comments welcome!! ^^




Chapter 8

Jaejoong and Yuhno went on a lot of rides and they played a lot of games that day. Yuhno won Jaejoong a small stuffed puppy and Jaejoong clung to it as if he were a kid with a real puppy. They ate tons of cotton candy and ate corn dogs, and for once in his life, Jaejoong completely forgot about everything. Being with Yuhno made him so happy and carefree, he didn't want it to end.

As the evening drew closer Yuhno asked if Jaejoong wanted to see the fireworks. Enthusiastically Jaejoong nodded and they went to find the perfect spot to watch them. There was an open picnic table which they snagged and sat on the table. Jaejoong held his teddy in his lap and he stared down at it with thoughtful eyes. Yuhno looked up at the sky, the sky black and the faint outline of stars could be seen.

"Yuhno...thank-you," Jaejoong said, his voice soft and sincere, "for everything. It's been a really fun day."

"It has hasn't it," Yuhno agreed, sitting up and looking at his hyung. "Jaejoong...I have something to tell you, though you might have already guessed."

"That you love me? Yeah I kind of figured. No one would kiss like that if they weren't implying anything." Pausing, he looked as though he was sorting out his words. "I...I think I might...I mean I think I love you to Yuhno. Actually I know it now. I love you too." He turned to Yuhno and smiled. "You know how to make me relax and have a good time and you're easy to talk to. Not to mention you're obviously in love with me so...."

"Jaejoong." Yuhno wrapped his arms around Jaejoong and held him tightly. "I'll always be here for you alright? Don't worry, I'll always be here." He kissed Jaejoong lightly on the forehead and they stared up as the first firework exploded in the sky, sending out a blast of green and pink.
The crown 'ooed' and 'awed' at the individual fireworks, but Jaejoong's and Yuhno's attention soon slid to themselves and they were both completely wrapped in their own little world, the fireworks and the crowd mere background noise. There was nothing but safety in Yuhno's arms.

The man stood in the shadows, watching them intently, and when his phone buzzed his answered it quickly.

"Did you get the kid's information?" Listening for a moment, the man raised his eyebrows and glanced in their direction. "You're kidding right? He's part of the Park Family? Well that's interesting indeed. Yes, yes the boss'll be very pleased. Thanks." He hung up and dialled another number.

"I have the information," the man said as soon as the other line picked up, "kid's name is Jung Yuhno from the Park Family. It seems Park Yoochun picked him up when he was still in junior high." He listened and the vicious smile played on his lips. "Two days! You want me to watch them for two days? Are you insane....Oh sorry boss, yeah I'll do it. I'm sure she'll be happy to see him." He stuck out his tongue, remembering what his boss told him about his current girlfriend. What a disgusting fetish, but whatever, it wasn't his problem. He was paid to bring in the bounty and he did it without question. He looked at the two staring at each other and smiled.

"You'll be mine soon boys," he said, "and then there's hell to pay Jung Yuhno."


Changmin sat on the couch, glancing up at the clock, wondering just how late Jaejoong was going to be. Sighing, he fell back into the couch and ran a hand through his hair. He sat there rehersing his lines until there was nothing else he could think of. He ran over them and over them, telling himself it was to make him feel better. And of course there was always the tiny glimpse of hope that Jaejoong would accept his love. Thoughts like that kept him intent on confessing, even though Jaejoong still hadn't shown and it was quarter to ten.

When his phone rang he answered it and smiled. "Hey Jae! What's up?"

"I was just at the carnival!" Jaejoong exclaimed, "it was so awesome Changmin. And...there's something else...." Changmin waited until Jaejoong was able to collect himself. "I think I'm in love with Yuhno. He told me today how he felt and I told him I felt the same way. Isn't that awesome? Everything might be turning around for the better now!"

If the world was going to end, it did for Changmin at that moment. It was as though he shattered into a million tiny pieces, his heart ached so bad it was breathtaking. His surroundings spun dizzily and he could feel the jealousy bloom inside him. All his confidence and well-rehersed lines washed away and he stood completely shocked. The only thing echoing inside his head were the words: "I think I'm in love with Yuhno."

Jaejoong continued. "I'm not going to be going over tonight. Yuhno wants to show me his place and it's already late so I'll probably just stay there alright? I'll see you tomorrow though."

"Wait!" Changmin exclaimed suddenly, and Jaejoong paused. "Yuhno...You can't date him Jae...it's too dangerous."


"Please Jae," Changmin muttered, "please don't put yourself in that situation. It's bad enough that you're mom hurts you but don't let her boyfriend do anything to you either."

"What are you talking about? Changmin, what's wrong?"

"I'll see you tomorrow Jae. But please, think about what I said. Being with Yuhno is putting you in great danger. Bye." He hung up before Jaejoong had the chance to say anything else and he let the phone slide to the floor. His chest throbbed constantly and it felt like he had been punched in the stomach. Jaejoong had declared his love for Yuhno before Changmin even had the chance to think.

Nonetheless he hadn't lost the battle yet; if Yuhno was a threat to Jaejoong's safety than Changmin was going to have to fight for him.


...okay so...nothing happened like i thought it would for this chapter but i swear next one things will get heated up!! For now enjoy ^^

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Chapter 9RATED

The car came to a stop in front of a large mansion, and Yuhno cut the engine. "Well, here we are."

Jaejoong looked up and smiled. It wasn't as big as Junsu's house, but it was still quite grand. But he couldn't savour the moment, because as he got out of the car his conversation with Changmin weighed down on his mind. Yuhno must have noticed this because he stopped and turned to face Jaejoong.

"What's wrong Jae?" he asked, "the whole car ride you've been quiet and lost in thought...did something happen between you and Changmin?"

"No it's not that," Jaejoong said slowly, "Yuhno are you not telling me something? Changmin said it wasn't safe for me to...to date you and that I'd be put in danger. What did he mean by that? Does it have to do with Kwan Lee?"

Yuhno stood frozen, and didn't relax when he answered. "Yeah it does, but the less you know the better alright? I'll protect you no matter what and I promise I will."

Still looking doubtful, Jajeoong turned to Yuhno and came up to him. "Tell me your connection to Kwan Lee."
Yuhno looked into those round eyes and saw nothing but pain and seriousness. Jaejoong wanted answers and he was damn well going to get them.


A woman sat by the window, gazing out at the city that lay below. Her son was a spitting image of her, right down to the porcelain skin and thin body. But where Jaejoong had grown tall like his father, his mother was small. She only came up to his shoulder but she was strong enough to pin any man to a bed easily. Especially when she was drunk.

Slowly she slid freshly washed hair behind her ear and crossed her arms tightly around herself. The night was clear and beautiful but she didn't care. Her only thoughts were on her son...and how much she needed him.

What had started out as a drunken desperation for love, turned into a habit for relieving stress. Jaejoong was so small and innocent she didn't have any right but she took that innocence away from him the moment she laid eyes on him. As the stress built, so did her desire to get rid of it, and her son had been the perfect target. At first he never resisted, and she only did it when she was completely drunk. But as time went on and the habit grew into an obsession, Jaejoong got older and older, and his resistance became bothersome. His mother dealt with it the best way she could and now she was standing in Kwan Lee's apartment where she moved to, feeling the need to get rid of the stress of losing her son. The ironic thing was she wanted Jaejoong back to get rid of the stress of his disappearance. Kwan Lee proved to be quite entertaining in bed, but he didn't ease her uneasy thoughts. No, the only one was her own son. And the funny thing was, she stopped feeling disgusting about it long ago, right about the time she had stabbed Jaejoong with her knife. After that she stopped looking at him as her son and just as an object.

"There you are," someone said from behind her. A smile formed on her plump lips and she turned to Kwan Lee who leaned heavily against the door frame.

"Were you looking for me?" she asked tauntingly.

Kwan shrugged. "Maybe...if you want to hear news of your kid."

Her smile widened and she nodded so Kwan enlightened her. "Turns out one of my men found him alive and well. Looks like he has a new friend and he's my way to Park Yoochun." He dropped his voice as he came closer, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear. "The thing is, apparently that brat of yours is getting friendly with Yuhno so you'll just have to wait it out for a bit longer alright? Your boy is going to help me get to Park Yoochun and when he leads Yuhno here you can have him all you want. Everyone's happy in the end."

