12. The Cruel Lies

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They were no longer alone. Gesar could feel a presence even though he couldn't see who it was. There was someone else in the castle watching them without revealing himself. He racked his head, trying to remember if any other creature roamed the place, but nothing came to mind.

Nur must have noticed his alertness because she said, "What is it?"

He considered lying to spare her the worry, but lies never served any purpose. And he never lied. "Someone is watching us." His eyes roamed in all four directions, trying to pinpoint the source of his discomfort.

She also looked around but saw no one. "Are you sure? I don't see another ghost."

"It's not a ghost." Before he said anything else, a man came into his line of vision. He squinted to make out his profile and realized it was the same person who had come looking for Nur the other day.

"Oh, it's just Mikal," she whispered to him. And much loudly, she said, "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? I'm trying to make sure nothing else happens to you." His tone was annoyed. "Why did you leave without a word, Nur?"

"I didn't know I needed your permission."

"Please, don't twist my words. You were in the hospital, and after recovering first thing you do is, come back here." He looked frustrated. "Why are you obsessing over this place? It's not the first historical castle you have ever come across, nor would it be the last." He shook his head and took a deep breath. The guy was trying to understand her actions and failing.

"He must not know about me," Gesar said aloud, but Nur ignored him and kept her eyes on Mikal.

"I don't know why you are overreacting. I told you this place is important..."

He cut her off. "But why? That's what I don't understand."

The storm brewing in Nur's eyes scared Gesar. This Mikal guy didn't seem to understand he treaded on thin ice. There was something between those two that Gesar couldn't understand. He would have thought them best friends, but Nur wasn't honest with him if she kept Gesar's existence a secret. Or Mikal didn't know anything about her being a seer. Though why she would hide something like that wasn't understandable. The world was different, and it was possible people didn't look upon such things favorably. As curious as he was, he thought it better to refrain from interfering. After all, he didn't know Mikal or the relationship those two shared. Maybe they weren't friends at all.

There was silence as Mikal and Nur stared at each other without saying anything. Meanwhile, Gesar looked at the two, interested to see what would happen next. Before anyone could say anything, the snake reappeared. No one saw it approach, but it positioned itself between Nur and Mikal. The snake hissed loudly and startled them all.

"What?" Mikal and Gesar said at the same time, while Nur just blinked at it rapidly.

This time when Gesar looked at Mikal, he saw him differently. He was sure the other man couldn't see him. But he had understood what the snake said. Gesar was certain of that.

And Nur noticed it too because she now looked at Mikal curiously. "Did you just talk to a snake?"

"No, don't be absurd." He looked away from her, ignoring the snake and trying not to look guilty.

The snake didn't repeat itself and slithered away as if it couldn't care less about their quarrel. Funny, Gesar could swear it just told him to go to the pond on the other side of the garden.

"Is there a pond on the other side?" Mikal asked Nur, confirming Gesar's suspicion. He did understand the snake, but since he couldn't see ghosts, he probably thought the snake was talking to him. But why would he think that instead of just ignoring the creature? Gesar was sure of one thing, though. There was more to this guy than met the eye.

"Yes, there is. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. Maybe I should look around now that I'm here." This time Mikal's tone was completely different. He sounded interested in the place.

Gesar didn't like his change in attitude. The guy must be up to something. Hoping she wouldn't question him and do as he asked, he said to Nur, "Don't take him to the pond. In fact, it's better if you two leave."

Thankfully, she took the hint because she also changed her tone and said, "You know what, you were right. What was I thinking? I don't even feel that well. Maybe we should go." She stood up and walked away.

As expected, Mikal followed her. Gesar couldn't hear what he said in response, but he didn't care. His attention was now on the pond and the mysterious snake who could talk. Or rather, he could understand it.

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