Chapter 3: Earth-Prime's First Champion

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[Flashbolt157ninja ] [Destiny_angel123 ] [HamatoApple2007 ] [FanficPRimus ]
Earth-SN9; EarthRealm
"At The Wu Shi Academy, The Knights Were Prepared For Training And Are Waiting For Liu Kang."

Leslie: So......If Earth-SN9 Is Really Earthrealm, Then HowCome There Many Realms Around?

"Sam Shrugs."

Chelsea: Beats Me.

Donny: But I Don't See The Realms, All I See Is A View Bunch of People.

Kevin: Any Idea Where's.........

"The Knights Then Turn Around Only To See Kara Training With The Monks, Their Attacks Proved Nothing To Her, Suddenly, The Monks Bow In Respect. Then They Walk Away Only For The Knights To Walk Toward Her."

Kara: Leslie? Kevin? Chelsea? Sam? Donny? What Are You Guys Doing Here?

Kevin: Long Story, Same As You.

Kara: Wait, You Guys Were Chosen To Be Earth-Prime's Champions Too?

Chelsea: Yeah, He Did Say That Helping Him Should Change The Arcs of Our Lives.

Kara: Well.........About That.

"Suddenly, They Spot Elli, Who They Recognised From Years Ago."

The Knights: Elli?!

Elli: Hehe......Hey, Guys.

Kara: It's A Long Story.

"Suddenly, The Knights Hear The Gong, Meaning That Liu Kang Will See Them Now."

Leslie: You Can Tell Us After This Is Over.
Liu Kang: And today one of you will be chosen to fight for it at the tournament.

Kara: Only One of Us?

Elli: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Wasn't Outworld Assembling Several Champions.

Liu Kang: The tournament's rules give the host realm that advantage. And it is Outworld's turn as host.

Kevin: Look, As Much As I Had To Ask But.........What's Our Record At This Tournament?

Liu Kang: Earthrealm and Outworld have long been evenly matched. But Outworld is gaining strength. Should it win, its more militant factions will be emboldened.

Donny: But I Thought You Admired Outworld

Liu Kang: It is place of great knowledge, wealth, and beauty. But our realms do not share goals and beliefs. We coexist peacefully because Outworld respects our strength. Should we show weakness......our rival will become our enemy.

Chelsea: You Know We're Not Gonna Lose, Liu Kang.

"Liu Kang And The Knights Walk To The Place Where Raiden And The Earthrealm Champions Demonstrate Their Skills."

Liu Kang: First you must win the right to represent us. Whichever one of you outlasts my champions will be chosen.

"Liu Kang Then Sits On His Chair While The Monks Bend On Their Knees."

Liu Kang: Donatello. Step Forward.

"Donny Then Steps Foward, However, Johnny Cage Laughs, Thinking That He Can Handle Outworld's Champions."

Johnny Cage: Good call. Cull the weak first.

Liu Kang: You shall face him, Johnny Cage.

Kenshi: Ready For Your Close-Up?

"Johnny Then Steps Up To Face Donny."

Johnny: All right, let's do this. But remember, kid, I'm a global martial arts icon. I don't think you can handle this much boom.

"Liu Kang Then Rolls His Eyes Because of Johnny Cage's Pride. However, He Charges At Him, But Donny Zooms Out of The Way, Making Him Trip."

Johnny: That's Why I Don't Need Stunt Doubles.

"Donny Stops In Front of Johnny As He Gets Up."

Donny: Listen, I Gotta Warn You, Man. The Speed Force And I Aren't Messing Around.

"Johnny Tries To Attack Donny But He Zooms Again, Making Johnny Realise That It's Not A Joke."


"Donny Stops Behind Johnny, Which He Turns Around."

Johnny: Oh......

"Donny Punches Johnny, Which He Falls Down."

Donny: You Know......That Fight Is A Lot More Fun.

"Donny Helps Johnny Up, Which Earns Him His Respect."

Johnny: You're Welcome.

Liu Kang: Elizabeth, You May Face Kenshi Takahashi.

"Elli Then Steps In To Face Kenshi While Johnny Walks Away."

Kenshi: You're Skilled In That Form, But You're Inexperienced.

Elli: Excuse Me? This Meta-Werewolf's Got An A In Heart.

Kenshi: It's nerve, not heart, that wins fights. I should know. I've been in hundreds of them.

