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AN just because I like torture here's a flashback chapter


Virgil finished his shift and grabbed his keys nodding to the night staff as he left. He walked out pulling out his phone to text his dad.

"Virg!" Virgil looked up seeing Seth. He raised an eyebrow at that.

"Thought you weren't due home until Easter?" Virgil joked. Seth shoved his brothers shoulder as the two got into his car.

"I'm actually back, because of mom kiddo." Seth sighed. "I know you don't want it to be real and all but...she might not make it." The two drove in silence to the hospital. Once they reached it they went up to her room and sat down with her laughing and joking around.

"Mom!" Virgil threw the jello back at her when suddenly there was gunfire. His eyes widened and he looked at his brother. "Was that gunfire!?"

"In the closet, now!" Virgil was going to make a joke when the door opened.

"Boys come on, we have to leave." Virgil looked at his father confused. Logan grabbed the medical chart and ran out of the room with a duffel bag. Virgil watched on in confusion.

"What is happening right now!?" Seth came back into the room after following their dad. He walked over and whispered something into their moms ear and she nodded. He helped her up and she grabbed clothes walking to the bathroom. Virgil looked at them as they scrambled about. He walked to the door and stepped out staring in horror at all the blood covered walls, people were shot in the head, papers were everywhere, glass was everywhere. Virgil entered the hallway and towards the medicine locker seeing his dad looking at a list and shoving things in his bag. "Dad?" He turned to look at Virgil.

"You shouldn't be out here! Virgil go back to the hospital room until I'm back!" Virgil shook his head.

"What the hell is happening!? Who's attacking a hospital??" Virgil asked. Logan finished shoving meds into a bag and dragged Virgil back to the room.

"We have to leave now honey." He walked over to his wife and kissed her. "Think you can make it without me having to-."

"Babe, I can make it. I'll be fine." They all ran for the garage. Once in the car Logan tore down city streets. Virgil stared wide eyed.

"What the hell is happening!?"

"There's a disease and it's infected a lot of people and unfortunately we have to run or we might be next." His father grabbed his hand. "But don't worry I won't let anything happen to you boys and your mother. I have enough medicine for her and I have the medical training I can take care of her..." so they ran.

***Logan (a few months later: still flashback)***

"DAD!" Logan looked over at Virgil who crashed through the trees, covered in bloody cuts. His eyes widened and he ran over to him.

"Virgil what the hell happened!?" Seth came crashing through the trees dropping the bag he was carrying. His eyes widened and he turned back towards where they came from. "Seth!" He ran over to his son. Suddenly a group of seven men came crashing in after them. His eyes widened. "What did you two do!?"

"Oh, they did nothing." One of the men chuckled. "Other than the fact we saw all that medicine they had and we want it." Virgil shook his head.

"No please!" He held his bag close. Seth shook his head.

"We told you, it's for our mother!" The men laughed.

"Oh like we care." They looked at Logan. "They took all the medicine from that store, we need it. So you either come with us or we will kill you and take it for ourselves."

"Please, she was hospitalized when all of this happened! I took the medication for her! I can't help her if you take the medication."

"Take the boys and the medication. Teach the old man a lesson. We can use the labor anyways." Virgil backed up and Seth pulled out his knife.

"That's not fucking happening." Seth stepped in front of his brother.

"Please! Im a doctor! If you have any wounded I can help take care of them! Please!" The men walked into the tents. They came out laughing.

"She's very sick looking boss want us to take care of her?" One of them pulled out a gun and Logan's eyes widened.

"NO!" Logan went forward and snatched the gun from them. "You leave her alone!"

"Are you sure she wasn't infected?" One of them asked. Logan nodded.

"She was sick before all of this." Logan pulled Virgil and Seth towards him.

"Fine, take them all back to camp. And sir, know if you fuck anything up in anyway, she dies first and then he does. And then him. Understand me?" Logan nodded.

"Understood." They walked to camp and Logan helped care for the wounded as much as he could. Some recovered, some were lost but he helped them and that's all they cared about.

~~~a few years later

"She's doing worse. I have to go see what medication I can get." Logan strapped the bags to his back. "I promise I'll be back." He kissed Virgil's forehead.

"Not what I'm worried about. You are going out against his orders dad! He's going to kill us while you are gone..." Virgil clutched his necklace. "We already had to say goodbye to Seth I can't...I can't lose you and mom."

"I promise you, he won't touch you." Logan stood up and left the tent. Logan looked back seeing that Virgil clutched his moms hand. He grabbed his own necklace and took a deep breathe as he ran through the woods away from the camp. Remy better not try anything to hurt his boy.

