Chapter 14: Time of Death

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[Flashbolt157ninja ] [Destiny_angel123 ] [HamatoApple2007 ]
10 Years Later, After Kara Lycan Discovered Her Kryptonian Abilities.
"Inside the building, Kara Had Manage To Sneak Inside To Look For The Mysterious Patron That Had Been Watching Her From The Shadows. However, He Only Sees Laurel, Hotspur & Her Grandfather, Flasheart Fighting Against Black Mask & His Henchmen, Which Worries Her."

Kara: Oh Man......I Gotta Get Outta Here.

"Before Kara Can Escape, She Was Confronted By An Old Enemy That Oliver Fought, It's Trevor. Who Came Back After Hearing That The Superhero League Won The Battle Against Their Old Foe. However, His Men Stand Beside Him."

Trevor: Why leave now, huh? The fun's just about to start, Kid.

Kara: ......Trevor......

Trevor: You know who I am. *Chuckle* I figured. Your grandpa has a mask, right? Well guess what.........

"Trevor brings out his own mask which he reveals his identity as Deathstroke to Kara."

Trevor: I got one of my own

Kara: ......Deathstroke......

Trevor: Haven't forgotten the day your old man stopped me, real shame he's not around.

Kara: I Get it. My dad kicked your butt multiple times and now your feelings are hurt.

"Trevor suddenly feels annoyed after recalling how her father, kaid lycan had defeated."

Kara: Guess that's the reason why you've been doing this.

Trevor: It's your father's fault that I was humiliated. He kept beating everytime I tried to lay a finger on him. But enough talk, I think it's about time I kill you.

Kara: I figured you say that.

"Trevor's men Then Charge At Kara, They Try To Attack Her From Every Side, But She Easily Overpowers Them, She Then Heads Up To The Roof, However, One Henchman Tries To Stab Kara, But Thanks Her Invulnerability, She Knocks 1 Henchman Down, She Then Runs Up To The Roof."

Kara: Well, Nothing to but jump.

"Before Kara Could Jump Off The Roof, She Was Soon Confronted By Trevor, Who Became Furious After Discovering His Men Were Beaten By Her Because of Her Abilities."

Trevor: How are you still standing?!

"Trevor Breaks one of the pipes, spewing gas, when Kara tries to walk toward him."

Kara: Seriously? Death by tantrum? You can do better than that.

Trevor: Don't. Come. Any closer.

"Trevor arms himself with a lighter, which made her realise something."

Trevor: See the uhh......the greenery, all that is linked to this building. All state of the art and all very......very......explosive.

Kara: if you drop that lighter, the building's gonna blow.........that could kill you, Trevor.

"Kara then looks at the tattoo on his wrist as he looks at her with anger, however, before Kara could stop Trevor. He drops the lighter at the greenery explosive, setting off a chain reaction, Kara then rushes in and tries to save him, but the explosion knocks away, sending her flying in the air, she then comes crashing down, Fortunately, She's still safe and unscathed, she then gets up, however, when she gets up, she sees the damage on the building after the explosion. Realising that Trevor's dead and that she's too late."

Unknown Hero: Kara!

"She turns after hearing someone calling her, it was Laurel, who was worried that she might be hurt, she soon runs toward her and hugs her."

Laurel: I was so worried you were hurt, I—

"Before Laurel could say something, She notices a sad look on Kara's face."

Laurel: Hey. What's wrong?

Kara: I'm sorry,'s just that.........I was looking for the guy that had been watching me but......Trevor just budged in and send his men to try and kill me......I was still looking for that guy......but the next thing I know when I tried to save Trevor.........he just blew himself up.

"Laurel felt shocked by Kara's explanation, however, she pulls her in for a hug, just to comfort her."

Laurel: I know you were tried to save least he's about we head back home and forget what happened. Okey?

"Kara nods in an agreement with Laurel, they then walk home to see if flasheart & hotspur are safe and sound, in hopes that Kara will forget what happened to Trevor, however, the mysterious patron still watches Kara walk with Laurel all the way home, he then returns to the shadows, never to be seen again."
Present Day
"At The Keep, The Jade Jaguar Was Then Turned To Sand Inside, Which Liu Kang Now Gains His Old Powers Back, Reclaiming His Role As Keeper of Time, While Geras Appears Behind Him."

Geras: Are you ready to begin the search?

Liu Kang: Ready enough. may there be other timelines and heroes and titans to find.

"Liu Kang Uses The Hourglass To Find Other Heroes & Titans From Each Earths, However, He Found And Brought A Titan Kitana, And Another Kara From Earth-75."

