Chapter 1: Prologue

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3rd P.O.V.

In a far distance we see the ship called O'Bannon looking abandoned along with being surrounded by asteroids and dead bodies floating around. As a military ship land on top of the O'Bannon follow by a sound of blowtorch cutting metal.

Afterwards five soldiers fall right through the hole and landing, readying their weapons for any hostiles. The main leader of the group report in on their whereabouts.

Soldier 1#: Control, rescue team is in the main service corridor.

Control (women voice): Affirmative, colonel. What's it looks like in there?

Soldier 1#: The main power is out. Switching to night vision.

Switching to night vision, they all witness the aftermath of what left of people on the ship. Seeing dead bodies scattered around the floors and strange markings on the walls covered in blood.

Soldier #2: Oh, my dear God.

Soldier #3: What the hell?

Soldier 1#: control, we have massive casualties over here.

Control (women voice): Confirmed. We expected that when we saw the hull damage. Was it decompression?

Soldier 1#: Negative on that, control. It almost looks like a wild animal tore through the crew.

Soldier 2#: What the hell happened here?

Suddenly rapid beeping are heard as all four of them turn around as one of the soldiers pulled out a map, showings life signs on the map.

Soldier 3#: Sir, I'm showing seven live ones.

Soldier 4#: Seven? There's supposed to be 137 crewmen Raiders never hit a ship this big before. We should call in reinforcements.

Soldier 1#: Cut the chatter, marines. Locate those life signs, Private.

Soldier 2#: They're in engineering. Near the shock point core.

Soldier 1#: That's it then. Lock and load, marines.

Out of nowhere the whole ship start shaking causing the soldiers to fall to the floor, bouncing around a bit.

Soldier 3#: Hey, look out!

Soldier 4#: What's happening?

Soldier 2#: The engines are firing.

Soldier 1#: How is that possible?

The ship is seen spinning as one of the engines got activated. Zooming in on the engine core, seven survivors can be spotted with all of them looking relief some reason.

Isabel: It's over. They're dead. Finally. *sobbing* It's finished.

Y/n: Finally, I was already out of ammo by the time more of them showed up. I didn't think we lasted longer if this continued.

Sandra: I can't believe this all happened because of that Marker from Aegis 7 we collected.

Alexis: My baby...

Y/n notice Alexis looking distraught after losing her child and went over to comfort her.

Y/n: I'm sorry Alexis, your baby deserves better than being killed like that. At least he doesn't have to suffer through all this mess.

Alexis: Y/n... thank you.

Alexis hug Y/n for comfort while Stross continues rambling on about the Marker, not showing any sigh of sympathy of his dead child or distraught wife.

Stross: It's not finished. This is too big to end here. We've been in contact with a higher power.

Y/n: Seriously Stross? Can you give it a break with the Unitology crap!

Stross: Is not crap, Y/n. Is a message from a higher being far above us.

Alejandro had it enough with Stross and grab him by the collar.

Alejandro: God damn it! I've had enough of your crazy shit, Stross.

Stross: Both of you can't see because you're not a true vessel.

Isabel: Will you shut the hell up, Stross?! We still need to work together, all right? We've got to get--

Nickolas: Quiet. Listen. Do you hear that?

Loud banging can be heard causing the group to be worried.

Y/n: I hear it.

Y/n ready his weapon on the area the sound is coming from.

Isabel: Oh my God.

Alexis: How? Isabel, you said it was over.

Sandra: This doesn't make senses.

Stross: They've come for us.

Alejandro: It can't be more of them. We destroyed that damn thing.

Nickolas points his weapon as well at the same area Y/n is pointing at.

Nickolas: I won't let them hurt her.

When the banging finally stops, the whole door bust open as the soldier's storm in giving the survivors a sigh of relief minus Y/n and Nickolas. With Y/n being on guard and something was odd and Nickolas acting on the influence of the Marker.

Soldier 1#: This is Abraxis Rescue Team. Identify yourselves.

Isabel: Thank God you're here.

Stross: I knew they'd come.

Isabel: I'm Dr. Isabel Cho, chief medical officer of the USG O'Bannon.

Nickolas: You just get away now. Nobody's taking my baby away from me again.

Nickolas points his plasma cutter at one of the soldiers causing the group panic and the soldiers aiming their weapons at them.

