iv. ━━ frigid fjerdans

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˚ ₊ ♡ ❰  DEADLY GHOSTS ❱
*✧ ─── ❝ ❪ FRIGID FJERDANS! ❫ ❞
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ACT ONE ── no mourners 🪶 ⁺⑅

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CHAPTER FOUR ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
˚ ₊ ♡ book one ─── age 17

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THERE WAS AN OLD SULI SAYING ; MATI EN SHEVA YELU THIS ACTION WILL HAVE NO ECHO. BUT WHATEVER HAD TRANSPIRED BETWEEN MATTHIAS HELVAR AND NINA ZENIK CERTAINLY DID. AFTER INEJ HAD NURSED THE FJERDAN BLONDE back to the land of the living, he almost send Nina straight to the afterlife with his hands on her throat. Miriam had half the mind to knock the boy dead when he had not released the Heartrender. Not that she had openly admitted such thing out loud. Maybe Kaz realised, for he had send her one of his famous dead glares when her hand twitched the slightest. Luckily he had come to his senses and with Jesper's ill timed distraction, there was no moment to spare on retaliation.

Now they stood in a windowless room draped in black and crimson, the dingy parlour was shrouded in haunting shadows, but their mismatched group of bandits was not bothered by their grotesque surroundings. Matthias on the other hand looked like had was facing the house of the devil ━ and looking at Kaz as if he was evil incarnated.

Maybe Kaz was...no one really knew. The haunting stories about what was lurking beneath his gloves alone were enough to make anyone believe Brekker was a nightmare come to life.

But even if they had fished Matthias out of the gruesome barrel that was Hellgate ━ he truly looked like he rather be back there than help them out.

Miriam's russet eyes were glued to the Fjerdan boy, as if she was waiting for him to try and get away from them ━ to flee into the dangerous night of Ketterdam and maybe even try to kill a couple of them on his way to the door.

He wouldn't manage she could make sure of that, as did everyone else here. Well not little Wylan, who she had been shadowing for Brekker for some time now. Why she had no clue at the time and she still wasn't sure what the reason was now. But the blonde kid was under Dregs protection.

Even now he didn't looked like he belonged among them. He was sitting at one of the tables meant for card games—a red tablecloth with a pattern of crows covering the wood. He was doodling aimlessly on a piece of paper, gnawing on his thumb

But Miriam wasn't the only one that had focused her gaze on the Fjerdan blonde. Nina was staring without regret, a small hint of sadness in her eyes as she regarded him bound to the chair.

Then Brekker had started talking ━ about a drug called jurda parem, about an impossibly high reward, and about the absurd idea of attempting a raid on the Ice Court. It sounded just as crazy as the little snippets he had told Miriam earlier when they went and fetched Nina from the White Rose.

But the lure of Kruge beyond one's dreams was no way to thaw Matthias' frozen loyalty to the country that had forgotten him as he simple said; "No."

A chill went to the room, as if they all simultaneously holding their breath, waiting in anxious anticipation when Kaz tapped his crow cane twice, the dark leather of his gloves stretching when he bawled his other hand in a tight fist before realising it again. Like he was holding himself back.

"Believe me when I say this, Helvar: I know getting knocked out and waking up in strange surroundings isn't the friendliest way to start a partnership, but you didn't give us many options, so try to open your mind to the possibilities." Rocks scraping together, but also a calmness. Water lapping against the rocks...an awaiting storm.

"You could have come to me on your knees, and my answer would be the same." Matthias voice was taunting and firm.

"You do understand I can have you back at Hellgate in a matter of hours? Once poor Muzzen is in the infirmary, the switch will be easy."

"Do it. I can't wait to tell the warden your ridiculous plans."

"What makes you think you'll be going back with a tongue?" Almost as if she could taste the demand in the air on her tongue, Miriam licked her lips and mindlessly twirled her knife in her hand, catching Matthias gaze with a vixen smile.

"Kaz ━" Nina protested.

"Do what you want," Matthias replied unrelenting.

