de thi xml

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ANY indicates that …element of character data[false]

Attribute values must …by double quotes[false]

Assigning a style to …following specific rules.[false]

An attribute is …of an element[true]

A Markup Language …structure of documents[true]

Consider a DTD example :[no]

Child element declared …the same sequence[false]

DTD helps define …an XML document[true]

Documents that follow …well-formed documents. [true]

Data in HTML cannot be structured[true]

External DTD is …of the XML file. [false]

Element inside the root are termed as child element[true]

HTML provides the …create their own tags[false]

HTML linking is …of using HTML[true]

H1{font-size xx-large} Is the above …font extra large?[no]

Inheritance of a …element it contains[true]

Length of XML tag is dependent on the processor[true]

Logical structure of …due to XML tags[true]

Namespaces ensure that …how to process them. [true]

S{margin-right:-3cm;} Is the above statement valid?[yes]

Small-caps is a value supported by font-style[false]

The logical structure …manipulated by XSL. [false]

The 'border' is …the two borders. [false]

The type attribute …of style sheet[true]

The value of the …be a color value[true]

The processing part …to the child nodes. [true]

To assign the same …to several selectors. [false]

Verify the snippet given below: <?xml ?>   <img src=bullet_d.gif></img [False]

URI may contain …in XML names ?[false]

URL includes URI and URN[false]

XML allows create of multiple root element[false]

XML declaration is also a processing instruction[true]

XML data can be embedded in HTML[true]

XML attribute values …enclosed in quotes[true]

XML elements cannot be empty[false]

XML provides a …way of sharing data[true]

XML inherited the concepts of DTDs from SGML. [true]

XML vocabulary is …formatting semantics[true]

XSL in Internet Explorer …W3C XSL standard[true]

XSL is used to…, into another DTD[false]

XSLT and CSS are compatible standards[true]

<!ELEMENT CircleEMPTY><!ATTLIST Circleradius CDATA “20”>[ True]

<!ELEMENT do (message+)>The “+” sign …the do element[true]

"*/*" this syntax used …grandchildren of the root[true]

______is a very …all markup languages[SGML]

CSS understands ____ number of colors defined by their names:[ 16]

In DTD ,XML …a/an __________declaration[ATTLIST]

The _____ structure …than _____ data formats[tree-based, fixed-length]

The use of …using a ______ in the tag name[colon]

To describe data XML uses a _______[ Document Type Definition]

Using DTD, _______parser checks for validity[Validating]

XSL uses …an XML ___into an XML ____[ source tree va result tree]

XML document … ____ …an external DTD[<!DOCTYPE>]

Difference between XML and HTML[XML… describe va HTML… display]

Identify the elements, …can be used with:[ <xsl:for-each> va <xsl:template>]

Identity the correct statements (choose 2)[ XSL …XML va CSS …HTML]

Identify the correct statements  (Choose 2)[2 cau XML]

Identify the correct statements. (Choose 2)[CSS…HTML va XSL…XSL]

Identify the …to XSLT. (Choose 2)[It lets … va It is…]

Identify the correct syntax: (One or more …three)[bo…#REQUIRED”value”]

Identify the correct syntax used by the XML document for displaying a stylesheet.

[B] <?xml-stylesheet?>

[C] <?xml-stylesheet type='txt/css' href='abc.css'?>

Primary requirements …system were[common… va the…a common…]

The available document models of DOM are: (Choose 3)[bo Component Model]

Syntax for referencing …XML document is:[ <?xml-… va <?xml:  …]

A model applied to dynamic documents is known as:[ Tree Model]

A model applied to static document objects is:[ Linear Model]

All processing instruction begin end with[<?...?>]

An attribute which …indicated by the values:[ #IMPLIED]

CDATA is text …the statement is valid[Not Valid]

Document content is determined by[Semantic Markup]

Document Structure is determined by[Structural Markup]

End of a CDATA block is characterized by the character string[]]]

For element in the XSL namespaces , XSL uses the prefix[xsl:]

For declaring a …the correct syntax[<!ELEMENT element-name (child-name*)>]

Identify if the …code is valid<?xml …weekend!</body>[Invalid]

Identify the operator …the current context[.//]

Identify the operator …root of the document[//]

Identify the correct statements[None of the others]

Identify the …an error:<?xml …good food please </body></node>[ Line 2]

Identify the correct …the XSL namespace.[ <?xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=”url”?>]

Identify the correct syntax[<?xml-stylesheet href='url'?>]

Identify the statements …true for CSS:[ It permits reuse of document data.]

