Husband!Vegeta x Wife!Reader part 2

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This story was requested by YuGiOhfan1999.

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color

Your pov.

You were still staring at your brother. You weren't surprised that you saw him there. He was send there after all. But still. He was looking at you with confused look in his eyes. He was ready to attack you if necessary. Even when you were pregrant. Vegeta stood in front of you, protecting you and the babies.

You were peaking behind Vegeta to look at your brother. You went to stood in front of Vegeta and you start approaching your brother. Kakarot went into his fighting position and you felt a bit of fear rising in your soul. You shouldn't be afraid of him, but you felt his ki. And it was enormous. 

You came closer to him and you told him: "We aren't here to destroy anything. I know that you don't remember me, but I am your sister. Your name is Kakarot and you are a Saiyan from planet Vegeta. That guy behind me is my husband Vegeta. We are just running away from Frieza. And..." You stopped talking when he start smiling at you. You were confused by his behaviour. Was he messing with you? You never knew.

He walked closer to you and he told you: "I know who you are (YN), I know why you are here and all the things. You and Vegeta are running away from your evil emperor, am I right?" You nodded, a little unsure. He smiled at you and he hugged you, being careful of your belly. You hugged him back.

You were happy that you finally found your brother. Vegeta was looking at you two and he was smiling, even when he was serious all the time. He was high on his guard, trying to find Frieza' ki. He knew that Frieza will come to find you two. And he wasn't wrong.

Suddenly, you felt strong ki approaching the planet. You start shaking an fear from his wrath. Kakarot two felt that ki and he went to stood in front of you. He powered up and he waited for Frieza to come. You felt another few ki' approaching you. They were really close.

You looked behind you when you felt that few ki' landed on the ground. Few people stood there. One of them was a Namekian with white cape. Next to him was a boy with the same clothing as you brother. And next to that boy stood a girl. The girl and boy were holding hands so you assumed that they were a couple.

Kakarot looked at them and he smiled. He looked down at you and he told you who the people were: "(YN), the Namekian is Piccolo, that boy is my son Gohan and Videl is Gohan' girlfriend. Me, Vegeta and Piccolo will fight this Frieza guy and you will stay with Gohan and Videl, ok?" You nodded at him.

You went to stood with Gohan and Videl. They both smiled at you. You smiled back at them and you felt safe with them. You hoped that your brother and husband will defeat Frieza. You felt his ki and suddenly, you saw him standing on front of your family. You backed away slightly, afraid of him. He looked at you and he smirked.

Gohan stood in front of you, protecting you. Vegeta looked at you and when he saw that you were afraid, he shouted in anger and he attacked Frieza. You gasped as he did that. You were afraid for him. Kakarot soon joined him and Piccolo too. You were only watching as they are fighting him. Frieza was laughing at them with his creepy laugh.

They were still fighting when they start shooting ki blasts at Frieza. Frieza dodged them all and he too started shooting ki blasts. He start shooting his famous Dead beans. Everyone dodged them, but they didn't saw that Frieza shoot one of them toward you. You didn't saw it as well, but when Gohan disappeared from in front you, you knew that something was wrong. He reappeared closer to the blast and he deflect it.

You smiled, but then you gasped in pain as your stomach start hurting. You knew that you were going into labor. Your family had to defeat Frieza as soon as possible or you will be in trouble. You hold your stomach with your hands as you took deep breaths. You were trying to calm down. You knew that if you start shouting at Vegeta that you were going into labor, he will be distracted and Frieza will take his chance. You were waiting for the end of the fight.

Speaking of devil, you felt that soemthign was wrong. Frieza' ki was getting weaker. You looked at him and you saw that he was beaten pretty badly. You smiled. You were happy that Frieza will die after all. When you thought that he will die, he looked at you and he smirked. He powered up a little and he was gone. Your (EC) eyes widen and you felt scared.

Suddenly, you felt a enormous pain in your stomach. You felt blood between your legs and you knew that you were in labor. You were in so much pain that you screamed in pain. Vegeta looked at you and he start flying toward you. You couldn't hold it anymore. The pain was so much. You slowly closed your (EC) eyes as you get into unconsciousness. The last thing you saw was Vegeta flying toward you.

Time skip

When you woke up, you were in hospital. You looked at you and you saw that your stomach was flat. You panicked as you wasn't pregnant anymore. You were going to shout as someone, when Vegeta and Kakarot walked toward you with three babies on their arms. Vegeta was holding two pink blankets and Kakarot holding one blue blanket.

You had two girls and one boy. You were so happy. You looked at Vegeta and you asked him: "How should we name them?" He looked at the boy and he told you: "The not should be Vegeta Jr. And for the girls . . . I think Hope and Dream." You smiled: "I like the names." You looked at Vegeta: "I love you." "I love your too (YN)."


A/N: I hope you liked this sorry YuGiOhfan1999. If not, I will rewrite it. I am so sorry that I wasn't publishing anything in such a looooong time. I was busy with school. But now I am not, because the school year is going to be over in a week. Now, I will have more time.


Vegeta: *flinched a little* You are back Mig-chan?

*nodded* Yeah, I am. Did you missed me?

Vegeta: A little. But Kakarot missed you.

*surprised* Really. That's sweet. Okay. You have a new chapter. Please end it.

Vegeta: Sure, sure. *looks at camera* Bye!!

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