Chapter 4 Birthday suprizes

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 We listen to each others breathing and then we fall asleep leaning on one another. A peacefull sleep full of darkness. I hear the door open and someone flick the lightswitch off. I open my  eyes to see Bruce shuting the door.I go back to sleep not careing I'm laying on Richard's chest.He wraps his arm around me lightly. 

                   When I go back to sleep Richard woke me up by moveing my head on the pillow."Sorry I gotta go Tim needs my help on his esay project and happy birthday" Richard says his voice sounding as if he is in a trance. I glance at my clock and it reads 6:10. "Crap I over slept, Austin wil be here in an hour" I say now fully awake.

          I get up and look for some clothes that I didn't wear that week. I grab miss me jeans,a grey black rose t-shirt,and black laced gloves. I go into the bathroom to take a burning hot shower. The hot water make my sore neak feel better from last night.

        I open my brand new black lipstick and put it on."Jade are you in there" Austin says. "Yea one minute I'm doing my make-up".I open the door with my magic and continue to do my make-up. "Wow I uhhh.....ummm oh yea like your make-up" Austin says in a dream like tone. I smile and shake my head. "Tisk tisk tisk boys are soo weird" I say lightly punching his arm. "Hey" he shouts and puts an envolope infront of my face. "Whats that?" I ask takeing the envolope and opening the envolope.Its a black card inside it says "Happy birthday Jade. Thanks for the first time we met."It was typed in purple ink and there was a white broken heart. 

                 Austin gives me a box wrapped in glittery black wraping paper. I open it and see a beautifull black obsidian ring. "I..Its b...beautiful thanks" I say hugging him. "Did you just hug me, you never hug anyone" Austin says smiling. I feel myself blush and I look at my purple ring not sure to take it off. I've never taken off this ring before but I also feel conected to this new ring.I take it off and put the black ring on. I feel a weird sensation come over me. "Austin where did you get this ring" I say my voice wavering between happiness and confusion. "I found it on my desk I thought my older brother got it for me to give to you" he says. I shake my head and say "it has black magic in it". Austin says "I thought you practice in black magic. Wait is it good or bad?" I smile and say "Good, thank you". 

                          We walk into my room so I could put my purple ring in a safe place. I look at my mirro and in my purple lipstick someone wrote on my mirro. "I'm watching you birthday girl" the mirro read. Austin saw the writting then the scared look on my face. I see a few pictures  of me. One of me reading last night,the other of me in the kitchen two nights ago, the other of me walking into Austin's house, and the last one is me painting. I gasp at each one of the pictures.I drop them all to the floor and back up.

"Maybe you should wait in the hall and I'll clean this up" Austin says.I nod and walk out . Austin shuts the door so I don't have to see it.After a few minutes he opens the door and I walk in the room. I sigh and say "well so far an eventfull birthday". Austin grabs my arm lightly and says "let go and have some fun in the game room". I nod hopeing to get my mind off things.

We go to the game room and I wait for the owner to give us some tokens. "Lets play Zadiac Invaders" I say. We agree and I put two tokens in and hand him a plastic gun. I start the game and we start shooting zombies.I push the trigure in the second round and then it burns me. I droped the gun and blacked out. Austin grabs me and takes me back to Bruce telling him what happend.

                             I wake up dazed not knowing why I blacked out. "Uhhh... What happend" I say remembering the events that look place but not knowing why I blacked out when I pulled the trigure of the plastic gun. "You got shocked from the gun because someone rewired it for it to shock you on round two" Bruce says. "I think if was the same person who keeps harassing you about being dead" Austin says. I say my voice sounding murderous "Its not a person." I get up and  think of a way to explain it. "It's more like a demond" I say finilly figureing out how to word it.

           "Miss Jade your guest will be arriveing soon for the party" Alfred says. Might as well get this over with. God I gotta dance dang it! "Austin remember the plan" I wisper to Austin. He nods and we walk out off the batcave. When I get to my bedroom Timmy is standing there with a box. He says "Dick wanted me to buy you something for your birthday".I nod and open it, I see the newest videogame this year."Oh my god is that what I think it is". Timmy nods and I say "Call of duty ghost, thank you". I put it on the shelf of videogames I have.