"Kenshi Then Tries To Strike Elli, But She Dodges It, The 2 Then Fight Each Other, However, She Knocks His Sword From His Hand."

Kenshi: I Should've Taken You Lightly, I Won't Do It Again.

"The 2 Then Fight Again As Kenshi Begins Using His Fist, But Elli Knocks Him Down With Her Sonic Howl."

Elli: Weren't You Saying Something About Nerve?

Kenshi: I do not. Yours was a well-earned victory.

Liu Kang: You Children May Rest.

Kara: Hey, What About Me?

Liu Kang: Worry not, Kara. This evening you will face your final opponent.
"Kara & Kung Lao Then Stand In Front of Each Other. Before They Could Fight."

Liu Kang: Kara, Kung Lao, The winner of this match will represent Earthrealm against Outworld. is a grave duty, not to be undertaken lightly. You may step back now and suffer no dishonor.

Kara: I'll Fight To Save EarthRealm. Liu Kang.

Kung Lao: As Will I.

Liu Kang: Then may the best hero win.

"Liu Kang Then Walks Away And Sits Back In His Chair, Leaving Kara To Face Her Final Opponent."

Kung Lao: Concede, Lycan. You have never beaten me. That won't change today.

Kara: No. But If There's One Thing My Dad Told Me, It's That Change Is Always A Part of Life.

"Kung Lao & Kara Fight Each Other, She Dodges His Attacks, She Punches Him, Knocking Him Down. He Soon Gets Up."

Kung Lao: That was pure luck, Lycan. unlike them, you won't beat me once.

Kara: Least you're gonna be humbled.

Kung Lao: Ha! By a girl in a cape? I do not think so.

"Kung Lao Lands A Blow To Kara, But His Blow Proved Nothing, Realising That She's More Then A Girl."

Kung Lao: Drat!......

"Kara Punches Kung Lao, Surprisingly Defeating Him."

Kara: Guess that's just the first time in life, Kung Lao.

"Kara helps Kung Lao, However, Liu Kang walks toward her."

Liu Kang: Although you have all trained well, Kara has excelled. This outcome does not surprise me.

Kung Lao: How could I have - Congratulations, Kara.

Johnny: Uhh, How Is She Not Hurt?

Liu Kang: What You Have Witness Is That She Is A Kryptonian, Born With The Same Physiology, when in the day, the Sun light gives her powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.

"Kara then Flies Up into the Sky, creating a symbol on the clouds, which surprises Johnny cage, Kenshi, Raiden And Kung Lao."

Johnny: Holy Ark of The Covenant!

"Kara Then Lands In Front of Liu Kang And His Champions."

Raiden: It Is Incredible. But is it necessary?

Liu Kang: In addition to possessing great might, the Outworlders she will face also wield great magic. Her power levels the playing field.

Kung Lao: You must be careful, Kara. When you're vulnerable to magic, You could get hurt. Even killed!

Liu Kang: No tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed. I would never send earth-prime's champions unwittingly into mortal kombat. We leave in seven days for Outworld's capital, Sun Do. The tournament will be held at the Palace of Empress Sindel.

"Kara, Liu Kang And His Champions Then Walk To The Entrance, He Uses His Powers To Create A Portal."

Liu Kang: Remember, Kara. Outworld can be both alien and intoxicating to Earthrealmers. Do not become drawn in. Focus on the task at hand

"Kara Nods In Agreement With Liu Kang, The Portal Was Open And They Walk Through It. To Enter The Realm of Outworld."
"Liu Kang, Kara & The Earthrealmers Walk Out The Other Side of The Portal, Which She Is Surprised To See The Realm of Outworld."

Kara: So This Is What It Looks Like.

"As The Earthrealmers Continue Walking, Kara Spots The 2 Outworlders. One of Them Walks Toward Them."

Kara: Wait, Are Those...

Liu Kang: Empress Sindel's daughters, yes.

Kara: They Seem Friendly.

Raiden: We are Earthrealm's ambassadors, Kara. We'll show them respect... not unwanted attention.

"The Earthrealmers Stop In Front of The 2 Outworlders, Mileena & Kitana. Which Liu Kang Greets Them With A Shaolin Bow."

Mileena: Lord Liu Kang, welcome.

Liu Kang: Thank you, Princess Mileena.

Mileena: You remember my sister?

