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"Jinsoul unnie, watch out!!"

Youngeun's voice ringed throughout Jinsoul's ears and at the same time, a car's breaks can be heard.

Jinsoul slowly looked at her left and saw an ambulance in front of her. As she looked at the windshield, she saw two girls who looked alike as if they can pass as sisters.

"Unnie, are you okay?" Youngeun held Jinsoul's shoulders and inspected whether she was injured or not.

Jinsoul gulped. "Uh, yeah, I think I'm good."

"Haseul unnie, that was close!" A small chirp came from the ambulance.

"Shhh, Yeojin-ah, you should be quiet!" The other girl seemed to have tried to whisper but obviously failed.

Youngeun and Jinsoul watched the two girls bicker from the windshield until the girl who's wearing a nurse's uniform decided to go down.

"Ummm, are you guys okay? I'm sorry for almost running into you. We were just in a rush because there were zombies right behind us and I wasn't really focused o–"

Jinsoul spoke, "It's okay, ma'am. I'm alright. You don't have to explain yourself." She slightly smiled.

The nurse smiled back at her. "Aish, no need to call me 'ma'am', that seems too formal. And, we look like the same age."

Before they could introduce themselves, a horn came from the ambulance. "Yah! You guys can talk here inside. I can already see zombies coming this way!"

With that being said, the nurse held the two girls' hands and pulled them towards the vehicle. "You guys should come with us. You'll be much safer there than you are in the open. We won't hurt you so you don't have to worry." She gave them a wink.

They boarded the ambulance since Jinsoul felt like she can trust the girl. The vehicle then started moving as the girls were settled in. "Hello, my name is Yeojin!" The small girl cheerfully shook the hands of those people who just got inside the vehicle.

"And you are?" Yeojin asked them.

Jinsoul was a bit taken back that the small girl she's facing right now just introduced herself so bluntly, not even having second thoughts that they might hijack this vehicle and leave them by the road. Which they won't really dare to do.

"My name's Jinsoul. And this girl is Youngeun." The younger girl smiled. "We're coworkers from a cafe way back there." Jinsoul pointed back from where they previously stayed at.

"Ahhh I see. Well, Jinsoul and Youngeun, the gir–"

Yeojin was cut off by Jinsoul. "'Unnie'. Please use 'unnie' 'cause I think I'm older than you."

Yeojin looked at Jinsoul weirdly. "As I was saying, Jinsoul unnie and Youngeun-ssi, the girl that's driving is Haseul unnie. We both met each other at the hospital that's why we have this ambulance now."

Jinsoul inspected the exterior of the vehicle. She saw specks of blood, in which Yeojin noticed.

"Oh, that? Yeah, long story short, there was a horde of zombies back at the hospital. Haseul unnie was a very skilled driver. She drove this ambulance like she was playing a video game." Yeojin was overly reenacting how Haseul drove the ambulance, with matching sound effect.

"Yeojin-ah, I think they already understand what you're saying." Haseul said from the driver's seat.

Youngeun laughed a little. "How was the hospital when you guys left there? Well aside from the horde of zombies outside, were there also lots of zombies from the inside?" She asked.

"As far as I can remember, there are, but not as many as those that were outside. We barely managed to escape it without the help of this guy." Yeojin patted the stretcher that was placed inside the vehicle just beside them.

"How 'bout you guys? Was the situation back at the cafe you were working at the same?" Haseul asked.

"Pretty much." Jinsoul started. "There was chaos everywhere. Out of nowhere, people started turning into these wild beings. If it weren't for that stockroom, Youngeun and I won't be here for sure." Youngeun nodded.

"Wow, don't you guys think that this is really cool?" Yeojin excitedly asked.

"What's 'cool' with this? We're living this apocalyptic world wherein we have small chances of living. What's so 'cool' with that?" Jinsoul snapped. It must've been the drowsiness that's making her like this.

"Sorry. I just think that only co–"

"Cool people in movies get to do that." Haseul finished Yeojin's statement.

"Yeah." Yeojin smiled contently.

Jinsoul was about to answer back, when Youngeun stopped her by speaking up. "I guess we're kinda cool. That is only if we managed to survive out of this."

"Huh, I guess you're right. But never fear, believe and you shall receive! Believe that we'll make it out of here alive and we will!" Through the rear view mirror, Jinsoul could see Haseul smiling.

"We should maintain a positive mindset to survive this, am I right?" Yeojin whispered at the two.

"Yeah, totally. I'm betting that we'll get out of this hell of a world alive." Jinsoul knew that in order to survive, she should be positive like Yeojin. No one would definitely survive an apocalyptic world if he or she thinks that they'll eventually die without even trying to survive.


