Chapter 3.1

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Once we reached the parking lot of the office, Ace hopped out of the driver's seat, slammed the door, and threw Zeke to the ground. I quickly ran and slammed Bobby onto the side of the car as he attempted to tackle Ace.

Zeke laughed as she slowly squished his head into the concrete with the bottom of her black boot, "Listen here motherfucker, you're not in Jagat anymore. You have zero control over anything now so you better watch your damn mouth before I send you to hell myself."

"I can tell you have no power here either so does it really matter what I have said to you?" She pushed her leg down further and he raised his tied hands in defeat, "Hey, hey, no need for that when I'm just stating the facts. That's all I ever do. I don't want to be around you more than you want to throw me in a pit of fire so why don't you get off of me, pick me up, and get me outta here. We'll never have to see each other again."

She slightly raised her foot, "Apologize to her now! I will gladly risk disappearing knowing that you finally got your ass handed to you."

He flipped over onto his back, pushing her foot out of the way in the process, "Fine, fine, if that's what you want. What's her name again? It slipped my mind when you threw me out of the car."

She pressed on his throat with her boot, "You know her name, bastard. You wouldn't stop talking to her the whole car ride."

"O-okay," he choked out, her foot releasing some pressure. "I'm sorry V. Just know the offer still stands," he winked and blew a kiss my way, causing me to gag.

Ace lifted her leg off of him, swung her leg back, and then swiftly forward across his face, "Again. Don't be a pig this time."

He coughed and spit blood out of his mouth, "I'm sorry! I really am truly sorry V! I won't comment about you any longer."

"Better," she grinned, lifting him off the ground with ease.

The walk to the office and the elevator ride to the sorting facility was surprisingly quiet. The two didn't make any more of a fuse when they realized that security was waiting to help us.

As soon as we reached the fourth floor, where the sorting facility was, Ace let me know that she was going to head up to the boss' office to give a report about everything and reassured me that she'll be back in time for lunch at the café, leaving Dylan and I to wait until these two were judged.

We sat Bobby and Zeke in front of Treasea's desk, standing beside them so they couldn't leave, and waited patiently for her to sort through their files. My eyes began to wander around the green room. Similar to my floor, everything was one color with splashes of black. The clothes, the floor, almost everything was green. Not a single color outside of green or black could be found anywhere besides Dylan and I. His blue security uniform stood out the most and caused worried eyes to watch our every move.

Every color symbolized what floor that person worked on. Blue uniforms were mainly for limboers that worked on the main floor for the security team and kitchen staff. Other limboers within the building were secretaries and janitors who had their uniform color match the floor they were assigned to.

The second and third floor were for the white stars, those who just began to pay off their debts. Reapers usually spent five years working on this floor to learn how everything was handled and to give enough time for the boss to assess where they should be promoted to. There were three possible ranks to be moved to, each with their own benefits.

Green stars were the lowest rank with zero benefits and split into two teams. The fourth floor was filled with quick yet thorough decision makers who couldn't handle the emotional and physical drain of missions to sort through the souls and send them to either heaven or hell. The fifth floor was filled with those who put minimal effort into missions to create files and distribute them to the higher ranks.

Red stars were the middle rank stationed on the sixth floor with minimal benefits, like getting paid slightly more than the previous rank and five years being shaved off of our debt. This rank dealt with Givas who were ready to die.

The seventh floor was filled with the highest rank, Black stars. Black stars had the majority of benefits by getting paid the most along with fifteen years shaved off their debt. This rank constantly dealt with sudden deaths and giving reports directly to the boss when they did a ride-along or caught someone that was on the radar for years. Ace said that when she gave reports, it was in a dark office with only one light that pointed at her. They also had access to the eighth floor, known as the arsenal. The arsenal was filled with many tricks on making their missions easier, it ranged from possession to controlling things like the weather. They're also allowed to bring one red star with them into the arsenal and on any mission with them, these were known as ride-alongs. Ride-alongs were one of the ways for a red star to get promoted and for a black star to sit back, do nothing, and wait until they're needed.

"Alright, judgement is complete! Escort these two to door C please, thank you. Have a nice day," Treasea quickly said, slapping two yellow sheets of paper onto the desk and never looking up from the computer.