"How long Kwan?" she asked, her voice smooth and light.

"Two days. I want to absolutely sure we've got the right guy before we act. Otherwise that'll just be a waste of precious time."

"You said Jaejoong is getting friendly with this Yuhno kid...how so?"

"Apparently, he's REALLY close to him. Lips and all baby."
She gasped. "I should have guessed that little shit would go that way. Well I'll have to punish him about that now don't I?" She smiled and leaned into Kwan. "But don't worry, you'll always be my number one honey."

"I hope so," he muttered, pulling her closer. "Let's go have some fun before we bring your son in. It looks like we'll both be extremely busy then." She nodded and he lead her to the bedroom, closing the door behind her with her foot.


Jaejoong flopped onto the bed as Yuhno came in beside him and waited for everything to sink in. Yuhno had told him everything; from him being part of Yoochun's gang, to Kwan Lee—the leader of the enemy gang—dating Jaejoong's mom. Jaejoong suddenly realized the seriousness of what they were getting themselves into and he felt dirtier than he ever had before.

"Jae, let's not worry about all that right now," Yuhno muttered, leaning down so he was peering down at Jaejoong. "Can't we have at least one day where we aren't thinking about all this shit? I know we can't avoid it, but no one's coming for us this very minute, let's think about something else."

"Like what?"

"Well..." Yuhno ducked down and pressed his lips against Jaejoong's. "We could occupy our time another way." His lips went down to his chin, then his neck, then his chest. Jaejoong shivered and then sat up.

"Please...Yuhno don't," he said, "I...I can't do that."

"Why not?" Yuhno asked, flopping on his bed. "I know what you've been through Jae and believe me if you have sex with someone you love instead of it being forced it's way different."

Jaejoong winced and Yuhno drew him close. "Trust me on this...if you don't believe me let me show you then."

As Jaejoong was opening his mouth to protest, Yuhno leaned in and planted his lips firmly on his. "No more arguing. I won't force you but I will beg and plead...you need to let go Jae. What your mom did was taboo...this isn't. I don't know what it must have been like for you but this will be different I swear it."

Gently he lay Jaejoong back on the bed and slipped his shirt off. Jaejoong didn't protest, but the fear was thick in his eyes. Slowly Yuhno caressed his bare chest, sending shivers through his hyungs body. Jaejoong still didn't resist as Yuhno pulled himself up on top of Jaejoong and kissed his lips gently at first, then more assuredly. He pulled his shirt off, tossing it carelessly to the floor, and Jaejoong wrapped his arms around his waist, suddenly wanting this more than ever.

Their lips pressed against each others' aggressively, and Yuhno fumbled pulling off his and Jaejoong's pants. He reached in between Jaejoong's legs and massaged it and Jaejoong let out a pleasured moan. They fell back onto the bed, tongues searching the other mouth.

Ever so carefully Yuhno turned Jaejoong onto his stomach, and Jaejoong tensed momentarily, fearing this moment above all. But when he felt Yuhno's erection he found it surprisingly inviting and unlike any of the other times he was forced to. Slowly Yuhno moved in and Jaejoong let out a gasp but was thanking Yuhno. He had been right; it was much better than anything else. The feeling of true love filled the atmosphere and Jaejoong found that he was greatly aroused as well. Grunting Yuhno eased in and out and Jaejoong moaned again. It was like an explosion of emotions overwhelmed him at that moment and tears started sliding down his cheeks, as they created that special bond with each other. Yuhno wrapped his arms securely around Jaejoong as if he didn't want to lose him and he leaned down on his back.

"See," he whispered, panting slightly, "that wasn't so bad was it?" He slid off Jaejoong who lay there for a moment, panting just as hard.

"Yuhno," he said softly, tears rolling down freely. "Yuhno I love you. I love you so much...you've given me so much these past two days and I found that I really want to be with you forever."

A smile played on Yuhno's lips. "I want to be with you forever too Jae." He kissed his cheek and draped an arm over his naked body. With his other hand he took Jaejoong's hand and held it to his chest. "Forever."


There! One more chapter down! ^^




Chapter 10

Yuhno watched as Jaejoong slept. His breathing came out slowly and deeply, and he looked so young and adorable. But under his eye lids his eyes were moving, and his brow was creased as if he were having a nightmare. Gently Yuhno smoothed back his hair thinking that might calm him down slightly and he looked down at Jaejoong's bare chest.

It was surprising Yuhno had failed to see the faint lines that were etched in Jaejoong's skin. It must have been in the heat of the moment, but after Yuhno had noticed the scars, he felt bile rise in his throat. Quickly he forced it down and Jaejoong fell asleep with mentioning them once.

Now he could hardly take his eyes off them. There was at least a dozen of them, going every which way, and one that was the most outstanding. Immediately Yuhno assumed it was from when Jaejoong's mom stabbed him the first time.

"Why would someone do this to their child?" he whispered, disgust and pity exploding in him.

Suddenly, Jaejoong's eyes snapped opened and he sat up, gasping and shaking. Yuhno had his arm draped around him in an instant, and rubbed it gently. Jaejoong shook terribly and he leaned into Yuhno, who embraced him tightly.

"It's okay," Yuhno said soothingly, "I won't let her hurt you anymore." Jaejoong didn't answer but his shaking slowed and he pulled away.

"Why do you like me so much?" he asked suddenly. Yuhno, caught off guard, opened his mouth and stopped. The truth was he didn't really know himself.

"Well...Jaejoong you're different than everyone else," he said, "you've been through hell and yet your still going, and it doesn't seem like you're going to give up. But the thing I love most about you is that you're opening up to me and trust me. You're one of a kind."

Jaejoong nodded slowly and smiled. "That's a good enough answer for me. Now, I'm hungry, let's go eat!" he slid off the big bed and Yuhno chuckled.

"You're acting like a kid," he noted and Jaejoong turned back.

"No, I'm just really happy," he argued, leaving the room. Yuhno's smile faded as he stared after him.

'How long will that happiness last?'


After another sleepless night, Changmin pulled himself out of bed and hopped into the shower. The water spilled over him but he didn't pay attention. All night like he thought about Jaejoong and all his memories flooded through him like a painful movie. Countless times he forced himself to think about something else but eventually his thoughts led him back to Jaejoong; and how he was going to get Jaejoong away from Yuhno before he hurt him. The water had run cold before Changmin finally got out of the shower and dried himself off. He studied his cute little face in the mirror, his short brown hair that clung to his forehead and cheeks. He looked into his brown eyes that sparkled and were slightly mismatched whenever he smiled. His body was lean and long, he stood a few inches taller than Jaejoong.

Sighing he turned away from the mirror and went back into his room, grabbing whatever clothes his hands touched. Quickly he fixed his hair and grabbed some work-out clothes. He needed something that would distract his mind long enough to cool him down and think straight. So he was going to the gym.


Yuhno took Jaejoong to a nice restaurant down the street from his house. It was definitely first class and Jaejoong instantly felt out of place, but Yuhno's comforting hand in his helped him relax somewhat. The waiter led them to their table, which thankfully was in a secluded corner of the building, so they wouldn't be disturbed.

"You can have anything you want so don't hesitate," Yuhno declared as Jaejoong skimmed over the menu. A lot of the stuff he could hardly read, let alone know what it was, but eventually he found something that sounded interesting enough and showed it to Yuhno. He smiled and nodded.

"Awesome choice," he complimented, and the waiter came and took their orders. When he left, Yuhno leaned forward and stared at Jaejoong, who blinked and felt his cheeks go hot.


"Nothing. But tell me. Why do you love me?"

"Um..." Jaejoong looked at him and then a smile broke out on his face. "Because I've never been happier than I am with you. You're strong and dependable and I can trust you without worrying about if I'll be wrong. I'll never be wrong trusting you."

"Jae." Yuhno forced the smile on his face, resisting the urge to tell him there were some things he probably couldn't protect him from. He was just starting to realize how tough and powerful Kwan Lee was and the more he thought about it, the more he was starting to doubt his own ability to protect Jaejoong. Nonetheless he wasn't about to back down to Kwan Lee either, so he would fight as well as he could for his love.