Soldier 2#: Drop the weapon now!

Isabel: Nickolas, it's all right.

Alejandro: Kuttner, don't do it!

Y/n: Nickolas, stop!

However, it was too late as Nickolas pulled the trigger before Isabel could stop him, which resulted in Nickolas killing one of the soldiers. The main leader of the group decided to give the order.

Soldier 1#: Put 'em down.

Isabel: No, please, you have no idea what we've been through.

Everyone: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Everyone ended up getting tased as all fall down to the ground passed out. Stross remains the only one who didn't get tasered as just walk toward the soldiers.

Stross: They sent you, didn't they? They think that they can control this. They are all fools. can't you see? It's already happening. Convergence is here. We shall all be made whole!

Stross: Aggh!

However, the soldiers all taser him as well before saying something then passing out.

Stross: Fools.

The leader of the group report back to the ship.

Soldier 1#: Control, we've got one blue casualty and seven survivors in custody. Bringing 'em in.


After destroying the O'Bannon, the soldiers are heard discussing about what they just witness on the ship.

Soldier 1#: What the fuck do you think really happened over there? The bodies had these looks on their faces like whatever killed those people drove 'em crazy first.

Soldier 2#: What's command saying?

Soldier 1#: Command's treating the whole thing as a navigational accident. Accident my ass.

Soldier 3#: It almost looked like they killed each other.

Soldier 1#: If you ask me, something went seriously fubar out there and the big guy's back home are trying to cover their big fat ass--

As they were talking, they stop immediately after running in with two important people.

Soldier 1#: Oh, excuse us. We didn't see you.

Letting them pass as the soldiers look on puzzled.

Soldier 2#: They sent an interrogation unit all the way out here?

Soldier 3#: What kind of shit did those bastards from the O'Bannon get into?

Soldier 1#: l don't know, but they are righteously fucked now.


The lead interrogator is seen reporting his finding back at base about the ship and its survivors.

Lead Interrogator: Scans confirm the target has been destroyed. It's unrecoverable.

Sprawl Control: Unfortunate, but not a complete loss. What of the survivors?

Lead Interrogator: Only Seven, I'm afraid.

Sprawl Control: I'm informed our specialist is among them. Along with a special system engineer as well that we send.

The lead interrogator pop open two files being Stross and Y/n.

Lead Interrogator: Luckily, yes. We're prepping for debriefing now, sir.

Sprawl Control: I am authorizing enhanced interrogation techniques.

Lead Interrogator: I see. Do you think that will be necessary?

Sprawl Control: We don't have time for subtlety. There have been questions raised about what happened at Aegis 7. When word of the O'Bannon gets out, people will demand answers. If you can't provide them, I shall be forced to re-evaluate my confidence in your abilities.

Lead Interrogator: Of course, sir.

Sprawl Control: You have seven hours before your ship docks at the Sprawl. This situation needs to be resolved by then.

Lead Interrogator: Yes, sir, I understand perfectly.

They cut off communication afterward as the lead interrogator turn around to his two assistances.

Lead Interrogator: What are you standing around for? Have the first subject brought in. It's time to go to work.


At the prison cell, all seven survivors can be seen inside. Y/n is sitting between Alexis and Sandra while rubbing Alexis back as she cries for her deceased child. Sandra is resting her head on Y/n shoulder and contemplating what happened back at the ship.

Stross: It's everywhere, all around us, inside us-- the patterns.

Alejandro: Hey! Guards!

Stross: I see it all now.

Alejandro: Will somebody talk to me?

Stross: Human life is only a passing phase.

Alejandro: I'm not supposed to be here. Hey, is anybody out there? God damn it, somebody open this door.

Y/n: Will you calm down, Alejandro. Is starting to get annoying with all this banging you're making and it not helping.

Alejandro: You can't be serious? We're put in a room being taken to God knows, who knows where, and you're telling me to calm down!

Y/n: Then what to you expect for us to do? We're on a military ship, they confiscate our weapons and gear, there military personnels roaming the area, AND we are on a military space station going in hyper speed. Where can we go even if we try, huh?

Alejandro: Is better than staying in the same room with that murdering bastard over there!

Alejandro said as he points at Nickolas who talking to someone that isn't there.