Identify the attribute…over other properties[!priority]

Internal DTD and …with the file extension[.xml]

IN CSS styling property value may be [All of the others]

In CSS, Identification of a selector content is done by using a:[ Semi-colon]

In order to format an XML document we combine it with a[Style sheet]

In a 3-tier model …middle-tier and back-end[Browser, WebServer, Database Server]

In case of 3 style sheets …style sheet used[First]

<?xml …</note>[Valid]

Is the following …in XML valid ?[invalid]

IE5 has an inbuilt XML Parser called[MSXML (Microsoft XML)]

Math the following …respective explanation:[ I-v,II-vi,III-iv,IV-i,V-ii,VI-iii,VII-vii]

Markup includes[All of the other]

Match the correct …respective characters[a-5,b-3,c-4,d-1,e-2]

Normally for enclosing…defining code we use[curly brackets { }]

NMTOKENS[The value is a list of valid XML names]

Prefix is :[ An alias selected by a document author]

Selectors helping us …tag are termed as[Simple selectors]

Selectors allowing us …are termed as[Contextual selectors]

Syntax for element declaration is[<!ELEMENT element-name …]

Syntax for …XML document is:[ <!DOCTYPE N1 SYSTEM “show.dtd”>]

Syntax for a typical template element is :[ <xsl:template match =”myElement”>]

Syntax xml declaration is[<?xml version=”1.0”?>]

The standalone attribute can be set to[yes/no]

The DOCTYPE  …which is termed as[Document Type Definition]

The font-size option larger is used for[<relative-size>]

The keyword termed …declared element is:[ ANY]

Treating a document as … code is termed as:[DOM]

Which of the following statements is true[All XML elements must have a closing tag]

Which of the following statement are true?[ All of the statement are true]

Which of these is not a correct name for an XML element?[ <first name>]

When two values are specified for the margin then[the…top…]

Writing an Internal DTD inside a DOCTYPE is known as:[ Declaration]

XML is a Meta-Language… statement given above.[ Describes other language]

XSL provides a transformation language called:[ XSLT]

XSL does not provide support for:[ It provides support for all the options stated]

<?xml …WELCOME SYSTEM “hello.dtd”>[ An external DTD]

<?xml …</script> [Executes without any error]

<xml>and<_Name>-Identify …valid or invalid[Invalid, Valid]

<!ELEMENT element-name (child-name)>Identify the …inside the element[*]

<!ELEMENT A((B,C)|D|E)> [1.5]Identify what the statement indicates

[Element A consists of B and C followed by D and then by E]

Every XML document must be well formed[True]

Every XML document must have an associated DTD or schema[False]

XML preserves white spaces[True]

XML's goal is to replace HTML[False]

XML elements cannot be empty[false]

For the XML parser …syntax is correct?[ <![CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]]>]

How is an empty element field defined?[ All of the above]

Which is not a correct name for an XML element?[ All 3 names are incorrect]

Which is not a correct name for an XML element?[ <first name>]

Which statement is true?[ All XML elements must be properly closed

Which statement is true?[ All the statements are true]

Which of the following is (are) a valid XML name(s)?[ :3:3: 5:7]

Which statement about XML is true?[ Elements may nest but not overlap]

What does XML stand for?[ eXtensible Markup Language]

What does DTD stand for?[ Document Type Definition]

What makes XML more powerful than HTML?[ Its ability …]

What organization …Markup Language (SGML) in 1980?[ American …]

What is the correct …of XML document?[ <?xml?>]

Unlike HTML, XML allows you to do what?[ Create new tags]

Is this a "well formed" XML document?<?xml …</note>[no]

Is this a "well formed" XML document?<?xml… this weekend!</body>[no]

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