First Kiss (GokuxChiChi)

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(( This is a birthday present for Wandering_Saiyan . Normally I don't do straight parings so this one wasn't easy to write and sorry for no smut! I can only do cute and fluffy things with straight parings but I hope you like it and Happy Birthday!! ^^ ~Goku_Chan))

~~Goku's POV~~

I've been watching her for a while now and I can't stress how beautiful she is. Every time I see her, my heart skips a beat and I can't even think straight. I've wanted to tell her how I feel for the longest time, but I just can't find the words to say it. Besides, what if she turned me down? She's really popular and I'm not. There's no way a girl like her would even notice someone like me. Not to mention she's always with her friend and she's rarely alone. I know I need to tell her soon though. If I don't, I'll probably lose my chance forever.

I sighed softly while I sat at my desk, starting out the window at the fluffy white clouds that slowly drifted by. I kept trying to think of ways that I could tell her how I feel, but every way I come up with just seems stupid. I don't want to ask anyone for help on this either. None of my friends know I have a crush on this girl. I have a feeling that if I told them, they'd all give me a hard time and tell me things that I don't want to hear. I need some kind of encouragement, but I don't know where to find it. I groaned softly and turned away from the window, only to put my head down on my desk.

"Damn it... Why the hell can't I figure this out?" I asked myself quietly.

"Why can't you figure what out?" A masculine voice asked. My head instantly popped up, only to see my friend Vegeta standing in front of my desk with his arms crossed. He had his natural pissed off face on.

"Nothing at all!" I said way too quickly. He raised an eyebrow and sat down beside me. Maybe he was the one person I could trust to get advice from, even if he probably isn't the most reliable source. Then again, he is dating the best friend of the girl I like so this might work out.

"Kakarot, you're a terrible liar. Now spit it out already before I force you to tell me." He growled a bit and gave me a slight glare.

"Fine but don't tell anyone else because I don't want anyone else to find out..." I muttered and he just nodded. "Look...I like your girlfriend's best friend but I can't figure out how to tell her how I feel or anything. I'm really confused because I've never felt this way before and I don't know what to do about it..." I said with a quiet sigh and Vegeta just chuckled a bit.

"So that's what's got you. You're in love with Bulma's best friend? That explains why you've been watching her so much." He said with another chuckle.

"You noticed that!?" I exclaimed and he nodded. I felt my face heat up with blush. I should have known that he of all people would notice something like that.

"So you don't know how to tell her that you like her? Is that it?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

"That's right. I don't know how to tell her or if she would even like me the same way. I don't really want to get shot down..." I sighed and ran my fingers through my spikey black hair.

"You need to just come out and say it. If you don't tell her soon then some other guy will ask her out and then you'll lose your chance. You need to find a time when she's along and just confess. You won't know if she feels the same way until you tell her how you're feeling." He explained with a shrug.

"But Vegeta, she's like never alone. She's always with Bulma and I don't want to tell her while Bulma is standing there..." I muttered.

"Leave that to me. Look their lockers are right beside each other so just go there after class and I'll pull Bulma away so you finally have an alone moment with her friend. Sound good?" He asked with a slight grin and I just nodded. It was a better plan that I could have come up with. I just hoped that I wouldn't screw it up or anything.

Once the bell rang for class to be over with, I followed Vegeta to where Bulma and her friend were standing. The two girls were talking to each other and getting things out of their locker for their next class. I stayed back while Vegeta made his way over to Bulma, only to latch his arm around her waist. I bit my lip and watched as Bulma waved good bye to her friend before walking off with Vegeta. That was my chance and I had to take it now or I wouldn't ever get to take it. I took a breath and slowly made my way over to the raven haired girl. When she noticed me, she glanced over and gave me a stunning smile.

"Hey Goku. How's it going?" She asked in a gentle tone. The sound of her voice made my heart beat faster as I placed a hand behind my head.

"H-hey Chichi... I was wondering if I to you for a minute..." I struggled to find my words and my face was really warm. I must have been a blushing mess.

"Sure. What did you want to talk about?" She asked as she closed her locker and turned to face me completely. I blinked a bit and couldn't help but stare at her. This was the closest I had ever been to her and she was even more beautiful this close up. I had to continue to struggle on finding my words.

"Well...I've wanted to tell you this for a while now...but I'm not exactly sure how to tell you..." I paused and watched as she cutely tilted her head, only making this harder on me. I took a quick breath and shook my head, trying to regain my thoughts. "Chichi...Y-you're really pretty and I know you're pretty popular so you probably won't feel the same way but...I just, I really like you a lot... I've never felt this way about anyone else so I'm not really sure what do to do or what I'm supposed to say but, there you have it... I like you a lot..." I said before my eyes fell toward the ground

She was silent for a few minutes and I felt my heart sink a bit when she didn't respond right away. I figured I had blown it so I started to step back until she suddenly grabbed my wrist, causing me to stop in my tracks. I looked back up at her and noticed that she was blushing like crazy. Did I embarrass her or something? I was about to ask her if she was alright but she suddenly surprised me by moving close to me and gently pressing her lips against my own. She just suddenly kissed me... Does that mean she felt the same way? Was she just trying to let me down easy or something? What the heck did this mean? Not to mention this was my first kiss.

When she finally pulled away from me, I looked down at her in confusion. Her face was even redder than before. It was actually really cute on her. I knew I was blushing like crazy as well but that didn't matter to me, not right now anyways.

"Um...Chichi...?" I asked softly. She quickly looked up at me and gave me the brightest smile I had ever seen.

"I like you too, Goku! I wasn't sure how to tell you either but I'm really glad you told me how you felt even though you were nervous! I think that's adorable!" She exclaimed while letting go of my wrist, only to pull me into a hug. I hugged her back and smiled softly.

"S-so does that'll be my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded happily.

"Of course I will!" She replied and I sighed with relief. I did it, with Vegeta's help of course. I finally got to tell her how I felt and it turned out that she felt the same way about me. Words couldn't even express how happy I was to know that she liked me back. She released me from the hug and I gently took her hand. We smiled at each other before starting to walk down the hallway together. Sure, people stared at us, mostly in shock, but that didn't matter. She was mine now, and I wasn't going to let anyone take her from me. 

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