"I told you," said Nina with a defeated sigh as she looked at Kaz.

"Don't pretend to know me, witch," he snarled, his eyes trained on Brekker.

Miriam eyes narrowed at the scornful tone of Matthias' voice.

Jesper unfolded himself from the corner and his Zemini brown skin glowed in the dim light of the gambling parlour. He leaned forward, incongruous grey eyes focused on his clasped hands. "Without him, there's no job," said Jesper. "We can't break into the Ice Court blind."

Matthias looked almost smug for a bloodied boy tied to a chair. "You can't break into the Ice Court at all."

The Ice Court, Miriam knew, wasn't an ordinary building. It was a compound, Fjerda's ancient stronghold, home to an unbroken succession of kings and queens, repository of their greatest treasures and most sacred religious relics. It was impenetrable ━ but if she and learned anything in her life so far ━ nothing could last, and even impenetrable fortresses would become penetrable at one point.

"Come now, Helvar," Kaz drawled. "Surely there's something you want. The cause is righteous enough for a zealot like you. Fjerda may think they've caught a dragon by the tail, but they won't be able to hold on. Once Bo Yul-Bayur replicates his process, jurda parem will enter the market, and it's only a matter of time before others learn to manufacture it, too."

"It will never happen. Yul-Bayur will stand trial, and if he is found guilty he will be put to death." Matthias denied.

"Guilty of what?" Nina asked softly.

"Crimes against the people."

"Which people?" there was a hint barely leashed anger in her voice.

"Natural people," Matthias sneered. "People who live in harmony with the laws of this world instead of twisting them for their own gain."

Nina made a kind of exasperated snorting sound. The others just looked amused, smirking at the poor, backward Fjerdan, but Miriam felt hot anger stir in her gut as her fingers tightened around the cold steel of her dagger

"You're being short-sighted about this, Helvar," Brekker countered casually. "Another team could get to Yul-Bayur first. The Shu. Maybe the Ravkans. All with their own agendas. Border disputes and old rivalries don't matter to the Kerch. All the Merchant Council cares about is trade, and they want to make sure jurda parem remains a rumour and nothing more."

"So leading criminals into the heart of Fjerda to steal a valued prisoner is a patriotic act?" Matthias said scornfully.

"I don't suppose the promise of four million kruge will sway you either."

Matthias spat. "You can keep your money. Choke on it."

There was a moment of pause, like he was contemplating something.  He tilted back as far as his bonds would permit and focused all his attention on Brekker. "I'll make a deal with you."

"I'm listening."

"I won't go with you, but I'll give you a plan for the layout of the Court. That should at least get you past the first checkpoint."

"And what will this valuable information cost me?"

"I don't want your money. I'll give you the plans for nothing." Matthias spoke casually before an almost barbaric glint lit in his eyes "If you let me kill Nina Zenik."

"I will gut you like a fish, tear your insides from you stomach━" Miriam's voice was like a low growl, deep hatred seeped in her words as she manoeuvred around one of the tables to walk closer to him as he threatened Nina. "━And strangle you with your own intestines."

Matthias was smart enough to at least look scared.

But before she could come closer, Nina's hand latched onto her arm, firm but soft in the same way.

No one knew why Miriam's fiery words spilled with the mention of Matthias deal.

But while everyone else looked either disgusted, surprised or scared, Kaz, however, didn't seem surprised. If anything, he looked pleased.

"I can give you something better," Kaz spoke, gleaming eyes of deceit sparkling.

"There's nothing else I want."

Nina's hand was still clasped around Miriam's upper arm, but when Kaz spoke next it had fallen limply beside the heartrender's ride.

"I can make you a drüskelle again."

"Are you a magician, then? A wej sprite who grants wishes? I'm superstitious, not stupid."

"You can be both, you know, but that's hardly the point." Kaz slipped a hand into his dark coat. "Here," he said, and gave a piece of paper to Inej.

She walked with soft feet like she'd drifted in from the next world and no one had the good sense to send her back. She brought the paper up to his face for him to read.

