SSJ4!Gogeta x Reader

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This story was requested by thriller5.

(YN) - your name
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color
(BN) - boyfriend name
'      ' - thoughts

Your pov.

You were holding your breath, not wanting to let out any. You were in the forest, listening to every sound. The moon was shining and your (HL),(HC) hair were slightly visible in the darkness. You blinked your (EC) eyes, when you saw some silhouette in the distance. You were scared, because you were hiding from your boyfriend (BN). He was cruel to you and he was abusing you. You still remembered what he told you a hour ago.


You knocked on (BN)' door. He told you to go to his house, when you will finish (school, work, etc.). You had a change to not go, but he was blackmailing you. He always told you to do want he says, otherweise he will killed your family. You know that he will do that. He already killed his brother before your eyes, so why shouldn't he do that to your family? You loved your family, so you listen to him.

Suddenly, the door opened and you saw your boyfriend. He grip your wrist tightly and he shoved you inside his house and he locked the door. He leaded you to his room and when you were there, he locked his door too. You were shivering, because you knew what he was about to do to you. He walked closer to you and he slaped your cheek. You cryed out. And he do that again and again, two hours at row.

He was doing this to you almost three years. Every time you went home and your parents never asked you what happened. You let it go. You didn't want them to know.

One day, (BN) told you to meet him near the forest two hours before midnight. You were scared, but you went there. It were  hours before midnight and you were waiting for him. You saw him come closer to you and you prepare yourself for pain. But the pain never came. You opened your (EC) eyes and your (EC) eyes widened.

He was standing in front of you and he was holding a gun in his hand! You backed away and then he told you: "I want to play a little game. You will run in the forest and you will hide from me. I will try to find you. If I find you before midnight, I will kill you. But if I don't find you, you will be free to go and you will never hear from me. Now go!" Then he laughed creepy and smirked at you. You quickly sprint away from him, trying to hide.

Flashback ends

Suddenly, you heared some noice. You looked around you, but you didn't saw anything. 'I have to survive this. It's only half hour before midnight!' The noice was there again. You looked behind you: nothing. You looked at your right and left: again nothing. You looked up at the tree and you saw bright blue eyes looking at you. You screamed and you run away. Unknown to you, the blue eyes were folowing you.

Time skip

You were running for your life. While you were running away from the blue eyes, you run into (BN). When you run into him, you screamed and you run away. When he saw you, he laughed and shout at you: "I have find you!! Now you will be mine and I will kill you painfully! Hope you are ready for that. I won't show mercy for you!!"

You were crying and you were scared. Suddenly, you hear that the gun fired. You screamed when you felt burning pain in your left leg. You fall on the ground. He had shot you. He come closer at you and point the gun at you. You closed your (EC) eyes, waiting for your dead. You hear that the gun fired, but you didn't felt any pain.

You hear that (BN) screamed in pain. You opened your (EC) eyes and you saw the scene before you. A tall man was standing in front of you. He had black-yellow vest on him and white trousers. But the most unique thing about him was that he had orange-red fur all on his body and tail in the same color. And he had long, orange hair. One of his hands were wrapped around your boyfriend' neck. (BN) let out few breaths and then he pass out. The man looked at you and the last thing you saw before you pass out were bright blue eyes looking into your (EC) ones.

Time skip

Bright blue eyes were the first thing you saw when you woke up. You screamed and you tryed to back away, but you realized that you couldn't. You looked at the man and you saw that his tail were wrapped tightly around your wrist. You looked into his eyes with scared look in your eyes.

Just then, he pulled you on his lap and he start to caress your (HL), (HC) hair. Then he told you: "You don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you. My name is Gogeta. And you are?" You hesitated, but then you told him: "I am (YN). Nice to meet you Gogeta. May I ask what are you? I have a tail and fur."

Gogeta looked down at you and smiled: "Of course you may ask. I am Saiyan. And before you ask that Saiyan is: Saiyans are a warrior race from planet Vegeta. Saiyans are aliens and we are very strong." You didn't want to interupt him, but you want to ask him again: "Did you just say 'we'? Are here more guys like you?" "Used to be. But I am two persons in one." You were confused, but you didn't asked him about that. You let it go.

Then you and Gogeta were talking to each other about two hours. You told him all about (BN) and what he did to you. When Gogeta hear that, he promised to you that he will protect you with his life. You were surprised: "Thank you, but you didn't have to do that. And by the way, thank you for saving me back then." He smiled: "You are welcome. And I want to protect you. I would like you to stay with me. But only if it's ok with you."

You wanted to stay with him, he was good to you and he somehow healed you leg: "Of course I will stay with you. You are good to me and I like that. You helped me." When he hear that, suddenly he wrapped you in his stromg, muscular arms and he squeezed you in hug. You wanted to hug him as well, but your arms were traped in his arms. So you only snuggle into his chest.

When Gogeta pulled away from the hug, he leaned toward you and slightly he kissed your forehead. You blushed and he spoke: "Take some sleep (YN), I will protect you, you don't have to worry." You nodded and Gogeta pulled you into his chest and he wrapped his arms and tail around your waist. You put your head on his warm chest and you slowly fall asleep. The last thing you heared was: "I love you (YN) and I hope you will love me like I love you."

"I love you too Gogeta."


A/N: Hope you liked this story thriller5. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for requesting this story. Gogeta, can you?

Gogeta: Of cour...

Goku: Hey! Gogeta! Let's spar together.

Gogeta: Ok, but give me a minute. Of course I will do it, Mig-chan.


Goku: Gogeta come on! You know that I don't like to wait.

Goku! Let Gogeta do his job or I won't cook dinner for you!

Goku: Sorry, sorry Mig-chan. I will wait outside. *goes outside*

*sigh* Gogeta, please.

Gogeta: *nod and look at camera* Bye!!

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