Act Three: Chapter VIII: Ghosts

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July 12 2535

The Resistance were just staring at the USG Titan for at least a couple of minutes now as They were also trying to contact Alex but there was no luck. All They heard was Radio Silence as They were worried about Alex.

Daniel: Its been an hour since Alex boarded the Titan and We haven't heard from him.

Monica was looking at the ships status as she noticed something on the ship and told the others.

Monica: The Necromorphs are using the USG Titan as a Nest to make more of them and yet that bastard still went in their by himself.

Chris: Monica, I'm also upset that he didn't let us come. He didn't had to play hero like this.

William: Guys let's calm down for a moment. I'm sure he's okay.

Michelle: I hope so too.

Esmeray along with Issac and Maria heard something as They tuned in the frequency and someone was talking to them..


Issac: Alex, Are you alright?!?!

Alex: I........I barely made it out alive. I'm..........

Esmeray: Alex, What happened to you?

Alex: I managed to get away with a......few scratches and My.........RIG is.......Red.

Maria: Stay Right there. We're coming.

Alex:......No.......I'll be alright.

Tobias: Alex, Come on. We can help you, You don't need to do this alone.

Alex:......I have to. There's a med kit here. I'll be fine don't worry.

Alex disconnected the Transmisson as Everyone looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

Monica: *Sighs* Let's get this Tram near the Titan and wait for him.

Ellie: Not the best idea but I guess so.

William: *Points At Brian* What do we do about him?

Tobias: If he tries to kill us again then We have to kill him. We have no other choice in mind.

Esmeray: Tobias is right. He might attack us again or maybe he'll do something worse.

Michelle: Alright then. Let's get this Transport moving.

Meanwhile Alex was barely walking as he grabbed a Med Kit and Injected it in his neck as His RIG changed from Red to Green. He was feeling a little better as he continued walking until he opened the door as he saw the Centrifuge core. Alex was in Zero Gravity as he saw some tubes that were missing in the core as he flew around and tried to find the pieces until he found them and placed it in the core. The Core was fixed and all Alex had to do is start the Centrifuge core. Alex flew back down as he got on the computer as he activated the Centrifuge core and The ship was back to normal as Alex sighed in relief.

Alex: Time to get to the Flight Deck.

The Centrifuge Core was working as Alex opened the door as he needed to get to the tram station but suddenly.......

Alex was holding his head again as He needed to keep going. Alex managed to kill some Necromorphs that got in his way as he was feeling tired. Alex made it inside the the elevator as He pressed the elevator button as he was feeling dizzy and tired until..........

Alex stood back as He tried to shoot the slasher but he had no ammo as he stood back in fear. The Slasher was growling at Alex until........

The Elevator went down as Alex sighed in relief as it stopped as Alex continued walking as he found some ammo until.........

Peter: ALEX HELP ME!!!!

The Slasher was ripping Peter apart as It tried to run at Alex before it disappeared as Alex knew he was hallucinating again. Alex got inside the tram as he set its route to the flight deck as Monica Contacted him.

Monica: Your Alright?

Alex: I'm doing better now......

Monica: You don't need to be scared Alex. We are here for you.

Alex: No......Its just I have to face my nightmares myself.

Monica: *Sighs* You know before I met you. I was with my team trying to get to the CEC. My Team got killed as I was with another teammate name Ryan. Ryan sacrificed himself just to give me enough time to escape.

Alex: I'm sorry Monica. My Commander Zack also did the same thing for me. He told me to run as he tried to distract the Brute but He ended up getting killed in front of me.

Monica: It makes me feel like shit for not saving them. I met up with another survivor after I made it to the Concourse but That Bastard tried to kill me but I shot his legs and left him to die.

Alex: Damn......

The Tram station stopped as Alex was confused until he heard something.

"Due to construction, We have now stopped at the USG Titan's Medical Deck"

Alex: No......

Alex heard something as It was Peyton speaking to him.

Peyton: The USG Titan Medical Deck Alex. You were Frightened, cold, alone. Well, go on Alex. Don't be shy.

Alex got out of the Tram as he saw something on the main entrance computer.

It was Peyton's Last Audio Log before her death as Alex felt a sharp pain in his heart but he needed to keep going. Alex heard a voice calling to him as he had chills.

Edward: Where are you going Alex?

Alex looked around and saw no one as He continued until he saw something strange on the walls.

It was all Marker symbols and writings as it creeped Alex out but he continued walking as The Medical Deck was quiet and silent.

Peyton: You never found my body, never said goodbye. Was I just stacked in the Morgue with the others? Another random casualty? Or did they turn me into one of them? Wearing my bloodied face, stalking the halls looking for more victims.

Alex stayed silent as he kept walking until a Leaper tried to attack him but he killed it in ease. Alex managed to make it out of the Medical Deck as He was in Zero Gravity and decided to fly to the Flight Deck as Peyton was Talking to him.

Peyton: The barrier between us is wearing thin, Alex. Behind every trip... a memory. Behind every door of the passage of time from my life to when I died.

Alex: Your not going to break me.

Peyton: Why do you keep insisting these unpleasant memories are somehow my fault? This isn't about the Marker, Alex. This is about you.

Alex didn't answer her as he managed to make it to the Flight deck and He made it to the Captain's room as He got the Gravity Tethers online as The Resistance contacted him.

Ellie: Alex, You did it. We're moving again.

Esmeray: Alright Alex, We'll wait-

Alex: Just keep going. I'll use the Escape Pods to get there.

Alex heard another Transmisson from Hammond as he was upset.

Hammond: Ambrose You idiot. Do you really want to be killed now?

Alex disconnected the Transmisson as He looked at the Escape Pod.

Alex: Time to go.

Alex needed to get going as He saw the escape pod as he was about to get in until........

Peyton: Where are you going, Alex? Do you still think I'm something that you can avoid?

Alex was holding his head as he got in the Escape pod as He activated it and he flew out of the Titan as he was contacting the others.

Alex: Guys, I escaped the Titan. Are you all okay?

Alex heard gunshots as he heard Brian laughing as He heard the others trying to stop him until The Transmisson abruptly stopped as Alex was shocked.

Computer: Warning, Mines Detected. Brace for Impact.

Alex: Fuck......

Computer: Hull Breach detected. Brace for Impact.

Alex: Oh Shit.....

The Pod crashed back to Lunar city Mining Sector as Alex was unconscious.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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