Titan Kitana: Geras?!

Kara Lycan-75: Liu Kang?!

Liu Kang: Easy, you two, you are among friends.

Titan Kitana: What's happened?!

Kara-75: Where are we?

Liu Kang: A long way from home. In a different timeline, to be precise.

Titan Kitana: What? Are you also a—

Liu Kang: Keeper of Time? Yes.

Kara-75: Both of us?

Titan Kitana: How is that possible?

Liu Kang: The battle for Kronika's hourglass ripped apart time's fabric. Where there was once one earths, there are now many. Each new earth and timeline represents a different possible outcome of that battle. In mine, I became time's keeper. In yours, it was you. On earth-75, it was you who became Supergirl, Kara. In others it could be Jade, Sindel, even Kano. The possibilities are endless.

Titan Kitana: If many timelines sprung from one, and we were both part of it, then you are my Liu Kang.

Liu Kang: The same one who battled you in Shang Tsung's Courtyard. Who fought at your side at the Koliseum. Who beamed with pride when you became Outworld's Kahn.

"Titan Kitana Then Runs To Liu Kang, Which They Now Share A Kiss After Seeing Each Other In A Long Time."

Titan Kitana: Why does fate seem always to conspire against us? To deny us life's simple pleasures?

Liu Kang: I don't know. Perhaps in one of the many timelines, they are ours.

Titan Kitana: I would like to think you brought me here for them, but... I know you well enough to know better. What duty beckons us?

Liu Kang: A story for a time...

Kara-75: If I was brought from my earth to here, and if you were there, does it mean......does it mean you're that same Liu Kang?

Liu Kang: the very same who aided you in stopping Enrico Pucchi. Who saved your life. Who gave you a second chance.

"Kara runs toward Liu Kang, which they hug each other after a relieve moment In her last battle against her long time nemesis, enrico Pucchi."

Kara-75: Why did fate have to turn against us? To deny me my second chance at your side?

Liu Kang: I don't know. Perhaps fate has other plans for you while you grow up.

Kara-75: I'm sure you were there for me, but......I've always known that you did the right thing. So.........What's the trouble?

Liu Kang: I will tell you... But first, we must gather more of our old friends.

Titan Kung Lao: Shang Tsung a titan, wielding the power of the Hourglass...

Titan Raiden: Yes, Kung Lao. He is a threat to the multiverse.

Geras: He is not yet aware of any beyond his and Liu Kang's.

Titan Kitana: For now. It is only a matter of time.

Kara-75: Guess we all have problems.

Titan Raiden: I had hoped my victory over Kronika would end the endless cycle of kombat. Sadly it begins anew.

Titan Kitana: We have no choice. We must stop Shang Tsung.

Kara-75: I'm with kitana.

Titan Kung Lao: The millions in my White Lotus Society will aid us, if needed.

"Suddenly, Liu Kang Spots A Portal That Was Opened, Knowing That Titan Shang Tsung Is Here."

Liu Kang: He is here.

"However, Kara Spots A Red Lightning blur, she realises the negative speed force has send the legion of zoom to kill her."

Eobard Thawne|Reverse Flash: Hello, Kara.......Miss me?

Kara-75: Thawne!

"Titan Shang Tsung then comes out of the portal, with his dark allies following him, they soon confront Liu Kang and the other titans."

Titan Shang Tsung: Liu Kang, you have found allies. Titan allies, in fact. And an ally from Earth-75. How could I have been so blind? Of course our earths aren't the only two.

Liu Kang: Retreat to yours, Shang Tsung. Your attempt to merge earths has failed.

Titan Shang Tsung: Yes. Your comrades proved most resourceful. Thus I have resigned myself to simply destroying your earth. Knowing that others exist to conquer makes that choice much more palatable. Once I destroy your Hourglass, your Earth-SN9 will cease to exist. I will take great pleasure in finishing you, one last time.

"Titan Shang Tsung then turns to look at Kara-75 as she prepares to battle the negative speedsters."

Eobard Thawne: Kara, Kara, Kara, Did you really think we're gonna miss how it all turns out......did ya?

Hunter Solomon|Zoom: We are going to slaughter you and end your grandfather's legacy forever!

Liu Kang: No. you will not slaughter her. You will know that The Negative Speed Force's plan will fail one way and the other.

August Heart|Godspeed: Wow. You're so courageous, Liu Kang. But seriously, Your Earth-SN9 is so gonna go extinct.

Savitar: You will know what true suffering is when Shang Tsung destroys your hourglass.

"Suddenly, Another Red Blur Zooms In And Stops Next To Titan Shang Tsung, It's Blaze-52|Red Death. Who Liu Kang thought he killed."

