Bully!Raditz x Bullied!Reader

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This story was requested by kittenthesupersaiyan.

(YN) - your name
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color

Your pov.

"Please! Let me out! I promise I will do everything you want!" You were hitting the door of your locker. Your bully, Raditz, locked you in. He bullied you for few years now and you didn't know why. He was the most popular guy in your school. Every girl wanted him.

You had a little crush on him, but you couldn't told him that. He will hurt you on the spot! He was so handsome, you could say that. You were slowly falling asleep in the locker. You were almost four hours in there and the school was already closed. Before you fall in the darkness, you saw how and why you got in the locker in the first place.


You were writing your homework and you were busy with it, so you didn't saw that Raditz approached you. He went behind you and he hit your head. Your (EC) eyes widen when you looked behind you. He was looking at you with angry expression. He griped your wrists tightly and he forced you to stood up. He shoved you in the wall and he looked into your (EC) eyes. It felt like, if he was looking in your soul.

He growled at you and he shouted at you: "Slave! Did you do my homework?!" Your (EC) eyes widen in fear and you felt tears leaving your puffy (EC) eyes. You were shaking in fear when he leaned closer to you: "So, you didn't do it, huh? It looks like I will hate to punish you." Then he smirked at you and he grabed your (HL), (HC) hair and he was forcing you to went with him.

He took you to the locker room and he told you: "Now, I will lock you in one of these lockers. You can struggle all you want, but you know that I am so much stronger then you and if I ever wanted, I could have killed you already. So be a good girl and be quiet. Otherweise, I will hurt you more."

He opened one of the lockers, especially your locker, and he throw you inside. Before he shut the door, he looked into your scared (EC) eyes and he smirked at you: "The school will be closed in few minutes, so I am wondering: How will you escape this trap? I know that you are weak, so you will be in this locker all day and all night. But I will tell you something positive: I will let you go out in the morning. I will be the first person you will see tomorrow. Sweet dreams (YN)." Then he locked the door and you were let to be alone in the darkness.

Flashback ends

Time skip

In the morning, Raditz let you out, just like he promised. But he was cruel to you. When he let you out, he took you outside and he shoved you to the tree. He hit you in the stomach and he hurted you pretty badly. He cutted your arms, blood was falling on the ground and your shirt was bloody red.

Then he went inside the school. You fall on the ground. 'Why is he so cruel to me? What did I did to him! I never ever hurted him or something like that. I love him for Gods sake!' You stood up from the ground and you went home to heal your wounds.

Time skip

The next day, everything was too quiet in the school. It was normal day for you. You didn't saw Raditz almost all day. You had six classes and he wasn't on them. You had a feeling that something was very wrong. His friends didn't bully you at all, in fact, they helped you when you needed something.

When the last class ended, which was gym, you were walking toward your locker. You saw that your locker was opened and you approached it with slight fear in your (EC) eyes. What you saw, took your breath away. Everything in your locker was cleaned and inside the locker you saw piece of paper. You took it and read it.

The paper says: "(YN) please meet me on the roof when the school ends. I want to tell you something. Come alone. Raditz."

You took one shaky breath and you went to the stairs which led to the roof. You knew that you must do what he told you in the paper, because if not, he will hurt you pretty badly. You opened the door and you saw Raditz standing in the middle of the roof.

You approached him and when you were behind him, he looked at you. He opened his mouth to say something, but you interupt him: "Raditz. If you want me here to hurt me again, don't do it. I can't take this anymore. Kill me already so I won't be suffering anymore!"

You shut tight your (EC) eyes and when you felt muscular arms wrapping around your waist, you stiffen. You didn't dared to open your (EC) eyes, you were scared. But when you felt that he pulled you closer to him, you both were touching chest to chest, you opened your (EC) eyes. But what you saw almost stopped your heart.

Raditz was leaning toward you and you didn't had time to react different. He kissed you and you kissed him back. You were confused. 'Why would he want to kiss me? He hurt me!'

When he pulled away, you looked into his eyes and you asked him: "Raditz? Why did you kissed me?" He smirked: "I know very well that you wouldn't believe me, but I love you. I know that I hurted so much this past few years, but can you please forgive me? I know that you didn't have the same feelings toward me, but can you at least forgive me for my crimes?"

You were listening to him and he stopped, you hugged him and you whispered into his chest: "I forgive you Raditz. You hurted me so much this past few years, but I had already forgive you. And I have the same feelings toward you."

When he heared that, he smiled at you and he hugged you back. He pulled you closer and he kissed your forehead. You smiled at him and you told him: "I love you Raditz." He too smiled at you: "I love you too (YN) and I promise: I will never hurt you again. I am so sorry for what I did to you and I need a punisment. But I will love you till my last breath. I promise you that."


A/N: Hope you liked this story kittenthesupersaiyan. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for the request. Don't worry bradthescrub, I am working on your story.

Raditz! Come here!

Raditz: *walked in my room without his shirt on* What do you want Mig-chan?! Don't you see that I am busy?!

*bored* I don't care Raditz. End this story and then go away.

Raditz: *denying* But I don't want to it.

*sigh* Raditz, please to that or I will call for your brother.

Raditz: *smirked* Do it. I dare you.

Ok, if you want to do this the hard way. *shouted* Goku!!!!

Goku: *appeared in my room only in his pants*

*blushed deep red and looked away*

Goku: Did something happened Mig-chan?

*shooked head* No Goku. Only if you can force Raditz to end this story.

Goku: Oh, ok. *looked at Raditz and turned Super Saiyan* Raditz! Do it or else!!

Raditz: *scared* O-ok. Calm down, I will do it. *looked at camera* Bye!!

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