The Lover's Bodyguard

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"I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to actually let you meet her." Narina said as Nue bowed her head, looking crestfallen.

"B-but.. WHY!!!?" Nue sobbed.

"Because, as her bodyguard, it's my job to ensure she get's absolute privacy, even when I'm not actually on shift." said Narina. "It's weird, I know, but they told me that was my duty. I'm just stunned that my first job at the Powers Society would be something like this... and something so soon before I even graduated."

Narina had in fact always pictured herself as a Stationed Hero abroad, assigned to a town much like Nat Falcon and the Powers Society Varus City division from her and Nue's practical lessons which they were supposed to team up with once a month and train out in the field with.

Narina had to wonder why Nat and the others operated out of a sushi shop if the Chairwoman's headquarters were right over their heads.. but she thought it was probably better not to ask.

Nue fell face down on Narina's bed, hitting her fists against the bed and throwing a tantrum. "I WANNA SEE HER!! I WANNA I WANNA I WANNAAAA!!"

Besides her tendency to sniff people's chests.. Nue also had another oddity, which was throwing very childish tantrums.

Of course, Nue was usually pretty calm and reserved, which gave her an emotionless appearance, but when she was REALLY rattled, her childish side came out in full force.

"My apologies ma'am.." said Bartholomew, as he looked over from where he and Bella were talking to each other about faulty wiring in certain androids. "But I do think sweets calm her down when she's like this.."

"I know, why do you think I'm putting this apron on?" Narina muttered as she tied her apron on. "I'm baking a cake for Nue.. "

"Ahhh... one of your famous cakes surely will take her out of her sour mood." said Bartholomew. "My am I thirsty.."

"FOR PETE'S SAKE!! YOU DON'T HAVE A MOUTH!! I KEEP TELLING YOU THAT!" Narina roared as Bartholomew poured orange juice over his domed head.

A little later that morning, Narina found herself down in the kitchen as Zenia, one of her friends from the Baking Club, assisted.

Zenia was a pleasant pink haired girl, and one who was passionate about becoming a Dual Profession hero. Somebody who did hero-work on the side while pursuing a main profession, in this case, a professional chef.

"Ah.. Narina." said Zenia as she handed Narina a large bag of flour. "If I understand right, this is for Nue right? Is she having one of her rare Super Tantrums again?"

"Yep." said Narina as she pulled out a sheet of paper where she had written her own personal recipe. "My Jelly Belly Strawberry Cake should do the trick.."

"You haven't done that one in a while.." said Zenia. "I'll get out the strawberries, and jam, can you mix up some dough?"

"Got it." said Narina. "Bella... can you beat some eggs?"

Bella nodded as she walked over. Her hand retracted into her wrist, and an electric egg beater slid out, "Household functions are my niche Narina-chan! Heehee. That and driving.."

"No.. definitely not driving.." Narina muttered, as Bella began beating the eggs, her egg beater hand spinning and whirring.

Narina had just set the cake in the oven, as Zenia set the timer, when suddenly, some of Mizuki's bodyguards ran in.

"EH!?" Narina stammered. "What are you doing here!? My shift isn't for 2 hours! I have P.E. in 3 minutes!"

"We will send a note." said the first guard. "Please, it's an emergency.. we need you to come in."

"A-an emergency!?" Narina stammered.

"An assassination threat has been made against Miss Arita's life.

That WAS an emergency...

"Uhh.. okay.. um, Zenia, Bella, you two stay with the cake, I guess work calls.." Narina stammered as she ran out the door with the guards..


"Aww.. jeez. Really? They bothered you for that?" Mizuki sighed as she walked through the massive Mall of the Trunk's second floor, with Narina holding her bags. "They needn't have bothered, I'm pretty much impossible to assassinate.."

Narina frowned and sweated as she carried the shopping bags. Just what did she buy? Tanks? Narina's strength was augmented by dragon blood and the copious iron she gathered around her muscle strands, and yet this stuff was HEAVY..

"What do you mean?" Narina asked as Mizuki led the way through the massive shopping mall.

"Well.. it's.. just impossible I guess.. nobody can really figure out HOW to kill me I suppose." said Mizuki. "Not even me.."

