The Royal Family

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Narina could handle girly.. she could handle super girly. But INSANELY girly? She couldn't handle that yet.

But here she was, wearing this long, elegant violet dress with a corsage to boot. Not that she hadn't worn fancy dresses before, like.. once.. at her birthday party during the first semester. But that was barely girly... this was like.. er.. WAY too lady-like. And the fact that it exposed her shoulders and neck completely felt extremely strange. The closest she'd ever gone to clothing like that was a spaghetti strap shirt Zanna had gotten her.

Nue didn't look like she liked this clothing either. Her dress was similar to Narina's, yet scarlet in color. And her face had a dull sour expression the entire time, and it felt terrible to watch her endure this.  Nue was the type who liked to wear cutoff jeans, patchy t-shirts, and anything she could put a sticker on, or perhaps something sportsy, so she could go roll around in the mud and play Ultimate Frisbee. If Narina didn't know any better, she'd think that Nue might have been a boy at some point..

But no, Nue was just a pure, oddball, tomboy, through and through, nowhere near Princess material.

The most irritating part of the outfit.. the tiaras. They were pretty, made of silver with jewels set in them.. But Narina, thanks to her original gender, was probably just as tomboy as Nue, which meant anything that made her look like a Barbie Doll had to be killed with fire.

Narina and Nue were led through the vast halls of the castle by Zenthis, who kept turning around to wrench the tiara out of Narina's hand and place it back on her head.

"Stop it!! I'm not your dressup girl!!" Narina growled, taking her tiara off for the 14th time.

Zenthis sighed, as if she were looking after a two-year-old and put the crown back on Narina's head. "This is a sign of your status.. wear it proudly."

"Yeah.. proud of the side of my family that kidnapped me and threw me in a dress designed to make me vomit." said Narina. "I can just feel the pride flooding in!"

Zenthis opened a massive golden door at the end of the hall, pushing it open.. to reveal a massive dining hall, filled with servants, nobles, and other folk, all eating incredible courses.. all of them prepared to utmost perfection.

And sitting at the end of the table.. was a man who looked almost precisely like Jin.. however.. this man had many key differences. First, he had a gruff beard, which was pretty amazing considering the Jousuke family had a pretty pure Japanese line. secondly, he wore reading glasses, and then there was the large golden crown, the large purple coat, and the neat black suit worn under the coat. He had the appearance of a businessman, and a king at the same time..

 His wife was a stern looking blonde woman who bore none of the daydreaming Not-A-Care-In-The-World expressions her daughter had which Narina had come to love about her friend. She wore a black dress, and a gold tiara.

"May I present, their highnesses, Princess Cindra and Princess Narina of the Royal Family, crown heiresses to the throne." said Zenthis with a respectful bow.

"Hmmm.." the king gave Narina a look over. "Well.. the uncivilized uncouth environment of the Roots and living with my idiot brother.. doesn't seem to have harmed you too much.. you are a very fine looking girl.."

Narina felt her 'I'm Pissed Off' meter start hissing steam in her head. Idiot brother!? Is that how he saw her father?

"Though.. I must say.. your posture.. and your manners when looking at your elders.. could use some work.."

"Well screw you." said Narina.

There was a sudden gasp that went over the entire feast. Everyone went silent.. even Nue looked shocked.

The Queen glared at her niece with outrage. "How DARE you... you.. NAUGHTY girl!"

"PFFFFTT!" Narina snorted. "I didn't even say any swear words! Wow.. naughty.. me. Ha! I am so making a meme based on that quote.  Hold on! Wait.. I've got a Captain Picard picture for this!"

Narina began tapping on her phone. "And.. edit with words.. and post to my wall..."

Narina whistled. "Wow! 600 likes in 6 seconds! Okay.. you were saying?"

The Queen just continued to stare at Narina with outraged incredulity.

Nue put a hand to her mouth, her cheeks blowing up like balloons as she tried to resist the urge to laugh.

"Such.. words spoken at the dinner table.." The King said. "It seems we have far more work cut out for us then we thought.."

"Well screw that." said Narina, causing the entire table to gasp again.