Yeojin and Youngeun fell asleep as they continued their 'road trip'. 15 hours on the road seems to have been punching Jinsoul in the gut. Her body is telling her to sleep, but her mind is telling her otherwise. She doesn't want poor Haseul to stay awake all by herself. She's already the one who's driving, so the least thing that Jinsoul could do is stay awake and keep watch.

Lucky for them, there is a rule way back at the hospital that Haseul worked at. The ambulance should always have a full tank.

Haseul was really thankful to the gods above that they managed to get an ambulance with a full tank, unlike the other ones that were already used once or twice, their tanks weren't full since some of the employees got too lazy to fill them up. They're lucky that no one caught them.

The group haven't encountered a lot of zombies from the pass hours they have been driving. Maybe a few ones here and there but not like a horde way back then.

Haseul was planning to get out of the city and go to the fields and the provinces as fast as they can. To her dismay, Seoul is a big city after all.

"Haseul-ssi?" Jinsoul called.


"Do you have a plan on where exactly we are heading to?"

"To be honest, I don't know exactly where. I just know that I want to get out of the city and go to the fields or even the provinces as fast as I can. You know, maybe these chaos haven't reached them yet."

"What if it's everywhere? Where do we go from there?" Jinsoul questioned.

"We won't know until we see it, right? That's the plan for now. If it goes sideways, we'll just think of another one. One step at a time." Haseul's voice seemed to make Jinsoul relax. She did not panicked even though she knew that Haseul's plan isn't really that concrete. But hey, at least she has a plan.

They were quiet for quite some time until an idea popped inside Jinsoul's head. "Haseul-ssi, I think that Youngeun's mom works at a bank just before leaving the city. Maybe we can check on her and then we'll go together to the fields."

"Are you sure she's there? You might mistaken it for another bank." Haseul said.

Jinsoul looked at Youngeun and slightly shook her to wake her up. The sun's slowly going up so might as well wake her up.

"Youngeun-ah?" Jinsoul continued shaking her body. "Youngeun-ah? I'm sorry for waking you up, but I need to ask you a very important question."

Hearing Jinsoul's words, Youngeun slowly sat up and started to rub her eyes. "Hmmm? What is it?"

"Your mom works at the bank, right? Where is exactly that bank?"

Youngeun thought for a while. "It's at the end of the city. You won't mistake that bank for something else because it's like an indicator that if you pass that structure, you're completely out of the city. Why did you ask, unnie?"

"Haseul is planning to leave the city and I thought of where your mom is working. We might be able to catch her when we pass the bank. What do you say?"

A tint of joy washed over Youngeun's expressions. "Of course I would love that! I would like to know whether she's okay. The last time that I saw her was when she dropped me off to work."

"I'm hoping that the chaos haven't reached them yet since they're quite far from the rest of the city. It's a good sign that we haven't encountered too many zombies on the way." Jinsoul smiled and patted Youngeun's shoulder.

"And we maybe if she's there, we can take her with us, right? On the way out of this city?"

"Of course. Of course we will, Youngeun. Right Haseul?"

Through the rear view mirror, Haseul give Youngeun a thumbs up, with her other hand holding the steering wheel.


The sun has completely risen at this point. Neither Haseul nor Jinsoul fell asleep. It must've been their survival instincts kickin' in instead of their tiredness. As the older ones, they both let Yeojin and Youngeun rest. They will surely need those.

Everything was going well until Haseul noticed that their fuel is starting to run out.

"Uh guys, we have a problem." Haseul said.

"What is it?" Jinsoul asked from the back.

"Our fuel is running low. I don't think we can make it that far with this much."

"How long until we run out?"

"Probably for another 15 minutes or so." Haseul guessed as she furrowed her brows.

Youngeun stood up just beside Jinsoul. "Oh! I know a gasoline station nearby. I can point you the way, it's like 5 minutes away from here. Gasoline's probably free now so we can just fill up the tank, right?"

Jinsoul nodded. "Yeah, of course. Haseul-ssi, we should go where Youngeun is telling us. We're lucky that we haven't passed it yet."

With Youngeun's directions, the group was now near the gas station as it can already be seen through the windshield.

Yeojin went next to Haseul. "Uh, Haseul unnie? I..I..." She was holding the lower part of her body.

"What is it?" Haseul fixated her gaze to and from Yeojin and the road. "Are you hurt?"

"Uhhh, nature's calling like right now." Squirming around, Yeojin closed her eyes slightly.

"Oh, I think that there's a comfort room at the gas station. Every gas station has one so you can use that one. Anyone else needs to pee?" Haseul asked the gang.

"Not me. I think that everything that's been happening scared my pee away. How 'bout you, Jinsoul unnie?" Youngeun asked Jinsoul.

"Hmmm, I guess I'll join Yeojin then. I'd rather pee at a comfort room than let nature call while we're in the middle of nowhere."

