Hit x Reader

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This story was requested by one of my friends.

(YN) - your name
(YA) - your age
(EC) - eyes color
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(FS) - favourite song

Hit' pov.

It was dark night and it was rising really heavy. But the rain didn't concerned me at all. I was going to tall building in front of me. I got another call that I have to kill another person. I was supposed to come in the tallest building in the city at the midnight. So I was there now.

I walked toward the door. The guards saw me and they covered in fear. They let me come inside and I went toward the elevator. The doors opened and I step in. I pushed the third floor and the elevator moved. When I was there, the door opened and I step out.
The room in front of me was light up and was covered in windows. In front of me was table with chair. The chair faced the window, so I didn't saw the person sitting on it. The chair moved to look at me and I saw the person.

Tall, business looking human was sitting there. He looked at me and he told me: "My name is not important. I hired you to kill one person I hate with all of my heart. The person is a girl, age (YA), (HL), (HC) hair and (EC) eyes. She is currently on this address." He moved some peace paper to me and I took it.

I looked at him and I asked him: "How much?" He looked at me with confused look on his face. It seems that he didn't understand. I asked him again: "How much are you willing to pay?" He smiled when he understood: "How much you ask for, I will give you. Now go. I want her to be gone as soon as possible."

I nodded and I went to the address he gave me. I walked to the rain again. I looked at the paper and my eyes widened a little. I knew that address very well. On that address lived my friend (YN).

Time skip

I walked toward the house like I was supposed to. The lights were on and music could be heard from inside. I stayed in the shadows as I saw a shape of human walk into the light. It was (YN). Again, she was cooking something. I smiled as I remembered how good her cooking was.

She was still cooking when she looked at the window. She stopped wjat she was doing and she was toward the window. She opened it and she looked outside. It looked like as she somehow saw me. But that was impossible. She couldn't. When she didn't saw anything, she closed the window and went cooking again. That second, I went toward her door and I knocked.

Your pov.

You were cooking a dinner for you and for your father. He was supposed to come home tonight after the work. You were listening to your favourite song (FS). You were still cooking when you noticed from the corner of your (EC) eyes some siluete outside your house.

You left what you were doing and you opened the window. Nothing was there. Maybe you only imagined that. You closed the window and you went back to cooking.

Suddenly, you heard knock on your door. You froze in spot and you gasped. Who could be at your door that late? Maybe your father came back? You didn't knew. You slowly went to your door and you unlocked them. Nobody was on the other side. You shrugged and you locked the door. You looked behind you and you almost fainted.

"Hit! You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here??" Hit was only looking at you motionless. It gave you a little fright: "Hit? Are you going to say something? You are creeping me out." Again, he did nothing.

You start backing away from him. He was your friend, so you shouldn't be afraid of him, right? But, you didn't knew that Hit was fighting his own fight inside his head to kill you or to tell you everything. He didn't wanted to kill you, but if he didn't kill you, he will have to kill the person who hired him to kill you.

Suddenly, Hit stopped the time. You looked around you when you realized it. You felt tears slowly leaving your (EC) eyes as you knew that he was about to kill you. You closed your (EC) eyes when Hit walked toward you closer. He was going to kill you and you couldn't do anything with it. When Hit grabbed your arm, you sobbed in fear.

At that moment, everything around you changed. All around you, you hear screaming. Someone was screaming right behind you. You slowly opened your (EC) eyes and you looked behind you. There was standing your father and Hit was standing above him.

Your father looked at you and he told Hit: "I told you to kill her! Why is she still alive?! Kill her!!" Hit looked at me and he smiled at me. Then he looked at my father and he told him with venom on his voice: "You told me to kill my her, that's right. But you didn't knew one thing. One very important thing. That. (YN). Is. My. FRIEND!"

With that, Hit punched your father through the chest with hus invisible attack. Your father widened his eyes, he gasped for breath and dropped on the ground, dead. You felt tears stinging in your (EC) eyes. You didn't knew that he wanted to kill you.

You looked up when Hit approached you. He kneeled down beside you and he hugged you. You hugged him back and you asked him: "Was that really my father who hired you to kill me?" He nodded again your head. You buried your head into his chest and you forced yourself to fall asleep in his arms. You knew that Hit will protect you of everything. You were safe with him. And you will be. Always.


A/N: Hope you liked this story. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for requesting this, I had fun writing this. Thanks for reading!


Hit: *appears in my room* Yes Mig-chan?

*smiles* Hello Hit. You see . . . you were requested in a story and now you have to end it. Will you do it?

Hit: *nods* *looks at camera* Bye!!

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