Liu Kang: Of course. Princess Kitana. May I introduce Johnny Cage...Kung Lao...Kenshi Takahashi...Raiden...and Earth-Prime's champion...Kara Lycan.

Kitana: I hope you're prepared, Kara. Our champions are determined to win.

Mileena: None more so than me. It's been too long since we've known victory.

Tanya: Princess Mileena. We should be on our way. Empress Sindel awaits.

Mileena: Thank you, Tanya. Please, Follow Us.

"Kara And The Earthrealmers Follow Mileena & Kitana To The Chariot Where They Will Travel To Empress Sindel's Palace."
Sun Do
"At Sun Do, Sounds of singing and revelry & rhythmic drumbeat are playing while Kara looks around and sees many Outworlders However, To Raiden's Discovery, He Sees New Outworlders."

Raiden: Those are Centaurians. And Shokan!

Mileena: The six-armed beings are Naknadans.

Raiden: The monks described them. But seeing them in person...

Liu Kang: I see that Her Majesty once again spares no expense on the festival.

Mileena: Should she not? It commemorates my late father.

Liu Kang: I admire, Princess. I do not judge. As did all of Outworld, I valued greatly Jerrod's fellowship.

Kara: Wasn't That——

"Mileena Suddenly Notices That The First Constable, Li Mei. Was Taking One of The Villagers Custody For Harbouring The Disease Known As Tarkat, She Knocks, Commanding The Driver To Stop, She Walks Toward Her."

Mileena: First Constable! Our route was to be clear. This couldn't wait?

Li Mei: Should I allow Tarkatans to infect the city, Your Highness? Those arrested were harboring some here, rather than report them for quarantine.

Mileena: The Earthrealmers cannot be privy to our secrets, Li Mei. As Sun Do's First Constable, you must show better judgement. Perhaps that's too much to expect.

Raiden: Princess Mileena doesn't seem to like her very much.

Liu Kang: Li Mei used to lead the Umgadi, the palace guard. It was on her watch that the Princess's father was murdered.
"At The Great Hall. Many Outworlders Were Gathered, While The Earthrealmers Are Gathered Aswell, Including Kara."

Liu Kang: Worry expends energy for no purpose, Kara.

Kara: But You Don't Understand, If I Lose In The Tournament.

Liu Kang: Focus on your actions, not the outcome. It is all you can control.

"Suddenly, Another Outworlder, The One Known As General Shao Walks Toward The Earthrealmers, Pushing The Outworlders Out of The Way."

Johnny: Red alert. Incoming stock villain.

Liu Kang: General Shao. Do not let him goad you.

"Shao Then Stops In Front of The Earthrealmers, Only To See Kara While He Laughs."

General Shao: It is me, or is Earth-Prime's champion scrawnier than usual?

Kung Lao: Would you care to test her strength?! Kara will -

Liu Kang: Will prove herself soon enough.

Shao: Have you still not told most Heroes that Outworld exists?

Liu Kang: It is safer that way, General.

Shao: I suppose so. These people's frail minds couldn't handle the truth.

Liu Kang: You presume them frail, General? Should you... given how frequently they win this tournament?

Shao: We will destroy Earth-Prime's champion, Liu Kang. She will taste no victory.

"The Sound of trumpeting fanfare Began As Empress Sindel And Her Daughters Walk In, They Then Reach Their Thrones, Which They Sit."

Sindel: Welcome, members of the royal house. Welcome, our esteemed Earthrealm guests. We gather once again to honor my late husband's legacy. To continue the tournament that he founded with Lord Liu Kang in hopes that it would foster peace among realms. May Jerrod's soul watch over us with pride from its resting place in the Living Forest.

"Liu Kang Walks To Sindel. Greeting Her With A Shaolin Bow."

Sindel: Lord Liu Kang.

Liu Kang: Empress Sindel. It pleases me to once again be your guest.

Sindel: Here, you are always welcome. Now. Let us meet this champion.

Liu Kang: Earth-Prime's champion is Kara Lycan, Your Majesty. She has earned her place by inheriting the legacy of the Justice League.

Sindel: You seem nervous, young lady.

Kara: I Just Came To This Earth And Entered Outworld, Just To Compete Against Its Champions, Yeah, I'm Nervous.

Sindel: As you should be. You have a difficult path ahead.

"Sindel Then Stands Up To Begin The Tournament."

