Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell!

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Welcome to Hell. A supernatural realm filled with demons and sinners. The area is inhabited by the most highly dangerous and psychotic population of indigenous hellborn. The very air that you breath from the place is presented as perpetually choleric, disorderly, and noxious though some might say it is capable of supporting carbon based lifeforms. Hell is divided into seven place in which they are called Seven Rings. HellBorn demons have the ability to travel across any of the seven rings and each of the rings has its own ecosystem and population filled with the most horrible and deadliest sinners that used to be human beings back on Earth until death took a tole on them and they became monsters but still retain their former selves back on Earth but in the forms of demons. Hell not only has demons and sinners but they also have powerful demons who can use magic and they are called OverLords. OverLords are a race of demons who outrank all demons in Hell and they even sometimes fight each other to gain more power over the other.

Things are crazy in Hell especially when the population becomes over populated in which during once every year Heaven sends down Angelic beings known as the Exorcist who are lead by an angel who orders his soldiers to attack and kill sinners in Hell to avoid over population. Many demons and sinners a like died because of these angels and they all lived in fear of them ever since. However there was one who didn't show any fear and he was not only strong and powerful but he had abilities that can withstand the strength and might of the Exorcists. He was dubbed the name (The Immortal One Who Has Slain The Exorcists Armies). This man will become the greatest and most fun loving being in all of Hell as well as a total badass butt kicking machine and will do anything to keep those close to him safe even if it means taking out many of his enemies. To know where he is now, well he's on top of building over the view of Hell itself and is doing a to-due list of what his plans are. He wears a red and black jump-suit with a mask and carried fired arms and two twin blades made of rare metal that can cut down anything in his path. I will let him tell you his story.


On top of the building in one of the seven rings was a man who was highly skilled in combat and is a total badass kind of guy who likes to have fun and knock some heads. He was sitting down listening to some classic theme songs while looking at his to-due list. His name is Matthew Roberts but in hell he is known by his favorite comic book character DeadPool.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Gypsy by: FleetWood Mac)

DeadPool: 🎶Oh, and it lights up the night and you see your gypsy 🎶  Hm? Oh hello there everyone. I know right who would of guessed that someone like me ended in a place like this and not only that but also got too be one of my favorite comic book characters of all time with all of his abilities of course except for the hideous skin tone which I do not have thank god. I also see that Narrator told you all about to this shit hole that I am in as well as a little bit about yours truly. But if you all really want to know how someone like me became the most awesome ass kicking party animal Anit-Hero I am today well you will need to go back to the very beginning. In the mean time I have a to-due list to get back to and some very attractive girls to be with in an hour so enjoy my flashback and also this is very important and I hope you all are listening. DO NOT SPOIL THE NEW DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE MOVIE WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THEATERS BECAUSE I WILL FIND YOU! Well, I see that you got the memo so let the show begin!


DeadPool: Hello? Yes yes I will be right there honey and yes I will pick some up at the store. Ok ok I'm on my way love you too bye bye. Oh scratch that I guess I need to be with my girls now because there's a party going on and they ask me to pick up drinks and snacks. But due enjoy my flashback and make sure to have extra popcorn, extra butter, soda, beer, you name it and don't forget to pick up some collectibles in the gift shop. Well, see you guys later for now and welcome to Hell bitches!

FlashBack(2 years ago):

His name was Matthew Roberts, he was just your ordinary guy with a normal life though he didn't grew up with anyone because he never knew his family since he was dropped off at an orphanage and was raised by his caretakers. He was gifted young man who enjoyed lots of things and even made good friends both at the orphanage as well as in school. When he got older he decided to get a job as a comic book artist since he loves comic book characters when he was growing up and one in particular character caught his attention in which was DeadPool. Sure the character was an Anti-Hero but at least he gets the job done and makes money. He can live through many situation including death due to his healing factor. Matthew loved the character and even went on helping other artists to create new chapters for the DeadPool comics. He made good money and used the money to get his own place. I tell you Matthew life was amazing and he was enjoying every minute of it.

A month ago he got a call about ask the artists questions at the convention center where many fans of Marvel wanted to hear the news of the latest DeadPool comic that will be coming out soon and Matthew couldn't refuse to speak to his fans about the new comic issue. Matthew packed up his things for the convention and headed out and when he arrived at the convention center he saw a crowed of DeadPool fans, all wearing shirts and costumes inspired of the character himself.