Haseul nodded. "Alright then. Once we reach the gas station, I need eyes everywhere. We'll check the perimeter first before doing our stuffs. Youngeun and I will fill up the tank, while Yeojin and Jinsoul, you can both go to the comfort room. Always stick with each other. Is that clear?"

"Yes." The three said in unison.

After Haseul's advice, they immediately arrived at their destination. Stopping the car just halfway the gas station, Haseul carefully inspected the area. Although her view was quite limited because of the car's windshield as her only field of view.

"Okay. So far, so good. I haven't saw any of those things yet. You guys know the plan, right?" Haseul asked, making the three girls nod.

Haseul slowly drove through the gas station next to a gasoline pump so they can easily fill up the tank.

"Jinsoul and Yeojin, you can both proceed to the comfort room now. It's there right by the corner. Keep your eyes open, okay?" Haseul reminded.

The two girls went down the ambulance and proceeded to walk towards the bathroom. "Jinsoul unnie, you can fight, right? I know this is cool and all but I'm still kinda scared." Yeojin wrapped her arms around Jinsoul's right arm.

A chuckle escaped from Jinsoul's lips. "Yeah, yeah, I think I'm good. I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't fight my way out of the cafe."

As the girl kept walking, they also inspected the place really closely. The gas station was nothing more than an abandoned place. There wasn't a mere sign of any existence there, not unless you count the tumbleweeds that are drifted by the wind.

When they reached the comfort room's door, Jinsoul slowly opened the door using her free hand and peeked through the small opening.

"It's clear." She told Yeojin.

Yeojin hurriedly went to an empty stall after hearing Jinsoul's words. "Unnie, you can use the other stall too."

Jinsoul entered the last empty stall right next to a wall and decided to do her business.

Going back to Haseul and Youngeun, they were both silently filling up the tank. "Haseul-ssi, do you think that this fuel would last long until we reach the end of the city?"

Haseul put her finger under her chin. "I'm not sure to be honest." She looked around the place and saw several empty gas cans next to the gasoline pump.

"Youngeun-ah, can you please lend me those? We can fill those up with fuel, bring it with us, and store it for later use." Youngeun reached out and collected the gas cans.

"Oh! Right. We can use that in case we run out of fuel on the road!" The girls kept on filling up their tank with gasoline. The gas cans are also lined up for filling up.


When Yeojin was done saving her urinary bladder from dying out, she stood up and went to fix her clothes. As she was done with what she was doing, she noticed a figure standing right by her stall.

"Jinsoul unnie? Is that you? Geez, you pee so fas–"

Yeojin's words were cut off when a zombie crawled under her stall and tried to grab her leg. A loud scream came out from Yeojin's mouth as she desperately kicked the zombie's face.

Hearing Yeojin's voice, Jinsoul immediately zipped her pants and went to the poor little girl. Jinsoul slammed the other stall's door and saw Yeojin's situation.

"Jinsoul unnie, help!!!"

Jinsoul looked around the place in hopes to find something that she can use as a weapon. "Yeojin-ah, hang in there!"

Jinsoul went back to the stall she was previously at and immediately grabbed the toilet tank's cover. She entered Yeojin's stall and slammed the object at the zombie's body repeatedly until the undead eventually stopped moving.

"Come on, Yeojin-ah, we need to go! More of those things probably heard your voice so we have to get out of here!" Jinsoul dropped the toilet tank cover and held onto Yeojin's hands.

Haseul immediately noticed the two girls as they were running towards them. "I heard screams. Is everything okay?"

"No time to explain. We have to go!"

Seeing Jinsoul this frantic, Haseul and Youngeun grabbed the gas cans in a matter of seconds and boarded it to the ambulance.

Haseul was the first one who entered the vehicle as she was their assigned driver. Youngeun came next since she was the closest. After that, Jinsoul entered. As Yeojin was about to enter the vehicle, another zombie was able to grab her right leg.

"Start driving, Haseul!" Jinsoul shouted.

The engine started and Jinsoul was desperately pulling Yeojin inside the vehicle. Despite the ambulance's speed, the zombie managed to drag along the ride, because of his grip on Yeojin's leg.

Youngeun looked around inside the ambulance and saw a blood pressure gauge. "Yeojin-ah, watch out!" She threw it towards the zombie but she missed.

She saw a pair of stethoscope and grabbed it. This time, she aimed carefully at the zombie. She was able to hit the zombie and its grip on Yeojin's leg loosened. Thanks to the car's momentum, the zombie completely lost its grip. Jinsoul immediately pulled Yeojin inside and closed the door.

"Everyone okay?" Haseul asked from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I think we're good." Jinsoul answered back catching her breath.

"Yeojin-ah, are you okay? That guy didn't bite you right?" Jinsoul asked the younger girl.

Yeojin was about to answer Jinsoul's question, when she saw her right leg bleeding.

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