Sindel: It has begun! As tradition requires, Outworld's initial competitor will be Sun Do's First Constable... Li Mei. May she defend our realm's glory as well as she preserves our capital's order.

"Li Mei Then Walks In And Toward Sindel, With Pride That She Will Face Kara."

Li Mei: Your Majesty. I will honor both the royal house, and all of Outworld, with my kombat.

Sindel: If so, you will vastly exceed my expectations. Remember. Were it not for Jerrod's tradition, you would not be here.

"Li Mei Walks To Her Position To Face Kara."

Liu Kang: All you need do is your best. The rest will take care of itself.

Kara: If You Say So, Liu Kang.

Li Mei: Shall we see what you can do?

Kara: Well, This Might Be Better Then Any Other Victory,

Li Mei: I will prevail, Kryptonian. This fight is more important to me than you can ever know.

"The 2 Then Clash, Li Mei Tries Using Her Magic To Defeat Kara, But She Easily Dodges It Using Superspeed, She Knocks Her Down, Winning The First Round."

Kara: Now Will You Take It Seriously.

Li Mei: Not In The Slightest.

"Li Mei Tries To Attack Kara Again, As She Continuously Tries To Land Another Blow, She Dodges It At Speed, She Zooms Behind Her."

Kara: Thanks For The Match.

"Kara Punches Li Mei, Knocking Her Down This Time And Winning The First Match. Li Mei Gets Up, Defeated By Her."

Kara: And Sorry For The Bruise.

Li Mei: That Is Alright.

"Li Mei Then Walks Away, Leaving Kara To Face Her Second Challenger."

Sindel: My compliments, Kara, on a well-fought match. We'll see how you fare in the next. General Shao. Whom have you chosen as our next competitor?

Shao: Your Majesty, I have chosen Reiko, my second-in-command.

"Reiko Walks In With His Spirit of War Inside Him."

Shao: As a boy, Reiko was orphaned during the Kafallah War. Though captured, his spirit remained unbroken. He scratched, clawed, and survived. After the war, I took him in. Molded him into the perfect soldier. Few others are as well versed in the ways of war.

"Reiko Then Demonstrates His Fighting Styles, However, He Turns To Face Kara."

Reiko: In whose army have you served? In what wars have you fought?

Kara: You Know I Don't Serve Armies And I Don't Fight Wars, I Fight For The People That Need Hope.

Reiko: Then you are woefully unprepared, Kryptonian. This will be your last battlefield.

"Reiko Charges At Kara, But She Dodges It With Ease. When He Charges At Her Again. She Trips Him."

Kara: I Don't Fight Any War, But I Protect Central City.

Reiko: You Talk To Much of It!

"Reiko Tries Striking Kara, But His Blows Prove Nothing To Kara, She Begins Attacking Reiko, Beating Him Down And Winning The Second Match."

Kara: Beaten By A Superhero.

"Kara Turns To Look At Sindel."

Kara: Well, I'm Ready For Another Challenger, Your Majesty. Who Am I Gonna Fight?

Sindel: Patience, young lady. We are adjourned until first light. I hope to see you all at this evening's banquet.
"At The Hanging Gardens, Sounds of folksy music starts playing as Outworlders and Earthrealmers are having a feast."

Johnny: I'm sorry. You're ten thousand years old?

"Kitana Nods, Which Surprises Johnny."

Johnny: Talk about aging gracefully.

Kara: Excuse Me, I'm 27 Years Old.

Raiden: What do you see in her?

Liu Kang: She is a hero, Raiden... Though she had known it for a long time. Do you recognize everyone here?

Raiden: Most, yes. From your descriptions. Except for him.

Liu Kang: That is Rain, the High Mage of Outworld. Not his given name, but one earned due to his mastery of water magic.

"Suddenly, Kara Notices Mileena Not Feeling Well While Tanya Checks On Her."

Tanya: (whispering) Are you unwell, Princess?

Mileena: I am fine, Tanya.

Kara: know I have to fight Mileena... but should I also face Tanya?

Liu Kang: By tradition, you should not. If you would be tested.

Kara: Why?

Liu Kang: Umgadi, like Tanya, are warrior priestesses...Selected from the first born daughters of Outworld. From infancy, they are trained to defend the royal family.

Raiden: Outworld must see much conflict, if the Empress needs such protection.

