The Knight And The Android

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"There they are.. the shuttles.. "

They had entered a room that looked a lot like a subway terminal. The room being large, echoish, and with terminals leading to large Hover Shuttles docked at different platforms.. granted these platforms were smaller than normal subway platforms.

"These are Royal Shuttles." said Merlin. "They are manually and Autodrive driven.. meaning whatever we pick, it won't return itself to it's original dock when we're done.. we can keep it if we like."

"In that case.. I'll pick Narina said, trying to shake off the last bit of her fatigue. Apparently, the strange effect she had experienced from Plum had a point when it wore off.

Each Royal Shuttle was a model called Sentinel. Basically they were large round armored vehicles that looked a little bit like UFOs. Their function was to be far travelling vehicles that could take many hits, basically riot control vehicles.

Since the Knights were pretty well versed in taking on entire armies on their own, a vast set of military instruments were never needed. So riot control was pretty much the extent of military technology in the current royal family.

Speed wasn't an advantage of a Royal Shuttle. While in space they travelled fast enough to make it to the Mars Colony within a couple of days, within the Earth atmosphere, they moved as fast as a 21st century Airline, which probably made them the slowest airborne vehicle in the current era.

It was no wonder that the Royal Family didn't care if they lost one.. at least in Narina's opinion. They were not for travel.. just tanking out angry rioters and tough weapons. Slow moving air tanks.

"Wait.. what's that?" Narina asked, pointing at a vehicle inside a large  glass case.

"That's a relic.." said Nue. "It's a World World 3 Thunderbird.. That ship hasn't flown for years.. it's a hunk of junk.."

The Thunderbird was powerful looking vehicle, with two short angular wings, and a gray and black paintjob... and to Narina, it looked practically awesome.

"Well.. actually, if the power core isn't removed, it'll still be able to fly.. a Thunderbird creates it's own fuel in order to become cost effective for mass production." said Merlin.

Suddenly a massive King Cobra with an anaconda like body slithered out of a vent in the ceiling, and Narina had to resist the urge to jump so high that her head would smash through the roof.

The ginormous snake, which was massive enough to crush a car in it's coils, morphed until it shaped itself into Sandy.

"Sandy.." said Nue. "Where's Shift? Mmm?"

"He's staying behind, with the rest of our members." said Sandy. "We need an operating cell inside the Royal Family.. and Shift's best suited to lead it. Just as well.. with Shift around our headquarters, he's always using his shape shifting powers to pretend to be a girl just to peek in on us in the locker rooms.. bastard pervert..."

Narina tried not to look guilty. Essentially, she was technically the same thing, only she couldn't change at will like Shift, and it wasn't on purpose.

"Am I late..?" Violet appeared, morphing out of a pool of shadows that had appeared next to Sandy.

"Thank god!" Narina sighed with relief. "Are you okay? Was the fight tough for you?"

"No, the Horizon weakening element is quite effective." said Violet. "She put up a fight, but she wasn't a match for me.. it seems Knights have a weakness for planning their fights, since they're used to attacking without the need to plan thanks to their usually unbreakable power."

"I thought as much." said Merlin. "Sneaky tactics will be particularly effective against the Knights.. but the airborne element is fading from the air in here fast, and it won't be long before the Knights regain full strength, it's best we leave immediately."

"Alright then!" said Narina. She turned her fist to steel and smashed the glass case containing the Thunderbird. "Then everyone on board this thing!"

"We don't even know if that hunk of junk still works!" Sandy said incredulously.

"Just get in.." said Violet with a roll of her eyes, dragging Sandy into the craft's open hatch by the wrist. "I have some experience with aircraft.. I'll get it started.."

"Okay.. so then.. I'll just...just..." Narina's eyes widened, staring at something just past Nue's shoulder. "Uh... oh.."

Nue turned her head slowly to look at where Narina was looking.. "Oh... mmm... "

Zenthis was standing there, her sword drawn.. she looked so much like Nue thanks to her parentage, that Narina almost felt like it was Nue glaring at her.

"I don't want to have to do this.." said Zenthis. "M'ladies... But as your attendants.. I must ask that you return to your rooms.. or I will force you.."

Narina's clothes shredded apart as she immediately entered Prism Dragon form, her now yellowish dragon eyes glowing with power. "Zenthis.. please.. just let us go, I don't want to hurt you either.. your power is weakened right now.."

