Book 1 : the past

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" The planet is under attack !! Save your-" someone screamed and couldn't continue his sentence , he was killed

" Did you hear that ? There going to destroy the planet " a female sayin said

" Prepare the space Pob and send yuki and yuri away , I'll handle them util your done . Go " a male sayin said and flew to battle

The female sayin did as her mate told her to , she opened the space Pob and activated it .

" Looks like mommy won't be able to travel with you , I know that you will remember , your sayins , yuri and yuki . Know that I'll love you till the end " she said crying , she putted the two identical sisters in the Pob . The door closed automatically and took of to a far away planet , after they took off the planet was entirely destroyed .

After about 3 days , it was night at earth everyone was sleeping . A space Pob entered the atmosphere of the earth and clashed in the middle of nowhere near a village , the villager woke up and gathered to see what was that thing . The door of the Pob slowly opened , revealing two identical girl sleeping , they had black spiky hair and it look like they had the same age but that's not all they HAD A TAIL ??!!
The villagers wanted to immediately kill them , but two stopped them

" we'll raise them as our children , we don't have to kill everything that is deferent from us " the male said

" They have tails , they are monsters , they should be killed " the leader of the village argued

" Please let us raise them " the women said

" Fine , but if anything goes wrong we'll kill them immediately " the leader finally agreed

" But - " someone began

" No buts , that's what I decide " the leader said

" thank you " the two said , they took the children and hurried to there house

" But they're monsters " one of the villager said

" Don't worry I just said that so they will trust us , but we'll murder them " the leader said

4 years later

The two twins were now 4 years old , yuki and yuri , they still remember there names and the voice of there real mother but they don't remember why they have a tail . As usual they were playing in the forest together and by playing I mean fighting and learning new techniques , and now it was time to return home .

" I'll race you home , and I'll beat you " yuki said

" We'll see about that " yuri said and they raced to there house as fast as they could

" Beat you " yuri said happily

" Hey yuri do you have that mark on your shoulder ? " Yuki asked . She had a mark on her shoulder that looked like a person

" No , but why is the door open ? " Yuri asked pointing at the door
Yuki opened the door to see her parents cover in blood , there own blood , murdered , yuri was behind her , the two of them looked scared not nowing what to do

" Let me go " yuri screamed as someone grabbed with a knife in his hands , threatening to kill her

" YURI" yuki screamed

" Let me go please " yuri begged but ended up killed by the strange man

" YURI NOOOOO ! " yuki screamed before she black out

After a while

She opened her eyes slowly , and tried to move only to find out that she was chained to a wall , her arm and legs both , so she can't escape or move

" I see you're finally awake " someone said

" Who are you ? and were am I ? " Yuki asked

" Welcome to your new life . A life of torture and misery and pain , your nothing but a monster you and your dead sister " he said evilly and began to punched her really hard and shout some ki blasts at her

" AHHHHH !! STOP !! I BEG YOU " The poor yuki begged but all he did was increase her pain
After about 5 hours of torture

" That's enough for now , I'll be back in about 2 hour " he said and left the dark place , she was a prisoner , she began to cry and slowly closed her eyes , she opened them to find someone in front of her waving hi with her hand , she had pink hair her skin was pink and she was wearing a weird pink outfit

" Am I dead ? " Yuki asked

" No your inside of yourself " the strange lady said

" Inside of myself ? how is that possible ? And who are you ? " Asked the 4 year old girl

" My name is haru and I'm a part of you , this place is mine I control everything here " haru said

" I believe I saw you somewhere you look familiar " yuki said

" Maybe you saw the mark on your shoulder " haru said happily

" Oh yeah , but why am I here ? " Yuki questioned

" I brought you here to train you to be stronger , your going to have to deal with those bastard for who know when " haru said and gave yuki a hug , it feels good like her mom was here , she began to cry remembering her sister and her dead adoptive parents

" It's ok now let's begin , shall we ? " haru said and yuri nodded and began her training " but first yuki I must tell you your a sayin "

" What's that ? " The little girl question

" The sayin race is a strong and powerful race , that why you have a tail......." haru said and explained everything about the sayin to yuki

" I see " yuki said and they began training

" Your good yuki , that's all for today , someone's coming you must go "

" How do you know that ? "

" I know everything bye , and stay strong " haru said than yuri opened her eyes to find that same person in front of her

" Look like you want more , don't you ? " He said and began to torture her again

" oh it forget to feed you , wait here I'll be back "

" like I can move " yuki mumbled

" did you said something ? " he asked she shook her head no

He came with a plate of sushi in his hand , the little girl was so hungry that a smile came to her her face and salive start dropping from her mouth

" Let's play a game shall we ? I'll throw them at you if you manage to catch them with your mouth you can eat them " he said and chuckle her smile quickly faded

He throw one on her leg and another one on her eye and another one on her shoulder and the last one wasn't even a sushi but a hard metal he throw it as hard as he could on her face , she screamed and cryed

" oh was that a metal piece ? So sorry I didn't know. too bad you missed them all " he laughed and exited the room

6 years later ( she's 10 years old )

" Hello monster , ready ? " the same persons said
Yuki looked at him with emotionless eyes and a blank look , she lost her emotions long ago and she didn't care about anything anymore the only thing she wanted was to see the light and feel the wind in her hair and of course see her sister .

The person began to torched her util she couldn't move anymore and it's been 3 month since she ate something , she was hungry . than he shot a ki blast at the chained freeing her , he opened the door and dragged her out . She couldn't see due to the sunlight finally a part of her dream came true . All the village was here

" Your going to die today monster " he said and threw her on the ground in front of all the villager who were cheering . She forced herself to move her hand to her forehead and used instant transmission to go somewhere far away . She appeared in the middle of a forest

Don't worry yuki , there good people who'll take care of you , if you head north you'll find a house haru informed her , she was the closet thing to a family for yuri , she took care of her

Yuki forced herself to stand up and began to walk north like haru said , she kept walking till she could see a house and a lot of people out it wasn't far If she could talk or run she'll be there in seconds but before she could make another step she collapsed

Goku , Vegeta and piccolo sensed her and saw her , goku rushed to were she was and picked her up , he returned to the group

" Anyone have a sensu bean ? " He said looking around

" Who is she ? What happened ? " Chichi question looking at her worryingly everyone was except for piccolo and vegeta who didn't really care

" I don't know I just saw her collapse , hey vegeta she's a sayin , look she have a tail " goku said

" What ? " Vegeta exclaimed

" I'll heel her " piccolo said and yuki began to glow green , after a while the injuries and bruises on her face were gone but what the didn't know that the scares on her arm and on legs will never go , they will still be there for ever residing her of her past that's why she always wear long sleeve shirts and pants no shorts .

She started to open her eyes , but she was still weak , she opened them weakly and looked at goku than closed them and fell asleep

" I thought you heeled her and restored her energy " goku said

" She doesn't have any energy , she didn't eat for long time , but I gave a little energy " piccolo explained

" Who could do such a thing ? " Goku yelled angrily
They entered his house and putted her on a warm bed , and they waited for her to wake up and tell her story

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