Nickolas: It's okay, Vivian. Don't worry, pumpkin, we're safe now. Everything's gonna be just fine. Soon we'll be back with Mommy and then we'll all be together.

Alejandro: It just fucking crazy. I mean, it just doesn't make any goddamn sense. We survived that horror show back on the O'Bannon just to be locked up here? You know the reason we're in here is because that fucking lunatic shot a marine. If anybody should be in here, it's him.

Nickolas just looks at them both then return talking to his dead daughter.

Nickolas: It's okay, baby girl. He's just a little scared. Don't pay any mind.

Y/n: Look I understand you're still mad at him after what he did on Aegis 7 but he not himself right now, ok. Whatever the Marker did to him cause Nickolas to go crazy. It's not his fault he's acting this way.

Alejandro: That doesn't change the fact my cousin is dead and half of the people I knew are dead after going to that planet.

Alenjandro continue banging on the door and yelling to be let out.

Alejandro: I don't have anything to do with this crazy bastard. I don't even know these people!

Isabel: Borges, will you calm down? Y/n is right, you're not helping matters with all this banging and shouting.

Stross: They have deeper reasons for detaining us than Mr. Kuttner's outburst, Mr. Borges. There's a great design behind everything that's happened. And we're each a part of it now.

Alexis just glares at Stross and Sandra just looks at Stross with fear in her eyes.

Alejandro: Seriously, am l the only one who didn't go batshit crazy back on that damn planet?

Y/n: Nope, only two but one of them got too carried away with their studies.

Isabel: Stross is right about one thing. We might have a problem. I did a tour on one of these with a med unit a few years ago. We're on board a government interceptor ship in a holding cell where they detain terrorists.

Alejandro: So, what does that mean?

Y/n: It means the government might want someone to blame for what happened on the O'Bannon or else people from back home will be asking for answers.

Sandra: So, are you saying they're going to kill us.

Y/n: That depends on them if we have anything to offer them that they want to hear.

Alexis: Oh god.

Stross went over to Alexis.

Stross: And that will most certainly be us. This may well be the last time we see each other.

Alexis: Don't touch me!

Alexis slap Stross across the face and went over to Y/n for safety.

Stross: Alexis, what's the matter?

Then all of them heard beeping as the door opens with security guards at the door.

Alejandro: Well, it's about fucking time. What's going on? Why are you holding us here?

Security G.O.V 1#: Step back.

The security guards pull out electric batons as everyone steps back with Y/n guarding Alexis, Isabel, and Sandra from danger.

Alejandro: Hey, hey, hey, take it easy. No problem here.

The guards went over to Nickolas.

Security G.O.V 2#: Nickolas Kuttner, you will come with us.

Nickolas: Huh-uh. I'm not leaving my little girl.

Isabel: Don't do that. Let me talk to him, okay?

One of the guards reach out to him but Nickolas starts fighting back against the guards.

Nickolas: Get your hands off me! I'm not letting you take me away from her.

However, one of them taste Nickolas causing him to fall to the ground as the rest follow suit on tasting him to the ground.

Y/n: Leave him, alone!

Y/n goes over and tackle two of the guards away from Nickolas and was able to get a couple hits on them before he got tased from the back.

Y/n: Aaaahhh!!!

Alexis/Sandra/Isabel: Y/n!!!

The security guards start tasering both Y/n and Nickolas until they stop resisting and Isabel start begging them to stop.

Isabel: Stop! Stop it! They had enough! You're going kill them!

The security stop tasering them as they drag Nickolas away and leave Y/n on the ground unconscious. Alexis, Sandra, and Isabel goes over to check on Y/n.

Sandra: Oh my god is he....

Alexis: Isabel, how is he? Please tell me, he's ok.

Isabel: Let me check.

Isabel check Y/n pulse and waited for a minute until feeling something, sighing in relief.

Isabel: He's ok, the electric shock must have caused him to pass out.

Isabel: Thank goodness.

Sandra: How can they do this him? Are they really that desperate for answers.

Alejandro ask Isabel a question.

Alejandro: What the hell is going on?

Isabel: I don't know but I get the feeling we don't have much time.

Isabel turn to look at the unconscious Y/n seeing his head laid on top of Alexis' thighs while Alexis is stroking his hair.

Isabel: We have to get out of here before it too late.

To be continue.....

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