Truth be told, if her parents caught her swearing, even if it was something completely not swear wordish like the word screw, her father would soap out her mouth.

But it was so hilarious to see the expressions of these snobs, that Narina couldn't help but stir the waters a bit.. even if there were sharks swimming in this metaphorical ocean of mystery.

"I wonder how they'd react if I said an ACTUAL swear word.." Narina said, rubbing her hands together deviously. " Hey everyone! You know what happens when you take the Letter N out of the word Fun!?"

Nue grabbed Narina's shoulder and gave her a warning look. "That's kind of pushing it.. mmm.."

"Fine fine.." Narina muttered. "Still, would've been fun."

The duo took their seats as Zenthis set down several plates of food for them, and two glasses of odd smelling liquid.

The king stood up, and held up his glass. To the return of my daughter.. and the emergence, of a second heir.. may their rule last, when they finally take my place.."

Truthfully, Narina felt that she had gone as far as she could at this point when it came to pissing off her Uncle, so she decided to be polite this time..

As everybody began to dig into their food, Narina ducked her head, trying to look like it was very obvious she didn't want to talk to anybody. She reached for her fork.. and.. wait.. another fork? Oh dear lord.. was she supposed to use the right fork!? Which one was for the salad!? Was there a fork for chicken!?

Narina began to feel her aunt's smug eyes boring through her, mocking her for not even knowing how to pick a fork..

"Here.." Nue scooted closer to Narina and put a fork in her hand. "The three tonged ones are always for salad.. this one is for the pasta.. "

"So, Narina.." said the Queen. "Just what is it like down there..? in the savage place known as.. well.. the Roots?"

"Mother!!!" Nue exclaimed indignantly.

"Now now.. Cindra dear, I'm just making conversation." said the Queen.

Narina raised an eyebrow. She could see Nue pleading with her in the background to play nice..

"It's.. normal." said Narina. "We go to school, we eat, we play video games.. it's honestly pretty nice."

"Oh?" said the Queen. "I was under the impression it was more like... well.. have you ever read Tarzan? Assuming you can read of course."

Narina began to feel a vein throb in her temple. "Yes.. I can read. And no.. it's nowhere near like Tarzan."

"Really now?" said the Queen. "Are you sure? I mean.. you now have a place like this to compare it to.."

"Well, if I see a Gorilla when I get home, I'll let you know." Narina growled.

"Hahaha! Get home.." The queen nudged her husband. "What a naïve girl.. are you sure she's crown princess material?"

"MOTHER STOP IT!!" Nue yelled.

"Dearest.." said the King. "Narina is of royal blood.. she will learn the proper etiquette befitting her heritage, there is no point in heckling her for what she is now.."

Narina could barely keep her anger down... she needed something to cool her head. She took the glass that held her drink. "Uh.. what is this?"

"Pineapple Necter La Fronge.., 2013, a good year m'lady." said a waiter, with a respectful bow to Narina.

Narina blinked in confusion. "Neh? year? Heh, have no idea what that means, but I sure do love pineapples."

Narina downed the drink in one gulp, then she coughed it up. "BLEAAGH!! This doesn't taste like Pineapples!!! This tastes like rotten fruit flavored Sake!!"

At the word "Sake" Narina suddenly felt cold. "Oh dear.. "

"What's wrong?" Nue asked. "Narina?"

"Uhhhh.." Narina gulped. "Nue.. there's something you should know.. I can't hold my alcohol."


"I can't hold my drink!" Narina whispered frantically. "I'm a lightweight!! I thought I'd gotten better when I rebirthed..  B-but.. turns out Shocker Girl.. was an even worse lightweight!"

"You seem fine right now.." said Nue. "I'm sure you're overreacting.."

2 minutes later..

"This is Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U.S.S. pff.. uss... PFFFFF HAHAHAHA!! Heheheh.. *hiccup*!!" Narina laughed and hiccupped as the surrounding servants and nobles looked at her uneasily.

Narina's head lolled around her neck, as if she were a tired rag doll.. her face red.. and the dessert of the day in her hand.

