Chapter 2

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"Meow" a grey with black stripes cat strutted down the streets of makeshift shelters. While, if they'd be called streets. Would they be called streets if they were underground?

"Baby cat come back!" A black hooded man followed behind the cat. The cat did have a name tag, but its new owner didn't know how to read or speak English that well.

Plus, it wasn't really a 'baby cat' more of an teen cat. The cat didn't come back to its owners call to come back because it's a rebellious teenager that don't go by the rules. It's not a phase.

The hooded man ran to catch up with this rebellious cat of his. The fur baby was heading towards the head of the cave that counseled the makeshift village.

"Come back! No safe there! Baby cat!" It's owner yelled desperately in his Norwegian accent. To late, the cat had walked out and strutted over to a few lumps on the ground.

The black hooded guy looked up at the top of the cliff. His nerves calmed when he saw no one was on top of it.

The lumps on the ground were a whole other story. He walked over to his cat and was going to pick up his cat up, but quickly stop when he say the cat under an unconscious guys arm.

The hoodie man would have took his cat and ran from the man, but he noticed how his cat was so comfy in the stranger's arm. So, he walked over and knelt down near the knockout man and poked him with a dull stick.

"Alive?" He asked as he poked. He kept doing it over and over. It was kind of strange to watch from a bystanders view, but no one was watching.

Then, the unconscious man swatted at the stick and mumbled, "Stop it, Matt..." That's a good sign of life, right? The hooded guy kept poking. "Up, up, up." The poking continued, but with the black hoodie man's new chant.

The unconscious guy was now the awake guy. The awake guy took the twig and snapped in half. "I'm Up! Okay Mat-" The two looked at each other, well kind of, the awake man couldn't see the other eyes.

"You're not Matt- RINGO!" The awake man yelled over joyed as he took baby cat into his arm and started petting. Baby cat was purring. "R-Ringu?" "Actually it's Ringo. Have you been checking the health of my feline?"

The hooded man tilted his head in confusion. "English, no good." He simply said. The now awake man processed what the other man had said and then gave a silent 'ooo'.

"You cared for baby cat?" The now awake man asked again. Black hoodie nodded.

(I'm totally not listening to Wide Awake.... Shut up)

"Name's Edd, what's yours?" Edd asked this cat hero. "Bang head when fell down. Can't remember name name. Name down here is T." T answered.

Edd tried to stand, but his legs were still hurting from the fall.

The fall...

Edd's eyes widen remembering the fall. "MATT! TOM!" The green hoodie yelled, startling T. Edd pushed himself up, but the pain in his legs were unbearable.

He would have fell over if T hadn't put Edd's arm around his shoulder. Edd was like what? An foot taller?

(I know their real height, but every time I tried to write it, I couldn't help but imagine Edd using the kid like a crutch. So no tall Edd or I'll never finish this book, alright? Alright.)

Edd looked around for his two best friends, hoping for them to be alive. "They were right next me when we hit... They can't be far..." Edd muttered.

His rambling wouldn't help them much, knowing that T couldn't understand him much. They walked around the little cave until Edd's legs couldn't take it anymore and gave out.

T was left hold this guy, that was a foot taller than him, and supporting his own weight.

"I get others," T said "Help you stand and search." Edd really didn't want to be left alone, but he also need help.

"Alright, but please be fast." He begged to his new ally. T nodded and left the green boy alone in the cave.

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