Chapter 1

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[Kaety Sesling]

"Your turn, Kaetlin."

Meagan, Daisy and Bunny are looking at me like I am some sort of alien. I can't sing and know I am definitely humiliating myself. On the other hand, Ashlie Pound and her younger sister Brianne are quite concentrated. They just want to listen to other voices, before singing. Well, I don't know how they sing, but I wish I could know.

But, come on! I promised my family I would do so, even though it means that I have to stand self-humiliation.

So, I focus and start singing, like my whole life would depend just on this.

More fun tonight if we just get out of touch
With reality and you believe take your heart on
The river, underneath the blue, I love you

The others roll their eyes, quite annoyed and bored. By contrast, Ashlie starts applauding me. Her sister follows soon after. Why the hell are they applauding my performance, though? It's ridiculous!

Okay, this audition is definitely going to fail. There's no chance I impressed either the judges or the audience. They can be very picky, especially when it comes to singing.

Suddenly, I hear slight peels of laughter coming from the back seats in the auditorium. I can't help feeling affected by their mocking attitude and start running slowly towards the backstage, eventually fastening my pace as the increasingly louder laughter is then joined by whistles of disapproval.

Tears start running down my face. My eyes are becoming red and swollen because of them, and the same goes with my entire face. This is the price I have to pay for putting myself in such an embarrassing situation. Still, I think it's unfair since I put effort in what I did.

Suddenly, I hear someone tapping my shoulder. Not wanting to look into their eyes, I let go of that hand and run out of the auditorium altogether. I don't want to see anyone. So, I lock myself in a toilet, under the belief that everyone will finally stop picking on me.

However, I'm dead wrong. Someone is knocking at the door, laughing and yelling at me to get out. I don't pay attention to them; instead, I crouch my head onto my legs even tighter and cry louder, not caring about what those judgemental bitches want from me.

"Open that fucking door, Sesling!" I hear a girl barking loud, like she were a fucking hellhound going round to hunt some souls and rip them apart. "If you don't, I swear I'll break it and then strangle you with my own hands!"

I don't even care anymore if I die. They want me dead, I guess. But, I swear, they'll pay for what they did and still do. They won't get away with what they're about to do.

So, I do what I'm asked to do: I open the door and face those bullies straight away. Among them, I recognize Meagan, Daisy and Bunny, the three bitches who dared to humiliate me at the audition. Without even wanting to look into their eyes, I punch their filthy, spiteful faces with no mercy.


Getting away with punching three disrespectful and merciless bitches is possible, so I don't get why people are still pointing the finger at me. After all, I just did the right thing. I couldn't let Meagan & Co humiliate me once again.

As soon as I jump out of the bus and start walking down the street, I realize that there must be someone who cares about me and whose main goal isn't ridiculing me or making me feel like worthless shit as literally anyone else does.

As soon as I reach my house, I open the door and then slam it quickly, under the belief that someone is chasing after me, probably to get back at me for defending myself. I throw my backpack at a corner and drop myself on the couch, not even taking my shoes off.

My little sisters, Hazel, Noni and Piper, alongside with my cousin, Raelyn, as soon as they see me idling on the couch, sit by me and disturb me with every means, causing me to scowl, even if only jokingly, at them.

They, instead of stepping back, laugh loud, annoying me even more and prompting me to leave upstairs. As I retreat in my bedroom, obviously slamming the door once again, I jump on my bed and close my eyes briefly, trying to let negative thoughts slip out of my mind.

Though, it's nowhere near being easy. I know that everyone will be after me after punching those three bitches without any mercy, and they'll be more than likely to insult and isolate me before anything else. Still, it should be no longer my business. It's not my fault if Meagan, Daisy and Bunny are just three little stuck-up brats.

I find my laptop on my desk, then turn it on and open Facebook, only to regret it. I can clearly see insulting comments under Daisy's post, saying, 'One more bitch trying to ruin my face. Gonna take her down, no matter what it takes.'

The first thing I catch in the comment section is a shit load of insults, coming in particular from other bitches from our school. In particular, Meagan and Bunny, as usual, are among the most vocal in showing their dislike of mine. However, things seem to look up a little bit for me as soon as I receive some encouraging comments, mostly from Ashlie.

However, what is making my day right now is seeing how Kris, one of my best friends, has just dumped his ditzy girlfriend on social media. I mean, Lindsay Zeller, other than being dimwitted is also a downright bitch, but I've never thought that she can be so delusional over a break-up. Instead, I've always believed that she would be ditching him first.

I think I'm really into going back to school tomorrow, just to see those disgusting bitches' faces after I drop my comment under Daisy's post. 'Dear little bitches, you think you can drag me down with force, but whenever you do, I stand up every single time, getting stronger and more confident. You don't want to fight me again. Think of the consequences.'

They'll definitely want to hide under a rock and never get out of it after realizing that they're making a poor figure on the Internet.

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