Blaze-52|Red Death: Last Chance, Kara.......Give it up.

"Kara-75 Then Turns To Stare At Shang Tsung With Anger, Which She Thinks of Another Plan To Stop Them."

Kara-75: ......Never......

Titan Shang Tsung: Very well then. If it is a fight you want....

Blaze-52: ......Then it's a fight you'll get. When I'm through with you, I'll kill you one more time.

"Liu Kang Looks At Kara-75, Which He Secretly Nods In Agreement With What They Are About To Do Against The Villains."

Kara-75: Take them down.

"The Heroes Battle The Villains, While Battling The Negative Speedsters In Mortal Kombat, They Soon Scatter, While Kung Lao Fights And Manages To Defeat The Dark Doubles, He Goes After Savitar, Unfortunately For Geras, Dark Nitara Pins Him Down And Violently Bites His Neck, Causing Pain On Him. Which Leaves Kara-75 Battling Dark Reptile & Dark Baraka. She Manages To Knock Him Down But He Stands Up."

Liu Kang: You fight how I remember. I know what you'll do before you do it.

Kara-75: Yeah. I know, Least I know that we fight together.

Titan Kitana: Likewise. Let's hope our advantage proves decisive.

"Dark Reptile Charges At Titan Kitana But Kara-75 Beats Him Up, Leaving Her To What She Needs To Do. The Girl Then K.O. Strikes Dark Reptile Into A Wall, He Then Falls Down Unconscious."

Titan Kitana: I'll go and stop Zoom!

"Titan Kitana Then Runs After Zoom To Stop Him, Leaving Liu Kang & Kara-75 To Face Dark Baraka."

Liu Kang: Why not slither back to your timeline?

"Dark Baraka Becomes Enraged And Charges At Liu Kang, But Kara-75 Beats Up Rapidly Until He Is Stunned, He Struggles To Steady Himself, But Liu Kang Finishes Him Off With A Beatdown, In A Final Blow, Liu Kang Kicks Him, Which Knocks Him Out."

Liu Kang: How I've missed fighting alongside the Justice League.
🎵Lost in the unknown, so much to see
We are brave, we fight for what we believe
Feel the energy, all in within
Risin' to the top, yeah!
We're the fire burnin', feel the heat
Rising like a dragon, we ain't weak
Push us down, we get back on our feet
Together we will rise!🎵
"Dark Tanya Soon Knocks Titan Raiden Down, However, When He Sees Godspeed Charging At Kara-75, He Fires His Lightning At Him, He Then Flies After Him, Leaving The 2 Heroes Battle Dark Tanya & Dark Li Mei."

Dark Tanya: Let's rip the flesh from their bones.

Titan Kitana: Are Tanyas of all earths this evil? Mine is no better.

Kara-75: Well, the other Tanya on my Earth is way more annoying.

Liu Kang: You should meet mine, she's a vast improvement.

Titan Kitana: I'd like that, should we survive this battle.

"Dark Li Mei Then Attacks Kara-75, But Her Blows Proved Useless As The Heroine Dodges Them Using Superspeed, Liu Kang Then Kicks Her To The Ceiling, Knocking Her Out And Leaving Dark Tanya To Fight Them."

Liu Kang: There's no question that I prefer my Li Mei to you.

"Dark Tanya Tries To Smash Liu Kang, But Kara-75 Counters Her And Punches Her, Titan Kitana Then Jumps Up And Strikes Down A Dark Outworlder, Defeating Her In The Process."

Liu Kang: Are you the best Shang Tsung can do?
🎵We fight!
Aim high!
Spin! Fly!
Be a ninja for what's right!🎵
"Titan Shang Tsung And His Dark Allies Begin Attacking The Hourglass, It Then Cracks, Meaning That He's Going To Destroy Earth-SN9."

Titan Shang Tsung: It has begun!

"Liu Kang Then Starts Feeling Weakened, Which Worries Kara-75 As She & Titan Kitana Rush To Help Him."

Titan Kitana: Liu Kang!

Kara-75: What's wrong?!

Liu Kang: We must stop them. If the Hourglass is emptied, this earth will be destroyed.

"Liu Kang & The Others Rush And Knock Dark Nitara Off Geras, They Then Help Him Get Up As He Recovers From The Attack. His Neck Starts To Heal."

