Future Trunks x Saiyan!Reader

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This story was requested by zamasuonbathsalts.

(YN) - your name
(LN) - last name
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color


Your pov.

"Woman! Try harder and maybe you will hit me at last!" Vegeta was shouting at you while he was smirking. You growl at him. 'How can he?! I will show him!' You powered up your ki and you throws a punch at him. He dodge it and just like that he let his guard down. You smirked at yourself and you wrapped tightly your tail around his throat and you start squeezing. He gasped for breath, but you didn't let him go.

"Now Vegeta. You should know what I will do. What will your father say to you if he was alive? Then you let your guard down in front of female Saiyan? Shame of you." Then you let go of his neck and he glared at you, hate showing in his eyes.

You looked at him and just like that you walked away. Your name was (YN) (LN) and you were one of the Saiyans that survived the explosion of Planet Vegeta. You were the last female Saiyan and a duty to reborn your dead race was on your shoulders. But with who? Goku was your friend, you known him all his childhood and Vegeta...well...he was your rival from your childhood. And you only saw them like your friends, nothing more.

You had unique (HL), (HC) and (EC) eyes. You were (short/tall). You were almost like Vegeta in personality. You were mean and you will always say what you thought. You were also a little cold-hearted. You thought that humans were weak, but you still had few friends between them like: Bulma, Chi-Chi, Krillin, Gohan or Piccolo.

Now you were on Kami' Lookout and you and the other fighters were preparing for fighting Cell. You didn't know where Goku or his son Gohan were. They were probably training elsewhere. You were training in Room of Spirit and Time with Vegeta and his son Trunks. He was from the future by his words.

You let Vegeta laying on the ground and you saw Future Trunks running toward him and helping him up. Vegeta shouted at him that he wasn't weak and that he was fine. You laughed at then and you throw senzu bean behind your shoulder. Future Trunks catched in and he gived it to Vegeta. Vegeta refused it, so Trunks keep it. And he start walking toward you.

You looked at the half Saiyan with smirk on your lips and you asked him: "What boy? Do you want to spar with me? Or are you scared and weak just like your father?" You heared him growl and his once purple hair flash blonde. You stepped back and your once (HC) too flash blonde: "This is the spirit! Come on boy! Show me a good fight!"

Time skip

You and Trunks were sparing almost five hours before he fall on the ground defeated. Some of his bones were broken. You had broken ribs and you were coughing blood. You helped Trunks from the ground and you two eat the senzu bean and you went to sleep.

Few months later, the door opened and you went outside. The shining sun blided you for few minutes. Later, you saw Goku with Gohan waiting for you. Gohan run toward you and he hugged you: "Wow (YN)! You are so strong!" You chucked: "Thanks Gohan, but I am not strong as you. You are much stronger then me."

He looked confused at you, but didn't say anything. Then you looked at Trunks and you blushed. You saw him without his shirt. You looked away from him, covering your face with your hands. You didn't want anyone to know that you find Trunks handsome. Especially his father.

You took a like in Trunks when you were together in the Room of Spirit and Time for one year. He was handsome and pretty strong too. You didn't know if he had the same feelings toward you, but you didn't want to know that, because you were afraid that he doesn't love you like you love him.

You changed into your clothes and you and the rest of the team fly to the place where the Cell Games will be held. While you were flying, you were thinking about the Games. 'What will happen if Goku, Vegeta, Gohan or Trunks didn't beat Cell? Cell will kill all of you and then he will destroy the planet! Whatever happens, I will stop then. I will stop Cell even if it takes my life. I will do it for my friends and for Trunks. My love.'

The first one who fought Cell was Goku. (You didn't count Satan.) They were fighting for some time, when Goku fly into air and he brough his hands together and he start to say his Kamehameha attack. Suddenly, he disappeared and appeared before Cell and he shot his attack at him! You smirked when you saw that the top half of Cell' body was destroyed.

Suddenly, you saw that Cell regenerate himself! Your (EC) eyes widen. 'How is this even possible?! He should be dead!' Then Cell told everything about him. Late, Goku gave up and Gohan start to fought Cell.

Time skip

You were sad and happy at the same time. Sad, because Goku lost his life in the fight with Cell. And happy, because Cell was dead. But you only thought that.

Suddenly, you felt some strong ki and you felt that some ki blast was sended toward Trunks! You didn't waste any time and you throw yourself in front of Trunks. The blast hit your chest and it it leave a hole in your chest. You cought blood and you put your hands on your chest. You looked at them and they were bloody.

Suddenly, you felt dizzy and you felt on the ground. Trunks was already beside you and he held your bloody hands in his hands. You felt tears leaving your (EC) eyes and you smiled at him. He was looking into your (EC) eyes and he was crying: "(YN)! Why did you do that?!"

You shooked your head: "I saved you, you Baka. You would be dead if I didn't save you. But don't worry. I will b...e fi...n...e."
He shooked your shoulders, hoping that you weren't dead yet. You let out a cought and you whispered to him from your last power: "Trunks, I...didn't...told...you...sooner, but I...love...you." And just like that, you took your last breath.

You were already dead, so you didn't heared what Trunks sayed to you:

"I love you too (YN). I will love you always and forever. I will never forget about you. You will be always in my heart."


A/N: Hope you liked this story stefanbandersnatch. If not, I will rewrite it. Thank you for the request!

*shout* Trunks!

Trunks: *appeared from the air* Yes Mig-chan? Did you call me?

*screamed* Trunks! Don't scare me like that! And not I didn't call you. I called the other Trunks.

Trunks: *nodded* Ok. I will tell him that.

Thanks Trunks.

*Few minutes later.*

Future Trunks: Mig-chan? Trunks told me that you want something from me. What it is?

You see Future Trunks. You had another story and you should end it.

Future Trunks: Ok. *look at camera* Bye!!

By the way thank you all for 3 000+ views on this story. You are amazing!

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