Liu Kang: Its past has been difficult. Though the last thousand years of Empress Sindel's reign have been a true golden age......the memories of that strife still linger.

"The Music Then Stops As Sindel Stands Up To Make A Toast."

Sindel: My husband Jerrod believed that the future of our realms lay together. Let us move forward in open dialogue......letting no secrets tear our bonds asunder.

"The Earthrealmers & Outworlders Stand Up. Except For Shao & Reiko."

Raiden: Your Majesty. It's an honor to be here and to meet your people. I can already see there's more that joins us than divides us.

"Shao snarls & laughs."

Shao: Our peoples could not be more different, champion.

Raiden: Excuse Me?

Shao: You heard me. Earthrealmers are devoid of all -

Sindel: That's enough, General.

Shao: My apologies, Your Majesty. Perhaps I've enjoyed too much of this excellent wine. With your permission - You may go.

"Shao & Reiko Then Walk Away From The Banquet, Leaving Kara To Be Suspicious of What He Means By That."
"At Sindel's Court, She Was Furious At What Shao Did Back At The Hanging Gardens."

Sindel: It is bad enough we may lose to that Kryptonian. But then you go and drunkenly insult her?! You needlessly stain my honor and your family's proud military tradition!

Shao: May I speak freely, Your Majesty?

Sindel: Again with this? If you must.

Shao: We must act on the sorcerer's prophecy. He warns that Liu Kang will conquer Outworld.

Sindel: And his predictions are usually impeccable. But I've no proof of Liu Kang's ill intent. His interventions have kept Outworld at peace for centuries.

Shao: He herds us into compromises, shackles our independence. If we could meet our enemies in battle... We'd -

Sindel: You would consign us to endless war!

Shao: Better that than be Liu Kang's lapdog.

Sindel: If I see evidence of the prophecy's accuracy, we will act. But only then......and only at my command. Did not your illustrious father teach you that war is the last resort......not the first?

Shao: He did, Your Majesty.

Sindel: Do not forget that, General.

"Sindel Then Hears Knocking At The Door."

Sindel: Come.

"Shao Then Walks Away, While Kitana & Mileena Walk In To See Her."

Mileena: You asked to see us.

Sindel: I saw what happened this evening.

Mileena: That was nothing. Something I ate.

Sindel: Was it? I can't chance it, can I? If you fight tomorrow, the symptoms of your disease could manifest. Kitana will take your place.

Mileena: What?! (stammering) There are already whispers she should replace me as your heir. This will make them screams!

Sindel: Your illness is your fault. Why you left the palace that night unattended is still beyond me.

Mileena: I just needed time alone, away from all this. I never thought that —

Sindel: That's your problem, Mileena. You never think.

Kitana: (stammering) Mother is only trying to protect you, sister. If your disease becomes known, you will be banished to the Wastes. For you to hold the throne, we must keep your secret.

"Mileena Then Walks Away In Anger, After What Happened To Her Because of The Tarkat Disease."
"At The Hanging Gardens By Day, Kara Readies Herself For Another Fight."

Sindel: You continue to surprise, Kara. Among others, you have defeated Kotal, Motaro, and Sheeva. Only two fights remain. Are you ready, Kryptonian?

Kara: You Bet.

Sindel: Then next you face my daughter...Kitana.

"Kitana Then Walks In, Armed With Razor Fan Blade, However, This Worries Liu Kang."

Liu Kang: Your Majesty, this is unprecedented. Kara's next opponent should be your heir.

Sindel: Mileena is unavailable. She's away on pressing imperial business.

Liu Kang: But I have not prepared her to battle Kitana.

Sindel: She's already demonstrated great skill. Can she not improvise?

Kara: Liu Kang, It's Alright, I Can Handle It.

Liu Kang: Very well.

"Liu Kang Then Walks Away, Leaving Kara To Fight Kitana."

Kitana: I will be no easier to fight than my sister, Kryptonian.

Kara: I Already Know A View Things About Justice, Your Highness.

Kitana: I will win this fight. For her, my Empress, and all of Outworld.

"Kitana Then Attacks Kara, Which The 2 Battle Each Other, However, She Knocks her Into A Wall."

Kitana: This isn't done yet. Face me.

Kara: Whatever You Say.

"The 2 Then Fight Each Other, When Kitana Throws Her Fan Blade, Kara Dodges It. She Zooms In Front of Kitana And Punches Her. Winning The 7th Match. Kitana Then Gets Up."