"Oh come on, weren't you the one who said you didn't really want to dwell on all this? For now nothing's happening right?" Jaejoong's sudden optimisim rubbed off on Yuhno, who smiled and nodded his head.

"Right. Let's just enjoy this meal and then we can do whatever you want to."

"What about you? Isn't there anything you want to do?" Jaejoong paused and Yuhno shrugged. "You're doing all this stuff for me but it's almost as though you don't want to do anything yourself. I don't want you to treat me to everything...in fact I want to treat you today!"

There was a moment of silence before Yuhno smiled and nodded his head. "Alright, you can treat me today, but I don't know where I want to go."

Jaejoong shrugged. "Wherever you go I'll follow, so lead the way."

Smiling sneakily Yuhno had a sudden idea. "Then I want to go shopping. You need some new clothes anyway so why not?"

Moaning Jaejoong shook his head. "But then I'm not treating you to anything; you're buying things for me. If you want to go shopping fine, but I want to get you something at least." Defeated Yuhno nodded, but made it his goal to get Jaejoong some new clothes. Besides, he said he just wanted to buy something for Yuhno, so all he would have to do is find something, let Jaejoong buy it, and then go look for some clothes. At the moment Jaejoong was wearing some of Yuhno's clothes, but the pants were a little too long and baggy.

Their meals came and they ate in comfortable silence. Whatever it was that Jaejoong ordered, he loved it and after Yuhno paid they hopped into the car and sped off towards the nearest shopping mall.

The building buzzed with activity when they entered. Families bustled around, shopping for their kids and enjoying the afternoon. Couples walked along holding hands, some close, others casual. Groups of friends went by laughing and gossiping, carrying designer bags. Stores lined the building on both floors, and they extended further than they eye can see. Stores from the Dollar Store, to Coach were seen, and people filed through all of them. It was a busy day but Yuhno and Jaejoong soon found themselves deeply immersed in the crowds, drifting in and out of the stores, in search of something for Yuhno.

Eventually they found it, in a jewellery store. It was a simple gold chain, with beautiful gold hands clasped together. In the middle was a little heart etched in between the hands.

"That's perfect," Yuhno said, and Jaejoong bought it instantly. He helped Yuhno put it on and the younger man looked at it with sparkling eyes.

"I love it Jae," he mumbled, and Jaejoong smiled.

"Good, I'm glad."

"Now then! Let's go look at some clothes!" Jaejoong groaned and shook his head, but didn't have time to protest because Yuhno dragged him in to random store which as the last place Jaejoong would have shopped.

He didn't know how many clothes he put on, but Yuhno carefully critiqued every outfit, and eventually Jaejoong was down to two outfits that looked the best.

"Don't worry, there's plenty more stores to go to," Yuhno assured him.

"But Yuhno—"

"Jae, I want to. You don't have to worry about money; I've got lots of it. And you're most certainly not a burden to me either. Please don't worry about it." Slowly Jaejoong agreed and he let Yuhno pull him into a dozen other stores.
When they sat down to eat lunch, Yuhno was carrying so many bags it looked like he was shopping with a girl. He had insisted on carrying them, though Jaejoong refused to let him carry them all. So he, too, had a lot of bags in his hands. And he was wiped. Secretly he wondered if Yuhno did this on purpose, to keep Jaejoong's mind off of everything. He had done a good job, but he felt like he was forgetting something. Something important....

"Here you go," Yuhno said, snapping Jaejoong back to the present. His stomach growled and he realized he was hungrier than he thought. Yuhno laughed and passed him his food.

"You sound hungry. Haha."

Jaejoong rolled his eyes and began to eat, the food silencing his stomach immediately. Yuhno ate slowly, watching Jaejoong. Suddenly, he tensed and dropped his fork. Jaejoong glanced up and gave him a questioning look.

"What is it?" he asked, looking around uneasily. "Yuhno?"

"That man," Yuhno whispered, and Jaejoong turned his head to see where he was looking.

"Who? Yuhno, what's wrong?"

"Jae, let's go. We'll eat when we get back to my place alright? I don't think you should go back to Changmin's house tonight."

Changmin's house....Jaejoong yelped and jerked out his phone.

"Shit Changmin," he hissed, forgetting everything for the moment. Yuhno watched him impatiently as Jaejoong dialled Changmin's phone number, and waited as it rang.

"Can't we do this later Jae? We have to go," Yuhno stressed, looking up again. Jaejoong ignored him, letting the phone ring and prayed Changmin would answer it.

It rang three times before Jaejoong got the answering machine. He sighed and left a quick message, telling Changmin he would call him later. Already Yuhno was gathering his bags as Jaejoong hung up the phone, and glanced around warily. He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, but then again, Yuhno was more observant than he was. Whoever it was he saw, Yuhno saw a potential danger, and Jaejoong put his faith in him.


The man cursed when Yuhno set his eyes on him and he turned away quickly, cursing himself again for the stupid move. Now Yuhno knew they were being followed. And he would for sure guess it was Kwan Lee's man.

Hurriedly he pulled out his phone and dialled his boss's number. After two rings he heard a groggy voice on the other end.

"This had better be fucking good or I'll kill you," Kwan Lee muttered, and the man confirmed it.

"That Yuhno kid found out they're being followed," he said quickly, keeping a close eyes on the boys who were hurrying away into the crowd. "They're leaving right now."

"Don't let them leave!" Kwan Lee barked, making him jump. "Forget tomorrow, if you have to bring them in today. Bring them alive and Jaejoong unharmed. Do whatever you want to Yuhno but make sure he's alive you hear me? Call me when they've stopped running and I'll send back up."

"Got it," the man said, sliding his phone shut. He slipped into the crowd, easily catching up to the boys.


Chapter 10! Enjoy!! it's getting intense lol xD




Chapter 11

Quickly they hurried towards the car, lugging the heavy bags as best as they could. Jaejoong kept asking what was wrong and Yuhno promised to explain everything when they were safely away from the mall. So they tossed everything into the trunk—surprisingly it all fit—and slipped into their seats. Yuhno revved the engine and pulled out so quickly he almost hit another car that was pulling into a stall.

"Shit, sorry!" he apologized, not stopping to see the reaction. He sped out of the parking lot, cutting off people but he didn't stop.

"Yuhno! What the fuck? Slow down!" Jaejoong yelled. Yuhno ignored him and sped onto the main street, hitting the brakes only when the light turned red. He sat panting, anger boiling through his veins. Jaejoong looked out the window and then turned to him slowly.

"What happened Yun?"

"Kwan Lee's man has been following us. I thought I saw him yesterday but today...shit."

He heard Jaejoong gasp but Yuhno kept his focus on the road. "Yeah, they're after us Jae. I should have seen it coming, but I was so stubborn and I thought I could protect you, but I don't think I can Jae...I don't think I can."

Tears welled up and Jaejoong watched him worriedly. If Yuhno was breaking down then did it mean that they were seriously in trouble? Jaejoong, again, realized the danger they were in.

Silence followed. The light turned green and Yuhno started driving again. Jaejoong stared out the window, terrified thoughts filling his mind. And he suddenly thought of his mom. She must be in danger too. Even though she was abusive and possibly unstable, he was still her son. He had to protect her.

"What about my mom?"

"What about her?"

"She's my mom Yun. What if she's in danger too?" Jaejoong looked at him worriedly and Yuhno sighed.

"I bet you she doesn't see you as her son," he noted, "don't worry about her okay? She's a bitch and look at what she's done to you. You're not going to sit there and tell me you want to go get her."

Jaejoong shrugged and glanced out the window. "I'm still worried."

Again he sighed, and Yuhno put his hand gently around his shoulders. "Jae, don't worry about her, she's not worth it. She's probably sitting there with Kwan Lee right now just waiting to get her hands on you. You're just a tool to her, nothing more."

Jaejoong didn't say anything but looked out the passenger window. Suddenly he tensed and looked behind.

