I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Naked arguments.

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Right, this is the chapter i have been most looking forward to writing. when i was thinking about the idea for this story, i knew straight away that i wanted this scene to be in it. the beginning of the chapter makes me laugh, and hopefully will make you giggle a little as well. 

Hope you enjoy it, message vote and fan if you do :) 


I had been stood outside Jared’s room for about 10 minutes now, trying to find the guts to walk in and face him after what I said to him in the cafeteria earlier. I didn’t see him at school for the rest of the day, so he must have ditched and come home. I finally grew a pair, and apparated to his place at just gone 5pm.

He must hate me. I mean, I know he said cruel things to me earlier today, but I think mine crossed the line a little bit further. Hell it went so far beyond the line it was in the next country.

Even though I knew that he just used me that night we slept together, as he admitted it to me earlier in the hall, I knew I didn’t mean any of the stuff I said to him at lunch.

 I was just angry and hearing Seth say how much he missed me and seeing that Eve missed me brought all these emotions out that I couldn’t control. I just wanted to hurt Jared. Like I said before, that’s how we work. We hurt each other. Our relationship, or friendship or whatever the hell you call what we have, is the definition of unhealthy.

So why didn’t I stop talking to him completely in the past 10 years?

I inhaled deeply, and finally plucked up the courage to walk through the door. Which was closed, but due to the fact I was a ghost I just walked straight through it. He was sat up on his bed, with his back against the wall listening to the CD player. I tried to resist the urge to sing as I heard 3OH!3 blaring out the speakers. I then resisted the urge to laugh as I realised I had unknowingly just quoted one of their songs.

Not the appropriate time to be laughing at your own jokes Leah.


I saw his head immediately shoot up to look at me as I came in. He stared at me for a few minutes, his face like stone. Without a word, he looked away from me and just carried on listening to the music. I sighed.

“Look Jared, what I said earlier was completely out of order” I said, finding this whole apologising thing a lot more difficult that I thought it would be. He didn’t even look up.

“I didn’t mean it, it was just because Seth said that and it made me all emotional.” I carried on, realising he wasn’t going to say anything. Again he didn’t move, it was like I wasn’t even in the room with him. I snapped “Jared I'm trying to apologise here!”

He sighed, overdramatically and I automatically realised what he was doing.

“You’re seriously ignoring me?” I asked, laughing without any humour. He used to do this all the time when we were younger, whenever I would do something to upset him; he wouldn’t talk to me for hours. He would just pretend I wasn’t there. It drove me crazy every time, and he knew it. That’s probably why he did it so often.

“Jared grow up were not 13 anymore!” I yelled. He just bopped his head along to the music, again completely ignoring me. “Jared you do remember that I'm probably the most annoying person you know? You may want to pretend I'm not here, but believe me I know how to make myself be heard.”

He looked around the room, with a fake expression of confusion, and pretended to try and find where the noise was coming from. He was not going to give up easy was he?

Well, neither was I.

“Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared.” I repeated his name over and over for a good 5 minutes until he picked up the controlled to the CD player and put it up full blast, obviously trying to block out my voice. “JARED, JARED, JARED, JARED!”

I tried not to laugh as I yelled his name; I could see I was starting to piss him off. He switched off the CD player, grabbed his IPod off the desk and put his headphones in, the music so loud I could probably hear every note from the hall. I smirked. Time for a neat little ghost trick I think.

“Not going to block me out that easy Mercedes” I said, only the sound was said to Jared through the headphones of his IPod. He sighed in frustration and after another 10 minutes of the only music playing on his IPod being me singing ‘Barbie girl’ at the top of my lungs (which is not a nice thing, believe me) he ripped the headphones out, and threw the IPod over the other side of the room.

I smiled proudly. Oh how I enjoy pissing this boy off.

He was going to talk to me; I am going to make sure of that. Unfortunately, he is the one person who could match me in the stubborn area.

