Goku Black x Human!Reader part 2

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The second part of the story was requested by McKenzieWolfe.

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color
(FC) - favourite color
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color

Your pov.

Your (EC) eyes opened once you heard rain falling on the roof. A huge storm was happening outside. You looked around you, but you didn't recognize anything. You weren't in your house and that scared you. How did you end up there? You were in some kind of cabin.

You asked yourself: "Who has cabin in the forest? Who lives here? Everyone is dead." You slowly stood up from the bed you were laying on. You looked down at you when you realized that you weren't wearing your clothes.

You were wearing (FC) dress which end up above your knees. This wasn't your dress at all. Someone had to dress you. But who? You walked toward the door and you slowly opened them. Behind the door, you could see hall and in the end of that hall was another door.

You walked toward the another door and you opened them. Behind them was some kind of balcony. Table and two chairs were there and deep forest was all around you and the cabin. You didn't recognize the location at all.

Suddenly, everything clicked in your mind. You remembered everything, what happened in the forest and who was there with you. You felt chills run down your spine. Goku Black was in that forest with you and he told you that he won't hurt you or something like that. Of course you didn't believed him. Well, he killed your family and friends, what did he expected? That you will jump into his arms? Hell no!

It was still raining and your (HL), (HC) hair were already wet. As well as your (FC) dress. You looked behind you when you heard some kind of noice behind you. In the door you walked on the balcony was standing Goku Black. His arms were crossed on his chest and he had his famous smirk on his face. It looked like he was watching you for a while.

You gulped when you saw him there. You were still afraid of him, he could kill you any second now! He was taller then you, so you had to look up at him. He start walking toward you and with every step he took toward you, you took one back away from him untill you were pressed against the rail with him in front of you.

You were afraid of him. You knew that you had no chance to fight him as you were only human and he was God. As he touched your cheek with his hand, you flinched away slightly. He didn't seemed to be concerned about that as he took your chin in his other hand and he forced your head to look up at him.

His eyes were cold and dead as you remembered them from last night. He took your face closer to his and he asked you: "Why did I felt in love with beautiful rose like you? I know that you are mortal, but you are beautiful like an angel. How?" You were confused by that. Goku Black loved you? Really? The all-mighty God felt in love with a mortal? It seemed like a fairytale to you. It was impossible.

You looked at him, still afraid and you told him: "I-i d-don't know. I am just human, I am nothing special or anything!" You didn't knew how he could felt in love with you. Goku Black looked at you and smirked at you: "It doesn't matter right now. I love you and I hope you will love me too." You widened your (EC) eyes. You love him? What?!

You were distracted by your thoughts as you didn't saw what Goku Black did next. He took your face into his hands and he kissed you. You gasped in surprise and he took that chance to kiss you deeper. His tongue went into your mouth and you gasped again. You didn't wanted to kiss him back, but eventually you kissed him back.

You felt him smirk into the kiss. You closed your (EC) eyes as the kiss deepened. He hoisted you in the air and he sat you on the rail.    You two were kissing for a little bit, untill you heard silent laughing behind Goku Black. You quickly pulled away and you looked behind him. He looked behind him too and he cursed.

Zamasu was standing in the door and he laughing at you two. Zamasu walked toward Goku Black and he told him: "It seems that I interrupted something, didn't I?" Goku Black looked at him with annoying look on his face and he told him: "Yes, you did. Fuck off Zamasu."

Zamasu looked at you and he smirked: "It seems that Black here loves you to much. I should do something with it, don't you think (YN)?" You were shocked. How does he knew your name? You were confused and Zamasu saw that. He laughed and he told you: "Black was talking about all the time. That's how I know you name. Now I will let you have your fun."

You blushed at that. When Zamasu went away, you looked at Black and you told him: "I am cold from the rain. Can we go inside, please?" Goku Black smirked at you and he hoisted you in the air again. He walked inside of the cabin and inside the room you woke up.

He walked toward the bed and he put you to lay down on it. He layed down next to you and he covered both of you with the blanket. You smiled and you went to fall asleep. Black looked down at you and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He took you closer to him until you were touching his chest with your back.

You blushed and you closed your (EC) eyes, going to sleep. He kissed your forehead and he told you: "I love you (YN). Good night." You smiled for your, because of his words and you told him also: "Good night. . . I love you too Black."


A/N: Hope you liked this McKenzieWolfe. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for reading this and sorry for the late publishing.


Goku Black: *walks into my room* What do you want Mig-chan?

End the story.

Goku Black: It took you while to write this.

Yeah, yeah. Now end it.

Goku Black: *lookes at camera* Bye mortals!!

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