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Adrien traced his hand on her desk, looking at all of the pictures of himself on her walls. He didn't know how much she liked him. He would go as far as obsessed when he pulled down the screen, labeling each day with what he had that day. He wondered how she got his schedule. Most likely bribed someone his father works for to get it. He turned on her computer and saw the screensaver was a collage of pictures of him. He nervously laughed and turned the computer off.

He walked around her room, going up onto her bed and sitting down. He looked at her cat pillow and chuckled. It took up the front of the bed and then she had a single pillow in front of it. He lied down and looked at her ceiling, her trapdoor creaked open. He crawled out through it and saw her beach chair with shade, her unwatered flowers, a small table with a knocked over tea kettle on it. She had the perfect set up up here.

He crawled back into her room and sat on her chaise, looking at all of her unfinished designs. He saw the tear stains on the seat and sighed. He did this. Sabine walked into the room with a first aid kit and looked at Adrien, giving him a warm, soft smile. "Adrien, hold still," He nodded and she put alcohol on the cut then a bandaid. She saw the scabs on his neck and gasped, he quickly hid them. She moved his hands away from his hood, it falling to his shoulders again and the scars being visible to her. "How did you get these?" She ran her fingers over the dried blood and looked at him. He didn't answer. He didn't know how. She sighed, knowing he wouldn't answer. "Okay then, dinner will be ready in a few minutes. You can join us if you want, there's always a place for you here."

"O-okay." Adrien stuttered and looked at his feet. He didn't want to look at her, he couldn't. She looked like Marinette and he already felt bad enough about other people hating him for her death, but being by her parents killed him.

"Adrien, if you ever need someone, you can always come to us." Sabine smiled at him and he looked up at her.

"You should be mad at me. I'm the reason your daughter is gone! Why aren't you mad at me like everyone else is!" Adrien yelled then calmed down before he could cry again.

Sabine blinked before warmly smiling at him. "Because, I still believe you're a good person. There a difference between mean people who hurt people for fun and good people who hurt people by accident. I believe you did it by accident." She sat next to him.

"I just feel so bad about this. I'm the reason she's gone," Adrien held back tears and looked down, his heart breaking more as he thought about her. "It's all my fault!" A few tears landed on his lap.

"No it's not Adrien," she tilted his head to face her and wiped off the tears on his cheeks. "It's no ones fault. Fate just went with this course," More tears went down his cheeks and she smiled at him again. She stood up and walked out the trapdoor. "Dinner will be ready soon. I suggest you join us. You always have a place here."

Adrien nodded and she left the room. He stayed sitting on the chaise and looked around her room. All of her unfinished designs, will never be finished. All of her ideas, never to come out into the world. He took the earrings out of his pocket and held them in his hand and Plagg sat on his shoulder. "Put them on."

"What? Why?"

"So Tikki can see her room, one last time." Plaggs was fell against his head.

"I don't have my ears pierced." Adrien sighed and ran his fingers over the earrings, a pink flash appearing and Tikki coming out of it. Tikki flew out of the earrings and onto Adriens other hand and looked at him.

"Why did you let me out?" She asked, her voice sad instead of optimistic.

"S-so you could see Marinettes room one more time," Adrien said and Tikki nodded. She flew around the room and looked at everything, touched everything, remembering everything they ever did in their. She grabbed the framed picture of Adrien and smiled, remembering when she panicked and threw it across the room. She found the box her miraculous were in and gave it to Adrien. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"Keep me in here. When you need too, take me out and give me to someone you trust." Tikki put her earrings in their spots and Adrien closed the box, Tikki flying in after.

"Adrien," Sabine walked in and Plagg quickly hid and Adrien put the box in his pocket. "Diners ready, if you would like to join us."

"I'll be down in a second." Adrien sighed and looked at her room one last time before joining Sabine and Tom for dinner. He sat at the table and ate what they gave him and sat with his head down.

"Adrien, you don't have to be afraid of us." Tom smiled.

"I just can't help but feel bad about Marinette. I'm the reason she's gone." Adrien sighed and Sabine pursed her lips.

"Adrien, if you like, you can sleep in her room if you want." Sabine smiled and he looked up. He's the murderer of their daughter but then again, they didn't know that.

"I don't think that's necessary-"

"Unless you want to sleep on the couch, I think it is," Sabine smiled. "We don't mind."

"O-okay." Adrien whispered. They washed up and Adrien went into Marinette room and sat on he stairs to her bed.

Sabine walked in and smiled at him. "Get some sleep, Adrien. W-we have her f-funeral to get to t-tomorrow." Sabine sadly smiled at him and walked away. Adrien got into Mairnettes bed, smelling her on her pillows. He realized he couldn't sleep here. He would ruin the last thing that held her. He moved onto the floor and grabbed a blanket from her closet and slept there.

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