"We're being followed," he said slowly, and Yunho checked through the rear view mirror. There was a shiny black car tailing them, and he could see Kwan Lee's man behind the wheel.

"We'll have to lose him," he said, cursing silently. He veered to the right, flicking on the signal. Casually he turned right, acting as though he wasn't aware he was being followed. Jaejoong bit his lip and stared out his window, looking at the car that crept behind them.

"He's subtle isn't he?" Yuhno muttered, making the split decision to turn left. And groaned. He had turned into a dead end. And the only way out was back where he came, which was now blocked by the man in the car. "Get out of the car and when I tell you make a run for it."

Scared, Jaejoong watched as Yuhno fished under his seat and pulled out something black and shiny. He held the gun out to Jaejoong who took it silently.

"I've never used one before," Jaejoong pointed out, but Yuhno was groping around for most likely another gun.

"You turn off the safety, aim and pull the trigger," Yuhno instructed, loading his older and nicer looking gun. "That's the safety." He pointed to it and Jaejoong clicked it. "If anyone comes at you shoot them. I know there's more than just him, Kwan wouldn't let him face us alone. I don't care what happens, you keep running and if you don't have to shoot don't." He kissed Jaejoong on the lips and held him close. Jaejoong trembled as Yuhno wrapped his arms around him. "Meet me at Junsu's house in half an hour." He paused, his voice filled with sadness and yet there was hope. "I love you Jaejoong, don't ever forget that."

"I—I love you too."

Slowly they climbed out of the car, and Yuhno held his gun steadily at his side, his look calm and determined. How Jaejoong wished he could compose himself like that; he was trembling so bad the gun in his hand was vibrating.

The man got out of his car as well and his smile oozed with excitement. "You're going to come easy then boys? That's just as well...Kwan Lee's expecting you soon." He turned to Jaejoong. "And your mama as well." Jaejoong surpressed a shiver that threatened to strike and he kept his face empty of emotion. The man looked disappointed and shifted his attention to Yuhno.

"You can't hope to escape now Yuhno, Kwan Lee's got big plans for you...well after I have my fun that is. The place is surrounded, and all you can do is watch your precious little Jaejoong be dragged away. You might as well kiss him good-bye now; Kwan Lee' s only going to keep you alive for as long as he needs you."

"Ready Jae," Yuhno muttered, and Jaejoong tensed slightly.

"But don't worry, I'm sure he'll make it quick and painless, if he was in the generous mood that is."

"Now! Run Jae!"

Jaejoong was running, running faster and harder than he ever pushed himself before. He could hear Kwan Lee's man barking orders for them to get him, and that's when the gun shots rang through his ears. He came to an immediate halt and spun around to see Yuhno firing at any man who came within range. Yuhno noticed his hesitation and waved him away.

"Get out of here!" he growled, sending another man to the ground. The man who was in charge held up his gun and aimed it Yuhno's back. A smirk planted on his lips he was about to pull the trigger when suddenly the clear ring of another gun filled the air and his gun fell to the ground and he gasped, grabbing his hand.

Jaejoong held his gun in both hands, pointed at the man. His eyes were wide and he looked down at the weapon in his hands, and as though it had burned him he dropped it to the ground. The man smiled.

"You little shit..." he hissed, "but I'm not dead yet."

From behind Jaejoong someone grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back. Yuhno saw that Jaejoong hadn't left and whirled around pointing his gun at the man holding Jaejoong. Jaejoong struggled fiercely, but he was so much smaller than the man that his escape proved impossible.

"Let him go," he snarled, and the leader shook his head.

"I don't think so Jung Yuhno," he said.

Something heavy and painful collided with the back of Yuhno's head and he staggered forward, black spots dotting his vision. Dimly he was aware of Jaejoong screaming his name and could barely make out that he was putting up a struggle. The man easily picked Jaejoong up and Jaejoong's hand reached out for Yuhno, his eyes wide with fear.

'Just like in my dream,' Yuhno thought, collapsing to the ground. 'In the end I couldn't protect you Jae...I'm so sorry.'

The world swam sickly around him as he head hit the cool asphalt and his eyes slid closed. He let the black world engulf him, his last thoughts was of how much he wanted to save Jaejoong.


Changmin paced Junsu's living room, checking the clock and his phone every five minutes. Junsu watched him circle about like a wild animal, concern on his face. Jaejoong had called about two hours ago saying he would call back, and there had been nothing after that.

Changmin had listened to the message three times before realizing there was something weird in Jaejoong's tone. It was fear. Something had happened. Immediately he hopped in his car and sped off to Junsu's house. Yoochun hadn't been there so Junsu was waiting with him in case Jaejoong called.

Suddenly the door was forced open and Yoochun came storming in, his face red and his eyes flared. Changmin jumped back out of his way as Yoochun pushed by, and Junsu watched him fearfully. Yoochun's temper was not an easy thing to break and when it did it meant something terrible happened.

"Yuhno's been caught," he growled, his fists so tightly clenched they were shaking. "And, from what I hear, so has Jaejoong."

Something fell to the floor and when Junsu and Yoochun looked back, they saw Changmin frozen, the phone having slipped to the floor. His face was pale and his eyes wide. He looked like he was on the verge of passing out but he moved suddenly and with such strength it never happened.

Ears ringing, and seeing red in his vision, Changmin pulled on his coat and grabbed his car keys from the pocket. In the background he could hear Junsu talking to him, telling him to calm down and think before leaping. Yoochun had his coat on too and was beside Changmin, his face set.

"We're going," Yoochun declared, and Junsu closed his mouth. Changmin was about to protest, tell him to stay with Junsu, but Yoochun stopped him.

"Yuhno's an idiot, but I'm not about to let my own man die. Kwan Lee went too far this time and I'm going to personally see to it that he pays."

"Isn't that what he wants?" Junsu whispered shakily. Yoochun shrugged.

"Most likely, but I'm not going to let Yuhno die. Or Jaejoong for that matter. Junsu I'll be fine I promise you." He kissed Junsu on the lips and smiled. "I'll be back before you know it." Junsu nodded weakly and nodded to Changmin.

"Be careful Changmin," he said, "don't get yourself killed."

"I have no intention of dying tonight," Changmin smirked, but the fear was almost as bad as the anger. Luckily he was able to hide it as he followed Yoochun out the door.

"Um...do we even know where we're going?" he asked and Yoochun nodded.

"I know exactly where they would bring Jaejoong and Yuhno." Changmin nodded and slid into Yoochun's nice, expensive car.

They drove off, Changmin praying Jaejoong was alright.


It's almost donnnne!! ahhh, I'm the writer of this story and I'm getting completely into it xD enjoy!!




Chapter 12RATED

Okay so I decided to post this brief warning because this chapter contains incest rape. I figured because incest is a taboo and really disgusting I'd put this up and if people really find it disturbing, by all means skip it but the last bit of the chapter is important so please read that much (at least to me it's important lol) other than that enjoy ^^

When he woke up he found he was lying on an unfamiliar bed, his clothes still on. It was large and comfortable, but the room smelled strongly of cheap perfume, cigarette smoke, and alcohol. Jaejoong forced himself to open his eyes just a crack and saw to his horror, his mom sitting on a chair, one leg over the other and her arms crossed. Her hair was in a loose bun and she held a cigarette in one hand. She was wearing her green housecoat.

Fear and nausea washed over Jaejoong in an intense wave and he closed his eyes tightly, biting back the vomit that threatened to come up. Obviously his reaction was noticeable, because he heard his mom stand up and cross over to the bed. She sat down and smoothed back the hair from his face gently. Seductively.

"I know you're awake, Jae-baby," she cooed, and Jaejoong winced. Her breath reeked of alcohol and her perfume was enough to make him gag. "Open your eyes." She grabbed his chin and jerked it upwards, and in surprise he opened his eyes.

"There you go," she smiled, her fingers brushing his lips. "Do you know how worried I was for you Jaejoong? You left two days ago without telling me anything, but at least your back home safely."

Jaejoong jerked his head out of her hand, and looked away from her. Her immediate reaction was to draw back her hand and smack it across his face. Jaejoong wince as his cheek flared up. How easy it would have been for him to push her off. But he had been defeated so many times by that woman, and she knew he wouldn't do anything to her. Even though she knew this, she pulled out a familiar and terrifying object, and held it up so Jaejoong could see.