Miriam didn't know what the piece of paper held, or how it could make Matthias want to help them.

"What new evidence?" Matthias inquired after he read the document and Miriam did her best to mask her confusion.

Kaz leaned back in his chair. "It seems Nina Zenik has recanted her statements. She will face charges of perjury."

Matthias led his eyes lock onto Nina's figure for the first time. "Perjury? How long will you serve for that, Zenik?"

"Two months," she said quietly.

"Two months?" Now he did laugh, long and hard. His body twitched with it, as if it were poison constricting his muscles. The others watched him with some concern.

"Just how crazy is he?" asked Jesper, fingers drumming on the pearl handles of his revolvers.

Miriam's upper lip twitched into smirk at Jesper's words while Brekker shrugged. "He's not what I'd call reliable, but he's all we've got."

"She can't be trusted, you know," Matthias said to Brekker. "Whatever secrets you hope to gain from Bo Yul-Bayur, she'll turn them over to Ravka."

"Let me worry about that, Helvar. You do your part, and the secrets of Yul-Bayur and jurda parem will be in the hands of the people best equipped to make sure they stay rumours."

"What if Bo Yul-Bayur is dead?" he asked Brekker.

"Van Eck insists he isn't."

"But what if he is, Brekker?" Matthias insisted.

"You still get your pardon."

Miriam truly hoped their grand heist was not already ashes on a pyre, she didn't think she could handle the idea of risking her life for nothing.

"I'll do it."

Her head snapped up as the words rumbled from Matthias throat. She could see Kaz wink at Nina like the whole plan hadn't relied on Matthias and his knowledge of the inner workings of the Ice Court.

"We're going to untie you," Kaz announced, and with a quick tilt of his head, Miriam was moving. "I hope prison hasn't robbed you of all your manners or good sense." Matthias nodded, and Miriam relished in the sight of his rigid form when she approached him with her weapon, the metal of her dagger glinting in the dim light.

She let the sharp edge drag over his arm, grinningly mischievously when he swallowed the knife came closer to his throat.

"Don't play with our guests Dara."

"You suck all the fun out of it Brekker." She drawled before moving quick as lightning to cut the rope. 

"I believe you know Nina," Brekker continued to introduce their gang of mismatched criminals (━ and Wylan ). "The one who threatened to gut you like a fish is our darling Miriam. The lovely girl across from you is our thief of secrets and the best in the trade. Jesper Fahey is our sharpshooter, Zemeni-born but try not to hold it against him, and this is Wylan, best demolitions expert in the Barrel."

"Raske is better," Inej cut in, and Miriam believed poor little Wylan looked offended by her words from where he looked up, ruddy gold hair flopping in his eyes, and spoke for the first time. "He's not better. He's reckless."

"He knows his trade." Miriam added.

"So do I."

"Barely," Jesper said.

"Wylan is new to the scene," admitted Brekker.

"Of course he's new, he looks like he's about twelve," retorted Matthias.

At least there was a little bit of humour hidden in his rigid nature.

"I'm sixteen," said Wylan sullenly.

"We should be using Raske," Jesper tried again. "He's good under pressure."

"I don't like it," agreed Inej.

Miriam crossed her arms, not sure why Kaz would risk this heist on Wylan's inexperience.

"I didn't ask," Kaz stated firmly. "Besides, Wylan isn't just good with the flint and fuss. He's our insurance."

"Against what?" asked Nina.

"Meet Wylan Van Eck,"

Click. Everything fell in place for Miriam. The reason he suddenly had fallen under Dregs protection, why Kaz only wanted her to shadow the boy and get rid of anyone trying to harm him.

Wylan's pale cheeks flooded crimson.

"Jan Van Eck's son and our guarantee on thirty million kruge."

Jesper stared at Wylan. "Of course you're a Councilman's kid." He burst out laughing. "That explains everything."

Wylan was red faced and mortified and Miriam felt humoured by the sight. "A little merchling boy, how fitting." She jested as she rounded the table to lean down to stare at him. "I can see it now.

