Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V.

After dating for 3 years, Y/n decided on proposing to all seven of them one day when they all met up at his place. Y/n was nervous at first since he wasn't sure on how they would respond to his proposal considering he just a normal civilian with no power and their famous superheroes from the Justice League. So, he got himself ready for the worst but was soon happy to hear they all accept their proposal without a second thought since they grew to love him and cherish their time together.

So, after letting their family and friends know about the plan wedding that will take place at Themyscira. Everyone made sure to get their schedule cleared before the wedding by taking care of all known threats along with making sure no villains or the media know about the wedding existence. In order to avoid any catastrophes from ruining the wedding in anyway especially with some major villains having a grudge against the female superheroes and willing to do anything to get their revenge.

Wedding Day....

The wedding was starting and everyone that was invited to the wedding arrived at the location with some difficulties. Mostly Y/n's parents who needed help getting to Themyscira since they can't take a plane or boat to get there so Y/n had to ask Diana to help get his parents here. So, while everyone is seated and waiting for the brides to arrive. Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and Flash pulled Y/n aside to speak with him privately.

Superman: Its your big day, Y/n! How are you feeling right now?

Y/n: Excited but mostly nervous since I'm actually getting married.

Batman: Understandable reaction considering you are getting married to 7 women, who all have extraordinary powers. Two of them being a immortal Amazon and a kryptonian.

Y/n: Yeah, I still wondering how I'm still alive or better yet, how my pelvis not broken yet.

Green Lantern: I'll be honest with you, Y/n. I'm actually amazed you managed to handle all 7 of them by yourself.

Y/n: I guess I'm full of surprises even I don't know about.

Flash: I'm jealous, Y/n! You're literally living every man dream. I would kill to be in your shoes!

Y/n: Umm... I be careful what you say around here. Keep in mind where in Diana homeland and the Amazons won't take too kindly on what you say about women.

They look around to see the Amazons glaring at them but mostly at Flash after hearing his comment.

Flash: Oh... my bad.

Superman: Anyway, I'm happy to see my cousin found a partner with you, Y/n. It gives me confidence knowing my relationship with Lois is possible if I give it some time.

Y/n: You're welcome, Superman!

Superman: Please call me, Clark. Will be family soon!

Batman: Question, Y/n... how did you manage to convince Hippolyta into accepting your marriage with Wonder Woman?

Y/n: It wasn't easy to be honest, Hippolyta was against the idea of me marrying her daughter but after some convincing and showing how much I love Diana. She finally accepted the marriage at the end.

Green Latern: Amazing to hear, I would be shaking in my boots if I was face the queen of the Amazons.

Flash: Hey, they're here!

On the other side of the ceremony, Diana, Fire, Ice, Vixen, Huntress, Kara and Black Canary arrived at the ceremony wearing their wedding dress. Everyone got back to their position as Y/n went back to stand at the altar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The song starts playing in the background as the seven brides make their way toward the altar where Y/n is standing. Everyone was amazed by the brides wedding dresses that were custom made for each of them. Reaching the altar, the seven brides stand on the opposite side where Y/n is standing as the priest start his speech.

Priest: Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together Y/n and his seven brides in holy matrimony. You have come together this day so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of this minister of his word and this community of family and friends and so, in the presence of this gathering.

The priest goes on to give a long speech about love and vows along with the struggles that come with it until telling them to exchange their rings to one another.

Priest: Do you, Y/n take these seven beautiful women as your wedded wives?

Y/n: I do!

Priest: Do you, women take Y/n as your wedded husband?

Diana/Fire/Ice/Vixen/Kara/Huntress/Black Canary: I DO!

Priest: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wives! You may kiss the brides!

With that all seven women took turn kissing Y/n as everyone around them celebrated their union. Hippolyta was skeptical at first but seeing how happy her daughter is and seeing the love in Y/n eyes for his future wives. She can accept that not all men are terrible.

The whole day everyone party the night away even the Amazon and Hippolyta join in on the fun. This day became special for the Justice League because it meant even heroes like them can live a normal life like everyone else.

1 week later...

Y/n: Breakfast ready!

Diana/Fire/Ice/Vixen/Huntress/Kara/Canary: Coming dear~!

His wives came rushing out from the room to join their husband for breakfast as he set down the plates for them. It been a week since all eight of them got officially married and turned in their marriage certificate. During the first day after returning from Diana's homeland, they went down to business on having sex all day and night until collapsing from exhaustion.

Even though they kept their marriage hidden from the public, there been rumors going around of people noticing the wedding rings on some of the female superheroes. Which caught the attention of some villains, who took an interest of this rumor. Which could prove a problem for Y/n and his wives...

After Y/n and his wives got done eating breakfast, they said their goodbyes as they went go on their daily patrols.

Diana: Take care, husband~!

Y/n: You too, Diana~!

Supergirl: We won't take long alright~

Y/n: I'll be waiting!

Vixen: Be a good husband and stay out of trouble~

Y/n: I will~!

Black Canary: And remember to call us if something important comes up. Will answer you immediately~!

Y/n: Ok~!

Huntress: Be safe alright~

Y/n: You as well, Huntress~

Fire/Ice: Make sure to keep our home warm/fresh for our return-!

Y/n: You got it~!

Once they left the house, Y/n check on his phone to see what he needs to get done today before his wives come back from patrol.

Y/n: Ok, let see what I need to do, today.

Suddenly, Y/n heard a knock from the door.

Y/n: Who is that? Did one of them forget something.

Walking over to the door and opening it to see who it is.

Y/n: Hello?

Before he knew it, Y/n was bash across the back of the head, knocking him out completely.

??? 1: Hehehe~! We got found him, ladies~

??? 2: Ok, let take him back to our hideout and make sure to leave a message for those bitches to see when they come back.

Dragging Y/n unconscious body away, one of the people that with the group leave a piece of a paper stabbed against the front door before rejoining the group.

??? 3: This should be fun~!

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