An hour later, he was still ignoring me. I had to give him credit for keeping it up and not attempt to punch me in the face. I really did outdo myself in the annoying department.

In the last hour, he had resorted to the CD player going back on to block my voice out, which only lead to me singing along at the top of my lungs. Again he grew angry and ripped the plug out of the wall. The music however carried on playing even without the player being plugged in, due to the fact I could haunt his ass.

At the minute, he was just sat up on his bed, staring at wall opposite him with his jaw clenched. I, in the mean time was sat next to him on the bed, slamming my hand against the wall over and over, while yelling “hit me baby one more time” with every hit to the wall.

I heard him scream in frustration, and run a hand through his hair. I smiled, thinking he had finally given in.

Oh how wrong I was.


He suddenly shot his head up; with a smirk on his face that told me I was in trouble. This boy was cunning. He sighed, overdramatically and slapped his hands on his knees in a comical way.

I narrowed my eyes at him, what was he playing at?

“Well, it is hot in here. Way to hot, and since I'm in my room alone It doesn’t matter if I get COMPLETLY naked to cool down” he mused, putting a lot of emphasis in the word alone. He was talking to himself but I could tell it was deliberately directed at me.

“You wouldn’t...” I mumbled, trying to call his bluff. Who am I kidding, this asshole is no bluffer.

He got up from the bed, and whipped his shirt off.


I rolled my eyes at my perverted mind.

“Oh WOW this feels better already!” he shrieked. Now he was just taking the piss.

He undid his belt buckle, and pulled down his Jeans, leaving him stood there in nothing but a pair of Cookie Monster boxers. Normally, I would laugh at his boxers, but my eyes widened in disbelief as I realised what he was going to do next.

“Still too hot, oh well I am alone after all...” he continued, smirking as in one quick movement he yanked his boxers down, and tossed them on the bed. As I saw them come in my direction, I screamed and apparated to the sofa, away from the evil boxers. He was clearly trying to hit me with them. He really was pulling out all the stops to try and get me to leave him alone.

He continued smirking at my clear disbelief at what had just happened. I was on the sofa, trying to avert my eyes away from his exposed friend.

So, stark naked he walked back over to his bed and layed down, putting one arm behind his head.

“Nothing I haven’t seen before Jared, going to take a little more than that to get rid of me” I said, cursing my eyes for being complete perverts.

He had a good body okay, don’t judge me!

I saw his face become irritated at his failed efforts. Then once again, that smirk was on his lips, and I was genuinely scared. What more could he do to try and get rid of me?

“I do feel a lot cooler, and since I am a teenage boy alone in his room completely naked, I suppose I am going to do what most teenage boys do. You can’t fight nature.” he mused, again aiming this threat at me, but still managing to pretend like I wasn’t in the room.

What the hell was he talking about...

Then it hit me.

 My eyes almost popped out of my skull as I saw the hand that wasn’t behind his head go the bottom half of his body, and grabbing his special friend. He was trying not to laugh as he realised how I was beginning to panic at what he was about to do.

He knew me to well, and he knew this would be too much for me.

As soon as I saw his hand begin to move still wrapped around that thing that was a living STD advert, I couldn’t take it anymore, and as much as I hate myself for it, I shrieked.

“NO!” as I did my very ‘dignified’ shriek, I used my mind to jerk his bed forward, with him on it to the other side of his room, moving a good 5 feet. Quite violently actually.

He was clearly taken back, and when the bed made contact with the floor again, shot off of it and stood to his feet, facing me like I was crazy.

“What the hell are you doing? You can’t throw me around the room! I'm not the girl in nightmare on Elm Street!” he yelled angrily. I held the laughter in at his comparison.

“I did what I had to; you were about to start masturbating in front of me Mercedes!” I retorted.

“Are you not into that type of thing?” he asked mockingly. I glared at him. “Look for the past hour or so you were annoying the crap out of me, you know you can’t sing for shit right?”

