Vegeta x Teen!Daughter!Reader part 2

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The second part of the story was requested by kijiro56.

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(BN) - bully name

Your pov.

You woke up screaming from your sleep. You had a nightmare about what happened to you after a school. About what your classmates did to you. Tears were leaving your (EC) eyes and you wrapped your arms around your legs. Your (HL), (HC) were blocking your face.

You heared that your door opened. Pair of muscular, familiar arms wrapped around your fragile body and pulled you in warm chest. You knew that your dad, Vegeta, was with you. You wrapped your arms around him and you were crying into his chest while he caressed your (HL), (HC) hair.

When you calmed down, you looked at your dad and you told him: "Thanks dad. I am ok now, so you can go to sleep again. I am sorry that I woke you with my screaming. I had a bad nightmare." He smiled down at you and he shooked his head: "It's ok (YN). But I won't go back to sleep. I will stay with you here. Now, go to sleep."

He layed you on your bed and he layed behind you. He pulled a blanket over you both and he wrapped his arm around your waist. He kissed your forehead and he whispered in your ear: "Sleep well (YN), I will protect you in your sleep. No one and nothing will scare you in your sleep." Then he closed his eyes and he too felt asleep.

Time skip

You woke in the early morning, because you were going to school. You opened your (EC) eyes and you saw that your dad was laying next to you. You smiled for yourself. You gently shooked him and he growl slightly in his sleep. He woke up when you laughed.

He looked at you and he smirked at you: "Go change. I will take you to the school." You looked at the clock and you saw that it was only 7:30. Your school started at 9:00. You were confused so you asked your father: "Dad, why? It's only 7:30. It's still early."

He chucked and he told you: "Did you forgot what I told you yesterday? I told you that I will go with you to the school and that I will show something to your classmates who hurted you yesterday. Don't worry, I won't kill them. I will only send them to the hospital."

You remembered that and you smiled at your father. You nodded and you told him: "Ok. I going to change." When your father didn't went away, you looked at him with anger in your (EC) eyes. He understand and he went away, leaving you alone to change.

When you went downstairs, your father was already waiting for you. You walked toward him and he handed you your lunch. You took it and you both went outside. You smiled at him and you fly into the sky, your father behind you.

When you saw your school in the distance, you shouted at your father: "Dad! We are here! We need to land early, so nobody will see us!" You landed few meters before your school. Your father landed next to typ, but you saw in his eyes that he didn't wanted to do that. You only smirked at him and start walking toward your school.

You were already in front of your school when you heared a shout behind you: "Hey! How are you still alive?! I thought that we killed you!" You looked behind you and you saw (BN). He was looking at you with hatred written on his face. He was so angry that his face was all red.

You stepped back when he started approaching you. He backed you against wall and he leaned forward, so he was looking straight in your (EC) eyes. You were shivering in fear while he was shouting at you: "HOW CAN YOU BE ALIVE?! YOU WERE ALMOST DEAD WHEN WE LEFT YOU YESTERDAY?! IT LOOKS LIKE I HAD TO FINISH THE WORK!" You closed tightly your (EC) eyes, waiting for the hit.

But before he could do something to you, he was thrown away from you. You heard his scream. You slowly opened your (EC) eyes and you saw your father holding (BN)' neck. (BN) was in air gasping for breath.

Your father looked in his scared eyes and he told him or rather shouted at him: "TOUCH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN AND I SWEAR: NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU FROM MY WRATH!! I WILL BURN YOU TO DEAD WHILE YOU WILL BE STILL ALIVE!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!?"

(BN) quickly nodded. You were looking at your father with smile on your lips. He was protecting you. You walked toward your father's d you tapped his shoulder slightly, not wanting to scare him. When he looked at you, his angry eyes softened and he throws (BN) away.

Vegeta turned to you and he hugged you. You hugged him back and he fly in the air with you in his muscular arms. He fly you to the home. You weren't going to the school today. It only took your father few minutes to see your home in the distance.

He landed in front of the door and be unlocked them while he was still holding you in his arm. He went inside and he closed the door behind him. He took you to your room and he layed you on your bed. He sat next to your laying body and he caressed you back, while you were sobbing in the pillow.

When you calmed down, you looked at your father and you told him: "Thank you for protecting me again. I am so glad that you are my father. I wouldn't ever want other father then you. You are the best. I love you."

He smiled at you and he kissed your forehead: "You are welcome. I love you too princess. Thank you for the words. I am also glad that you are my daughter. I will protect you. Don't you worry. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear."


A/N: Hope you liked this story kijiro56. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for the request and thanks for reading this book.


Vegeta: *looking at me with hate in his eyes* What do you want Mig-chan?! I don't have time!

*annoyed* Look Vegeta. I don't care that you are busy with your stupid training. You are training 24/7. So find a little time in your training and end this CHAPTER!!

Vegeta: *scared* O-ok. I am sorry ok? You can calm down now.


Vegeta: *looked at camera* Bye!!

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