Dead Girl

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chapter 1 my friend Austin and our first mission

I go to school and sit next to a boy his name is Austin. He has blond hair and blue eyes he has pale skin and freackels just like mine. A walk up to Austin and say "hey Austin I was wondering do  you want to be my language partner for the project". He says "sure Jade what do you want to do  for the language reasearch" I say "I was thinking about romaian what do you think about it." He says " yea thats a hard language lets do that". I say "I'm romain and I wanted to learn more about it so thats why I picked it and I know how you like challaging stuff." 

                         We run over to the teacher and say were doing are reaserch on romians. she looks at us confused and says "oh right but you also need to learn thre language and culters".  I reply "we know, we both already talked about this and we agreed". 

                          I say "want to come to my house to study we have tons of conputers and books to study". Austin looks at me and says "ok  but ill have to bring my notebook so i gotta run home to get it". Later on in the school day the bell rang and that ment time to leave Austin came over to me and said to met me at Wyane manor while i talk to bruce to see if it is ok with him coming over to work with a project. I say "ok ill tell bruce your mom wants to talk to him". we leave and I run to the car since alfred the butler came to pick Dick, Timmy, Damian, Jason, and me up.

                              I ran to the batcave to tell Bruce but he wasnt in there or at Wayne Tech. I ran over to Alfred to ask him he says he hasnt seen Bruce since dinner last night. Me and Richard look at each other then I quickly run up stairs to my room and call Austin.

                                   -phone call- 

  "Hello jade".

"Austin I need your help with somthing tonight and maybe tomarrow".

 "Sure what you need help with".

 "we need to find Bruce but we need to go undercover so no one knows about this."

 Then I say "Bruce has gone missing and he could be in sereous danger". 

He says "want me to bring my weapon bag and Ill spend the night." 

"Ill tell Alfred that you will be over all night and an exuse for sudying in my room". 

                                        -end of the phone call-

  *later in my room*

"Austin I was thinking I be bonnie and you be clyde so no one will know its us and we just wear all black clothes and are you even listening." he was stareing at me because I was wearing a short pair of jean shorts and a black cuttoff shirt. I quickly snaped my fingers and he snaped out of his little daydream.He laughs and says "you could be Spooks and I will be Zane". I agree and I tell him the plan. He  looks  at  me  and says "okay  let's  do you're plan beacuse I dont have one ". "So we have to wear masks too so no one sees are eyes" I say.

                  We both run down stairs for dinner. "Alfreds best homemade rigatoni for dinner tonight" I say in a questioning voice. Alfred walks in and says "yes miss Jade we are haveing rigatoni for dinner". All I say is yumm as he puts the food on are plates. Then I tell Alfred that we will be in my room studying.

            We run in my room we grab are clothes and quickly change then climbed out the window. I look at Austin and say "I found a lead Bruce was last seen at Wyane Teach , so we look there". we both go there and look for clues since no ones there and they have good sercerity so be careful. We grab some guns,knives,some more gadgets. Then I give him a black utillaty belt to put the stuff in. 

                                  We sneak through an open window and look in Bruces room to look for clues. I listen to his messages and one says to met him at six yesterday at a abandon musame and that was the last time he was seen. I look at Austin and say " I found a clue come on",we climb out of the window and use a grappling hook to swing from building to building then we went to the musame and Bruces wallet was lying on the ground with a black 'x' of his face on his drivers liesince. Then there was a box of popcorn that was from Haley Circus the place Dicks parents died. 

                             We both run there and a piece of paper read 'Jade my sweet child'. I started to think he is after me not Bruce,Bruce was trying to protect me. Then my phone beeped and a uknown person sent me a message and and it read 'jade my sweet child you have no place safe in the world because you arent even alive'. Austin looked at me and seen my whole body go paler then usual and I droped my phone. Austin picked my phone up and read it then it beeped again and it said 'afraid of the truth Jade???'. Then my lips turned black and my eyes turned a darker shade of black then they already were. I turned around and Austin seen that I could've killed someone with all the anger that had just apeard.

                                   I walk over to the stands and a guy in the shadows walked out and it was slade. He looked at me and said "thats a message from your dad the devil". I just punch a hole right through him and bashed his head on the metal bar so hard his head was bleeding then I used my fire powers to burn him. Austin kept saying for me to stop but I couldn't. I was to mad to stop because my dad is the devil, im already dead, and that it wasn't right that he told me it couldn't be right.

             I turned to see Bruce tied to a pole since I didn't put my mask on because I knew he had Bruce and he knew it was me. So luckly I didn't say a name. I untied Bruce and Bruce was very mad at me for killing Slade but he knew I couldn't stop. I had a dark side that I wouldn't be able to keep under control but as long as nothing trigerd it I wouldn't act like that.

Then I realized i had blood all over me and my black skirt had a ripe in it my cutoff shirt was also riped a little. Bruce looked at me and then the blond boy standing next to me and said "is this Austin". He didnt put the mask on either so that was good to he just wore a black t-shirt with a black jaket and dark jeans. I smile a bit and say "yea this is Austin and I see you got my text. He is good with knifes and he already knows about my powers and he is a nice kid so thats why I let him help me with finding you". Bruce looks at me and says "head home and hit the showers and Austin we will see you in the morning." 

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