"You remember this love?" she asked, and Jaejoong shivered and sank away as best as he could from it. "It's the only thing that will keep you here with me you know that? I can't afford to lose my Jae-baby, not after what your father did to me. Kwan Lee's very accepting of this so you don't have to worry about him." She ducked closer to Jaejoong so her lips were inches from his.

"It's just the two of us for now." Then quickly she was gone, sitting up and glaring down at him. Her hand came down on his cheek again and this time he cried out. It was in the same place and now his cheek throbbed painfully.

"Which reminds me," she said, ignoring his pain and playing with the knife absently. "I heard a little rumour that you were dating someone...a young man. How disgusting...and you make me jealous Jae-baby. No one's supposed to have you except me."

She pointed the knife down at him and slid the knife down his shirt so it tore open. Jaejoong watched helplessly, and looked up at her.

"And here I thought you were definitely going to be straight, well what does that say to me now hm? You think you're boyfriend is going to protect you Jae? Well let me tell you something, Jung Yuhno is dead you hear me? As soon as Kwan Lee is done with him he'll kill Yuhno and that'll be the end of your precious love. Oh but don't worry, Kwan promised he wouldn't lay a hand on you and that means we can have all the fun in the world." She paused. "Plus
living life in luxury isn't all that bad either."

Her hand traced each, individual scar that was now exposed to her and Jaejoong's breathing became faster from fear. Then it trailed down to his jeans where she slowly undid them and pulled them down. The knife glinted dangerously close to Jaejoong's cheek as she stroked it with her other hand. Ever so slowly—and painfully for Jaejoong—she slid off her robe and crawled on top of her son, smiling insanely. Jaejoong squirmed to get out from under her, but didn't get the chance as this time it wasn't a smack on the cheek. Her clenched fist collided with his stomach, winding him and he fell back on the bed, seeing stars.

It was then that Jaejoong understood. His mother was mentally unstable, completely consumed by her depression to the point where she no longer cared about anything. Yuhno had been right; he wasn't a son to her, not any more. He was just an object, the one thing she still owned from her husband's relationship. She didn't care if raping her son was a taboo, the only thing she cared about is that when she looked into his eyes she saw her husband, whom she had loved dearly. Jaejoong may have been a spitting image of his mom, but he had his father's eyes and carried himself much the same way.

Gently she lowered herself onto him and moaned in pleasure. Jaejoong closed his eyes as he felt the knife accidentally press against this skin. A thin trail of blood ran down his chest, but he was far too concerned with the sick feeling he felt when his mom moved up and down, feeling her own flesh and blood inside her. Her lips kissed his chest and chin, her hands rubbed his chest soothingly. He winced and she noticed his tenseness and brought another blow to his ribs. Jaejoong cried out and hot tears filled his eyes.

The pain wasn't pleasurable like it had been with Yuhno. More hot tears welled up in his eyes as his mom's groans and gasps grew and she moved faster, feeling the orgasm coming. Suddenly the noises and everything disappeared as Jaejoong's fear and anger brought out the urge to fight back and he grabbed her suddenly and she stopped, her hair clinging to her sweaty forehead.

For a moment she was shocked, but the she shifted her hand and the knife slid down his chest deeply, leaving a fine red mark. Jaejoong winced but he didn't acknowledge the pain any further. With all the strength he could muster—which wasn't all that much—he pushed her off and sent her sprawling to the floor.

She propped herself up on the floor and glared at him. "How dare you, you shit." She stood up and waved the knife at him threateningly. "How dare you do that to your mother!"

Something inside Jaejoong went off and he glared at her, sliding shakily off the bed. "Do that...do that to my mother?! Who the hell do you think you are, fucking hypocrite. Look at what you're fucking doing to me! You rape your own son...for the hell of it!"

She smiled and her eyes were half closed. "So what? You're weak and pathetic anyway, anyone can see it. Besides you're so much like your father it just makes me really want him...but since I can't have him I have to settle for a pathetic brat like you."

"Your own son," Jaejoong muttered, "how can you do that to me?"

"It's easy," she said, coming around the bed, holding the knife steadily. "You are so whipped you can't run from me anyway, then I get on top of you and the fun begins." Her eyes widened with insanity and Jaejoong stumbled back. "You're weak Jaejoong, weak and so stupid. I am so ashamed of having you as a son, so let's pretend you're not okay? Get on that bed and we'll finish what we started."

"No," he said coldly, and she laughed.

"Are you questioning me?" she snapped, and Jaejoong stumbled further back. "I can't believe my little gay boy is telling me no. You need to know your place Jaejoong, and it's with me, not with some boy you met the other day." She said the word 'boy' like it was a disgusting word and Jaejoong's hands clenched.

"I love Yuhno," he hissed, giving her the darkest, dirtiest look he could manage. To his satisfaction his mom stopped and looked at him nervously. "You and your asshole of a boyfriend can't do anything about that. You can do whatever you want to me but you'll never, NEVER, get me to change my mind."

Tense silence filled the room. Both mother and son stood, naked, staring at each other deeply. His mother held the knife in front of her unwaveringly, and Jaejoong stood his jaw clenched and his fists white knuckled.

Then, without warning, his mother moved, running straight for Jaejoong. Her face showed pure hatred and before Jaejoong had the chance to move, the knife slid through his shoulder and he cried out. He collapsed to the floor, holding the knife in place, but his mom snatched it out and Jaejoong's body gave a terrifying shudder.

All he could was watch helplessly as his mom positioned the knife over her chest and closed her eyes, looking up at the ceiling. She drew in a deep breath and before she could release it, plunged the knife deep in her heart, and she fell to the ground twitching.

"M—mom," he choked, crawling limply towards her. She stared up at him, and raised a shaky hand and rested it on his cheek.

"I...it's alright," she muttered, her voice jagged. "I—I never loved you...you were so much like your father I couldn't bear it. What I did to you was out of hate, nothing else. I won't let you suffer anymore." Her breathing stopped then, and her hand slid from Jaejoong's cheek, hitting the carpeted floor.

Jaejoong sat, blood dripping freely from his wound, and his ribs ached. Tears tumbled down his face, not because of the pain. But because he knew, knew with all his heart, that he was finally free. And that brought the most amazing sensation to him as slowly he collapsed to the floor beside his mother. The world spun slightly and then went black.


here you are! I'll post the next chapter quickly ^^




Chapter 13

Yoochun parked the car in front of a large building that ran at least twenty stories up. It was an apartment building and as Changmin looked, he wondered if this was actually the place Jaejoong was brought to.

Yoochun must have noticed his doubt because he nodded his head and pointed a slender finger upwards. "I know they're up there, all the way on the twenty-first floor. Kwan Lee owns that entire level for all his men."

"How do you know that?" Changmin asked curiously. Yoochun gave him a secretive smile and shrugged.

"Having contacts and being the leader of one of the biggest gangs help a lot. That and the receptionist is a friend of mine and tipped me off."

Changmin nodded and slipped out of the car, closing the door behind him. Yoochun came around and looked seriously at him.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's extremely dangerous for someone who's inexperienced."

There was a look of determination in Changmin's eyes as he turned to Yoochun and gave him a sharp nod. Yoochun took that as a 'yes I still want to go' look and led the younger man up the stairs towards the building.

Once inside Yoochun quickly passed the receptionist some bills that appeared out of nowhere and the receptionist nodded slightly in acknowledgment.

"Some friendship," Changmin muttered and Yoochun shrugged.

"Some things you have to buy your way through to get anywhere," he explained, "and I really needed this information, but since there's a privacy policy there was no way I could get it for free. I'm lucky to have got all that information for that amount." Changmin thought about it for a second and then asked a quiet question.

"And what did you need to know?"

"Well I needed to make sure I had the right building first of all. And then I needed to know how many men were on that floor with Kwan Lee."

"And how many are there?"

"At least twenty Changmin, maybe more."

