Whis x Reader

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You laid on the couch, reading a book to distract yourself from the awful pain in your gut. Your time of the month has come once again, and usually, they weren't that bad at all. But of COURSE, you had hit one of your WORST periods while you were visiting Whis for the weekend. You were reading a cliché romance book, and the pain in your stomach kept you from focusing on the story. You groaned loudly and went into the room you were staying in for the weekend. You opened the door to your room and went to the drawers. Whis had been the one to decorate your room, and thanks to that, it was very nice. Your bed had royal blue bed sheets, matching pillows, and a fancy brown bed frame. The drawers were a light purple, decorated in some rhinestones, and a golden rim. The walls were a light shade of your favorite color. The floors were a deep brown, wooden, with a square carpet. Every time you walked into this room, you couldn't help but admire it. You remember that when you first saw it, you questioned Whis as to why he worked so hard on the room. "It wasn't that difficult, just a mere amount of imagination and my staff made it all possible." (You got to get your mind outta the gutter... -.-) You smiled and hopped on your new bed. It was BEYOND perfection! The bed was soft, yet not overly so. It was a perfect balance of soft and comfortable.

You smiled fondly at the memory and opened your drawers. You had found it. You often kept a small candy stash stored in your drawers, since you knew just how much Lord Beerus and Whis loved Earthling sweets. You grabbed some bags of Twix and some Starbursts. You then closed your drawer and went back to the other room. You set the bags down and felt another shock of pain. You groaned and sat down. You opened the bag of Twix and began eating a bar. You then grabbed your book and started reading again. Once you finished the bar, you reached for the next, and then the next. Once you finished eating the third Twix bar, you heard footsteps approaching you. You look up from your book and saw Whis in the doorway. "Lady Y/n? Is that you?" He said as he looked at you. 

You giggled and closed your book with a loud clap. "I'd say so. Besides, I doubt it'd be Lord Beerus here, reading a cheesy romance book." He chuckled in response. "Of course. Are you alright? I have not heard from you all day?" "I'm fine, just in a little pain is all. It's nothing too bad though." As if to prove you wrong, Mother Nature sent a painful jolt through your stomach and you groaned. Whis felt a sweat drop, before approaching you.

"It's my time of the month." You said as you groaned in agony. Whis held out his hand, and his cane appeared in his hand. Once he had his cane, he pushed your hands aside and laid you on your back gently. He then took the top of his cane and rested it on your stomach. The orb started glowing, along with your stomach. After a few seconds, the glowing stopped... along with the pain. Whis stood back up and smiled. "There you are! That should be enough to fix the pain." You sat up, and there was no pain. You smiled widely and looked at Whis. "Thank you Whis! I feel so much better!" Whis chuckled and then noticed the bags next to you. He looked quizzically at them and you giggled. "They're earthling candy." "Can-dy?" Whis said as he seemed even more puzzled. You took a Twix bar out of the bag and handed it to him. "Try it!" Whis took the chocolate candy and popped it into his mouth. After a few seconds of chewing, his face was overtaken with shock. He then smiled and swallowed the candy. "That is DELICIOUS!" You smiled and handed him a pink starburst. "Try this! It's amazing." He unwrapped it and threw it into his mouth. "Mmmm! That is such a burst of flavor! It tastes just like a sort of fruit!" You giggled in response and went on to share your candy stash with him.


Lord Beerus was walking down the hallways, looking for Whis. "Whis! Where are you?!" he turned the corner and heard light snoring. He poked his head into the room and saw you, laying in his lap, sleeping with Whis. You both were sleeping as soundly as babies. Lord Beerus, just scoffed and closed the door quietly, leaving you both alone to your candy-filled dreams.

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