Zenthis pointed her blade at Narina. "I care for you too much.. both of you.. I cannot allow you to turn against the  royal- BLLLLLLAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!!"

A powerful plasma blast suddenly burst out of the side wall of the room, sending Zenthis flying...

There was a stunned pause, and both Narina and Nue blinked with astonishiment for a minute... and then..

"WHOOOOO!!!" Bella jumped out of the hole in the wall, and then waved cheerfully at Narina. "WOW!! I've been searching for ages! NAAAARRRRIIIIINAAAAAAAA!!! THANK GOODNESS I FOUND YOU!!! I've been like.. searching for parking for like an hour trying to find you!!"

"P-parking?" Narina stammered.

Nearby, in the other room, a car was smashed through the ceiling.. of course a result of Bella's terrible driving.. never mind how she managed to get the car into a flying royal palace in the first place.

"So.. what did I miss!?" asked Bella.

There was the sound of shifting rock and Zenthis emerged from the rubble, her Star Blade glowing with tremendous power.

"Who are you?" Zenthis growled.

"Somebody who became a hero for fun." said Bella.

"What!?" said Zenthis.

"HAHA!! Sorry, I watch too much One Punch Man!" said Bella.  "Actually, I'm Narina's personal Android! I cook , clean, and I also provide combat assistance when necessary. Oh, and I'm also a licensed personal driver-"

"No you're not." said Narina.

"Semi-licensed?" said Bella.

"Not even close." said Narina.

"Oh fine." said Bella. "In any case.. who are you?"

"I am Princess Narina and Princess Elise's personal attendant.." said Zenthis. "I also clean, though cooking is optional, and I provide combative guardianship when necessary. And right now.. part of my duty is making sure they stay on this ship."

"Oh." said Bella. "I see.. well then.. I guess that means I have only one thing to do!"

"And that would be?"

Bella smiled and held out her arm, and clenched a fist. "HYPERSONIC ROCKET FIST!!!"

"KAAABOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Bella's forearm and fist snapped away from her arm, as a powerful flaming fuel projection exploded from it.. sending a tremendous rocket punch exploding straignt into Zenthis's Star Blade, which she brought out to block the punch with.

The powerful shockwave of the attack created a massive explosion of rubble around Zenthis, cleaving around her powerful blade.

The arm immediately flew back to Bella and snapped back into place.

Bella smiled as she flexed her arm, making sure it was attached right. "Well.. I'm going to have to kick your ass! is that okay ma'am?"

Bella looked at Narina. "Go Master! I'll try and follow when I can!"


"It's okay Master!" said Bella smiling cheerfully. "I promise you.. I won't let you down!!"

"Come!" said Merlin, putting a hand on Narina's shoulder. "If we dawdle any longer than this escape is bound to fail. She's an android, she can be replaced."


"I don't have time for this." Zenthis said calmly. "HORIZON ART!!! GALACTIC SLASH!!!!"

Zenthis charged incredible energy into her blade and slashed it down, sending a ginormous blast of energy, infused with dark blue energy that made it look as if Zenthis were hurling a  massive Nebulae at the group.

But suddenly Bella launched herself in front of the blast. Her arm detached, flipping open like a lid to reveal a weapon barrel. "PLASMA CANNON GENERATION V!!"

A massive plasma burst exploded into the energy, countering it instantly..

"Like I said before Master." said Nue. "I'll follow you when I'm done here.. Now go!!!"

"Damn it!!" Narina growled. "IF YOU DON'T COME BACK ALIVE!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"

Narina and Nue ran into the ship as it's engine began to give a great roar, and blue energy exploded from the vents on it's back..

"NO!!!" Zenthis roared,  She lunged past Nue at hyperspeed and raised her blade, preparing to slash the craft's wings off..

But there was another blur of speed, and suddenly Nue appeared in front of Zenthis, crossing her arms together, and intercepting the giant glowing blade in a burst of grinding sparks.

"WH-WHAT!?" Zenthis stammered. "But.. even in my weakened state.. my blade would cleave through even the hardest metal... wh-what kind of Bella unit are you!?"

(the Music is Bella's theme! It took me and my sis ages to find just the perfect one for her.)

Bella smiled as her eyes began to glow. "I can't let you through... I am your opponent.. Master called me her friend.. and I cannot disappoint somebody who grants me such an honor as that... Combat Mode: Initiate!!!"