The boy shied away from her piercing gaze.

Nina looked stunned and irritated. The Fjerdan just seemed confused. Kaz appeared utterly pleased with himself. And, of course, Inej didn't look remotely surprised ━ Miriam should have expected that too.

She gathered Kaz's secrets and kept them as well.

Wylan's mouth opened and closed, his throat working. "You knew?" he asked Kaz miserably.

Poor boy had a lot to learn Miriam thought.

Kaz leaned back in his chair, one knee bent, his bad leg stretched out before him. "Why do you think I've been keeping you around?"

"I'm good at demo." He muttered almost helplessly.

"You're passable at demo. You're excellent at hostage."

That was cruel, but that was Kaz. And the Barrel was a far rougher teacher than Kaz could ever be. At least this explained why Kaz had been coddling Wylan and sending jobs his way.

"It doesn't matter," said Jesper. "We should still take Raske and leave this baby merch on lockdown in Ketterdam."

"I don't trust Raske." Kaz offered offhandedly.

"And you trust Wylan Van Eck?" Jesper said incredulously.

"Wylan doesn't know enough people to cause us real trouble."

"Don't I have some say in this?" complained Wylan as he sat up straighter in his chair. "I'm sitting right here."

Kaz raised a brow. "Ever had your pocket picked, Wylan?"

"I ... not that I know of."

"Been mugged in an alley?"


"Hung over the side of a bridge with your head in the canal?" Wylan blinked.

"No, but━"

"Ever been beaten until you can't walk?"


"Why do you think that is?"


"It's been three months since you left your daddy's mansion on the Geldstraat. Why do you suppose your journey in the Barrel has been so blessed?"

"Lucky, I guess?" Wylan suggested weakly.

This time Miriam laughed loudly, freely as she let her gaze settle on the boy in front of her.

Jesper snorted and spoke before she could. "Kaz is your luck, merchling. He's had you under Dregs protection ━ though you're so useless, up until this minute none of us could figure out why."

"I already dropped a couple bodies for you little merchling." Miriam grinned proudly, "One actually wanted to hang you upside down over a bridge. I hung him from a lamppost instead."

She could see him swallow nervously.

Why did you move out of your father's house?" Jesper inquired.

"It was time," Wylan said tightly.

"Idealist? Romantic? Revolutionary?"

"Idiot?" suggested Nina.

"No one chooses to live in the Barrel if he has another option."

"I'm not useless," Wylan muttered.

"Raske is the better demo man━" Inej began.

"I've been to the Ice Court. With my father. We went to an embassy dinner. I can help with the plans." Wylan interrupted the Suli girl.

"See that? Hidden depths." Kaz tapped his gloved fingers over the crow's head of his cane. "And I don't want our only leverage against Van Eck cooling his heels in Ketterdam while we head north. Wylan goes with us. He's good enough at demo, and he's got a fine hand for sketching, thanks to all those pricey tutors."

Wylan blushed deeper, and Jesper shook his head. "Play piano, too?"

"Flute," said Wylan defensively.


"And since Wylan has seen the Ice Court with his very own eyes," Kaz continued, "he can help keep you honest, Helvar."

The Fjerdan scowled furiously, and Wylan looked a little ill.

"He has been locked up for a better part of a year now." Nina scowled at Inej's words. "Who's to say everything still looks the same?"

For a moment, Kaz' eyes flitted to her, like he knew what she knew.

"Actually." Her voice rolled from her tongue like lulling ocean waves, "I might know just the guy to help with that." But her eyes were filled with a devilish delight.

. ᵒ .༄ ࿐ ࿔* 🥀🪦🏚
𝚘𝚘𝐨. ┊CHLOE'S NOTES ! ✎↷:     ❪  𝙰𝚄𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚁𝚂 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 ❫ ❁ཻུ۪۪∘. 𝙑𝙊𝙄𝘿𝙇𝙀𝙂𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙎 ━ 🗒✏️🖇

i love my lil' murder bby and I can't wait to introduce a certain someone/someone in the next chapter

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