SSJ4 Vegeta x Female!Saiyan!Reader

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A/N: This story takes place in Shadow Dragon Saga in DBGT. You are Goku' sister in this story.

This story was requested by YuGiOhfan1999.

(SA) - special attack
(EC) - eyes color
(YN) - your name

Your pov.

"No brother, you don't have to do it! We will find out a better plan!" You were screaming at your brother Goku as he was trying to catch Omega Shenron in a head lock. Goku wanted to use the same technique Vegeta used when he was fighting Buu. He wanted to kill Omega Shenron along with him!

You could only watch your brother in your SSJ4 form. Yes, you were able to transform as well. Even when your brother was stronger then you, you were still strong as well. Goku had Omega Shenron in a trap and he start glowing. Tears were leaving your (EC) eyes as you were looking at your brother.

Pan layed her hand on your shoulder as she too had tears in her eyes. You looked down at her and she smiled slightly at you. You smiled despite the tears. You looked back at your brother when you noticed from the corner of your (EC) eye some movement. Goku was glowing even brighter then before and you felt his ki to spike up even more. You closed your (EC) eyes as you didn't want to look at his dead.

Suddenly, you heard some shouting. You opened your (EC) eyes as you quickly looked around you. You noticed Vegeta standing next to Goku. You smiled as you were glad that your lover was there. Yes, Vegeta was your lover. Goku knew about that and also your friends about that too.

You walked close to the boys as you heard what Vegeta asked Goku: "Kakarot, do you think he will be able to take on three SSJ4'?" Goku thought about it and before he could say that, you interuped him: "He won't be able, but how? Can you transform already?" Vegeta looked at you and he smirked at you. You looked confused at him, but when you noticed the strange machine landing behind him, you knew that he found some solution.

Vegeta nodded at you and he flew into air as Bulma, who was in the machine, shouted at him: "This will feel strange for a bit, but you will be able to transform." Vegeta smirked and Bulma pushed down some button. Blue light shot out of the machine and the light hit Vegeta. It surround him and Vegeta start growing on size.

Your (EC) eyes widen as Vegeta transformed into Great Ape. You knew that Vegeta will lose control on him, but you still gasped when he start destroying things around him. You quickly went to your friends and you protected them by your shield. You closed your (EC) eyes as things start hitting your shield.

Suddenly, you heard some shouting and you opened your (EC) eyes. You looked up and you saw Goku trying to talk to Vegeta, But it seems that he was losing. You droped your shield and you flew closer to your brother. Vegeta was growling at him and he wasn't very happy that Goku stopped him from destroying things all around him.

As Goku was talking to him, Vegeta stretched his hand and he catched Goku in it. Goku gasped for breath as he felt the power in the hand. Vegeta gets his head closer to Goku and he growled at him. Vegeta start squezzing him and Goku start screaming in pain. You felt tears leaving your (EC) eyes as you looked at your lover who was hurting your brother.

You quickly flew closer to them and you shouted at Vegeta: "Vegeta! This isn't you! Take control of yourself!" Vegeta looked at you and before you could do something, you were snatched by his other hand. He took you closer to his nose and he too growled at you. You start struggling in his hand and he squeezed you tighter.

You took a deep breath and you heard someone laughing behind you. With some difficulty, you looked there and you saw Omega Shenron laughing at you: "So this is your plan? To play with a monkey?" You looked back when you heard Goku groaning. You struggled more and Vegeta looked at you.

He squeezed you more and you gasped. You looked at Goku and your (EC) eyes widen when Vegeta looked at him too. He let go of Goku and he felt on the ground. You wanted to shout at him, but when Vegeta took you closer, you didn't. He sniffed you and you took one deep breath and you put your hand on his nose.

He start growling at you, but he stopped when you start talking: "Vegeta please heare me out. You are not a monster, you are amazing man and lover and I won't want someone different. I love you and I would die for you." Vegeta stopped squezzing you and you heard some noice coming from him which you recognized as your name: "(YN)."

He start glowing in front of you and you had to shielder your (EC) eyes from the light. You felt that his grip loosened on you and you start falling down. Before you hit the ground, you felt muscular arms catching you. You looked duo and you saw Vegeta smirking at you: "Do you really think that I couldn't beat the beast?"

You shooked your head and you smiled at him: "Let's kill the monster." With that, you start attacking Omega Shenron. He was laughing at you, but you didn't payed any attention to that as you knew that with this, you were letting your brother and lover to finish their attack.

When you heard the sound of their attack, you quickly flew to them and you unleashed your (SA). You heard how Goku and Vegeta shouted their attack: "KA-ME-HA-ME...HA!!!! FINAL FLASH!!!!" Omega Shenron looked at you and he shouted in pain and fear as he was destroyed. Only ash was slowly falling from his body to the ground.

You laughed in relief as you hugged Vegeta. He was surprised by this, but then he hugged you too. Everyone were smiling for your victory. Then Goku told you: "Now that we won, how about we go eat something? I am getting hungry." You laughed at him and you were about to go after him, when Vegeta layed his hadn't on your shoulder.

You looked at him with confused look in your (EC) eyes. He seemed to understand that look and he smirked at you. Then he kneeled on one of his knees and he looked straight into your (EC) eyes: "(YN) you are the most beautiful girl I had ever saw. I love you and I don't care that you are Kakarot' sister. I love you with all my heart and I will too die for you. So I want to ask you: Will you marry me?"

You stared at him with slightly opened mouth. Then you jumped at him and you start saying Yes over and over again. You were happy that he already made the move and he asked you. You couldn't be more happier.


A/N: Hope you liked this story YuGiOhfan1999, if not I will rewrite it. Sorry that it took so long to write. Thanks for reading this!


Vegeta: *walks to my room* What?

*gets slightly annoyed* End this story.

Vegeta: *rolles his eyes and looks at camera* Bye!!

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