Changmin's confidence dropped a little as the elevator flew upwards. Twenty men...that was a lot, and Changmin was only seventeen too. He had never held a gun before in his life, never been in any fights really. If anyone got into a fight it was Jaejoong, but even then he didn't really fight either. Even with the adrenaline rush he felt, Changmin could feel the fear of losing. And then Jaejoong would never know how Changmin really felt.

When the elevator came to a halt, they only breathed for half a second before the doors slid open. The hall was surprisingly empty. Yoochun looked around tensely, holding a gun steadily at his side. Changmin shook from head to toe, the adrenaline still pumping through his veins enough to keep him going. But it didn't get rid of the fear.

Ever so slowly, they advanced forward into the hallway, Yoochun holding the gun so tightly in his hand his knuckles were strained and white. Changmin clenched his jaw and his eyes searched frantically from left to right.

Doors ran along both sides of them, and each one they passed they had a fleeting fear that one would open and they'd be caught. That never happened and finally the reached the last door that stood to Yoochun's left. Changmin sucked in a deep breath and Yoochun raised his leg and forced it as hard as he could onto the door.

Splinters flew everywhere, and Changmin looked in, Yoochun holding the gun ready for attackers. But there were none. The room was empty, except for two bodies lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

It took a moment for it to sink in, but when it did Changmin gasped and dropped the gun. He slid to the ground and reached forward, touching Jaejoong's shoulder gently and fearfully. Tears of pain and anger filled his eyes as he stared at Jaejoong's pale and drawn face. His cheek was swollen and red, his chest looked like there was a bruise forming on it. On his opposite cheek and his chest there were two fine lines from a knife, the blood slowly trickling out of them. But the most dangerous looking wound was just under his collar bone. Blood flowed freely, and Changmin went to staunch the wound.

Jaejoong's eyes were closed, but for the first time Changmin noticed something different about him. He looked so peaceful and...and free. Beside him, his mom laid, dead, eyes staring up at the ceiling in a glazed stare. Changmin quickly ran a hand over her eyes and they closed. Now she looked like she was sleeping.

The thought of losing Jaejoong was enough to bring Changmin into a crying fit. He sobbed and leaned over Jaejoong, praying he would be alright, that nothing was wrong. It was as he was resting on Jaejoong's bloody chest, that he heard a faint sound. A heartbeat. And it was alive.

Shakily he raised his head and noticed Jaejoong's eyes were moving restlessly under the lids. Then slowly, they opened and Changmin let out a happy sob. Jaejoong didn't say anything but let Changmin cry, holding his best friend in his arms. Jaejoong smiled and was glad Changmin had found him, and not someone else. There was no one else—besides Yuhno—he'd rather be with. Changmin wrapped his coat around Jaejoong's frail shoulders so he wasn't completely naked.

Yoochun came forward and laid a hand on Changmin's shoulder. "He's lost a lot of blood, but we need to find Yuhno. We'll call an ambulance and have them get here as soon as they can."

"Well, well, well," a voice said from behind them, "this sure is a mess isn't it? And I had this room freshly cleaned and everything."

Yoochun and Changmin looked behind them and fear filled their faces. Kwan Lee stood in the doorway, holding a limp Yuhno.

There was a sharp curse from Yoochun, who glared at Kwan Lee. Changmin stared wide eyed at the large man in front of them, and knew exactly why he was so feared.

"What a waste of a perfectly good woman," Kwan Lee spat, looking at Jaejoong's dead mother, "true she was horribly insane, but an amazing woman in bed." He jerked his chin towards Jaejoong, who was passing in and out of consciousness. "He must have been a great help with that."

He shook Yuhno absently. "But now, I have the real reason we're all here tonight don't I?"

"Let him go," Yoochun warned, "holding the gun ready and aiming straight for Kwan Lee's heart.

"Now why the hell would I want to do that?" Kwan Lee snapped, grabbing Yuhno's limp head and turning it to face Yoochun. "When he's my ticket to you...I know how high ranking he is in your family Yoochun and if you lose him you're wide open. I get rid of this brat and I get rid of you, isn't that right?"

Yoochun's jaw tightened as his thumb unlocked the safety. "Let him go. Now."

Kwan Lee threw up his hand and shook his head. "You really are stupid Park Yoochun. Do you really think I'm going to do such a thing after I just told you? Seriously."

"I have a fucking good aim. I won't hit him," Yoochun warned, and suddenly Yuhno's eyes fluttered open. Changmin had rested Jaejoong on the floor and he stood watching everything nervously.

Kwan Lee looked down and smiled. "Well, look who's awake! I find shooting isn't as fun when their out cold, so I like to wait until they're awake and aware. Now, say bye-bye Jung Yuhno." He shoved Yuhno forward, who stumbled unsteadily to the center. Kwan Lee's gun was ready and he pulled the trigger, aiming straight for Yuhno's back.

Yuhno stumbled and fell to the floor, and his eyes slid closed. Yoochun stared wide eyed and absolutely stunned, and Jaejoong had managed to lift himself slightly, and he let out a strangled cry.


Something had fallen on Yuhno, forcing him to fall to the ground. The shot never hit him; he just passed out from the sudden dizziness of moving quickly. He had been saved.

Changmin rolled off Yuhno, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. The bullet his something major and there was no helping him now. There was an echo of another gun fire in his ears and a heavy body fell to the ground a few feet in front of him. The pain was far away as well, everything seemed so distant that he wasn't even aware of someone calling his name until he saw a head of black hair pop into his blurry field of vision.

"Changmin," Jaejoong cried weakly, shaking his friend, "Changmin, don't die, please god, don't leave me. I need you, you're my best friend. Please." He sobbed, and trembled from the weakness but he refused to let Changmin go.

Blood caught in his throat and Changmin shook his head. "Jae...Jae...I—I l—love you. I'll always b—be there with you." He rested his hand on Jaejoong's chest. "Right...right there."

Jaejoong sobbed as Changmin's breathing slowed and eventually stopped. A single tear rolled down Changmin's cheek as Jaejoong held his still friend in his arms. During this, Yuhno had stirred and Yoochun helped him up. Yuhno stared at Jaejoong who's cries were soft and jagged because of his weak state. He held Changmin's lifeless body for dear life.

Yoochun pulled away and dialled an ambulance, stepping over Kwan Lee's dead body to let Jaejoong and Yuhno have some peace.

Yuhno knelt down and wrapped an arm around Jaejoong's shaking body. Jaejoong refused to let go of Changmin, but suddenly he shook uncontrollably and fell into Yuhno's arms.

"Jae? Jae, wake up!"

"Jae...Jae...Jae, it's not your time yet. Live." Changmin's voice filled Jaejoong's head as Jaejoong passed out in Yuhno's arms.


Don't hurt me!! I feel bad for Changminnie as it is but it...it's one of those things that just had to happen!! I'm so sorry!! ^^




Chapter 14

Junsu hurried into the hospital, demanding to see his friends. The receptionist told him Yoochun and Yuhno were in the waiting room, waiting for Jaejoong to come out of surgery. Before the woman could say anything else, Junsu took off and rounded the corner, finding Yoochun and Yuhno easily.

Yuhno paced irritably in a circle, looking at the time every few minutes. Yoochun watched him, hands under his chin and his look was tired and sad. Changmin was nowhere in sight. When Yoochun caught sight of Junsu, he stood hurriedly and wrapped his arms around his dolphin boy.

"Changmin..." Junsu mumbled, and he could feel Yoochun's head shake.

"They couldn't do anything," he said softly, and Junsu gave a choked sob.

"And...and Jaejoong?"

"They're doing everything they can. He lost a lot of blood and suffered minor injuries besides. Yuhno has a concussion but they let him out early because it wasn't as severe as they thought."

It was as though Yuhno was ignoring them. His brow was furrowed in worry, and he looked deep in thought. Junsu came up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. Yuhno stopped and when he turned to Junsu his eyes filled with despairing tears.

"He—he stepped in front of me," Yuhno whispered and Junsu raised his eyebrows. "Changmin did...the bullet hit him instead. It should have been me who died not him. He would have made a better partner for Jaejoong than I do." Tears slid down his cheeks and he sobbed slightly. "Why did he do that? Why did Changmin have to die?"

