The Phantom Ring

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We see you in space with Hal with you full angel and him in his green lantern outfit. The camera zoom in on your hand while holding a curious looking ring.

Hal-Green L.: I can't believe  a ring like that even exists dude.

Y/n: I know dude it's a crazy thing to think on.


We see you standing in front of the council of lanterns with hal standing beside you as a green lantern.

Hal-Green L.: I've brought Arcadia.

Council member#1: thank you. *looks to you* do you know why your here Arcadia?

Y/n: my actual name is Y/n and yes. He told me on the way here. And the summarized version is there are 9 lantern Corps and each one has a ring that grants power specifically and powered by the strongest trait of its bearer.

Council member#2: correct.....

Y/n: and your having problems placing me in a Corp because I qualified for about maybe 5.

Council member#3:That much is true.

Council member#4: but then it came us.....

You then tilted your head in confusion.

Council member#5: there is only one ring for you and you be the only one who can wield it.

Just then the first council member pulled out a ring case and sets it in front of him.

Council member#1: this is the only ring of its kind.  it was forged millennia ago by a individual named Rami the inventor......

Just then you approached the case and lifted it from the table. You could feel the raw power leaking from the case.

Council member#2: at the time we opposed this and banished him until he could destroy it. But every attempt proved unsuccessful....

You stared at the case.

Council member #3: the power of this ring is unrivaled it allows you to use the abilities of all 9 lantern Corps.

Hals eyes widened upon hearing this. He could not believe it. This ring....... Or it's power. He looked you reaching toward the lid of the case.

Council member#4: you answer not to any lantern Corp........ You answer only to yourself.

You held the case and lifted the lid slowly.

Council member#5: this ring......  You are now it's first and only Guardian......... Y/n you are..........

You opened the case and a flash of light appears once it is gone all that remains inside the case is a single ring.

All members in unison: THE PHANTOM LANTERN!

(Flashback end)

Hal-green L.: I know but really dude that's a powerful ring....

You looked at it and then at hal and nodded in agreement.

Y/n: Sure is.

There was a moment of silence.  but then hal spoke excitedly.

Hal-Green L.: well you should test it out!

Y/n: how?

He then thinks for a moment.

Hal-Green L.: we should spar!

Y/n: OK!

Just then lanterns from various Corps showed up. (White, black and orange excluded) and one of them noticed you.

Red lantern: there he is!!!!!

Yellow lanten:Calm down you brute.

Just then a blue lantern approaches you

Blue lantern: are you the newest ring bearer?

Y/n: yeah....... And why are you all here?

Hal-Green L.: I think they want to see it dude.

Just then you are grabbed by the arms of a familiar violet lantern and wrapped into a hug.

Carol-star s.: Y/N! You got a lantern ring I'm so happy for you!

You had hugged back. To be honest you were glad to see she was doing all right. You quite enjoyed her company.

Yellow lantern: which ring?

He said in the rudest tone you've ever heard. You looked at him and let Carol go.

Y/n: excuse me.......

Yellow lantern: Which ring? Did. You. Get.

Hal then looked annoyed. He hated dealing with yellow lanterns. Coral was also annoyed because he was being mean to you. You on the other hand gained a smile and looked toward hal and he nodded to you and smiled as well.

Y/n:How about I show you. Fight. Me.

He than began to laugh.

Yellow lantern: big. Mistake.

We now see you and the yellow lantern meters across from eachother.

Y/n: you have no idea how screwed you are!

Yellow lantern: hurry up and transform already you arrogant fool.

You put on the ring and words began to appear in your head.  and started to recite them.

"In Desperate Day, In Hopeless Night,

The Phantom Ring is our last light.

We yearn for power, strength and might

I seize the ring, that is my right!"

You had transformed into your full angel hero outfit. Except your robe is glowing a faint silver and the phantom lantern logo on the back.

Everyone was puzzled by the oath and the symbol on your back. No one had even seen or heard it before.

Yellow lantern: impressive. But you will still fall. 

Y/n-phantom Arcadia: we'll see....

He sent a blast of yellow energy and you blocked with a green dome. As the beam collides with the barrier you can be seen inside not moving an inch. Not even flinching. The lanterns stared in awe.  The yellow lantern looked shocked.