"She's right you know.." Sandy, in the form of a light green grass snake poked her small head out of the shoulder portion of Narina's school brand fleece jacket. "She's impossible to kill."

"What?" Narina whispered back. "How's that?"

"Well.. there are very few super humans that can stand against Knights one on one.. however, when you look at the Four Titans, it's easy to see why they are the ones regarded as being able to... They each have powers that can easily mistaken them for gods... Mizuki for one.. despite her hero name being The Idol, is actually known as the Unbreakable Bunker..  She's has the strongest Physical Power ability of the Titans..  just you watch.. this assassination attempt is going to fail.. with or without you.."

Narina stopped suddenly. There was something wrong. Her semester of advanced Tail Detection class suddenly kicked in as she roved her eyes over the mall.

The mall was a multistory complex, filled with conveyer belts for people to step on, and step off once they reached the right store.. luckily, they hadn't reached  a belt yet, so Narina could remain still enough to give the place a 360 vision sweep. Hovering drones holding trays of product samples roved by...  Holographic screens displaying adds... a group of teens riding expensive hover boards they got from their parents... wait.. up on one of the balconies.. was that... a shiny gleam?

Wait.. she remembered what that was... it was on Ms Selva-sensei's last quiz on  Tail Dection section three right? What was it? Threat Detection and identification of a weapon... A SNIPER!

"MIZUKI-SAN!! GET DOWN!!" Narina screamed, running at Mizuki while covering her own arm stainless steel and putting it over Mizuki's head.

The bullet bounced off Narina's hardened arm in a burst of sparks. And Narina glared upwards as people ran around screaming. Damn.. where had the sniper gone.

"Good job Narina-chan.. but you don't need to do any more.." said Mizuki calmly, pushing aside Narina's arm.

"But-" Narina stammered.

Suddenly, another gunshot rang out.. and a sniper bullet collided with Mizuki's eye.. but instead of harming her, Narina's dragon sensitive eyes saw the bullet crunch up like a soda can.. and fall to the ground.. having done NO damage whatsoever..

"Su-Sugoi.." Narina muttered in Japanese, basically saying "Whoa"

"Told you.." Whispered Sandy.

"Wh-what the!?" The sniper stammered, he reloaded quickly and fired another skillful shot at Mizuki, but the bullet bounced off of her once more, doing nothing.

"She's like Superman.." stammered Narina.

"Wrong.." whispered Sandy. "Superman wishes he was her."

"Luckily I've predicted this might happen.." The assassin muttered. "NOW!!"

Suddenly the roof of the building collapsed, as a massive metallic bomb fell in front of Mizuki.

 "A-a Thermal Charge!?" Narina stammered.

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!!!" Mizuki roared. "Protect the bystanders!!!"


"Do it, she'll be fine, trust me!" Sandy whispered hastily.

Narina's body glowed, her clothes shredding to bits as her Prism Dragon's crystals clothed her instead.. and her wings and tail grew out..

Narina screamed, and smashed her claws into the ground, sending a shockwave through the earth, gathering all the electromagnetic control over carbon she had to form a massive ring of diamond...

There was a great orange heat, and Narina was bathed in an explosion of flames.. her soft, beautiful,  yet invincibly diamond hard skin gleamed a little revealing faint scale patterns as the flames licked her without any harm.

(Narina as depicted by my sister in Prism Dragon form. It was actually completely drawn and then colored using software and Deviant Art Muro. When coming up with the concept, I became inspired after watching a bit of Bleach and looking at Toshiro Hitsugaya's bankai.  Narina's appearance was always based on Origami from Date A Live (love her, though I don't love the series she comes from and it's overdependence on Fan Service).  And then the rest of Prism Dragon's form was taken from  looking at early concepts of Mirajane Strauss's Satan Soul form, while Mickey and I tried to give her an overall more Dragonish look than a demon one. How we would illustrate the talons became a big issue, then, I figured Blue Eyes White Dragon was the perfect thing to draw from, since he was metallic in appearance, and Narina's claws were supposed to be metal.. so we drew some concepts, and eventually came up with the talons she has now. The scales on her skin tend only to appear when light is gleaming on her, revealing the thin, ultra durable, highly malleable coat of powerful dragon's hide that's fused with her bare skin tissue.)

