A Surprise Visit (Part 2)

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After bringing along the future variant of Blake Riley, the other variants visit another theater to meet the Blake Riley of the DCEU along with many other heroes.

Author: "Alright everyone, as I prepare some things, how about all of you take a break. Food and refreshments are just in the back. Back back in a few." He told everyone.

Then, a huge table with various food options and beverages appeared. Everyone got up from their seats and selected whatever food they wanted.

As they were all eating, Blake was with Diana, Bruce, Clark, Arthur, Barry, and Victor. Emilia, Economos, Leota, Keeya, Harley, Dinah, Kitana, and Helena were also with them, talking.

Barry: "So how long do you think we'll be here?"

Bruce: "We're not sure. I think there are still a few more things the author is going to show us."

Economos: "What exactly is there to show next? Frankly, I'm still embarrassed from that fucking musical number."

Dinah: "Well, I think you all were amazing up there."

Blake: "That wasn't even us! I don't even know how and why we're doing that in the first place."

Victor: "You know, there is something that has been stuck in my head since we arrived here."

Arthur: "What is it, Victor?"

Victor: "The author mentioned the other two theaters, having other heroes from other universes."

Clark: "What could he possibly mean by 'other universes'?" He asked.

Blake: "The Multiverse." He responded as everyone then looked at him.

Harley: "Multi-what now?"

Blake: "The Multiverse. The theory suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one. Instead, there may be an entirely different universe, distantly separated from ours — and another, and another." He explained.

Harley: "I'm sorry, what babe?" She was confused.

Barry: "Pretty much, there's like infinite amounts of us out there in every universe, and we could all be living different lives."

Harley: "Oh! Well, I guess that makes sense."

Leota: "Blake, how do you know about this Multiverse?"

Blake: "Well, it's because of my powers. They're connected to the Multiverse and from what I learned about my people, they were given their powers from something that connects to this universe and they used their powers to defend our reality."

Arthur: "Man, can't imagine what it would be like to meet different versions of me and what they might've gone through differently."

Bruce: "It is a place of infinite possibilities, so any outcome could possibly happen."

Suddenly, a door bursted wide open. Everyone stopped eating as soon as they heard it. Blake, Bruce, Clark, and Diana get in front of everyone, as then they see a couple of people enter.

Peacemaker: "Uh, who are you?" He asked.

They all stood there and looked surprised when they saw everyone. Then, one of them spoke up.

"Uh, guys? Is that...Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman?!"

Blake: "Who are you and why are you here?"

"Lovely, you are here." A man walked in front. "We need you to come with us. It's urgent."

He had messy dark hair, a beard, and was smoking a cigarette. He also wore a black trench coat, blue shirt, a tie, gray pants, and brown shoes.

Hawkman: "Okay, buddy, I don't think you heard his question so why don't answer it."

"I'm Blake. Blake Riley."

Everyone's eyes widened to hear the name of the individual.

Cassandra: "Uh, no you're not. Blake is right here."

TVA Blake: "I can assure, I am Blake Riley. I am the son of Owen and Selina Riley and the last of the Reality Clans."

DCEU Blake felt like his jaw dropped. This man knows his parents' names. How?

"Uh, i-is that a s-shark?" A young man pointed towards King Shark.

Amanda: "If you are Blake Riley, then who are the rest?"

TVA Blake: "They are also Blake Riley. We're all variants from different universes." He turned and introduced everyone. "This is the original Blake Riley, she is Blake Riley, this is Spider-Drift, the Sorcerer Supreme, and this is Bumblebee."

Peacemaker: "Bumblebee, like the Transformer? [scoffs] Yeah, right."

Suddenly, Bee began to transform as he was back in his robot form. Everyone backed up, shocked at what they were seeing.

Bumblebee: "Oh, sorry about your ceiling. But yeah, I am Bumblebee." He said as he then reverted back to human.

Freddy: "No way, Transformers are real!"

"I know, I still find it hard to believe."

Then, an older Blake Riley appeared. This was the Future MCU Blake. Some of the ladies couldn't help but blush at the sight of him.

Future Blake: "Hi, I am also Blake Riley."

Blake (DCEU): "Damn. I've gotten old. And ugly." He said as he was going to poke him.

Future Blake: [Smacks away his hand] "You didn't get ugly, punk."

Rick: "You don't look bad at that age." He commented.

Riley: "I know right. He's pretty much a DILF right now." She said.

Future Blake: "Excuse me?"

Emilia: "Hold on for a second. So you're telling us that all of you are Blake Riley? Even her?" She pointed at Riley.

