Dead Messanger: Tracy's Trances

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Chapter 1- Tracy Traced

I wake up on an autumn morning the sweet smell of pumpkin pie. I climb off of the wooden crate I fell asleep on and have been sleeping on alot lately. Halloween is tonight and I need to get my small belongings packed and find a new place to stay. Halloween was the one night child services actually looked for me so I need to be on the watch. My parents died last year on Halloween in a car accident. Somehow I survived with no scratches or injures. I throw my only three pairs of clothes in a bag and some stolen money. I glanced in a broken mirror on my way out and seen my dark purple eyes gleaming with excitement. I smile and continue on my way. I walk down the sidewalk wearing a red cloak, it makes me seem mysterious. Also its so children services doesn't know that its me. I walk into a bakery that sales fifty cent muffins just because its Halloween. I give the man two dollars and fifty cents. "What type of muffins would you like sir" the baker says not seeing and of my features. I ignore him calling me a boy and say "just chocolate chip please" in a low voice so I sound like a boy. The man puts five chocolate chip muffins in a brown paper bag. I walk out in silence and continue on my search. I take a bite out of a muffin and shove the rest in my bag for later. I tend to save my food for later so I don't have to keep stealing money. It beats starving to death so I better get going. A police officer grabs my arm and I curse under my breath. "Leave me alone I din't do anything wrong" I say. He says "Yes you did do something wrong, you ran from child services". I moan and push the cop out of my way. I run as fast as I can to some unknown place.

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