3. Nothing Lasts Forever

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When you were betrayed or left behind by someone you loved, you would forget all the good times you had with them. As painful as it might be, you would only remember the moment they broke your heart. That single moment would stay with you forever, while many other happy moments would not. It was hard to remember the closeness you once shared with someone who was now practically a stranger.

Then, was it strange that he forgot about the time they were inseparable? Staring up at the stars, Gesar recalled the woman who once shared the heavenly sight with him. Reclining on a divan on one of the balconies, they used to talk about everything and nothing. In those moments, he knew life couldn't get any better, and he was right.

Startled, Gesar opened his eyes and gawked at the flying squirrel scurrying away. As soon as he realized he had been asleep, his world tilted on its axis once again.

The first time it had happened was when he had opened his eyes and found that no one could see or hear him. The realization of becoming a ghost had taken him many years to accept. In those early days, he had tried everything he could to attract anyone's attention, but nothing had worked. Over the centuries, he had watched history play out in front of his eyes, and yet, he wasn't an active participant.

Today was the second time something shook his reality. He fell asleep, and not only that, but he had been dreaming. Now that he was up, the dream faded away, but the feeling of warmth and love stayed with him.

Gesar had never felt like he truly belonged anywhere, but the castle had been his home for many centuries. And now, for the first time, it was utterly foreign to him. The walls stared at him as if telling him to leave. The pillars made him feel like a stranger.

Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The overwhelming sensation of discontent troubled him, and he feared he might drown in his misery. After so many years, why was he no longer welcome within these walls? What had changed? Regardless of how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure it out. All he knew was he must leave and soon. Where would he go, though? Where could he go?

Once a fearless king, Gesar was too scared to leave the castle. 'I can't leave this place,' he reminded himself. 'I have never been able to.' And it was the truth. His every attempt at leaving the place ended with him in the dungeons and unable to move for days. Sometimes even weeks. Whichever god decided to play a joke on him by bringing his soul back didn't want him to leave these ruins. He had even tried jumping from the towers and met with failure. After exhausting all his resources, he concluded he couldn't leave the castle and should wander within these walls aimlessly.

Now, his dead heart wanted him to leave. Tentatively, he took a step forward and passed over the threshold of the gate. Nothing happened. He stood there, still for a long time, waiting to be thrown into the darkest dungeons, but that didn't happen. Taking another step, he crossed over the threshold and was outside.

Before he could get a chance to relish his newfound freedom, he was thrown backward. Instead of ending in the dungeon, he ended up in the great hall. 'Ouch!' he cried out as a stabbing pain assaulted his senses. He was hurt. But that was impossible. Yet, his ribs ached from where he had collided with the stone pillar. And then, a familiar voice reached his ears.

The woman paused in the middle of her conversation and glanced toward him. For a millisecond he thought she saw him, but then, she continued talking. "You're late, and I'm quickly losing my patience." She didn't sound happy with the person on the other end of the phone.

A minute later, she walked out of the hall with her phone still pressed to her ears. The woman must love talking into that piece of technology. Gesar knew what it was from a few trespassers who had wandered into his territory over the years. People seemed to love that thing. Even in isolation, his existence wasn't one of ignorance.

Up until a century ago, this place bustled with life. It might not have been the great kingdom it once was, but his descendants ruled with the same pride and sense of duty. Then the land was divided, and all the tribes dissolved to become part of democratic governments. A concept Gesar would never understand.

The world was different from what it used to be, and the stories of great kings and queens like him became legends that later became myths. Much was lost, even if much else was gained in the process.

"I didn't want to say anything, but how long will you keep following me?"

Gesar had followed the woman, but it took him a while to realize she wasn't holding a phone and was actually talking to him. She looked directly at him and raised her eyebrows as if demanding an answer.

He was speechless. "Can you see me?" he croaked at last. His voice was hoarse with emotions more than the lack of use.

There was something regal in the way she stood there, tall and confident. Her steady gaze studied him, and he had an uncanny feeling that nothing remained hidden from her scrutiny--as if she could see into his soul. Though, technically, he was nothing but a soul. He wondered how she could see him when no one else ever had.

She seemed unfazed by his presence as if it was something normal. "Yes, I can see you. I have always been able to see ghosts. I wanted to ignore you at first. That day too, you kept following me around. Why?"

The answer should be simple, but Gesar didn't know what to say. He was still reeling from the fact that someone could see him and hear his voice. "I--" he began and stopped. "You," he tried again but couldn't say more than a word.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I sometimes forget that seers are rare. Is it your first time talking to someone?" This time her tone was gentle as if coaxing a child.

He wanted to say so much. His heart would be pounding in his chest if it still could. If he had been alive, tears of joy would've rolled down his cheeks. Who knew This moment--in the centuries of existence--would become his most cherished? That woman was his destiny. He was more certain of it than he had ever been of anything. His story might yet get another conclusion.

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