Found you!

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We walked through the beautiful forest. I somehow kept starring at his Wings. They are beautiful, long, they even touched the ground while he was walking.

Taehyung: "You know, you can touch them if you want."

Quickly I looked down, making him laugh. Then he spread his Wings and they hit my face. Again his laugh was heard.

Min-seo: "You're lucky you're cute."

He laughed again and I froze, after I realized what I just said.

Taehyung: "Cute, I see."

Ashamed I kept my head low.

Taehyung: "I personally think that you're cuter, but oh well."

He shrugged his shoulders.

Min-seo: "Wait, you think that I'm cute?"

Taehyung: "Would there be a reason not to?"

He spoke, showing me a small smile. His attention then went back to the front.

Taehyung: "We're here, take a look at it."

I stepped closer and saw a village. More like a ghost village. No one was there. The houses looked a bit different than the normal ones, I could tell, even if I could see that there was nothing more than ruins.

Min-seo: "Is this..."

Taehyung: "My home."

I turned my head to look at him.

Taehyung: "I come here every now and then. Since you knew about this place I thought I could show it to you."

Min-seo: "Thank you. That really means a lot to me."

Taehyung: "Let me show you a place and you tell me what place it is, ok?"

Min-seo: "Why not?"

He suddenly picked me up bridal style.

Taehyung: "Hold on tight."

Sera pov.

Jungkook: "WHAT!?"

King: "I'm sorry my son. But I sent the guards after them."

Jungkook: "With what order did you sent them?"

King: "To bring him back at any cost."

Jungkook: "Meaning also killing them?"

King: "N-No."

Jungkook: "Do the guards know that?"

King: "I don't know..."

I sighed and my eyes shifted across the room, meeting Yoongi's. A small growl left his mouth. Why is he looking at me like that... oh right... they heard everything.

Min-seo pov.

Taehyung: "Ok, you can open your eyes."

Min-seo: "It's beautiful..."

I whispered back, before turning around and looking into his eyes.

Taehyung: "What's this place."

My eyes wandered around until I seemed to recognize the place.

Min-seo: "Wait... isn't that the place where you learned flying?"

A smile appeared on his face, making me confirm my thought.

Dong-suk pov. (in case you don't remember him, he was the leader if the knights with sword)

Right Hand: "They aren't in there."

We found a trail and it lead us to two horses, meaning he escaped with someone. The horses were in front of a house and we decided to check if he was in there. He wasn't.

Jungkook pov.

Yoongi and Sera left immediately after that, completely ignoring my shouts. I couldn't bring myself to order the guards to arrest them after everything was my fault.

Jungkook: "Please..."

Was the last thing I said before they were gone. A few seconds of my mental breakdown passed before a guard ran up to me.

Guard: "Sir Jungkook, We got a massage of the leading guard of the squad sent by the king."

Jungkook: "What does it say!"

Guard: "They sent their location to send backup just in case..."

Jungkook: "Send the eagle back with the massage, not to attack. And gather a small group. We are going there, now!"

He bowed and quickly left.

Min-seo pov.

My eyes opened and I turned around, only to see Tae sleeping peacefully next to me. We were now at his house, the house I saw in his memory. It was still a bit dark outside but I was wide awake. By body lifted off the bed and I slowly walked towards the window. The cold braise hit my face, making my hair fly up a bit. I could still see a bit of the moon going down slowly. The sun will be up soon.

I looked back to see Taehyung gone. I was about to search for him, when he walked trough the door with a chalice.

Taehyung: "Drink that."

I took the chalice from him and drank the liquid. It helped. My body was hurting me since yesterday but now it was better.

Min-seo: "Thank you."

He then kissed my forehead.

Taehyung: "Let's go back. They must be waiting for us."

With that we silently walked out and through the dead village.

Min-seo: "Tae-"


We both quickly turned around and saw a bunch of knights running towards us. How did they... Taehyung quickly took my hand and started running towards the direction, from where we came. It was a miracle, that the arrows they were shooting didn't hit us while we were running.

Yoongi pov.

I tried finding them, but I couldn't.

Sera: "Try again."

I closed my eyes and searched for them.

I was looking through the eyes of a owl now, I saw them. Taehyung was holding Min-seo's hand and they were running. An arrow was about to hit them but it missed. Taehyung glanced back for a split second and fastened his speed. The knights were close behind them.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at Sera.

Yoongi: "His village."

Was the only thing I said before I turned away and started running. After I took four steps, I turned into a mix of a peregrine falcon (fastest bird) and a goshawk (flies trough woodland, slips through tiniest gabs in the trees). I flew to my destination with anger like fire burning up inside of me.


Hey guys!

This chapter is a bit smaller then the other ones but I hope thats ok.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and have a nice day! :)


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