              "Jade I'll be right back I have clothes to change into for the dance" Austin says running downstairs. I quickly change into a  short black glittery dress thats longsleave.I put a black choker neaklace with a black crystle on and I brush my hair again. I put on black high heel boots that go to my knee's. Austin comes in wearing to same suit he wore to the school dance. Even the fake black rose is still on it. We only went as friends to the dance but his older brother gave him the suit and told him to wear it. "Hey were both wearing the same things we wore to the dance" Austin says. I smile.

                  "Shall we" Austin says warping his arm around mine. "Your such a classic but yes I shall" I say with  a smirk  painting my face. When we got down there all the people were there so we would be fasionably late. Just as planed don't mess this up. I sigh and continue to walk down towards the cluster of people. I shyly wisper greetings to people. I see a blond in the cornner drinking a glass of champian and gossiping on her phone. 

              "Ughh, Elizabeth is here why did Bruce invite her. I thought he knows she hates me because I'm goth" I wisper to Austin. I see Elizabeth scaning my dress trying to find a way to ruin it. I hate prepy blonds there so mean and rude. They also gossip alot and act like there everything. I tighting my fist getting ready to punch a hole in the wall but losen my grip when she walks outside.

                A slow type of music started playing and me and Austin slow danced to the song. I felt my body shakeing and I knew something bad was going to happen soon. "You okay Jade" Austin says and I run out. I make it almost half way across the city. I start to feel the urge to spill blood and drink it. A man walks past and I grab his shirt and pull him in any allyway. The man screams and I tear a chunk of flesh off of his neak. Then I drink all of his blood he turns as white as a ghost and dies.

                  I need more blood, blood is my alchohal. I grab a laddy and bite her neak. After I drain all of her blood I move on to the next victim. Then the next and then another. A large group of teens walk by and I attack them. As there screaming, parilized in fear I feast on their blood. I hear police syrins comeing my way so I climb up to the top of the building. 

             I jump onto a second building only to be greeted by Batman. I gasp as he grabs me and says "Jade stop killing people".I punch him and run from roof to roof till I get far away from Batman. I jump down from a building and start killing people to feast upon their blood. The warm blood touches my lips and I just want more of it. The more I want to feast upon human blood.

    Then a more evil part of me just wantes to see people terrified.So I go around ripping peoples hearts out, literaly! It runs in my family lets just say that. My mind is closeing in on my own heart. Which means my soul has chosen my fate. I then cut this drunk teenagers leg off he screams and trys to crawl away. I step on his back and hear him scream some more. I choak out an evil laugh and then burn him. I continue the pattern of kill,kill,torcher.

I sneak into a bar and steal ten bottles of achohal. I go into a dark alley and drink two of the bottles,I wake up the next day with a hangover. I puke twice and drink some vodka and continue on my killing spree. About half way through the day I drink two more bottles of vodka and somehow I managed to get drunk. I hiccup a few times with little girl giggles afterwards and then I go to torchering people.

       Then I go to Austins house and I'm still drunk."Austin" I say sadly as I tap on his window. He opens it and I step in, I trip and stumble but Austin catches me. "You okay,Bruce has been every where looking for you and my mother won't let me out because all the killings. Hey you okay you look kinda drunk". I sarcasticly reply "ahh so you can tell". 

"I promise I won't hurt you and that I am drunk" I say. He looks at me deep in thought and says "wait your seriously drunk,where did you get the vodka from because I can smell it you know". I frown and a burning anger bubbles up inside me. "What are you, my brother. thanks very much but I have a very stupid one and you can have him" I say. I push him and dig my nails into his skin, then I run out the window. I realize this happend in the vision and I jump back up to Austin's room. 

The window was still open so I climb through. I see Austin now with a first aid kit and I say "Austin I'm sorry I don't know what happend I didn't mean to. I....I never ment to hurt you". I use my powers to heal him and I sit next to him. He stares into my eyes in fear. "Your eyes were...Were red" he said tears streaming down my face. I nod and say "I'm sorry my father was controling me".

I lean onto his sholder light as I tell him about my dream/vision and how my dad can control me. Austin seems like he understands what I'm saying, he must have found somthing in my room after I left that told him about all of this. My journal maybe? Or my spell book? He looks at me and says "Want to go back to wayne manor and figure this out". I nod.

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