~~~before Logan shot Remus~~~

Logan couldn't get his damn walkie to work. He groaned as he ran even closer smelling a small fire. He stopped when he saw a deer. He smiled. Remy might forgive him if he brought that with him! It could feed them for a week at least! The deer ran off and he didn't even think, he just shot. He heard a scream and his heart almost stopped beating. Oh my god he shot someone! He ran towards the noise seeing two boys, one of which had a slash along his side. Logan's eyes widened. Oh fuck.

***back at the camp (Remy POV)***

"Yeah, he left alone. Left the kid and his mother." Remy looked at Derek "what are you going to do?"

"Hope she dies while he's gone." Derek looked at the hidden bag of medicine they stole from Logan's belongings. "He won't be able to find anything to keep her around. Then we can get rid of the kid same way we got rid of his brother."

"You don't think that'll be too far?" Remy asked.

"I think he'll be fine, as long as we don't get caught." Remy walked out of the tent and towards the fire when he heard a scream of pure grief coming from Virgil's tent. His eyes widened as he watched Derek run towards the tent. He heard screaming and Derek had dragged Virgil out and went back in. Remy heard the gun go off and he stared on in shock. He saw Emile and Patton run over after Derek pressed a gun to Virgil's head. Remy stood up in shock. Holy fuck. Patton got Derek away from the kid and he climbed into a tree. Remy sat at the fire watching him. The kid was trying to get himself killed at this point. He sighed and looked back at the fire. His eyes closed and he leaned back against the stump.

~~~two hours later

"You fucking told everyone he was bit! You went along with the story he told!" Virgil shouted at janus.

"What the hell is going on here?" Remy stepped away from the fire and looked at the two.

"My step dad just tried to kill Virgil." Janus stormed into his tent and Remy looked at Virgil in shock. Oh god. He walked over to Virgil catching sight of the kids wrist in disgust. Rope burn.

"Why didn't you scream for us?" Remy immediately ran over looking over his wrist.

"I handled it just fine." Virgil mumbled.

"Oh yeah? Because from where I am, looks like he hurt your wrist and arm pretty fucking badly." Remy grabbed some gauze. "What the hell did you do to piss him off again?" He was terrified of the kid getting killed if he was being honest but if he had to be the bad guy, he was going to be the bad guy.

"Again!? I didn't piss him off before I just called him out on his bullshit." Remy finished wrapping Virgil's wrist. He sighed and put the gauze down.

"Virgil, it is six in the morning...you are so lucky patton isn't awake yet or he'd be going off on you mister." Remy sat Virgil down in the chair by the fire. Virgil sighed annoyed.

"He tried to kill me, and all you guys can say is it's my fault for pissing him off?" Virgil looked over at Remy who was cooking breakfast.

"Derek...he has a lot he's dealing with. He lost his family to walkers kid." Virgil scoffed.

"More like fed them to the walkers to save his own ass." Remy gasped. How the fuck did the kid even know about that?

"Virgil, babes, what the fuck?" Remy paused and looked him up and down.

"I'm serious! He just attempted to fucking murder me and all you all do is protect the bastard!? He was clearly not right in the head!"

"Was?" Remy asked. Virgil looked towards the woods. Remy let his eyes widen. Oh my god they killed him.

"Janus shot him in the head." Virgil looked up at Remy. "I didn't know he would have."

"He shot his own father in the head? That's hard to believe kid." Remy stood up. "I'm gonna call a meeting." He didn't want to blame the kid for murder but why would janus kill his own father?

"Are you—are you actually serious right now!? You might as well have just let Derek feed me to the walkers if you are going to just get rid of me like this!" Virgil stood up and shook his head. "I hate you!" He stormed into his tree and looked down as everyone started waking up. Remy sighed. Guess it's time to play bad guy.

AN hope you liked the update! Sorry I haven't had motivation to write lately and now I'm updating all over the place and all the stories are starting to mush together I keep forgetting what book is what 😂

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