When the flames cleared, another group of assassins grappled down from an overhanging shuttle, and aimed their guns and the smoke.. which cleared with a powerful beat of Narina's wings.

"D-damn.. that's Shock Therapy.." stammered one assassin.

"Well well, I guess I'm not the only one with indestructible skin." said Mizuki, smiling as she walked out of the smoke, also unharmed. "O-oh.."

"What?" Narina asked.

Mizuki blushed. "That form of yours.. er.. is quite skimpish.. eheheh.. hehem.. sorry."

Narina blushed slightly with embarrassment. She had gotten so used to practicing Prism Dragon form, that not only did she usually bring a spare bag of clothes whenever she predicted she would have to use it.. speaking of which.. it appeared since she was just pulled out of her normal routine.. she didn't have those spare clothes..

Uh oh..

Well, one thing at a time..

"You two.. One of the Four Emperors, and the One of the Four Titans all in one place.." said the head assassin, walking forward.. the sniper..

Narina now could see he was dressed differently then the rest.. his mask was more like a helmet with eyeholes, sort of like Red Hood from Batman, only black. A picture of  white coiled dragon was on his black tactical armored chest. And he had an assortment of artillery weapons on his wrists.

"So, who are you ripping off of? Deadshot or Deathstroke?" Narina asked. "Cause Deadpool's already done enough ripping off on them already."

"That's Triggerhappy.." said Mizuki. "Am I right? A former villain of White Mask. And a Master Assassin.. congratulations Narina, you're fighting your first Classic Super Villain.

"And congrats to me.. I get to be paid double my normal salary thanks to the both of you showing up." said Triggerhappy. "The so called 'Unkillable' Mizuki Arita, The Idol, and the rising star of the Academy, Narina Yukata, Shock Therapy, also known as the blazing bright dragon of the Four Emperors. Two targets that are gonna let me finally retire this year."

Mizuki and Narina both raised an eyebrow and looked at each other.

Mizuki brought out a box of cards. "Wanna play some MTG?"

"Heh! You play? Cool alright!" said Narina, sitting down with Mizuki and taking a deck of cards from her. "What color deck is this? Oh? Black and Red? Nice, gonna play Legacy or Standard?"

"Legacy, Standard is expensive and boring." said Mizuki as she took out another deck and drew 7 cards.

"Wh-what!?" Triggerhappy growled. "WHAT THE HELL!? Are you even listening to me!? Hell, I've even got some Acrid Guns that'll work especially well on you Shock Therapy!! And these high caliber Nanocarbon bullets are designed specifically to penetrate your so called 'Unbreakable Bunker' body Idol!!!"

"Hmm.. I place down a land, and I tap one mana to summon Paradise Birds.." said Mizuki, placing down a few cards.

"Oooh.. sweet, Paradise Birds are useful for making some nice early high cost plays." Narina said, her powerful tail whipping around cheerfully. "Well, I'm going to put down one swamp, and set down a Rakdos Cackler."

"Just shoot the b*tches.." Triggerhappy muttered, bringing up his weapons as the men did the same...

The smell of ozone fried through the air as a continuous stream of acidic bullets blasted into Narina, and powerful shockwaves resounded as the titanium crushing, super human bashing Nanocarbon bullets smacked into Mizuki..

However, both girls continued to play their card game, the bullets bouncing harmlessly off, the acid not managing to burn through Narina's skin..

"Wh-what!?" Triggerhappy stammered.

"Quick little chemistry lesson." said Narina as she place down another card. "Diamond can't be melted or corroded by any known acid. When I'm in this form, I pretty much cover most of my former weaknesses..  cause you see.. I'm not just a dragon, but a dragon with diamond particles merged with her very dragon's skin.. extra durability, that also covers a dragon's normal vulnerability to acid... "

"Nice." said Mizuki. "Huh.. and the howabout the bullets, can you explain the Nanocarbon?"

"Easy.. you're just scary." Narina said.

"DAMN IT!!" Triggerhappy took out two mechanical black gauntlets. "These should smack your smug faces into some real sense!"

Earthquake Gloves were a common weapon of the World Government's advanced infantry, allowing them to fight on par with most Super Humans thanks to their ability to grant a vast increase in physical strength. One punch was enough to send an entire sky scraper collapsing..

"RRRAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Triggerhappy charged at Narina thinking that taking out the weaker one would psychologically traumatize Mizuki, allowing him time to take her out as well..

But when the fist rammed against Narina's cheek, and the shockwave blasted out from the blow, Narina just sat there, her cheek pressed against her face thanks to the glove.

"Do you mind?" Narina said irritably, I'm trying to remember how to play Magic! It's been a while!"

"Wh-whh... guh.." Triggerhappy began to tremble.

"Well, well, looks like I'm not the only Unbreakable Bunker in the house." said Mizuki with a laugh. "Well, don't you worry Narina, I'll get this creep out of your hair..."

"Th-this is impossible.." Triggerhappy stammered. "I've tangled with the most powerful super humans in my day.. I can't... "

"Times have changed.." said Mizuki, standing up and cracking her knuckles. "Super Humans aren't as inexperienced and new to their powers as they used to be in your day Trig..  the times have outgrown you.. and whether or not you get your pay for taking us on... it's really time you retired.."

Mizuki jabbed her pinky finger into Triggerhappy's chest. "And.. Tag.. you're it.."


It was incredible.. Triggerhappy was sent exploding straight through the other end of the Mall, through a sky scraper.. through another sky scraper.. and another.. and another... and another.. till he rammed right into the other side of the trunk with a resounding boom...

Narina's jaw dropped. All that, with just Mizuki's pinky.

"Damn.. holding back is so tough.." Mizuki muttered. "Sorry you had to witness that.. I usually bring in villains alive.."

Mizuki looked at the other assassins. "Anybody else wanna try their luck?"

"WE SURRENDER!!" All the assassins screamed, holding up their hands.

"Good choice." said Mizuki with a cheerful cute smile.

Mizuki looked at Narina as police forces began to arrive. "H-hey.. Narina-chan.. aren't you going to undo that form?"

"N-nope.." Narina muttered, beginning to sweat.

"But.. eh.. doesn't that form take a lot of energy out of you?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Narina stammered, going red. "I'Ill just  keep this form till I'm home.."

As Narina said this.. a small amount of her diamond clothing shattered, reavealing a little more bare skin underneath.

"Oh." said Mizuki, understanding. "Right.. hold on.. my guards are seeing to people on the perimeter.."

Mizuki grabbed Narina's wrist and pulled her into one of the stores, she then pulled her into a bathroom, and grabbed a towel off the wall. "We'll use this until I get some associates of mine to drop off some clothes.."

"THANK YOU!!!" Narina said with an exasperated sigh of relief.. her wings, tail, and the rest of her prism Dragon form shattering into glittering dust.

She grabbed the towel, and as she wrapped herself in it..  Mizuki looked away quickly, breathing hard.

"Eh?" Narina said. "What's wrong?"

"N-NOTHING!!" Mizuki stammered, looking up as blood trickled down her nose like a stream. "NOTHING AT ALL!!! NAKED-CHAN.. WAIT I MEAN NARINA-CHAN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Narina just stared. This girl.. was..  WEIRD.

Later, Narina managed to walk out, wearing a new fleece jacket, a skirt, and some high knee black socks, holding Mizuki's shopping bags as teams of ambulance hover pods and police shuttles blinked their sirens outside, sending officers to assess the damage.

"So... M-Mizuki-san.." said Narina. "I understand that maybe it would be a bad time to talk about this.. but.. about my letter, and your stance on the King..."

"This REALLY is important to you huh?" said Mizuki. "Ah fine.. I guess we can have a meeting about it tomorrow.. frankly I am in agreement with you about it after all.. but.. I was just wondering something of my own.. could you... maybe... er.."

"Yeah?" said Narina curiously.

"W-would you like to have dinner with me? At a restaurant I know well in the Top floor of the trunk?"

"WOW! Really!? I've never had top notch food like that before!" Narina said. "Of course I'd like to come!!"

"REALLY!?" said Mizuki, clasping her hands together.

"But could I please invite some of my friends too? I have a buddy from the Roots whose always wanted to try that food!"

Mizuki suddenly went silent, her eye twitching. "Sure.... why not..?"

"YES!!" Narina said, grinning and pumping her fist. "AWESOME!!"

"Yes.." Mizuki muttered, her eye twitching still. "Very.. very.. awesome.."

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