not necessary to go to other countries to learn cultures ...

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t is argued that it is not necessary to go to other countries to learn cultures. We can learn from books, films and the internet instead . Do you agree or disagree?

Cultural integration is a heated issue. While many people think that instead of going to other countries to learn cultures, we can learn from films, internet and books, I strongly disagree with this opinion.

In the world where technology is motivated day by day, by surfing the internet in your very room, you can learn about the languages and culture, visit to many famous scenic in a country where is thousands of miles away from you. We can also learn by reading books or watching TV. It is a good choice to learn foreign cultures without wasting your time or money. Besides, thanks to Studying online, you can control your timetable to join a part-time job or spend it on playing with your friends.

However, going to other countries to learn cultures is necessary.  Firstly, by dint of people travelling to other land, tourism is motivated, followed by the economic development and the reduction in the unemployment. Secondly, with people understanding the other’s culture, political situation is expected to get better. It opens up many opportunities of working and studying oversea to citizens of both countries by the International Student Exchange Programs. Psychologically, by virtue of social contact, people can become more confident, ebullient. Besides, by listening or seeing directly, people learn comprehensively, fully, exactly instead of learning from some untested information sources in the Internet.

In conclusion, I’m quite sure that studying directly is always better than studying by the Internet, newspapers or films.

2,It argue that instead of  traveling to oversea country  to learn about their culture people could learn that from flims,the internet and books  . Personally, I would complete disagree with this opition for a number of reasons. 

To begin with, Traveling to a foreign nation is always to advantageous to experience a different culture even for a short period of time. One day abroad is one day learn.Hence, travellers alway have better understanding about the outside world than those who  just learn fogeign cultural value through book  and media. They also tend to behave more tolerant to other group of people.This trend could stimulate culture exchage and encourage  cultural diversity in the world that we are living in.

On the other hand, Some peple may agrue that travel to learn about new culture seem to be waste money and strength. The availability of information from books and the internet have allowed people to access the local customs with no cost.  However this option is flawed because study through books and media would not be as effective as learning with the locals . For stance, learing Aloha dance ( ) through videos and pictures would not be as thorough as learing with the locals. By interacting with them,learners could have more chance to practise and enrich their knowledge.While it hard to be achieved by study  through media and internet  due to the constraint of motivation and facilities

In conclusion, I firmly hold the view that travelling in oversea country is the best way to learn about new cultures.

3,Some people claim that we are able to learn different cultures of other countries from books, films and the Internet without having to go overseas to achieve these valuable knowledge. Personally, I strongly disagree with this idea for several reasons, as will now be explained.

On the one hand, the prevalence of the Internet, books and films in the modern world provide us a great source of cultural knowledge. Thus we have easily access to various programs and websites which enrich our understanding and awareness of other cultures just by staying at home. For example, a series of sitcom “Friends” show us the clear images of lifestyles and behavioral manners of American. Therefore, it helps us how to communicate properly with foreign people.

However, it is true that travelling overseas to experience cultures at the host country is costly and time-consuming, but it is advantageous to people for the following reasons. Firstly, people will have more chances to absorb first-hand information that is much more reliable than that from the Internet. For example, we are always allured by luxurious items and good-looking appearance of actors and actresses from Korean films, but we do not know that only wealthy people living there afford that lifestyle. Furthermore, learning cultures by travelling is beneficial for cultural exchange and increasing relationship between countries. People who travel and immerse themselves with new things in other countries would be more open-minded and more tolerant with exotic cultures than those who only learn that from books, films and Internet.

It seems to me that travelling to other countries to gain cultural value is beneficial than by studying through sources of information in their own country.

4, Learning cultures from books, television, radio.. had been a heated issue. It is argued that this problem was not good for people. While others belive that this is useful. The essay will indicate a closer look at the issue.

                    To begin with, learning cultures from other countries has brought many benefits. Needless to say, it provides more knowledge and information. For instance, they could read books, newspapers freely in library. With more and better awareness, people know that news is very good. It is pointing out that to learning from films and the internet are cheaper than another selections, so they will save more money. Moreover, people can have a lot of time to do other things. Similarly, they could be relax at home and have a happy weekend with their parents, their friends.

                     One can not deny the negative effects which have derived from books , films and newspapers. The most prominent is they will not have a lot of exciting experiences. If people have not gone to other countries then they would not know exactly about life, cultures and people in there.

                     One could draw the conclusion that, the most of people greatly advocate the idea of learning from books, the internet and films. In the future, people will have the opportunity to go to other countries and know many things about the cultures in the world. 

5, It is seem to have certain thinking that it is possible to learn cultures without moving to their countries, and people are able to study it through distance by books, movies and internet instead. In my point of view, I completely disagree with this concept.

On one hand, to support my idea that it is insufficient to learn a culture by reading books or movies even internet instead of experiencing right in the country of it. Firstly, there is consideration that five human senses make the complete mental feeling to every single person. For instance, it is impossible to feel how hot the desert is, how thirsty or hard when you are current in a desert attempting to walk if someone is sitting on sofa with some snacks and coke watching a movie about it. In addition, it is not possible for persons through reading or watching to have taste and smell of Chinese specific cuisines unless they travel to this country and try those foods themselves. That are explanations why people need to be in a country in order to study about its culture or traditions.

On the other hand, some argue that it is not necessary to move to a native region to learn about country’s culture due to they just have aim of basic knowledge of that country, in order that they have commercial free means of studying about the national culture they wish without hardness of movement or language barrier. So far, this is best choice of someone who just need parts of information of countries’ culture to serve their purpose of education or some things like that, for example.

Overall, it quite depends on intention of research upon some cultures of the world, they will have some eligible methods of studying. But, I still believe that two senses of seeing and hearing among five human senses will not make complete experience of studying a culture, so they need to be pointed in its country for that.

6. Many people believe that going abroad to study about one country’s customs and traditions is unnecessary nowadays, thanks to the development and variety of media such as books, movies and websites. However, in my opinion, backpacking and travelling is a great way to explore the world, whose experience other means of approaching cannot bring about.

First of all, it is undeniable that books and movies are magnificent ways to explore the world. Not only do both of them contain very specific and selective information about a country, many are also created by very good authors that make them really interesting to read and watch. On the other hand, people can also search for their required information from the internet. Whereas the internet itself contains a huge source of information, it is even faster and more convenient to get information there than from other methods. The only bad thing is that the information there are not selective, so users can many times find themselves misdirected in a chaos.

Despite some advantages, those above means of world-exploring are still not good enough in comparison with traveling. First, when we are backpacking, we can explore the world in a totally different way. We can walk on the ground of England, smell the air of Australia, taste some cuisine of Africa, all such feelings cannot be achieved through a book or a movie. Furthermore, we can have our own judgments, both positive and negative, about what we are studying, in spite of following other authors’ point of view. Last but not least, traveling can bring us many friends from all over the world, from whom we can study directly about the country’s human beings and many other aspects.

In a nutshell, I do believe that traveling is a wonderful experience every person needs to have in their lives. Other means of approaching the world can only serve as reference sources for us to know the place better.

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