Then faster than he could blink you flew at him and kicked at his head he dodged just barely but then gave him a downward hammer kick and sent him through an asteroid.  He quickly corrected himself and sent several blasts at you as you flew at him.

Everyone watching was amazed. While hal was reconsidering his idea for you to spar with him.

You dodged and weaved through his blasts but be for you made it to him one of them hit you directly.  The smug fool was smiling but it quickly went away as you then emerged your body covered in red plates making armor.  He was about to hit you with another blast as you made it to him and grabbed his hand with your left and moved your right palm to the center of his chest. Your hand glowed white and blasted him with a beam of white light. He was sent flying back but before he could get far two blue arms extending from your back reached out and grabbed him. With the arms holding him in place a violet light flashed materializing an ar-15 which you grabbed and unloaded into his chest after which it disappeared. In his dazed state two black scythes append you behind him and wrapped him in an orange chain and put the edges to his throat. You said only two words.

Y/n-phantom Arcadia: Check. And mate.

You dissipated your constructs. And looked to hal and Carol who were cheering for you but Carol was doing it like an actual cheerleader. The blue lantern was amazed and clapped for you as was the red lantern. But as for the rude banana clad idiot he was almost unconscious. He had to be carried away by the blue lantern.  Carol hugged you before leaving.

Hal-Green L.: So....... Your pretty powerful huh.

Y/n-phantom Arcadia: Yeah.  Didn't you say you wanted to spar....

Hal-Green L.: No thank you.  id like to live please.

Y/n-phantom Arcadia: OK then. Probably the right decision.

He nods as you and him Share a fist bump and fly back towards earth.

When you were wearing some sum-41 tee with jeans that were ripped at the knee and your black low-tops. With your ring on a necklace chain tucked into your shirt.

You were waking to Babs work place. You believed she worked at a place called burrito bucket. They had some decent burritos. Better than taco Bell even. You were currently walking up to the place listing to "underclass hero" by sum-41.

The song:

As You were approaching the establishment you noticed some police drive away. With some poor saps in the back that you only assumed tried to rob the place. You made your way to the front door as you over heard  a conversation between her and the owner.

Shane: Gordon! Guess you've saved the restaurant.

Babs: I sure did. Seems like I should get my job back, huh?

Shane: [mumbles] Your job... Yeah.

Babs: Oh, thank you, Mr. O'Shaughnessy!

You decide to try something you did not know if it would work but it was worth a shot.

You came back a about a few minutes later full angel and in your hero outfit. As you walked in the owner noticed right away. And so did Babs.

Shane: A-arcadia i-it's an honor to have you here w-what can I do for you.

Y/n-Arcadia: well I was patrolling and I got hungry also a friend of mine recommended this place. So I decided to try it.

Shane: o-of course. what will you have?

Babs tried not to laugh as she saw the state her boss was in.

Y/n-Arcadia: one extra large philly-cheese steak burrito with some nacho cheese sauce. Please.

Shane nods as he was about to walk off you grabbed his attention and he turned to you.

Y/n-Arcadia: And I believe that girl behind the counter deserves a promotion.

Shane: of course.  Gordon your general manager!

She got an excited look on her face as he said that and smiled at you.

Y/n-Arcadia: You also have to go make my food, I wanna talk with her.

Shane: okay sir.

We then see you eating while Babs sits down with you and talks.

Babs: may I ask why you did that? Not that I ain't grateful it's just....

Y/n-Arcadia: I genuinely believe you deserved it. And now you can be more liberal with your time and a pay raise to boot.

Babs:  well thank you.  And before you go.

She then kissed you on the cheek. It made you blush almost immediately.

Y/n-Arcadia: umm..........

Babs: see ya

We then see fade to Carols room as she's  thinking about you.

Carol: he's hot, caring,  an angel and a lantern to boot. He really is perfect for me.
But how do I tell him.

Later at Babs house she thought about that kiss she gave you and realized something.

Babs: could I really have a crush on Y/n.

Wow look at that you became the first phantom lantern helped out Babs and gained her feelings as well.
Well until next chapter see ya and don't forget to vote.

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