Junsu looked at Yoochun who shrugged. Slowly he wrapped his arms around Yuhno's trembling form and held him tightly. "Don't blame yourself Yuhno. Changmin did it for a reason I'm sure. Maybe he saw how happy Jaejoong was with you and knew that if you lived Jaejoong would continue to be happy. That's what love does to some people; it makes them put the one they love before everything else. Including their own life. Changmin must have wanted you to live because he thought you would do better for Jae. Which is ridiculous because you both helped him in ways you don't even know."

Yuhno cried, and his tears stained Junsu's shirt. Junsu let him cry, and stared at Yoochun lovingly. If anything had happened to Junsu he would never have been able to live with himself. In fact, if that gun was pointed at Yoochun, Junsu was certain he'd step in front of the bullet.

Suddenly the operation room door opened and a doctor came out. He looked sombre and exhausted and Yuhno looked hopefully at him.

"The surgery went smoothly," the doctor said and Yuhno let out the breath he found he was holding. "He's lucky you got him here in time. His blood loss was so great we had to use four bags of blood."

Two nurses rolled out a table, and Yuhno saw Jaejoong, deathly pale, on lying on it. He allowed a thankful smile to spread across his lips as he watched the nurses roll him down the hall.

"Can we go see him doctor?" Yoochun asked, and Yuhno looked at him excitedly.

At first, the doctor looked uncertain, but then he gave a warm smile and nodded slightly. "Only for an hour though. And I doubt he's going to wake up any time soon, so it might be a waste—"

Yuhno didn't hear anything else the doctor said. He took off after Jaejoong and watched anxiously as he was lifted onto the hospital bed. After the nurses fixed him, made sure he was all hooked up, they left quietly, and Yuhno ducked by them inside.

Jaejoong looked like he was withering away despite all the blood he just received. His feverish forehead was matted with his hair and his breathing was slow and drug induced. Underneath the gown, Yuhno could see the fresh bandages and sighed, sinking into a chair.

"Jae," he said quietly, smoothing back his hair. "Wake up soon Jae, I don't know how long I can go with you like this." Eyes red and swollen, Yuhno leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. Suddenly he was exhausted. He resisted for as long as he could, but eventually sleep took over and he drifted off.

The doctor came and poked his head around the door. Yoochun and Junsu were standing outside, comforting each other quietly, and the doctor opened his mouth to tell them it was time to go. Yoochun held up his hand and pointed in the room.

"We'll leave, but please let him stay," Yoochun said, indicating Yuhno.

The doctor hesitated and then nodded slowly. "That's alright, he doesn't seem to be able to move anyway. Did you call Jaejoong's parents?"

Yoochun and Junsu looked at each other and shook their heads. "His mom's just died tonight and as for his dad...I don't know about him." Yoochun shrugged and the doctor sighed.

"And what about that boy that was brought in?"

"His parents were notified by the police," Yoochun said quietly, his voice catching. "They're planning his funeral for the end of the week."

"I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor said, resting a hand on Yoochun's shoulder. "I imagine he'll be greatly missed."
Nodding, Yoochun took Junsu's hand and bowed gratefully to the doctor. "Thank-you, for everything."

The two walked away, hand in hand, finally glad everything was almost over.


Almost done!! Comments appreciated! ^^




Chapter 15

Someone was calling his name. It was a familiar voice, one that he loved. The voice echoed in his head, pushing him to wake up. Smiling, Jaejoong obeyed and slowly opened his eyes. To his disappointment he couldn't see Changmin anywhere, but was pleased—and relieved—to see Yuhno sleeping on a chair next to his bed. Wondering what time it was, Jaejoong looked around the room for any signs of a clock. He found one hanging directly across from the bed and he felt puzzled. It was already ten o'clock the next day but that didn't give him any indication of how long he was out for.

Yuhno stirred in the chair and twisted in such a way that he slid out of it and landed heavily on the floor. Quickly his eyes snapped open and he pounced up, looking around to make sure no one was looking. Jaejoong could help the giggle the escaped his lips and Yuhno's face flushed when he looked down. Then he noticed Jaejoong was awake and nearly squished him, covering him in kisses and hugs.

"Jae!" he exclaimed, "oh thank god! I was so worried when you didn't wake up last night. You were out for almost fourteen hours."

Jaejoong groaned and Yuhno scrambled off him. "Oh, shit sorry Jae...I forgot heh."

"It's okay." Jaejoong's voice was hoarse and his throat was dry. "By the way, where's Changmin?"

Yuhno's smile fell and it was as though Jaejoong touched a sensitive subject. "You don't remember....?"

Jaejoong was shaking his head when the door opened, and two familiar people entered the room. Changmin's parents.

His mom's eyes were puffy and red, and she held a wad of tissue in her trembling hand. His father was surprisingly calm, but his eyes were glazed and there were bags under them. His jaw was clenched tightly and Jaejoong felt something hit him in the pit of his stomach.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shim," he greeted them, wincing when he felt the tug of his stitches on his chest. "What happened?"

"Oh my dear boy!" Mrs. Shim wailed, burrowing her face in her husband's shoulder. "How did this happen?"

Jaejoong looked curiously at Yuhno, and then it hit him. Memories from last night smacked him painfully in the chest, and tears sprang up. He'd been crying more that week than he had ever done before.

"Changmin's..." he couldn't finish the rest, but Yuhno knew what he was getting at. Slowly he nodded and Mrs. Shim's sobs turned to whimpers.

When she pulled away she came and sat down beside Jaejoong. "I just want you to know, we don't blame you dear. We don't blame any of you. This young man called me last night after we talked to the police and explained everything." She smiled faintly at Yuhno who nodded at her in acknowledgment. "What Changmin did was exactly like him. He was so rash, and impulsive, I bet he didn't get the chance to think things through." She looked at her husband, who came around and wrapped an arm over her shoulders.

"Jaejoong, we know about Changmin's love for you, even though he didn't come right out and tell us. It must have been hard for him, and as his best friend he would have put your life before anyone else's. He never had many friends, as you know, and to him you were his world. And that's why we can't blame you...or anyone. Changmin died saving your...boyfriend I suppose, and he did it to make you happy." Gently she bent down and kissed his forehead. "If you like we can take you into our home. I know, with the loss of you mom, you probably have nowhere else to go. We're willing to take you in and raise you because I'm sure Changmin would have liked that...having you as a brother. What do you say to that?"

Jaejoong watched Changmin's mom, tears sliding freely down his pale face and couldn't begin to imagine how hard it must have been for her. To lose a son was hard, but to ask someone else to go live in his place was even harder. No, Jaejoong corrected himself, not to live in his place, but with him. His family was willing to take Jaejoong in and Jaejoong was now considered an orphan (daddy's still a no show).

Slowly he raised a shaky hand and placed it in hers. She looked at him, shocked, and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"I would love that," Jaejoong whispered, and already he could feel changes coming. Mrs. Shim broke down into fresh sobs, and even Mr. Shim's eyes sparkled with tears. No matter what, they would never forget Changmin, and Jaejoong would make sure of that.

Yuhno watched a new family being born and smiled. Jaejoong was given a new chance at life, and it was all thanks to Changmin. Of course, Yuhno still did feel guilty for Changmin's death, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized he wasn't meant to get that bullet through the back. He was Changmin's gift to Jaejoong, and he was supposed to protect Jaejoong no matter what.

Jaejoong's eyes caught Yuhno's attention and he smiled warmly. It was the first time Jaejoong ever smiled like that since Yuhno met him. There wasn't even a trace of sadness or depression in those eyes either. Finally, Yuhno got to see Jaejoong smile the way he wanted to see it.


*A week later*

Jaejoong's recovery was slow, but by the end of the week he was able to leave the hospital and move into his new home. His adopted mother drove him and Yuhno over to the house, and Yuhno helped Jaejoong out of the car. Yuhno was dressed in a black dress suit, and his hair had been combed neatly back. Mrs. Shim wore a black dress with a mini hat on her hair, covering the uptight bun. Jaejoong felt out of place but knew he would be dressed and ready to go shortly.

All his things had been moved up into the spare room. Changmin's parents had persisted countless times that he should take Changmin's room, but he denied it every time.