Kara: Gotta Admit, You're Good At This.

Kitana: As do you, Kryptonian. Surprisingly so.

Kara: I hope we'll meet Again This Time.

Sindel: It's time for the final match.

"Kitana Then Walks To Where Her Throne Is And Sits Down."

Sindel: It's a testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far. But now you must face General Shao. Victor of Tervarian War. Conqueror of the Kuatan Plains. Defender of the Navala Coast. As has his family for generations, General Shao defends us with zeal and tenacity.

"Shao Walks Toward Kara, Armed With His Battle-Axe."

Sindel: All of Outworld is grateful for his service.

Kara: I Guess I'll Take That As A Complement, General.

Shao: It is a mere fraction of them. A full recitation would take days.

"Kara & Shao Clash In Battle, He Then Swings His Battle-Axe But Kara Dodges It. She Then Strikes Him At A Second Blow, Knocking Him Down."

Kara: Least I Hit Harder Then You.

Shao: The Justice League's trained you well. But not well enough to win.

"Shao Then Tries To Slam His Battle-Axe But Thanks To Kara's Heat Vision, She Knocks It Out of Hand, She Repeatedly Punches Shao, At The Final Blow, She Punches Shao, Winning The Final Match."

Kara: I-I Did It! I Won!

Sindel: Congratulations, Kara. Earthrealm wins. Thanks To Earth-Prime's Aid.

"Sindel And The Others Then Walk Away, However, Kara Then Walks Toward Shao, Offering Him Help."

Kara: Need Some Help?

"Shao Angrily Refuses By Swatting Kara's Hand Away. Making Her More Suspicious of His Behaviour."

Shao: Stay away, Kryptonian.

Liu Kang: Well Done. You have exceeded my greatest expectations.

Kara: Thanks, Liu Kang.

Liu Kang: Because of you, the Outworlders who would disturb the peace will once again be held at bay. Come. Let us bid our hosts farewell and return You And Your Friends to Earth-Prime.

"Kara Then Looks Back At Shao, Still Suspicious of Why He's Being Like A Jerk To Her. She Turns To Face Liu Kang."

Kara: Yeah, I Can Just Fly Over To EarthRealm And Pick Up My Friends. Meet You There.

"Kara Then Flies Off To Go Find Her Friends, Leaving Liu Kang, Proud of What She Accomplished For EarthRealm."
"At The Fire Temple, Liu Kang Was Meditating But Sees Sands Whirling, Which His Great Friend As Appeared."

Liu Kang: Geras, my old friend. It's been eons. It is good to see you.

Geras: Likewise, Lord Liu Kang. I have watched you with the Hourglass. You are relishing your role as Earthrealm's Protector.

Liu Kang: It suits me far better than being Keeper of Time ever did. I never wanted to replace Kronika. Being history's architect drove her mad. I had no wish to share her fate. Which is why I am forever grateful that you volunteered to safeguard the Hourglass. Despite my having relinquished its power, the new era has unfolded as it should.

Geras: You created me in your own image. Duty is my highest calling.

Liu Kang: While I am glad you are here, you are not one for social calls. Is there trouble with the Hourglass?

Geras: With something it has shown me.

Liu Kang: What, Geras?

Geras: When you created Earth-SN9, you altered the destinies of certain malefactors to neutralize them. At least one of them is defying that destiny: Shang Tsung.

Liu Kang: Go on.

Geras: He has escaped his meaningless life and is on his way to becoming a powerful sorcerer. He has already infiltrated Sindel's court.

Liu Kang: I saw no sign of him during the tournament. But if that snake is in Sindel's ear —

Geras: Your vision of peace may already be compromised.

Liu Kang: I appreciate this warning, Geras. I will investigate. Please return to the Hourglass and see what else you can learn.
"At The Skies of EarthRealm, Kara Was Thinking About The Day Shao Refused Her Offer, Which Made Her Notice That Slone Is Somehow Working With Someone."

Kara Thought: *Wasn't That Supposed To Happened? The Moment That Shao Just Refused My Help. I Think Someone's Behind This, And I'm Pretty Sure It's That Same Villain.*

"Kara Then Turns Around To See At Distance, Realising That Slone Is Planning Something Sinister That Would Endanger The Realms."

Kara: Time To Find Out What You're Up To, Slone.

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