Dylan grabbed the papers and quickly checked over them before passing them to the men. They stood and quietly took the papers as we pushed them out into the hallway. Before continuing, I asked Owen, the secretary, where door C was exactly so I wouldn't get lost again. He continued talking on the phone as he pointed to the left and turned his hand as if he was pointing to his back.

I nodded a thank you to him as Zeke held the paper in the air and waved it around, "What the hell does any of this mean?"

"If you knew how to read, you would know. Keep walking," I spat, pushing him into the direction he pointed to.

"Doll, I admire you. I really do but you test my patience," Zeke chuckles out.

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Why can't you shut up like your friend here, huh? You always have something to say. I'm surprised you even made it anywhere in life."

"I only made it because I did everything for myself. Constantly doing favor after favor until everyone owed me something. I-"

"Wow you really never stop talking. I don't care about your life story! You're a horrible person and I'm happy for whatever punishment you get."

"How am I horrible?"

"You're kidding right? You killed everything that breathed, from kids to teenagers to parents. Just completely disgusting."

He shrugged, "They all deserved it. Either it was to punish them or to punish someone close to them. Not my fault either way."

I scoffed, "A complete monster."

"I can see it in you Doll, you're just like me. You're in denial now but when the time comes, you'll do what benefits you and only you."

"I'm nothing like you and never will be. Now shut up so we can get you through that door. I killed you once and I won't hesitate to do it again so stay shut," I walked up to the metal black door with a giant green 'C' written and knocked on it.

The door slowly creaked open and a lengthy person wearing all gray stepped out from behind the door and towered over me. Their skin was as white as paper, under their black piercing eyes the skin was a dark purple, their lips looked as if they'd been dehydrated for years.

This person was one of the three Keepers. The Keepers made sure that people were entering the correct doors after being sorted, anyone who tried to enter the wrong door I assumed would be punished. No one really knew what happened behind these doors except for them. One day, I had asked Treasea what each door led to and she told me that the doors rotated between heaven, hell, and purgatory so the computers were constantly updated with the correct locations.

"Papers," their deep voice said slowly, prolonging each syllable.

I gulped roughly and reached behind me for Zeke's and Bobby's papers, never breaking eye contact. Once I felt the papers touch my palm, I snatched them away and hesitantly passed it to them.

Their long white fingers slowly gripped onto the pages and pulled them away from me. Lifting the monocle that hung from their shirt up to their eye, I could hear Zeke becoming more and more restless with how slow they did everything and Dylan trying to calm him.

"Worst than a fucking sloth. Let me through," Zeke pushed me into the wall and tried to get through the door.

The Keeper quickly dropped everything in their hands and grabbed Zeke by his collar, lifting him in the air. Bobby tried to tackle the Keeper but they didn't budge, he slowly looked up to see them staring right back down at him. He took a couple cautious steps back until he bumped into Dylan.

The Keeper placed their focus back on Zeke and watched as he struggled against their tight grip, "Name."

He looked around to everyone with a desperate look before answering, "Uh, uh, Z-zeke Bianchi."

They threw him into the dark room, causing Zeke to slide across the floor. It was almost difficult to see him as quickly stood on his feet and hesitantly looked around. The Keeper then turned to Bobby and without a word he began stepping forward toward the room. They stalked behind him until they were all in the room and slammed the door closed behind them.

Dylan and I stood there, dumbfounded and confused. He slowly turned to me with a blank stare, "What now?"

"I guess we leave," I blinked a couple times before turning around and walking down the hall.

The sound of Dylan's shoes hitting the ground quickly approached my side, "Have you ever seen anything like that before?"

"No, not at all."

"What do you think will happen to them?"

"No idea. We'll probably never see them again because I've never seen anyone who passed these doors ever again."

The sound of his shoes suddenly stopped, "S-seriously?"

I stopped walking and sighed, "Yes."

His steps began again, faster this time, as he passed by me he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me toward the elevators, "Welp, time to get outta here then! Don't wanna piss off those Keepers!"


I added a cast for this book!

That's how I imagine them to look for the most part, I just change a couple things about their looks sometimes, but you guys don't have to imagine that cast at all.

Let me know who you guys imagine instead?

Let me know your thoughts ~

Till next time ✌🏼💕

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