Sorcerer Riley: "She is our female variant."

Keeya: "Damn."

Rick: "Wait hold on, there is one way we can that they are Blake Riley."

Spider-Drift: "And how will you prove that?"

Rick: "When I ask you this question: Do you all have a thing for redheads?"

As soon as he asked the question, most of their eyes widened and glanced at each other. Flag simply smirked.

Rick: "Oh yeah, they're definitely Blake."

Spider-Drift: "H-How did you know?!"

Rick: "Well here, you're my best friend and I remember you had a crush on that one girl at high school. She was a redhead."

Dinah: "Oh, really?"

Blake (DCEU): "It was a long time ago. I've forgotten about her and I'm happy being with you and the others."

Dinah: "Okay, okay. Just checking." She said as she kissed him on the cheek.

Bruce: "Alright, so now that we established you are all Blake Riley, why are you here?"

Spider-Drift: "Simple, Bats. We're here for him." He pointed towards his DC variant.

Leota: "Him? What exactly do you want with my little brother?"

Riley: "Wait, brother?"

Leota: "Yeah. Wait, don't you all have me in your universes?" She asked as the variants shook their heads.

TVA Blake: "Alright, here's what's happening. A being known as the Watcher brought along a younger variant of us to explore the multiverse and at the same time, he teleported all the important people from his universe in a theater to view his adventure."

Sorcerer Blake: "It's almost similar how you were all brought here."

Spider-Drift: "And not only that, The Watcher did also bring us and a couple of other variants who aren't here to tag along."

Bumblebee: "So as of now, he wanted us to bring other variants to join. We already brought their future variant, and now, we want you."

Atom Smasher: "Hold on, what's a multiverse?"

TVA Blake sighs as he brings his hand up in the air, and it begins to glow. Then, a small glowing orb appeared.

Boomerang: "Mate, what is that?"

TVA Blake: "This is everything. This is what we were born to defend."

The orb then dropped to the ground as then a line sprouted like a tree with a couple of branches appearing. Everyone looked at it with awe. Then, different glimpses of every reality appeared.

Sorcerer Blake: "It is a collection of many different universes and an infinite amount of possibilities. Your Blake and us are connected with the Multiverse."

Diana: "You said that the Multiverse is what you and our Blake were born to defend. Defend from what?"

Spider-Drift: "From powerful beings like Kang the Conqueror."

Blake (DCEU): "Who's Kang?" He asked.

TVA Blake: "All will be explained if you come with us."

Blake took a moment to think. It's a lot to process. Different versions of him suddenly appeared out of nowhere and they wanted him to come, as this "Kang" could bring harm to their universes and his. He looked up at his variants.

Blake (DCEU): "Alright, I'm in."

Before he made his departure, everyone in his theater made sure that he would return in a couple of seconds as time works a bit differently in these theaters. The door then opened as he followed his variants. He looked back and waved, as few waved back. Others saluted and nodded.

DCEU Blake entered into the next theater which was occupied by various different heroes, ones he didn't recognize. Although, there was one woman that caught his attention, which he swore he had seen before, in his dreams. Then, The Watcher appeared in front of him.

Uatu: "Welcome, Blake Riley. We thank you for joining us."

Blake (DCEU): "Uh, you're welcome? I take it you're The Watcher?" He asked as Uatu nodded.

Blake took this moment to then meet the rest of his variants: The Crimson Wolf, Alastor, The Arkham Knight, and Ghost Rider. He was shocked to see that they were all him, what he could've been. Charlie, Vaggie, Miles, Gwen, Peter B & Mayday, and Miguel introduced themselves along with the Avengers, Guardians, SHIELD, TVA, and many others

Finally, he meets his parents. While they weren't his, he could still tell they were them. Owen and Selina smiled and hugged him, to which he hugged back.

Uatu: "Now that the two of you are here, you must be up to speed on what has occurred here."

Both Future Blake and DCEU Blake held onto their heads as they suddenly screamed in pain. They dropped the floor on their knees, as the information was being processed. They saw the adventures their variant has gone through: Meeting The Watcher, Captain Carter, T'Challa Star-Lord, a world where they lost their heroes, Doctor Strange Supreme, and the latest, Zombies.

They also got a chance to see what everyone saw here in between adventures like The Arkham Knight, Infinity War, Endgame, and many others.

The pain finally stopped, as they were caught up to speed. The other variants quickly helped them up and had them seated. The two new additions glanced at each other, wondering what kind of ride they were getting themselves into.

The story continues in... Reacting To: Journey To Face The Unknown.

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