The Rebellion Begins

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"Give me 20 milligrams of Revital Serus! NOW!"

"She's still falling!! I can't get her to stabilize!"

"Come on girl.. stay with me!!"

Narina's eyes roved around.. images blurred.. but.. she smelled something, like some sort of sanitizer.. was she in a hospital? impossible.. there were no hospitals in this city..

"Her heart's like a tank.. it shouldn't be failing like this.. She's part dragon for god's sake!"

"Dragons don't respond well to acid, it actually makes perfect sense.. here, use this on the acid burns around the entry wound.. "

Narina groaned.

"She's coming to.." said a voice. "Are those pain killers active!?"

"How is she conscious when her heart's failing!?"

"She's a tough one!! Just get that heart back online, or the shock of waking up in here's gonna cause some very bad juju! COME ON!!! YES!! It's back.. okay.. Sal, keep her talking, I'm gonna sew her up.."

Narina's vision cleared as a gloved hand turned her head to look at a nurse's kind face which was covered by a doctor's mask.

"Hey there.." said the nurse as she shined a light into Narina's eye. "Hi! Can you hear me? What's your name sweetie?"

"N-Narin J-Jousuke..? No..." Narina moaned. "N-Narina Yukata... yeah.."

"That's right.. now can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"

"N-nevermind the fingers.. " Narina muttered. "Why do you have so many heads?"

"She's reacting to the nanobots in her system." said the Nurse. "Are we almost done?"

"She's good.." said a doctor from the corner of Narina's eye. "Don't worry, the reaction will stop in a sec.. let's just get her into bed and keep her rested.."

"Wh-where am I?" Narina asked. "Wh-who are you people?"

"You're in the Academy Narina.. you were shot with an Acrid Gun." said the Nurse. "It's fine, you're safe now.. You're at the school infirmary.."

"This is one big deal infirmary.." Narina muttered. Of course, at a school where heroes trained by hitting each other with powers that could rip a tank apart.. they had to have a place like- wait.. THE ACADEMY!?

"H-how'd I get here!?" Narina stammered. "H-How?"

It took a bit for Narina to calm down.. but once it became apparent that the doctors weren't going to answer her questions until she was comfortable at least, she went quiet, until she was sitting under blankets in a hospital bed..

Several Medical Androids, which looked like levitating cylinders carrying trays, brought her some Jell-O as the main doctor explained things.

"As you are quite aware, we send heroes to search for you.. when you don't turn up at school for an amount of time." said the doctor. "Luckily, when you were shot, Reaper happened to track you down at nearly the same time, and arrived on the scene.."

"That.. was quick.." Narina muttered. "Huh.. he really IS the best.."

"Listen." said the doctor. "I know you're worried about the royal family.. but.. I can assure you.. the Academy Stands apart from the Kingdom's authority.. you and Nue are safe here.."

"How.. are the others?" Narina asked.

"They're waiting in the lobby, I'll let them visit you as soon as I'm sure you're alright.. " said the doctor.

"One more thing.." Narina said. "The man.. who shot me.. it was an accident.. is... is he okay?"

The doctor sighed. "I'm afraid I don't know.. "

Narina lay in the bed for an hour, staring up at the ceiling.. an iv in her arm.. the slow steady beep of the heart monitor seeming a million miles away.

She couldn't keep that man's face out of her head.. as well as the face of the terrified boy.. 

She had seen it.. the ugly side of life.. and just like that she was back in her safe comfortable school.. it seemed unreal.. she almost didn't notice the small lump under the blankets near her chest.

Narina smiled as a familiar silver dragon poked her head out from under the blankets.

"Astralis.." Narina whispered, realizing now how weak she currently sounded.

The dragon hummed and let her warm body heat travel into Narina's body, and immediately Narina felt her pain lessen.

"Thank you.." Narina said, petting the dragon on the head.  "I definitely needed that.."

"So.. a dragon eh? How long have you been keeping that around?"

Narina nearly fell out of her bed when she heard the small voice. She looked to her right to see a small black snake coiled on her bedside table.

"Sandy?" Narina muttered, narrowing her eyes.

"Yep." said the small snake. "This is my Black Mamba form. You can usually tell me apart from other normal snakes by the two white dots above my eyes... don't be fooled, I can crunch steel with my fangs in this form..  and my venom is 50 times deadlier than a normal Black Mamba.."

"Er.. considering how a bite from a normal Black Mamba is one of the deadliest in the world.. I think that's extreme overkill." Narina said.

"In a world of ginormous mutants, I beg to differ." said Sandy. "So.. you've seen it.. the ugly side of life.. you've seen it all.. and the question is.. what are you going to do?"

True.. what was she going to do..? Join the Silent Circle.. considering what she had seen, that seemed like the sensible choice.

But Narina then remembered Barry. Working with such a disgusting man.. and letting him loose upon the world..

