Jeice x Saiyan!Reader

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This story was requested by zamasuonbathsalts.

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color

Your pov.

You were standing with your friend Vegeta and with the Earthlings, waiting for Ginyu Force to found you. You were currently on planet Namek looking for Dragon Balls, so you could wish for something. You didn't knew your wish yet, but as you were Saiyan, it will be probably some world domination or something like that. You knew that Vegeta wanted to be immortal, so he could finally defeat Frieza. You hated him too, but you weren't strong enough to fight him.

You were strong as Vegeta, maybe even stronger. Well, you were pure-blood female Saiyan. Last one actually. It seems like you had a mission to reborn your race, but you weren't in love with Vegeta and you didn't know if another Saiyans were alive. Of course, until your met Kakarot, but you weren't in love with him either. You were in love with one of the member of Ginyu Force. 

His name was Jeice and for you, he was the most handsome guy in the whole universe. He was evil, but you were too, or not? Well, now you were anti? You weren't evil or good, something bettwen. You loved him since you first saw him, but you didn't confessed to him. What if he didn't love you back? Then what? You were scared to confess to him. You met him when you were still working under Frieza. He helped you.


You were coming to the planet Frieza #79 from your mission. The mission was very hard and you barely made it away alive. You went to the mission alone, so it was harder for you to guard your back as well as your front. You killed everyone on that mission, but they almost got your life. You had broken left arm and deep wound on your stomach. You were losing blood quickly and you didn't know if you will make it to the planet Frieza #79 in the time.

You saw the planet Frieza #79 before you. You smirked to yourself and you prepared yourself for the impact. You were falling to the ground at full speed and you saw the landings under you. You felt on one of them and you opened the pod and you walked outside, only to fall back inside.

You closed your (EC) eyes and you led out a deep sigh. You were breathing heavily and you could saw black dots in the corner of your (EC) eyes. You heard that someone was running toward you. You didn't really cared, you were going to die. One last time, you opened your (EC) eyes and you looked at the person who was running toward you. It was Jeice. He was the last person you saw before you blacked out.

Time skip

You felt some kind of liquid moving all around you. You slowly opened your (EC) eyes and you widen them from the surprise. Jeice was standing before you and he was looking straight into your (EC) eyes. He smiled at you and he looked away from you. He looked at the doctor and he asked him something. You didn't heard what, but you didn't cared. Before Jeice walked away, he waved and smiled at you.

You smiled to yourself and you thought: 'I don't know how, but I think I had fallen for the Red Magma. I had fallen in love with Jeice.'

Flashback ends

The Ginyu Force landed on the ground in front of you. You stood your ground and you saw that Vegeta was going to fight with them. Suddenly, capitan Ginyu took the Dragon Balls and he flew away with them! You wanted to went after him, but Vegeta stopped you.

He looked at you and he told you: "(YN) wait. It's pointless to go after him. We have to defeat this dirt here." You nodded at him and you went straight to Jeice. Vegeta looked at you surprised, but when you looked at him with -go to hell, he is mine to kill- face, he let you go.

You walked toward Jeice and you felt into your fighting position. He did the same and he asked you: "What is a beautiful woman like you doing here?" You blushed at that, but you throwed the same weapon at him: "I don't see any beautiful woman here, but I see one handsome man before me." And you winked at him.

Jeice blushed more red then he was already. But you could still saw the blush. You smirked to yourself and you flew into air, Jeice right behind you. You saw him and you charged a ki blast in your hand. You fired it at him and he dodged it. He charged his own ki blast and he fired it at you. You dodged it as well.

You were going this for few minutes when he charged a ki blast and he fired it at you. You were going to dodge it, but you didn't saw that Jeice disappeared and that he reappeared behind you. You didn't had much time as he fired another ki blast at your back. Both ki blasts hit you and you were swimming in the smoke.

When the smoke cleared, you looked around you, but you didn't saw Jeice anywhere. You didn't felt ki either and that slightly scared you. Just when Vegeta shouted at you, you knew that something was wrong: "(YN)! Behind you!!" You quickly looked behind you only to saw Jeice behind you, preparing his attack Crusher Ball.

You closed your (EC) eyes expecting the pain. Pain that will end your life and pain that will tell you that you didn't told Jeice about your feelings. That you will never be with him and that he doesn't love you like you love him. You whispered under your breath, not knowing that Jeice heard you: "I love you Jeice."

You took a deep breath and you prepared for the dead. But instead of pain, you felt soft lips on your own. You opened your (EC) eyes and you widen them more if possible. You kissed him back and you could felt how he smirked in the kiss. He grabbed your (HL), (HC) hair and he tugged them. You moan slightly into kiss.

When he pulled away, he looked at your flushed face. You hide your face behind your hands and you looked away from him. Jeice didn't let you and he spun your around so you could face him. He gently took away your hands and he leaned closer to you and he whispered into your ear: "Why are you hiding that beautiful face? I want to see you and only you. (YN), I love you too. Will you come with me to my ship? You are now mine and only mine."

You smiled at him and you told him: "I am your Jeice and only yours. No one else's. My (EC) eyes are only for you to look at them and your green eyes are only for me. I love you Jeice and I will go with you even at the end of the world. Only for you."


A/N: Hope you liked this story zamasuonbathsalts. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for the request and thanks for reading this!

*shouted* Jeice!!

Jeice: *running to my room, then locking the door behind him* *panting*

*confused* What happened?

Jeice: *looked at me with fear in his eyes* Vegeta is trying to kill me again! Do something!

*shrugged* You know that he won't listen to me. Even when I am stronger then him.

Vegeta: *shouting from the other side of the door* Mig-chan! Let me inside so I can kill that bastard!

*angry* Vegeta don't shout at me! You know what will happen if you do!

Vegeta: *angry walks away*

Jeice: *happy* Thanks Mig-chan. You saved my life.

*bored* You knew that he will kill you the second you went away from this room. So now please, end this chapter.

Jeice: *nodded and looked at camera* Bye!!

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