Zamasu x Reader

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This story was requested by @teenagersblood. 

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color
(HL) - hair length
(HC) - hair color

Your pov.

You looked up at the sky as the first drops of rain felt on your face. Your (EC) eyes closed, and you sighed into the silence. In the distance, a rumble of thunder roared and the rain felt harder. Soon, your (HL), (HC) hair was laying on your back, wet from the rain.

You slowly opened your (EC) eyes when heard footsteps coming closer to your sitting form. You didn't have to check, you already knew who it was. You waited until his footsteps stopped behind your back, just then you asked him: "What are you doing here Trunks? Shouldn't you be preparing for the trip to the past?"

Trunks sighed heavily. He came closer to you and sat next to you on the wet roof, his feet dangling next to yours. He looked at you and smiled sadly. Your face was exposed to the rain, big and heavy raindrops falling onto your face and mixing with your tears.

Trunks stretched his hand and wiped your tears, only for the raindrops to replace them. You opened your (EC) eyes and looked into his blue ones. You smiled sadly as each other and Trunks responded to your previous questions: "I came here to say goodbye (YN). Mum said the Time Machine is already ready, but I wanted to say goodbye. Just in case something happened."You squeezed his hand and looked in the distance: "This isn't goodbye Trunks, you will come with Goku and your father. I am sure of it. So, just say see you later, never goodbye. Goodbye means never seeing you again, while seeing you again means seeing you in the future, sometimes."

Trunks nodded and promised that he will come back with help. Unknown to both of you, this was the last time you ever spoke to each other.


That was two years ago and once again, you find yourself on the same roof. This time though, it's not the rain that is falling from the sky. It's the ash from destroyed buildings and dead bodies.

Two years back, Trunks didn't make it in the past. One of the greatest villains you two ever faced, Goku Black, killed him before he had the chance. After that, he found and destroyed the lab with the Time Machine.

The only thing you and the other survivors were looking forward to dissappeared. Hope. It didn't exist anymore. The small amount of hope disappeared with the death of Trunks.You all thought it couldn't be worse, but oh boy, how wrong you were. A few hours after Trunks' death another villain appeared. He introduced himself as the counterpart of Goku Black. His name was Zamasu and he was even worse than Black.

Sometime after his appearance, you were the only person alive. You were the last survivor on planet Earth. You don't know how you managed to survive this long, but you knew, like every living being, it was only a matter of time when the death would come knocking at your doorstep. You just didn't realize your time in this world would come sooner than you could prepare for.

You were standing once again on the roof when an invisible force threw you into one of the still-standing buildings. The impact rattled your bones, a small trail of blood dripping down your forehead. Your arms and legs were impacted into the wall of the building, unable to be moved.You looked at the sign in front of you when a pair of feet touched the ground. Green eyes bored into (EC) ones. His eyes weren't green like a forest or like grass, no. His eyes were green like poison.

You shuddered in fright from his calculating sight. He saw your shivers and stalked toward you like a beast. You felt like prey being cornered by a hungry beast.You took a shaky breath and tried to beg him to spare your life. You knew it was futile, but you had to try: "Why are you doing this? Is there any particular reason why you and Black killed billions of people? I am the last one as you probably know. You don't have to do this."

Before you could even blink, his hand was covered in green ki. Trunks taught you a little about ki before he was killed, so you knew what it was. The ki was shaped into a sharp blade. Somehow, you knew that you only had a few minutes before there won't be any more survivors on the planet.

Your (EC) eyes widened in fear when the villain put the blade on your neck. You felt a few drops of blood sliding down on your skin toward your torn shirt. The blood was warm as well as the fresh tears dripping down your face. They mixed with the blood and made your shirt wet.You looked up into his poisonous green eyes. The only emotions you could see were anger, hatred and pleasure. His smirk widened when he saw the pain and fright in your (EC) eyes. It made him happy, pleased even. You never met a more disturbed person than him.

You already begged him before, but you tried again, even if it was meaningless: "Please, you don't have to do this. There's no reason to kill me now. You didn't do that two years ago, so why now?"

The blade cut deeper into your neck and you gasped from the lack of oxygen. Rivers of blood swam down your breasts, drenching your shirt. You closed your (EC) eyes and groaned in pain.The villain laughed evilly, pressing the blade deeper and deeper into your flesh. He came closer to you. You could feel his breath against your bloody neck. He leaned closer and whispered into your ear: "Choose your last words wisely."

You shakily opened your (EC) eyes and whispered: "I love you."


A/N: Hey there, hope you liked this teenagersblood. If not, I will rewrite it. I am so sorry guys that I didn't post anything in a long time. I was trying to find a new method to write so my stories would be better and more enjoyable. Thanks for reading and see you in the next one. Bye!!

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