Chapter 7

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Chloe was hiding behind the man, following him everywhere he went. He then stopped, causing her to bump into him.

She realized that the girls had stopped as well. She was about to protest and ask why the group had suddenly stopped walking, when Mylene shushed her.

"I hear something," she said. They all waited and listened. Sure enough, they heard it as well.

Ba-dum... B... B...

It soon suddenly died down, and Marinette motioned for them to continue walking. The others followed her, Marinette being the leader. Chloe felt glad that she wasn't as the front, but she still felt unsafe that she was at the back.

Shifting away from the man, she walked up to Sabrina, who was in the middle. She felt safer there.

Why... Why... Who do... You... Fear me?... Are... You... Scared?...

They wanted to scream, but they held it. They looked around, again no one was behind them or in front of them.

You... Came... Here... To... Baby... Sit... Why... Hide?... Why?... Why?... Why?

It kept repeating the words why, and soon a whole lot of kids were chanting, "why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"

They didn't see anyone though. No other person, no other kids. Just their voices.

"Maybe we should have stayed inside that room," Mylene shuddered. "Even if it has creepy sculptures, this is still worse."

Marinette looked around, then yelled out. "Who are you?! What do you want to do with us?! What did we do to you?!"

"Marinette, that's not such a good idea!" Chloe yelled. "Think before you do!" She recieved a glare from Marinette.

I... Just... Want to... Have... FUN!...

The unknown person screamed out the last word, "fun!" They jumped at the sudden scream, but then calmed down a bit.

Fun? This isn't fun?

"I see another door," Sabrina pointed. The door was bright yellow. It had blood dripping down from the top. They weren't sure they wanted stop go inside.

Juleka inches closer to the door, and turned the knob. "It's unlocked," she announced. She kicked opened the door and then ran to the others, afraid something was going to happen to her.

Nothing was going to happen to them. The room was light, not dark as the other one they had been. In fact, there was no light switch around. What they saw inside had them backing away.

"M... Molly?" Mylene was able to utter the name out.

The girl's neck was tied to the ceiling, a lot of blood falling out. She had no arm, and only half of her legs still remained.

There was a huge bite at the side of her stomach, as if someone had taken a huge bite out of it. It was so terrifying to see, but they couldn't peel their eyes off of the half eaten human being.

"M... Molly?" Mylene asked again. She knew that girl anywhere. Molly was the babysitter that had come here before them.

"This is exactly what is going to happen to us if we don't get out here," Chloe yelled. "These kids are not kids! They replaced the kids with monsters!"

Molly's head suddenly started lifting up. They stared in horror as it seemed like Molly was looking at them.

I thought she was dead...

Molly only had one eye left. That eye could barely even stay opened. Her nose and lips weren't normal either. They looked like someone had plucked them out, and then fixed back the wrong way.

This was completely wrong.

"We have to leave now!" Mylene had had enough. She looked away. She didn't want to see anymore.


Molly's mouth seemed to move a bit. The voice dragged the 's' as it said "yes". It looked like Molly was the one taking.

"Betterrrrr.... Leeeeaavvveee...."

"She's warning us," Sabrina exclaimed. "We better leave before we turn into her."

"That will most definitely be a problem," Alya reminded. "The front door is locked and we have no way of opening it."

"First of all," Chloe backed away, the others doing the same, "let's just back away from her."

"Chloe, it's not like she's going to jump on is and eat us all alive," Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Her lips could barely even move."

"Leeeeaavvveee... Noowww..."

Molly's head then started bending. It bent, and it bent, until it snapped off. They screamed and ran away from the room.

What they didn't notice, was the evil grin that was still on Molly's face.

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