Melock the Wise

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By midday, they left the woodmen's village behind and made for the canyon trail that led to the great rope bridge passage into the Stone Mountains. The crossing was old but in decent condition, a long suspension bridge made of nothing more than planks and rope. A kindly druid put a spell on it, one that told travelers whether they would make it to the other side or not; if they were willing to listen. 

The great western woods to one side and a massive ravine to the other, the three wizards strode in silence making fantastic time along the dusty path. They traveled in order of rank, age, and skill, with Melock barefoot in the lead, followed by Redwing with his aristocratic fashions, and Mevner who looked more a woodsman than a wizard bringing up the rear.

Redwing turned over potential scenarios as they hiked. There were many dangers on the way to the Stone Castle, the steep mountain passes offering the best possibilities for an accident or an ambush. He knew the route well and though the temptation to act en route was certainly tempting he decided to wait until they reached the castle where he could draw on the powers of his tower and if need be, a second life. 

He would only get one shot at Melock. Once he made his intentions clear, the old man would never let his guard down again. Redwing grinned to himself smugly, going through each and every action he planned to take over and over again in his mind. 

They followed the winding ridge for the rest of the afternoon and as the sunset began they came to the rope bridge. Two support structures that held the cables came into view and Melock broke his stride to pause. Redwing thinking nothing of it took the lead. Lost in thought, he made his way to the foot of the crossing and that's when the bridge spoke to him. Its words were faint like a whisper in an autumn breeze, hardly audible, but what they spoke stopped Redwing in his tracks.

"You will never cross this bridge, Necromancer." 

The bridge took center focus in his mind. If that was its message to him, what did it say to Melock and to Mevner? He whipped around to face his father. 

Melock had his back to him and was finishing saying something to Diggs. He turned around slowly and the look on his face told Redwing he knew everything. 

"This is not the way to your success, my son." 

Melock hardly got out the words before he fell to his knees with hands grasping his temples. Redwing stood legs bent, arms forward, hands gesturing mind-scrambling pressure to his father's head. Extreme focus and malicious rage crumpled his long face.

"I no longer need your guidance, old man."

Redwing raised his hand. High above Melock hung the Sword of Damocles. It's dark glowing blade reflected the setting sunlight. It was a power that manipulated matter and formed iron out of oxygen. As soon as the sword came into being, gravity pulled it to the earth. The double edges of the thick broadsword dropped through the top of Melock's skull pinning him to the ground. 

"Nicholas, stop!" Mevner stepped between them. "What're you doing?!"

Redwing stood up straight, arms to his side. "You know what this is. Join me and become my apprentice. I see your potential... that father never did."

"I won't let you. I stand in your way." Mevner lifted his hands forming a translucent triangular shield that bent the light in front of him.

Redwing raised both arms, pulled back his sleeves, and revealed the master's cursed gauntlets. Digg's foolish determination made Redwing wonder why he even bothered asking. 

"Then you have chosen your fate."

He cast eight of the thirteen curses on the Mevner leaving him a twisted mindless wreck convulsing on the ground and turned his attention back to his father somehow still alive and struggling in vain against the sword. Redwing encircled him with mist and began draining him with the Vampire spell. The power transfer to Redwing was so intense his body stretched and grew in the process. His eyes filled with lightning and maniacal joy. 

Melock the Wise, the greatest wizard of all, lost his powers and died; his body reduced to a blackened and charred skeleton. Redwing reached down, unfastened his father's amulet, and placed it around his own neck. The power he felt at that moment was overwhelming. 

He turned back to the other shuddering broken body at his feet.

"Mage Mevner Ozgold, I leave you to the wild."

Redwing teleported straight to Luhng's island to free his dragon. 

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