Liu Kang: Heal quickly, my friend.
🎵We may fall or fail, but know that we have no fear
Two heroes never quit
New adventures calling from within
Risin' to the top, yeah!
We're the fire burnin', feel the heat
Rising like a dragon, we ain't weak
Push us down, we get back on our feet
Together we will rise!🎵
"Before Liu Kang & Kara-75 Could Stop Titan Shang Tsung, They Are Confronted By A Dark Liu Kang, Who Was Far Twisted Then Any Other Villain."

Dark Liu Kang: This battle ends with your earth obliterated. Your final moments will be torture and pain!

Liu Kang: I don't fear your bravado. I have bested twins far more evil than you.

"Liu Kang & Dark Liu Kang Clash In A Battle. As They Continued Fighting, They Soon begin a struggle to get the upper hand. But Liu Kang had other ideas."

Liu Kang: It's time to break my mirror image.

"Dark Liu Kang Charges At Liu Kang, But He Soon Counters His Attacks, He Then Lays A Beatdown On Him And Kick Him Straight Into A Wall, Only To Knock Him Out."

Liu Kang: Go back to your timeline, Brothers.
🎵We fight!
Aim high!
Spin! Fly!
Be a ninja for what's right!
(For what's right!)
(For what's right!)🎵
"Soon the hourglass begins to break due to Titan Shang Tsung's dark magic, Kara-75, Liu Kang & Titan Kitana Rush To Geras, Who Had Fully Healed."

Geras: We have little time. The Hourglass is failing.

Titan Kitana: Then let us end this now.

Kara-75: You Got It.

"The Heroes Then Rush To Stop Titan Shang Tsung, But He Has Other Plans."

Shang Tsung: Be good girls and kill them, won't you?

Dark Kitana: As you command, Shang Tsung.

Liu Kang: Kara and I will fight them. You save the Hourglass!

Geras: Yes, Liu Kang.

Titan Kitana: I'll handle Zoom.

"Titan Kitana Then Runs After Zoom To Where He's Heading, Leaving Liu Kang & Kara-75 To Stop Them. Geras then runs to the hourglass and uses all his power to save it. While Titan Shang Tsung maniacally chuckles."

Titan Shang Tsung: Fool. You cannot save it.
🎵We are warriors
We are glorious
Stronger, yeah we never back down
Dragon powers now
Rising from the ground
Fighting, we are legendary, never doubt
Focus and patience
That's what we ninjas are made of, yeah
And when everything falls apart, know that we won't back down🎵
Kara-75: I don't know which of them is worse. Both are cracked reflections of Kitana.

Liu Kang: They are abominations. Neither will survive this fight.
🎵We fight!
Aim high!
Spin! Fly!
Be a ninja for what's right!🎵
" The 2 Heroes Then Battle The Dark Doubles, Fortunately, Kara-75 Gets The Upperhand As She Beats Up And Defeats Dark Mileena While Liu Kang Knocks Down Dark Kitana."

Dark Kitana: You deserve this!

Kara-75: No, We don't.

"Kara-75 Then Beats Up Dark Kitana Until She Is Down, Leaving Liu Kang To Face The One Enemy Barry Swore To Stop."

Eobard: Hello, Liu Kang......

Liu Kang: Thawne!

"Thawne Then Looks The Hourglass, Astonished By How It Functions."

Eobard: Love what you did with the hourglass, A bit.........remarkable. But face it, when Shang Tsung destroys the hourglass. You're dead already.

Liu Kang: I do not fear your bravado either, You will never succeed in the battle.

"Thawne Then Charges in and attacks Liu Kang, but he manages to counter them, knocking him back."

Eobard: you think you can just beat me?'ll be dead before this earth is done for. I'll.........

"Liu Kang Strikes Then With A Stronger Blow, Knocking Him Down & Out. While Kara-75 Continues Beating Up Dark Kitana. She K.O. Punches Her Down."

Liu Kang: Stay down if you know what's best for you, Thawne.
"At the central city bridge, zoom made it to where Kara is about to return home, However, He Only Encounters Jul & Angelo, Who He Immediately Recognised."

Angelo: What the?!

Jul: You again?!

Hunter: A speedster and a meta-werewolf for me to slaughter? You shouldn't have!

"Before zoom could kill Angelo & jul, Titan Kitana Intervenes. Confronting the villain. He soon turns around to face her."

Titan Kitana: Enough of your madness. You will either surrender or die.

Hunter: A Princess turned Titan and keeper of time. Too bad you're not powerful enough......TO BEAT THE DARKNESS!

"Zoom Runs Around At High Speed, when Jul & Angelo try to stop him, they get knocked off the bridge and into the ocean, he starts charging Up For A Lightning Throw, He He Throws A Lightning, But Titan Kitana Dodges It And Throws Her Fanblade, It Then Pierces Zoom in the chest, but it also pierces through his heart, ending his life in the process."

