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Ah.. It's a real story so yeah...

Nannie Doss had a thing for arsenic, and with it she poisoned the tittyshits out of virtually every member of her familybefore delivering an affable, chuckling confession to police, earning her the nickname "The Giggling Granny." By the time she was finally caught, she'd killed her mother, two sisters, two daughters, a nephew, a grandson, and four husbands, for motives best described as "no goddamned reason whatsoever."

And what is really chilling about this story is how long her murder spree continued before anybody caught on, although her first husband, Charley, did grow suspicious after their two middle daughters mysteriously died of "food poisoning," because it literally used to be that easy to murder people. Charley ran off, taking their eldest daughter with him but leaving the youngest behind with Doss, because apparently he didn't like that child.

Nannie Doss stayed married to her second husband, Frank, for 16 years, during which time she probably killed her newborn grandson by stabbing him through the skull with a hatpin and definitely killed her older grandson with a generous dose of poison. Frank, for his part, was an abusive drunk, and Doss eventually got sick of him and dumped rat poison into his whiskey, which is a recognized but generally frowned upon cure for assholes.

Doss got married three more times, and each husband wound up dying mysteriously. She even killed her third husband's mother, just after poisoning him and burning their house to the ground to keep it from going to his family, she laughed "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*takes a deep breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHHHHAAAAAAAAAhahaha *In between her fourth and fifth marriages, she moved in with her cancer-stricken sister and poisoned her, too, because why the hell not? "Might as well kill my own mother while I'm at it," she presumably thought, before doing exactly that. At this point, the authorities must have assumed that Nannie Doss was shrouded in some ancient mummy curse, because the only other explanation is that they were all terrible at their jobs.

Doss finally got caught when she poisoned her fifth husband badly enough to send him to the hospital for three weeks, but not enough to kill him. The day he was sent home, Doss filled him with enough arsenic to kill 20 freaking people. Finally, one of the doctors became suspicious of Doss and ordered an autopsy, which confirmed that her husband had been poisoned.

Police confronted Doss, and she immediately confessed, laughing throughout the entire interview while gleefully admitting to murdering 11 members of her family. Doss kept right on smiling as she boarded the bus to prison to serve out her life sentence, commenting to a reporter as she left that she didn't feel bad at all about the outcome. Life magazine even asked her permission to publish her life story, because they apparently forgot that she had murdered children in addition to her drunken asslord husbands.

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