Christmas special

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A/N: In this story the main character will be any guy you like. If you like Vegeta this story will be Vegeta x Reader, or if you like Beerus, this will be Beerus x Reader and so on. Above you can listen to the dbs christmas parody. Now you can start to read the story!

(YN) - your name
(GYL) - guy you love
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color
' ' - thoughts

Your pov.

You were flying toward Capsule Corporation. Bulma throw a secret christmas party. She told you that this party will be unique. Why, do you ask? Because this party will be only for girls. Guys can't go there. It was fine by you, because you don't want to face your crush.

His name was (GYL). To you, he was handsome. You fall in love with him when you first saw him. It was love in the first sight. You love him with all of your heart, but you don't know if he loves you the same way. You told that to Bulma, your best friend, that you love him and she was happy for you. She told you that she will help you to be with him. But you don't know how.

You realize that you were in front of Bulma' door. You knock softly, not wanting to disturb her, because you were there two hours before the party. You wanted to help her. You hear some noice behind the door. Then the door opened and Bulma was standing in them.

She had shocked look on her face, but then she smiled: "Hello (YN), what are you doing here so early? You are not disturbing me, if you want to know. I am only surprised." You laugh: "Hello Bulma, nice to see you too. I am early, because I want to help you with the party. Are you ok with that?" She grab your hand and she shove you inside. "Of course I am ok with that, sweetheart. Now, can you help me with the food?" You head right into kitchen, shouting at Bulma over your shoulder: "Ok. Come, we only have two hours!"

During the work, you and Bulma were laughing and talking. Bulma told you that she had a big surprise for you. She didn't told you what it was, but if you know, you will never go to the party.

Time skip

Two hours later, girls start to came. Every one of them brought something with them. Chi-Chi brought cakes, #18 brought drinks and so on. You welcome them and you start to talk with them. Some time later, Bulma told you that someone was waiting for you on the roof. You were confused. 'Who is waiting for me? Girls are in living room. Maybe this is Bulma' surprise?'

You walked on the roof and you froze. 'Bulma, I will kill you the next time I saw you. How can you do this to me?' You saw (GYL) standing on the roof. He wasn't looking at you, he was looking at the sky. When you tap him on the shoulder, he turn to you: "Hello (YN), Bulma told me that you want to say something important to me. What it is?"

You start to breath quickly. 'What to do? What to do?! I know that, I have to tell him that I love him, but how?! He will reject me! Or worse, he will hate me!'

You looked into his eyes and you told him: "Hello (GYL). Yes, I want to tell you something important. I know you for many years now. I hope you will not hate me after what I tell you, but please listen what I have to say. You are the most handsome guy I ever saw. When I first saw you, I wanted to be with you forever and ever. I hope you have the same feelings toward me, but if not, it's ok. (GYL), I love you."

You lower your head, when (GYL) didn't say something. You felt ashamed of yourself, because how can he love you back? 'I am normal, I am not beautiful or something like that.' (GYL) was quiet, so you assumed that he don't love you back. You were going to turn away from him, when suddenly he grab your wrist tightly.

You looked at him surprised with wide eyes. He looked into your (EC) eyes and he grab your (HL), (HC) hair. He lean toward you slowly and you want to back away slightly, but he wrap his strong arms around your waist.

He lean to your lips and he kiss you passionately. You widen your (EC) eyes, because you weren't expecting that. You slowly kiss back. You were happy that he kiss you. Few minutes later, he pull away. You were looking at him and he was smirking at you: "(YN), I love you too. I won't ever hate you. I fall in love with you and I am happy that you love me back. But I have to ask you something. Will you became my girlfriend?" You nodded: "I would love to."

He smiled and he pull you closer to him. He grab your chin and he kiss you again. You kiss him back. When you pull away, you hear clapping. You turn around and you saw girls. They were happy for you and (GYL). 'This is the best christmas ever. The best present is that I am with (GYL) in the end. I love him.'


A/N: I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes. Now I wish you all merr...

Goku: Mig-chan! Wait for us!

Oh! Goku! I am sorry, I forgot. *looked around* Where are the others?

Goku: I don't know. Wait! I will find them. *instant transmission away*


Goku: I am here! *appears in front of me with others*

Vegeta: Kakarot! Why did you brough us here?! I was in middle of my training! You Baka!

Vegeta! Be nice! I wanted Goku to brough you all here. We all have to end this chapter, because this is Christmas special.

Goku Black: You mean that stupid mortal holiday? Mortals and their stupid holidays.

Black! What did I told you last time?!

Goku Black: Ok, ok. Calm down. I was only joking. *defending himself*

*sight* Ok, everyone. Do you know what to say?

Everyone: Yes.

Ok! On three. One...two...three!

Everyone: *look at camera and wave* We wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Bye!!

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