"It's Changmin's room," he argued, "I don't want to take it." In the end, they gave him the spare room, and he loved it much more than his old room.

Jaejoong pulled out the rarely used black suit he bought one year for a formal dance at school. Thankfully it still fit and he pulled it on quickly, looking at himself in the mirror. His skin tone was almost back to normal, and he looked healthier and fuller than he had been one week ago. His eyes still had bags under them from sleep loss, but that was mainly because he laid awake at night constantly thinking about Changmin. He still had the nightmares, but they were far and few so he saw that as a good sign.

A knock on the door brought Jaejoong back from his deep thoughts. Yuhno entered and smiled at him. "Nice suit."

"Really? I think it's too big." Jaejoong looked down at himself with a critical eye. Yuhno shrugged.

"Then I guess we'll have to feed you until you get fat," he snickered and Jaejoong stuck out his tongue. He looked at himself in the mirror and Yuhno wrapped his arms around his waist and stared into the mirror as well.

"We should get going beautiful," he breathed, and Jaejoong shuddered. "Oh sorry, handsome."

"You did that on purpose!" Jaejoong exclaimed, smacking Yuhno playfully. Yuhno laughed and kissed his check lightly.

"So what if I did? What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing right now," Jaejoong said smoothly,
"Changmin...Changmin comes first." At that silence filled the room as Yuhno took Jaejoong's hand and led him out of the room.

Mrs. Shim was waiting for them in the car and she motioned for them to hurry up. Quickly they got in and sped away, already Jaejoong's foster-mom was teary-eyed and quiet.
The funeral was short and touching. Changmin's parents wanted it that way, and both of them cried as they walked behind his coffin. Changmin's little sister walked along behind them, her bottom lip trembling but she forced back the tears. Jaejoong walked beside her, also forcing back the tears. He cried too much besides, and he wasn't even sure there would be any left.

The procession stopped and the family sat off to the side, watching as the casket was set down and opened. Changmin's pale, waxy looking head rested on a beautiful silky pillow, and he wore the most handsome of suits. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully, no pain on his face. His skin was white and his hair had been smoothed back from his forehead. In his hands he held a rose and a gold chain. It was the one Jaejoong had bought Yuhno.

It was Yuhno's idea. Jaejoong didn't really want him to give it to Changmin, but Yuhno insisted.

"Changmin saved my life. He brought the two of us together, and that necklace symbolizes friendship. It links all three of us together. Let him have it and he can keep it with him always." And he wound it around Changmin's hand and put it back in place.

The priest spoke softly and in a sombre voice, and the only other sounds were the sobs and sniffles of the family and friends. Jaejoong squeezed Yuhno's hand and was glad he was there with him.


Okay! One more chappie to go!! Enjoy and this is such a depressing story i really need to write something happy and fluffy xD





*One Year Later*

"Yuhno!" Jaejoong called, thumping down the stairs. "Yuhno where's my phone? Have you seen it anywhere?"

Sprawled out on the couch, Yuhno looked up from the magazine he held and shrugged. "Nope, did you check your jacket pocket?"

A sudden spark came in Jaejoong's eyes and he plunged into the pocket, fishing around. He must have found the phone because his look was triumphant as he pulled it out and smiled, flashing it at Yuhno.

"Smart ass," he chuckled, and Yuhno shrugged. Before he had the chance to react, Jaejoong had pounced and tackled Yuhno, pinning him to the couch. He smelled of the cologne Yuhno bought him for his birthday, a smell Yuhno absolutely loved.

Jaejoong's hair had been cut and was now styled so it clung to his face, exaggerating his now sharp features. Over the course of the year, he went from being a skinny little girl, to a well toned and defined young man. His skin was still fragile looking but he could almost beat Yuhno in an arm wrestling match every once in a while. He went from being weak and delicate, to being strong and a man. Now he was considered as handsome not pretty. Well, except until Yuhno who still teased him about it.

It was the end of their first year of college, and Jaejoong was able to pass all his finals with flying colours (thanks to Yuhno who hired a tutor for him). They were both accepted into the same college and Jaejoong still had high suspicions that Yuhno did that on purpose.

And Yuhno...well Yuhno was still much the same. His hair had grown out a little bit but other than that he still looked a father figure. And he still loved Jaejoong like he had the first day they met. And Jaejoong still loved him just as much.

Jaejoong leaned down and nipped Yuhno playfully on the ear. "That's your punishment."

"Ouch," Yuhno breathed, smirking teasingly, "aren't your parents home?"

Jaejoong shrugged and his lips brushed Yuhno's making Yuhno shiver. "And if they are? They know us by now, and they really don't care."

"They care enough to see us making out on the couch in their living room. Besides what would dear little sister think of this?" Yuhno snickered and Jaejoong pouted. Slowly he slid off Yuhno and crossed his arms.

"Fine, have it your way. But I will get you, mark my words." Though it was clearly a threat, Jaejoong had a radiating smile on his face that told Yuhno it wasn't meant as harmful.

"Ready to go?" Yuhno asked and Jaejoong nodded, taking his hand and squeezed it tightly.

It had been one year since Changmin's death, and Jaejoong went to visit him at least once a month. For Changmin's eighteenth birthday, Jaejoong brought a boquet of flowers for him, and a picture of him and Jaejoong on one of their crazy days. They had taken pictures all day and must have looked like tourists and some of the pictures turned out terrible. But their favourite picture had been of them standing close together in a park, and the picture was taken from above. Jaejoong set it down and taped it to the grave marker so Changmin could always have it.

His mother had been cremated and Jaejoong scattered the ashes over the river. He watched as the wind blew them away and prayed that she would finally rest in peace. He never heard anything of Kwan Lee, or nothing from his father. Not that he cared; the Shim family was taking care of him and finally he felt like he was finally free. He didn't have any more nightmares and Yuhno was always there for him.

They parked the car in front of the graveyard and got out. It was exactly the day when Changmin had been shot, and it was also the day that Jaejoong had been adopted by his family. In the distance he could Yoochun and Junsu, holding hands and praying at the grave. Yuhno and Jaejoong walked up to them and they all gave each other comforting hugs.

"We'll leave you guys be for now," Junsu smiled, and led Yoochun off. Yuhno hesitated for a moment and then kissed Jaejoong briefly on the cheek. Silently he knelt down and said a prayer before he hurried to catch up to the other two.

For the longest time Jaejoong stood there, staring down at the gravestone, his mind completely empty of all thought. Then, ever so slowly, he knelt down and reached out to touch the cold stone.

"Changmin," he said softly, a smile on his face, "how's it going? Get many girls up there yet? Or guys? Whatever, as long as you're happy right?" He paused and said happily. "Yuhno and I are still as close as ever, and your family really isn't as bad as I thought. They've really helped me out a lot and I got into a good college too with their help...and Yuhno's too but hey who's really keeping track." He bit his lip. Tears sprang into his eyes. "I...I passed all my exams this year, and Yuhno and I are going to Venice for a month. I'm so excited I can't stop talking about it."

The graveyard was silent and Jaejoong dropped his hand, wiping tears away. "I've never missed you so much Changmin, and you'd better be having the time of your life up there or I'm going to kill you when I get up there."

He smiled at his lame joke and stood up. "I love you Changmin, I'll come visit you soon I promise. Before I leave for sure." Quickly he swooped down and kissed the stone before walking away.

Yuhno was waiting for him in the car and he smiled, hugging Jaejoong tightly. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yuhno and sighed.

"No matter how long it's been I'll never be able to get over losing him," he whispered, and Yuhno nodded silently. They stood there for a few minutes, holding each other tightly before Yuhno pulled away and placed a finger under Jaejoong's chin.

"Come on, let's get out of here," he said, softly and Jaejoong nodded. They clasped hands and Yuhno started the car, and the sped off, Jaejoong smiling and he stared up at the sky.

"I love you Yuhno," he whispered, and Yuhno heard him.

"I love you too."


All done!! What an emotional roller coaster i was on writing this one xD lol anyway thanks so much for your comments and anxious to hear from you again when i post another story up...whenever that'll be xD...thanks everyone!!

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