"Ya know... ya know... er.. ya know somefink?" said Narina, pointing at the cake in her plate. "This.. this is bull shit! Yeah! That's right! This.. thingy cake.. is not a cake! It's monkey crap! Monkey's throw it.. and it ends up in your hair.. heheheh.. *hiccup*! The ginger is in the wrong place.. the batter wasn't mixed well.. I vow.. row.. KNOW! Yes.. I know.. that stuff... Ima baker.."

Narina giggled again and pressed a finger to her chest. "Picard to bridge! H-hey.. Commander Data.. t-tell.. my Number One.. that just because I say I'm going to do a Number One.. does not mean we're going steady.. Pppppfffffffffttt.. Hahahahahah.. HAHAHAHA! hiccup!"

"Hmmm.. you really like Star Trek.."  Nue said nervously, as Narina clutched Nue's cheeks with both hands.

"Yooooooo Nueee.." said Narina. " Your face is so.. so.. facey! Eheheh.. I KNOW!! Let's get makeovers! Tha's what girls do right? *Hiccup*.. say.. is it hot in here? I really hate this dress..."

And to Nue's horror, Narina began pulling her dress off.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Nue laughed nervously and frantically as she grabbed Narina's hands, holding her back. "S-say.. Mother, Father.. we're going to.. umm.. turn in early.."

"Cindra.." said the King.

"Yes Father?"

"I AM glad you're home.."

Nue scowled at her father. "If you truly believed that, you would've found me far sooner. I won't be staying long.. and neither will Narina.."

"You can't escape.. not again." said the Queen.

"You haven't met anybody as tenacious as Narina then.. Mother." Nue said before guiding Narina away with help from Zenthis.

"Why are we in the middle of the ocean?" Narina groaned as she was lain into her bed, now in a pleasant nightgown.

"Hmmm.. she seems to really be a lightweight." said Zenthis. "I'll alert the servants to abstain from serving her any amount of alcohol. Especially given that Pineapple nectar isn't even as alcoholic as wine."

Zenthis smiled at Nue. "Look, your parents might not be sincere, but I am, and I am definitely glad to see you again, even if you.. er.. look like my mother during her glory years."

Nue smiled back at Zenthis.. a smile not being something she tended to wear unless she was in presence of friends. "I'm glad it's you who was assigned to us.. and not just some other knight. Even though having somebody as elite as you would make it that much harder to escape."

"Cindy.. your father does love you.. well your mother's a jackass, that's for sure, but your father did worry about you during your absence."

"Wrong.. he worried about the throne." said Nue. "It's the throne he cares about, otherwise he wouldn't have brought Narina here, his views on those who dwell in the lower class are too prejudiced."

"Hey guys.. look.. I'm Spider-girl! Eheheheh.." Narina jumped off her bed, but then tripped and tumbled off. "Whoops!! Heehee.. *hiccup*


The next day, Narina was pleasantly surprised to find she didn't have a Hangover. Apparently, the dragon side of her biology allowed quick regenerative recovery upon sleeping.. (probably the reason dragons slept for so many hours throughout the day.)

However, life hadn't improved much even without a hangover to deal with. During the day, she and Nue were forcibly dressed by a squad of handmaidens and servants.. 

Sure, maybe girls had fantasies about having servants at their command to dress them and serve them. But this was in reality annoying. Being snapped at to stand still, being forced to hold your arms out until they were sore.

Eventually Narina found herself forcibly dressed in a black school-uniform like outfit, with skirt hems and sleeves lined in gold, and a gold bow tie. The crest of the royal family, a dragon intertwined with a sword was emblazoned on the right shirt pocket, and she wore black high knee socks.

Well, at least she didn't have to wear a super girly dress every single day.

Zenthis followed them everywhere, into the bathroom, it didn't matter where, she was there.   And as for how life was in the palace.. well for Narina at least.. it felt like she was some sort of pet they were trying train.

She was guided to a stern, tight lipped old woman by the name of Ms. Plum. And apparently, she was responsible for Narina's education.

Her first meeting went a bit like this.

Ms Plum strode around Narina, a long meter stick in her hand. "Hmmm.. poor posture.. stand up straight!!!"

Plum smacked Narina in the back with her stick.

"OW!" Narina exclaimed.

Plum smacked Narina again. "The lady will NOT talk back when being instructed. Stand up straight!!"