Bella's irises glowed as strange glowing circuit boards ran through the green areas and her eyes seemed to adjust.

Two metallic fins grew out of the sides of her head, with red lights on them, and her clothes morphed into a one piece mecha suit with a blue skirt, and blades grew out of her forearms.

"HYPER SONIC BULLET PUNCH!!!" Bella's fists moved with speeds well exceeding the sound barrier, turning molten hot as they tore at near impossible speeds, pelting Zenthis with a barrage of multiple punches, thousands of fists moving and impacting in mere seconds..

Zenthis was thrown back and sent hurtling straight through 15 walls..

Zenthis got up wiping blood from her chin, right as a blur hurled past her vision, and Bella appeared behind her.

"Gazer Laser." Bella's eyes exploded with green light as she fired green eyebeams into Zenthis, smashing her through multiple floor levels with a single blast..

When the dust cleared, Zenthis leapt out of the hole in the floor, panting, bleeding. "You.. aren't an ordinary Bella Unit.. no Bella Android Unit has this amount of Combat capability!!"

Bella smiled again.. her eyes adjusting with gear shifting sounds as they kept a sharp look on her target. "Correct.. I am one of the Bella Combat Models.. While my normal Bella Unit number is Bella 3487, I am also Combat Bella Prototype 3."

"A top secret black ops android!? in the service of an Academy Student!?" said Zenthis.

"Narina's Grandmother entrusted me to be the one to protect her with all my power.." said Bella. "And needless to say, I don't intend to fail!!"

Zenthis's eyes turned dark and dangerous. "Such a misguided piece of machinery.. you speak as if you care for her.. but you are merely an imitation of human emotion.. somebody like you.. COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND  WHAT IT MEANS TO TRULY CARE FOR SOMEBODY!!!!"

Zenthis slashed her blade with deadly force at Bella's neck.. the force of the slash was so great, the very shockwave of the attack, created a shockwave that exploded through the shuttle terminal and into the sky, sending the clouds exploding back...

 However, when the dust cleared, Bella had caught the blade with two fingers.

However, that wasn't what Zenthis found surprising.. what she found surprising.. was that Bella was no longer smiling.. she was wide-eyed, and tears were trailing from down her cheeks.

"An android.. that can cry?" Zenthis growled.

"I DO feel.." Bella whispered. "I DO..  You don't understand.. you treat us androids.. as if we're just junk.. meant to be used and discarded or consumed until another model replaces us.. but.. she doesn't see me that way.. you say you take care of my Master? Well.. I would rather die.. than leave my Master in the care of somebody.. AS COLD AS YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!"

Bella sent a massive punch hurling straight into Zenthis's jaw.. as her punch hurled into Zenthis.. hammering against her skull and flesh.. all color seemed to break.. and a vicious shockwave seemed to shake the very palace itself..

(If you're wondering what that's like, imagine Luffy punching a Celestial Dragon with a thousand times the force thanks to an angry Bella, and genius robotic engineering.)

Zenthis exploded through the palace, till she was sent hurling into the Throne Room.. a hundred floors above..smashing into the empty throne with a booming crash..

Zenthis, displaying her incredible toughness, leapt back to her feet immediately wiping blood from her forehead, as Bella rocketed up from the hole, landing in front of Zenthis.

Zenthis's eyes flashed as she dodged another hyper supersonic punch from Bella and came up behind her.

"Slash of a thousand Wolves.." Zenthis whispered, her eyes turning solemn as she raised her blade with expert precision and skill..

There was the flash of a dozen sword slashes.. and Zenthis suddenly appeared behind Bella.. her blade drawn..

For a minute there was silence.. then "KAAAASHHHEEEEEENNNNN!!!" The walls of the throne room flew apart, turning into segments, that had been sliced cleanly apart like butter.. and along with them.. Bella's body was torn apart, having been shredded to pieces by Zenthis's powerful swordsmanship.

"None will stand against the Royal Family while I live.." said Zenthis. "Not while honor still runs through my veins.."

Bella chuckled. "Eh? That's funny? I have a similar motto.. but Narina's name replaces the 'Royal Family' part.."

Suddenly Bella's dismantled waist parts reconstituted together, and magnetically pulled itself back together.. and before Zenthis knew it.. Bella was perfectly fine.. having instantly repaired herself..

"WHAT!?" Zenthis stammered.