"I can tell you're thinking about our membership choices.. I admit.. we've got over 400 convicted killers working among our 10000 members." said Sandy. "But it's for the greater good. And it's hard enough as it is to find members..  unless we work with people we'd rather not work with.. everything will have been for nothing.."

Maybe Sandy was right.. maybe... NO.. Narina wouldn't work with a man who killed for fun. This person was sick.. and the rebellion that the Silent Circle was initiating was just an excuse for these felons to run free, killing more innocents.. but.. did she have a choice.. if the Silent Circle didn't stand up against the King.. who would?

Then Narina remembered something the Doctor said..

"I know you're worried about the royal family.. but.. I can assure you.. the Academy Stands apart from the Kingdom's authority.. you and Nue are safe here.."

Narina gave Sandy a determined glare. "I will oppose the King, but not like this..  I'll find another way.. a group of people who WILL stand with me..  a group of people the King can't touch!"

Sandy sighed. "And here I was hoping I wouldn't have to stay in this wretched school."

"What do you mean?" Narina said. "I refused your little clubhouse invite. Get out of here."

"It's not that simple. Merlin's very wise Narina, despite the organization he works for..  Only he feels that working with killers are a necessary evil, and he actually says that his beliefs might be wrong.. he's a deep guy.. even though he's no longer one of the world's most powerful beings like back in the age of King Arthur.. he told me.. that whatever you decided to do.. whether you joined us or not.. as long as you decided to stand against the King, you would be an asset with us.. so.. from now, until you die.. I'm charged by the Circle to guard you.. and keep you safe from our enemies."

"Really?" said Narina, raising an eyebrow. "And what would have happened if I chose to side with the King?"

"Seeing what you've been through, I doubt that would've been the case.." said Sandy. "But.. I'm the most venomous snake in the world, sitting in front of a weak and injured girl... you do the math.."

"Great.." Narina muttered. "I ALMOST have freedom of choice.."

"If it's any comfort.. I'm a huge fan.. so.. if I had to do it.. I would've cried afterwords.." said Sandy.

"By the way.." said Narina. "I can definitely assure you, that you DEFINITELY wouldn't get past Astralis.. and secondly.. do your homework.. dragons ARE venomous.. and we're immune to venom thanks to our unique blood..."

Sandy winked.. or.. did something Narina thought might have been winking.. did snakes have eyelids?  (Something J.K. Rowling didn't consider in Book 1)

For about 10 minutes after, Sandy spent a bit of time as a non-venomous Rat Snake to ease Narina's fears, and slithered under her pillow to nap.. Narina supposed that as a person who disappeared from the Academy some time ago, she didn't want to be discovered in her human form.

After Sandy and Narina had rested for a bit, the door was suddenly rammed open, and a familiar set of blue twin tails fluttered past Narina's vision before a set of arms took her in a tackling hug.


"H-hey Ezra.." Narina wheezed. "You're hurting me.."

Sandy peeked out from under Narina's pillow, but didn't say anything.

"You have NO idea how much homework you missed." Ezra said, as she let go of Narina. "Don't worry, though, I've set up a catchup study schedule for you! But we'll need to hit the books right away!"

"Aww.. come on Ezra.. I just got shot.." Narina smiled however. "It's good to see you again.."

"BAMMM!!" The door was suddenly kicked open again, as a familiar burly guy, wearing a black t-shirt with the word "KABOOM" written on it, burst through, carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"NARIIIINAAAAA-CHAAAAN!!!" Greg squealed, twirling around on his tippy toes, hearts firing out from his eyes like lasers. "I'm HEEEEEREEEEE!!!"

"Oh crap no.." Narina muttered.

"Master," Greg's android, the beautiful white kimono wearing Yuki, hurried in. " I do believe you are scaring her."

"NOTHING CAN KEEP ME FROM MY NARINA-CHAAANNN!!!" Greg leapt into the air, and divebombed at Narina, his lips puckered up for a supreme ultra kiss maneuver.

"WHAAAAMMM!!!" Ezra kicked Greg in the jaw, intercepting him in midair and sending him smashing through a wall and into the next room over, which had another student who had apparently broken his legs, sitting in bed.

"Sorry about that!" Ezra called to the stunned student. "Damn that pervert.. I swear his obsession with you got worse when you didn't show up for a week.."

"Ezra.. I need to setup a meeting with the rest of the Student Council.. right away.." Narina said.

"Narina, don't push yourself.. you were injured really bad-"

"EZRA! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Tears gushed out of Narina's eyes. "Y-you have no idea what I saw.. I need to get this out there! This school has to know.. and it has to do something.. because it has the power to do something!!!"

Nue peeked through the door.. along with Mizo,Violet and Sora.

"Uh.. did I just hear shouting?" Mizo said.

"NARINA! Thank God! You're alright!" Sora exclaimed.

Ezra eyed Narina for a minute, looking at her determined eyes.  Though Nue might have been Narina's best friend.. compared to all the others except Mizo, Ezra knew Narina the longest..

"What is it you want to do?" Ezra asked softly.