"mggmggmmm.." Narina mumbled under her breath as she did what Plum instructed. Zenthis was standing in the room, so she couldn't do much of anything..

"Now.. show me how you walk." Plum said.

Narina strode forward.

"SMACK!!" Plum whacked Narina in the back again. "WRONG!! The lady will learn proper balance when walking.."

Plum picked up a stack of books, and balanced it on Narina's head. "Now.. shoulders straight, eyes forward.. but keep your arms relaxed. You're a princess not a soldier.. walk with balance and grace.. do not let a single book fall from your head.

"U-uh.." Narina staggered across the room, books falling from her head.

Plum pulled Narina back into place and set the books back on her head. "Again! Until you get it perfect."

The entire day ended up being a session of over 689 repetitions..

Narina's second day with Ms Plum was almost as exhausting. This time, Narina was forced to sit in a desk in a small custom school room, complete with a chalk board, 3 desks, and a shelf full of books.'

"The lady will learn proper speech." said Plum.  "Your method of speaking is coarse and uncivilized. Your interests are repugnant. When we are finished here.. you will be well learned in what is considered to be the proper subjects for conversation, your interests and wants will be far more intellectual, and you will be a most eloquent speaker."

"Change my likes?" said Narina. "So you're brain washing me?"

"Rather, we're curing you of your uncivilized nature." said Plum.  "now, when you were.. liberated.. from your dwelling in Varus City, we found these in your room."

"My Batman comics!" Narina exclaimed happily, looking at the pile of comics on the desk. "Thank god! it's so boring here, I need to read something.. Oh sweet! The Killing Joke! That's my favorite one-"

Suddenly Plum, took out a match and set a blaze upon the comics.


"You will learn PROPER literature.. " said Plum, wiping the ashes from the desk. "Now next.."

"No.." Narina whispered as Plum set down a large blue book on the desk. "Th-that's.."

It was a cookbook. But not just any cookbook. It was Narin's first cookbook, given to him by his mother.  How Narina began her passion for baking.. it all came from this book.. it was her most prized possession.

"NOOOO!!!" Narina grabbed the book and clutched it to her chest. "THIS IS OFF LIMITS!!"

"Cooking.. is a job meant for cooks, and servants. Those who are of royal blood will not sink so low, as to do a job meant for lower class underlings!" said Plum. "You will be learning proper professions.. in politics and delegation.  Not to dirty your hands in flour and sugar!!"

"I will dirty my hands in any way I please!" Narina growled. "Just as much as it is my dream to become the best hero I can be, I have another dream of opening my own restaurant someday... so screw your politics!"

Zenthis walked over. "Narina.. I-I'm sorry.. but you need to do as Plum says M'Lady."

"NO!!" Narina growled, standing up. "This lesson is over!!"

Suddenly, to Narina's horror, Plum put a  hand on her shoulder.. and found that Plum's strength was strong.. no.. not strong.. INHUMANLY incredible!!!  This woman was powerful enough to crush a dragon's body into a bloody stain with her pinky.. and that was in no way an exaggeration, in fact.. it was an understatement..

"I am a former retired Knight Captain." said Plum. "I am well known for having beaten Wild Dragon in a wrestling match.. I have over 200 years of combat experience..

Narina suddenly felt a massive pressure explode upon her. It was sheer physical energy.. pumping through Plum's very veins..

And Narina knew.. her instincts screamed it to her.. this woman was powerful enough to tear her limb from limb.. to utterly crush her into a bloody stain.. were all knights this strong!? Was this the true power of the King!?

Narina began to shiver.. and Plum nodded curtly. "Now.. will you sit down?"

"Y-y-yes ma'am.." Narina whispered, sitting back in her desk.

"Now.. the book?"

Narina held a quivering hand out, giving Plum the book.

"You will soon learn.." said Plum as she set the book alight with flames. "What it means to be a proper lady.."

Zenthis looked at Narina, and then, felt shock. Tears were pouring down Narina's face as she watched the book burn. 

"I know it's tough.." said Zenthis. "But this is for your own good.."

"No it isn't.." Narina sobbed. "It's for theirs... "

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