“I was only doing that because you were ignoring me! I was trying to apologise to you for earlier, that was hard enough without you acting like a little kid and ignoring me!” I snapped, while getting off the sofa so I was at the same height as him. We were a couple of feet away now.

“Can you really blame me for ignoring you Preston?” he spat “I'm doing YOU a favour here, and believe me that’s hard enough without you saying you wished it was anyone else but me who was able to see you?” he mocked my earlier sentence.

“I was angry! I have just recently DIED excuse me for being a little irrational!” I replied, sarcastically.

“There’s being irrational Leah, then there’s just being a spiteful bitch!”

“Oh look at you Jared, it’s not like you’ve acted like a Jerk to me in your life is it? Oh wait, earlier today you basically admitted to using me for sex and grouping me with the rest of your sluts!”

“I was going to apologise to you after I said it! I was trying to get you attention all lunch but you were too busy mooning over you estranged boyfriend!”

“Oh whatever Jared, don’t try and defend yourself we all know you’re an asshole!” I suddenly realised that throughout our screaming match, Jared was still naked. “Could you please put some clothes on?!”

“Distracting you is it Preston?” he smirked, but it wasn’t a playful smirk like usual.

“Oh yes, I find that 3inches of yours so distracting I can’t pry my eyes away!” I yelled back, sarcastically.

He scoffed “and you say I’m dumb, I thought you were better with numbers than that, cos we both know this isn’t 3 inches”

Okay, he got me there. That thing was not 3 inches.

“Whatever Mercedes, it’s not the size its how you use it” I teased.

“And you know firsthand just how well I do use it” he replied, giving me a triumphant grin.

Why does this jerk have a response for everything!

“You make me sick” I informed him.

He stared at me for a while. “Why does it bother you so much whenever I mention that night we had?!”

“because you throw it in my face everytime!” I replied, like it was the simplest answer in the world.

“But it happened, If I knew it didn’t bother you so much I wouldn’t throw it in your face. So explain, why does it bother you so much?” he asked again.

“Because it was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made!” I snapped back before I could think it through. He flinched, and clenched his jaw.

We were still mid fight, and not a usual one of our fights where we both would smirk and carry on like normal, he was clearly hurt about all the things I had said to him today.

“Well, I have to be on my way right now, I have an appointment with Carmen to carry on trying to solve YOUR murder. You do remember that right? The fact that I'm helping you trying to find the person that killed you?” he asked me, clearly trying to make me feel guilty.

And it worked. As he said that, I winced as I realised that he was still trying to help me, he was taking time out of his life to do it. My face softened and I opened my mouth to apologise, but as I stared at his face, I couldn’t find the words. I had basically spent today just stepping all over his feelings.

I was pretty shocked he actually had some, but clearly, he did.

I was stood there in silence, regretting everything nasty I had said to him. Even after our argument, and the things I said to him, he was still going to Carmen’s, even though he blatantly hated spending more than 5 minutes with her that doesn’t involve him getting sexually satisfied, to try and help me.

While I was thinking to myself, Jared pulled his clothes back on, and walked over to the door. He opened it, and went to walk through it.

“Jared.” I choked out. He stopped, and turned to me. I wanted to apologise, but the words wouldn’t come out. I had a feeling that if I tried to say sorry, I would start crying. I couldn’t cry in front of him, I promised myself that.

He shook his head when he realised I wasn’t going to say anything, and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I ran a hand though my hair and sighed.

Why were we like this?

Why do we constantly hurt each other?

I walked over to his bed, laying down on it whilst snuggling up to his pillow like it was a person.

As I lay there in his bed, I thought about that night that happened a year ago.

The night that changed everything between me and Jared.


I really hope you enjoyed that, and please vote and let me know what you think :)

Next chapter is the flashback to the night they slept together, so stay tuned! ;)

Thank for reading!

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