Cheater! Raditz x reader lemon

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Raditz was leaving again, he said he was going to 'work.' I sighed and went to my bedroom, I knew all about what he was doing with the other girls. Launch had called me and told me to leave Raditz alone because she was dating him but flipped when I told her we were married. I looked at the divorce papers with tears, I'm going to sign them if he doesn't clean up, I'm done with him. I got in the shower to clean up and I heard him slam the door like usual, soon I won't have to hear it. I didn't hurry I just stayed in the shower, I heard the bathroom door open and then shut, as I saw his shadow undress. He put his hand on the curtain and slowly pushed it back and got in with me, he didn't speak a word, he just smelled like a french whore. I just moved forward so he didn't touch me. "Did you forget the magic our relationship had, the passion.." I spoke quietly to him and I could hear him sigh heavily. "I saw the papers.." he spoke quietly and I turned around and looked at him, he was at the verge of crying. "Why do you even come home late.. and smell like women?" He didn't speak for a moment "you caught me, I've been sleeping around.." I just slapped him across the face, I couldn't help myself. "I know you pig!" I shouted at him as he held his cheek, he looked surprised and upset that I hit him. "Y/n.." he spoke as he started to cry, I pushed him off as he tried to hug me. "I'm done with this cheating bull crap Raditz, do you know how hard it is to trust you?!" He put his arms out, trying to hug me "please y/n... don't leave me.." I started crying and got out of the shower and he followed. "I'm sorry.. I won't do it again.." he kept begging as I grabbed the papers "maybe you should of thought about that before you did it! Go to your precious Launch!" I told him and I wrapped a towel around me and tossed his clothes out of the dresser at him. He had a heart breaking look on his face "please don't do this y/n!" He pleaded as he cried and got on his knees. I felt bad I was doing this, I didn't want to do this but he brought it on himself. "Have some dignity, put something on Raditz!" I yelled at him as he got up and put a towel around his waist, he picked up the papers and looked at them while crying. "I promise I'll clean up!" He spoke and I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. "I doubt that Raditz!" He just straightened up and ripped the papers in half. "Fine, you have ONE last chance, if you screw it up, we're getting divorced!" He nodded and slowly picked up his clothes "and I don't want you out of that shower until you're dome stinking like other women!" He nodded and went into the bathroom, I got in bed and threw a blanket and pillow on the floor.

When he came out, I pointed to the floor and he slept on the floor that night, not once trying to get into bed.

When I woke up the next morning, he was still on the floor but he was shaking and crying. I touched the back of his shoulder and he just turned and looked at me with tears in his eyes. "You're all that I want.. I want to sleep in bed with you.. your love is all I need.." he spoke between breaths, I felt bad and scooted over for him and he slowly got in bed with me. "Shouldn't you be going to 'work'?" He just shook his head "I'm taking the day off and you know what..?" I looked at him confused as he took his phone out, and pulling up all of the girls contacts. The surprising part was that, I was his background on his phone, and his lock screen. He selected 10 contacts and hit delete, then turning his phone off "I'll be changing my phone number tomorrow." I smiled at him but I can't trust him yet, he has to prove himself worthy to me. "What if they text you?" He just sighed and looked at me "I'd tell them what any other married man would say, I have a wife and I don't know who you are." I giggled quietly as he wrapped his arm around me, then wrapping his whole body around me, I just cuddled into his chest. I haven't done this with him since about a week into our marriage.

I had dosed off but when I woke up, he was gone. This was usual for him to leave when I slept, because then he could-  "here's dinner!" He spoke opening the door and holding a plate of food with a smile. I was stunned because he never done this and he usually just left the house. "I thought you left" I told him quietly and he chuckled. "What reason do I have to leave without you, well besides work?" He set the food down and turned on the TV, it does feel nice to have him stay around. I turned on one of my favorite shows that Raditz had never seen; during it he began asking questions to understand it. I answered everyone and he seemed to listen as I spoke, that one was new.

After finishing eating, he took the plates back to the kitchen and came back, getting back into bed. He leaned over and kissed my head, making me blush and he smiled. "It's okay, I promise, I'm not leaving your side for something else." I smiled at him and he laid on his side facing me, using his elbow to prop himself up. "Want to have a little fun of our own?" He spoke quietly and I looked at him, he just had a nervous look. "I don't know, I'll think about it" I told him and he nodded "whatever you feel you need to do princess." He hadn't called me that for so long so when he rolled over where his back is facing me, I grabbed his tail. He let out a quiet whimper and I put my hand on his stomach and he rolled over to face me. "You make up your mind?" I nodded and he smiled, and I laid down beside him. He just slowly crawled on top of me and kissed me, I kissed him back and blushed. He had his hands on my hips, rubbing them slowly as he moved his lips to my neck. He rubbed himself against me, and he grunted a little and moved his hands to my pants. He undid them and pulled them off along with my panties as he stared. "I can't believe what I was missing out on" he spoke quietly while pulling his pants down. He adjusted himself and slowly pushing himself in, closing his eyes tightly and clenching his teeth. "God" he whispered as I let out a small moan and he pushed his face into my neck, and not wanting to move away from it. "You're way better than the others for sure" he spoke quietly and started to thrust slowly. He picked himself back up and stared me in the eyes as he kept thrusting, but going faster and harder. I let out loud moans as he went, wrapping my legs around his waist and clawing his back. His breaths were starting to get uneven as he was close, I was panting under him as I came. After a few more thrusts, he came and he closed his eyes. He gave off a small smile and kissed my head, then pulling out and laying on his side under the covers. "It's been so long" he spoke, running his fingers through his hair as I agreed with him. "Y/n.." he spoke quietly as he looked at me and I hummed. "I love you, and I have loved you all along, I'm sorry for being gone, I feel like I can't breathe without you." I smiled and hugged him, laying my head on his chest. "I love you too, and I forgive you for being away for far too long. So keep breathing because I'm not leaving, just hold onto me and never let me go." I told him and he fell asleep as I did the same.

When I woke up, Raditz came in with breakfast, and a box. "What's the box?" He chuckled and handed it to me. "To see if you're pregnant, I feel like if I became a father, it will fix on how I act and everything." I nodded and smiled and opened it slowly "I'll go take it" I spoke getting out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and did the test, and waited for results. Once I got back the results, I walked to my bedroom with it. Raditz was sitting back on the bed, and he looked at me when I walked in. I smiled and held it, showing him the two blue bars as he smiled widely. "So then we're gonna have a baby?!" Raditz asked excitedly and he jumped out of bed but fell on his face when hitting the ground. "Yes we are Raditz" he got off the floor and picked me up and held me tightly as he started to cry. "Why are you crying Raditz?" He pulled me down and looked me in the eyes "who said they're of sadness?" I smiled and kissed him as he kissed back.

Over the next 9 months it was constant puking and food cravings and mood swings. But the babies finally came and I've never seen him that happy. I gave birth to twins and they were (boy, boy/ boy,girl/ girl,girl), and he wouldn't quit trying to hold them. "Let's name them (boy names/ girl names)" I told him and he smiled. "they're lovely, just like you" I blushed and he gave me (boy name/ girl name) and I held (him/her).

5 years had past and Raditz has never tried being with another woman. He was usually running around the house making lunch for the boys while I did laundry and some other house chores. He would make sure the kids were around for school and would never let me out of bed before 9 am. He became a better man after everything and a great father to the kids.

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