"I want to fight against injustice.. like every other person who comes to this place.. hoping to learn the same thing." Narina whispered back.

"Alright then.." said Ezra. "I'll set it up.. but we're having the meeting in this room.. You're not exerting yourself..

It didn't take long to gather everyone in the same room. Reaper, Rezo, and Violet, three of the Four Emperors next to Narina..  then the other strongest students, Ezra, and Zanna, as well as a dark skinned boy with a bone necklace that Narina remember was named Jordan.. 

Zanna smiled at Narina, looking absolutely relieved that she was okay.  "We're here Narina.. what do you need?"

"Now.. er.. I know this is highly unorthodox, calling a meeting when it's not even that time of the semester yet." said Narina. "But all of us.. next to the Headmaster.. are the greatest authorities over this school.. as long as the headmaster gives us the authority.. we can do what we want, if we need it.."

"Almost.. we also have the school board to consider.." Jordan said.

Narina nervously cleared her throat. "Okay.. this is going to sound reckless. maybe stupid even.. but.. Before I say what I need to say.. I'm going to explain WHY I'm taking the supposedly stupid or reckless action.. I saw it.. out there..  what the world is really like... Bella? If you would.."

Bella, who had been standing at the door (After arriving by smashing a car through the ceiling of the main lobby.) walked forward and let a holographic light stream from her eyes, showing holographic  images of the town Narina was in..

"Bella used her mind print system to recreate my memories right here.." said Narina. "What you see here.. is real."

As Narina explained everything, and Bella switched through the images.. the only ones not surprised it seemed, were the well travelled Reaper.. and Violet, who had been with Narina the entire time...

And by the end of the explanation, Ezra, and even the usually calm Zanna looked horrified.

"Our government.. it's been nothing but a LIE to us... all this time.." Zanna whispered, a rainbow light beginning to glow around her ragefully trembling body.

"The Silent Circle.. " said Jordan. "I heard of them.. but never really knew what they were till today.. but I agree with you Narina, despite their intentions.. I don't think their methods are well thought out.. working with Serial Killers? Good God.."

"I think.. that this Academy is the alternative to the Silent Circle..." Narina said. "We have technology, and not to mention some of the best resources and most powerful super humans in the world!! And the best part is.. the King can't touch us.. not politically anyways!"

"Narina.." said Violet. "You do know what you're asking right? You're asking us to be a Relief Organization..and a rebel militia... While the Relief organization part does seem sound.. you have to remember, this school is mostly children.. students..  you can't ask them to fight battles for you.."

"No.. we can't.. not all of them.. only those who want to fight.. will fight." said Narina. "I'm not forcing anything on anybody..  But the Powers Society is a different matter. They're only 30 percent funded by the World Government Directors.. and have no affiliation with the King.. "

"You're suggesting to request having them back us?" Reaper said. "Hmm.. makes sense.. they send relief crews to the cities all the time.. if they HAD the resources alone, they probably would've done what you're trying now..  and with the Academy on their side, sharing resources.. that might just work.."

"Whoa whoa!" said Rezo. "I love the intentions we have here, but.. think.. if we're not forcing students to fight.. most likely less than half of them will join.. not much of an additional force to add to the Powers Society..  AND we have the KNIGHTS to think about..  Reaper can stand against them.. and so can the Four Titan Lords of the Powers Society.. but other than that... we are severely outmatched no matter how many super humans we add to our forces."

Violet smiled. "That's why we have this.."

Violet held up a small vial of orange liquid.

"Where did you-!?" Narina stammered.

"I stole it off Merlin before he dropped us off." said Violet with a sly wink. "Figured it might come in handy..."

"That's the element you used to escape?" Ezra said. "W-with that replicated on a mass scale.. we'd stand a chance.. wait.. not just a chance.. with the Four Emperors and the Four Titan Lords together.. we'd outmatch them!!"

"That's right.." said Violet. "I have a friend in the Science Lab of the school southern district who might be able to alter the chemical to be immune to gas masks.. and he'll definitely be able to mass produce the normal formula.."

Everyone looked at each other, they were running out of  excuses NOT to try this crazy plan..

"We'll need to convince the school board.. " said Jordan. "But the headmaster will most definitely be on board... he's been vocal against the king for a long time now.. I guess we finally figured out why.."

"I have a few friends in the board who can help." said Zanna. "Or.. friends of my mother at least.."

"Narina and I can contact the Powers Society headquarters to make the proposal to them." said Ezra.

"Well, well, " said Reaper. "Does that mean we're all on board with Narina's plan?"

"it's friggin suicide.. but Hell yeah... I'm in." said Jordan.

"I'm in as well." said Zanna.

"Count me through." said Ezra.

"Heh! Guess we should.. even if our chances are small.." said Rezo.

"Whatever the plan.. I'm with Narina.." said Violet.

"Well she's got my vote.. " said Reaper. "So what are we waiting for? Let's get started shall we?"

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