Android 17 x Human! Reader

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Song: my heart will go on by Celine Dion

17 p.o.v

I was walking with 18, we had to stop by the stores because she wanted clothes. Like we're destroying things, I wear the same clothes every day without a problem. Of course, we have also heard rumors that there is a human that Gero is hiding from us, he was starting to turn her into one of us but when he was about to do it, I drove my hand through his chest. Not gonna lie, it stung a little, especially when that purple haired emotional boy got fussy and blew up the place. Currently, I am carrying her on my shoulder as my sis is shopping. She was slowly waking up, I laid her on the ground to let her wake up and not panic. I looked down at her with my arms crossed as she sat up and held her head. She looked up at me, "who are you and where am I?" She got up and slowly came towards me. "I saved you from Gero, he was going to turn you into an Android, just like us," I whispered the last part as she put a hand on my cheek. "Thank you, what's your-" I cut her off. "17, how about you?" She smiled, "Y/n." I stared into her e/c eyes as I smiled, her smiling back. A blush filled my face as I slowly leaned in, her not backing away. I was just about to kiss her when my sister came out and yelled my name. "I see she finally woke up." I rolled my eyes and held her hand as my sis went on about the different types of clothes they had. "So why were you gonna kiss her bro?" I covered my face with my free hand and blushed. "I mean come on, you just met her, are you that lonely?" I just rolled my eyes, "it doesn't matter sis!" She just laughed at me and my whole face when red. Y/n seemed to stay quiet and not speak as I argued with 18. "So, what do we do with her now?" I shrugged and tried to reason with her. "We could keep her around, like, she can go and do errands for us and that kind of stuff." 18 laughed and started to float up. "Come on, I have an idea," She had a smirk on her face and I grabbed ahold of y/n as I flew up. I followed after 18 as she stopped in the middle of the woods as we landed. "Drop her." She demanded as I looked at y/n, "we just can't leave her here!" She glared at me, "okay 17, at first it was cute, now this is just sad." I just nodded as she flew up. "I'll give you five minutes, then we go!" I gulped and nodded, taking a deep breath. I looked down at y/n as she sat on a log. "I promise, no matter what, I will come back for you. I don't care how much it will hurt me, because I will look for you no matter what, I want you. We may have just met today but I feel a connection with you, something I haven't felt in a long time. Just please, wait for me, no matter how long it takes." I gripped her hands and started to cry a little, taking off my orange handkerchief and offering it to her. "Take this, so I know when I find you, a part of me is always with you." I leaned my forehead against hers. "17, I will try my best to wait for you, do you promise you'll come back?" I smiled and gripped both of her hands. "I promise til my dying day." She let out a giggle and hugged me tightly around my neck. I hugged her back, afraid to let go. "Come on 17!" I slowly let go of her and looked at her deeply for one last time as I started to fly up.

As I flew with 18, I stayed quiet and didn't say a word to her. "Listen, it's for the best," I shook my head. I couldn't help but to think about her, she meant more to me than anyone else.

We landed on a back road that winded around a mountain. Trunks, Vegeta, Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin all landed by us, getting ready to fight. I didn't realize 16 was here until he walked up beside me. "What's wrong 17?" He put a hand on my shoulder as we watched the fight between Vegeta and 18. I sighed, "18 won't let me be with the girl I like, it really hurts." 16 bent down to me, "you know what 17? You should go and talk to her and be with her after this is all done, maybe your sister will understand by then." I scoffed at the idea, she only wants best of what she thinks is good for me. I walked up to Krillin, everyone else joined in but him. "No fighting huh?" He shook his head. "Why fight when I know that I'll get killed?" He had a pretty good point, 18 flew up to us. "Who's this cutie?" She bent down and kissed him on the cheek. "Wow 18, I can't be with someone but you get to have all the fun!" I yelled at her and she rolled her eyes. "At least I know what will hurt and what won't!" We yelled at each other and I took off, flying for the forest we had left her in. It seemed like forever to get there, but when I landed, she was nowhere in sight. "Y/n?" I called out, my voice echoing into the woods. I frantically searched and couldn't find her, I was starting to lose.

Night came and I flew to the top of a tree to lie down. I closed my eyes and all I could be seeing her, but I slowly drifted off.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Daylight came and I woke to the sounds of birds chirping and the light that shined in my face. I stretched and jumped out of the tree, floating down until I touched the forest floor. I walked them to the edge of the woods that led to the city. I looked around as people ran and took cars around town. I stepped out and walked up to a store. I fished in my pockets, hoping to find something and a photo of her fell out. I picked it up off of the ground and looked at it. I ran into the store, up to the clerk as he waited for me to speak. "Have you seen her?" I showed him the picture of her and he nodded. "Yes, she came by yesterday afternoon, well, it was close to nightfall." I smiled and excitement grew in me. "Where did she go?" He laughed and put his hands down on the counter. "She took a left out the door, after that, I don't know." I frowned but thanked him and ran outside, taking a left outside the door and looking around as I passed people on the way. I ran past a couple stores and soon got to about the middle of town. It was almost dusk as I slowed my search for her and felt disappointment come over me. "Where is she?" I asked myself as I bent down to catch my breath. I heard my name being called, so I turned around. "17?" It was y/n, she was shouting my name and running quickly towards me with a smile. I smiled widely and opened my arms as she jumped into my embrace and I chuckled as I held her close. "I thought I'd never find you again," she giggled and held my face in her hands. "I have been looking for you since yesterday." She pressed her forehead on mine.

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life, we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

As we look at the moment, there were explosions coming from the other side of town. We turned to the explosions and watched smoke emit as 18 and 16 approached us. I stood in front of y/n as 18 came close, "came back for the girl 17, you are pathetic." She put a hand on her hip as she stopped in front of me. "Leave her alone 18!" She laughed and put her hand out to shoot ki blasts. "No thanks, I'd rather kill her," she took a step back and fired her ki blasts. I turned around and embraced her into my body as I took the damage, then I felt a shift in my body. 16 was behind me, grabbing me and pulling me away. "16! Let me go!" I yelled as I struggled in his grip. "Just watch 17," he gave off a small grin as 18 went to punch y/n in the face as she didn't budge. I stood in amazement, 18 kept punching y/n but it didn't seem to faze her at all. "It's because she was made into an Android like you and 18, although, Gero didn't include it in the documents." I smiled but then frowned, what happens then. Will we never have a family, or will we? "Hey 16, does she still have the parts required to have kids?" He set me down, "yes she does 17, you can be with her forever too." A smile grew on my face as I ran towards her.

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart and
My heart will go on and on

I hugged her tightly as I pushed 18 aside, "I promise y/n, I'll be here with you till my dying day." She smiled and kissed me, I kissed her back deeply. "I love you y/n," I told her honestly. "I love you too 17." She let out a giggle the gasped. "Oh, and I almost forgot!" I looked at her confused, then she pulled out my orange handkerchief. "I made sure to keep you with me." She spoke with a smile as she tied it back around my neck. "Now, I will never have to ever lose you again." I nodded and kissed her again.

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