Titan Kitana: You are insignificant, Hunter.
🎵We! (Woah-oh-oh!)
Aim! (Woah-oh-oh!)
Spin! (Woah-oh-oh!)
Be a ninja for what's right!🎵
"At The Alleyway, Titan Kung Lao Was Fending Off Savitar, But The Villain Has Him In A Choke Hold, Which He Arms His Blade To Kill Him."

Savitar: Your friend may have escaped his fate, Kung Lao. But you won't!

"Savitar thrusts his blade into Kung Lao, but unfortunately for the villain, his razor-hat blocks it, he knows it off his armor, he thrusts the hat into savitar instead, killing him."

Titan Kung Lao: Beat that, Savitar.
"At The Flash Museum, Godspeed Had entered inside, trying to hunt down Titan Raiden."


Titan Raiden: That's enough, August. I can help you. You only have fear in your heart. Are you afraid that you cannot defeat a god of thunder like me? Or is it that everytime you kill an innocent, you lost a piece of your soul.


"Godspeed then uses his powers, creating multiple copies of himself, They Then Charge At Titan Raiden, But He Knocks Them Down With His Thunder & Lightning, He Blasts One of Them To Pieces, He Manages To Knock The Rest of Them, Leaving The Real Godspeed Last."

August: You think you're so smart because you've beaten my copies, But I'm the real deal, the one true Godspeed.

"Raiden Then Electrocutes Godspeed, Disabling His Speed, He Begins To Wobble While Being Zapped, Resulting A K.O. He Then Falls Down Unconscious."

Titan Raiden: This is what I call lightning over matter.
"After Defeating Half of The Negative Speedsters, Liu Kang & The Other Titans Regroup, But Titan Shang Tsung Was Left With No Choice But To Send The Last Negative Speedster."

Titan Shang Tsung: Do me a favor and deal with that meddling hero.

Blaze-52: As you say, Shang Tsung.

"Red Death Soon Confronts The Heroes In A Fierce Battle."

Titan Kitana: I don't know who this "Red Death" is, a cracked reflection of Bruce Wayne.

Liu Kang: This Blaze Taylor of Earth-52 is an abomination. He will not survive this.

"Red Death Charges At Kara-75 To Attack, But She Dodges It In Time."


"Red Death Then Zooms Around At High Speed, When She Tried To Blast Him Using Her Heat Vision, She Only Blasts His Cowl, Shattering It. The Enraged Speedster Then Zooms At Her."


"Liu Kang Strikes Blaze-52 In The Chest, Which Bursts A Hole In It, Which The New Red Death Collapses, Resulting In The Death of The 52 Blaze Taylor."

Liu Kang: Once Shang Tsung is finished, you will be too.

"Liu Kang & The Other Titans Rush In And Use Their Powers To Save The Hourglass, Titan Shang Tsung Begins To Struggle, But Kara-75 Zooms In And Kicks Him Down, Before He Can Get Up, Liu Kang & The Titans Had Managed To Fully Restore The Hourglass, Saving Earth-SN9, However, Titan Shang Tsung Sees The Negative Speedsters Defeated, With Only Red Death, Savitar & Zoom Dead And Only Godspeed & Reverse Flash Beaten Which Enrages The Dark Titan."
🎵Fighting with honor!
Help one another!
Spinjitzu power!
We growing hopeful!
Winning the battles!
Go, ninja, go!
Know we're the warriors in our lives!🎵

Titan Shang Tsung: This isn't over, Liu Kang.

"Titan Shang Tsung & His Allie Retreat In The Portal To Earth-52, Leaving Liu Kang & The Heroes Victorious Against The Battle."

Liu Kang: Thank you, everyone, for your aid. This battle was won together.

Kara-75: You can say that again, Liu Kang.

Titan Kitana: Shang Tsung is gone, but he's not defeated. He will be back to renew his campaign.

Titan Kung Lao: Not only against Earth-Prime and Earth-SN9, but against the entire Multiverse.

Titan Raiden: Our choice is clear. We must take the fight to him. Destroy any power he has to make war against us.

Liu Kang: Agreed. Shang Tsung is likely already gathering allies as I gathered you. We must best his efforts. Assemble an overwhelming army from across all earths.

"Kara-75 Starts Thinking About Letting The Superhero Knights of Earth Prime Stop Titan Shang Tsung For A Moment But Nods In An Agreement Instead. Liu Kang Then Opens A Portal, He Then Enters Through, Gathering An Army of Heroes From Across All Earths."

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