"Repair Mode.. Mark 3.." said Bella, with a dangerous smile. "Ahhh.. didn't know that the new Combat Black Ops androids have autoregeneration did you? I can even recreate lost parts if I'm not damaged too thoroughly.."

Bella giggled, and took on a graceful stance, like a dancer readying herself for a graceful performance. "In any case, I have fully analyzed your attack patterns Lady Knight.. you are truly the most skilled warrior I have ever registered within my databanks, even more devious and cunning in the way you strike than Violet, and stronger in your raw power than Master.. but.. I can calculate your every move just from how you attacked me just now.."

Zenthis gritted her teeth. "Fool.. a computer could never defeat me!!!"

"You forget.. you're not just fighting a computer.. you're fighting a friend of Narina Yukata!" Bella said. "And that makes me stronger than any silly robot!!"

Zenthis screamed and launched herself at Bella, slashing her blade with speed that made the Flash look like a turtle.

Bella's eyes twitched and moved, keeping up with every movement, a hundred million mathematical calculations running through her servers as she calculated every single twitch of Zenthis's muscles, every movement she made..

Bella moved gracefully through the attack, dodging every blade slash.. something no opponent of Zenthis had EVER managed before.. and should ever have managed, even with Zenthis's Horizon energy currently weakened.

"This.. isn't possible.. what kind of machine.. has this much power!?" Zenthis stammered. "You..  you're just a Bella Unit!! JUST A BELLA UNIT!!!!"

"Just a Bella Unit?" Bella whispered.

Two hatches opened up on Bella's shoulder blades, turning into powerful energy boosters that exploded with blue flames, propelling Bella forward.


Rocket boosters erupted from Bella's elbow and more boosters ejected from wrists, increasing the speed and power of her punch.


As the punch connected with Zenthis's gut, a massive explosion issued out.. seeming to shape themselves into tremendous blue fairy wings for a quick moment.

Zenthis exploded through the roof of the throne room, completely destroying the throne room, and revealing the stars and space dazzling just beyond the atmosphere... a slight blue tinge in the sky, the tell tale sign of the shield surrounding the entire floating island palace.

Zenthis coughed up blood as Bella shot into the air after her.

"Initiating damage calculations... engaging fusion drives.. directing energy output.." Bella murmured as her body glowed with tremendous power.. Signal Direct!!"

The ear-like fins on Bella's head sent out a strange beeping signal...

Miles above the atmosphere, in orbit around Earth, a high tech satellite beeped back. receiving the signal. A hatch opened beneath it.. and a giant blue metal cylinder that looked like a turbine of some sort floated out before rocketing down towards Earth.. going straight for Bella as she flew..

It dismantled itself.. turning into 5 distinct mech-like parts that surrounded Bella in a ring.


The parts converged around Bella.. turning into mecha parts.. Bella's arms turned into long blue mechanical arms with large silver blade-like claws.. and her legs were now covered in blue armored thighs that had rocket boosters on them.. and massive gundam-like wings were on her back with powerful rocket boosters and vents exploding with orange heat on them., and a green visored helm was now on Bella's head.

She looked like a cyborg off a shonen manga.

She brought her mecha palms together.. and an energy sphere began to form in between them..


The energy sphere fired into Zenthis, and the sky lit up with the power of the formidable android...

and Zenthis's unconscious form fell to the floor.. smoking..

Bella sighed with relief as her Upgrade Parts detached from her and shot back into the sky to rejoin the satellite.

Zenthis opened her eyes.. barely having enough strength to move her own mouth. "You... android.."

"Hmm?" said Bella.

"You... you said.. you wanted to protect Narina?"

"Yes..." said Bella.

There was a long pause.. as if Zenthis were contemplating something.. "Please.. continue to do so.. only.. protect.. one other.. please.. protect El- I mean.. Nue.. protect Nue as well.."

Bella smiled. "Nue is my friend too.. I would do that even if you didn't ask... now.. there's only one thing..."

Bella shrugged and held out her hands in confusion. "How do I get out of here?"

"W-well..." Zenthis began, struggling to stay conscious.

Bella suddenly smiled as she changed from her combat form back into her normal form. "Oh silly me! I do it the same way I got in of course!!"

"What?" Zenthis muttered.

Three minutes later, Bella's car was crashing out of the floating island and falling through the sky, with Bella cheering in the driver's seat. "YAY!!! DRIVINNNNNNGGG!!!"

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