Matthew smiled and took pictures of the people in their DeadPool costumes even some girls wearing DeadPool costumes that looked awesome. After taking pictures he joined his fellow artist on the stage where many fans wanted to ask questions about the new DeadPool comic as well as ask what the artist think of the new DeadPool movie coming out soon. Matthew answered a lot of questions and told the fans that he looks forward to seeing the new movie as well as showing images of the new comic issue that will be published very soon and that made the fans cheer in greatness. Little did Matthew know some things don't really last that long because something happened to him after he finished the questioning from the fans.

Matthew went out to get something to eat before he goes back to the convention. He stopped by a hot dog stand and got himself a hot dog and when he was about to eat it food he heard something from down the corner in which was a girl dressed like GwenPool being harassed by some creeps and they wouldn't leave the girl alone.

The guys were about to do something horrible to the girl when all of sudden one of them gets knocked out cold in which they looked to see Matthew standing before them and told the girl to make a run for it where the girl thanked Matthew and ran back inside the convention center. The thugs that try to harm the girl surrounded Matthew where it was four to one but Matthew didn't care and thanks to many years of taking combat and martial arts well as kung fu, he stood his ground. Three of the them charged at Matthew where he upper cut two of them and kicked them both in the heads followed by punching them in the guts. The third on was thrown into a car and then hit with a pole and fell unconscious leaving only one guy left. Matthew smirked that there was only one thug left and he moved closer to him and when he was about to take down the last guy all of sudden everything went dark and his eyes began blurry.

The last thug had a gun in his hand and shot the bullet at Matthew's chest killing him in a instant. Matthews body laid on the ground with blood coming out of his chest and his eyes still opened. Fans outside gasped in shock and horror that their favorite artist was just killed and soon many cosplayers dressed like DeadPool charged at the murderer and beat the living crap out of him until the police arrived with paramedics. They arrested the thugs and took them away while the paramedics attended to Matthew who has already died due to the chest ruined. The girl who dressed like GwenPool burst into tears that her savior was gone and she wanted to thank him but it was too late. Days later a funeral was healed at the cemetery where many fans and good people who knew Matthew came to pay their respects and told him to find peace in heaven. Speaking of heaven a certain someone was waking up from what supposed to be a dream but it was all real.

Matt: Argh...where am I and why is it so bright all of sudden?

Welcome to Heaven, Matthew Roberts. Seems like your time came a little too quickly then I excepted.(Male voice saids that caught Matt's attention)

Matt: Whoah! Who said that and what do you mean heaven? Who are you and where are you?

Turn around my son so you will know.

Matthew turns around and looks to see a being coming from the bright heavens who stood tall with what appears to be wings and golden like outfit with white robes. Matthew was in awe of who was standing before him and never seen someone so big. The man before Matthew smiled and was pleased to see the young soul in his domain.

Matt: Who..who are you?

Why I am the father of all creation. I am the one who created everything on Earth including life itself as well as mankind. I go by many names young Matthew Roberts but you may call me God.

Matt: G...God like the actual God....this is what you really look like.

God: Hehehe of course. Why? What did you except to see?

Matt: know what never mind. But if your God then that means this is...

God: Heaven, you are correct. It's all real. Just like how I am.

Matt: Whoah. Wait if you are God and this is heaven then that means...

God: Yes, you died and was brought to heaven.

Matt: I remember...I was outside getting food and I saw these thugs picking on a cosplayer and I went to help her. I took out three of them but when I was going to get the last one everything went dark to quickly.

God: You were shot in the chest, the man held a gun in his hand and took your life. Many of those close to you felt upset of what happened and prayed that you will find peace in heaven.

Matt: I'm dead now....

God: I'm sorry for what has happened.

Matt: No it's all right sir. I probably wasn't going to last long anyway. So now what I got to the heavens with all the other people who got sent up here.

God: Actually I am sending you somewhere or more like a whole new universe because I need you for something important and you are the one that could help.

Matt: What do you mean and what do you mean new universe? Are you talking about like a multiverse? Isn't that just a theory because they only exist in books and fantasy.

God: Actually my son, the multiverse is quite real.

Matt: How do you...oh wait your God you know everything I forgot about that.

God: Hehehe yes you are correct. I had seen many universes containing their planet Earth and human populations as well as other beings.

Matt: The multiverse is real....that is awesome! But why are you sending me to a new universe is something going on in another universe?

God: Sigh..apparently the new universe's heaven in filled with deceived and thinks that people who come from Hell cannot be redeemed for their wrong doing and they send out these creepy looking version of angels to kill the demons who happened to be human souls.

Matt: Geez that's messed up.

Even their leader who is my counterpart is a big fat slob and a stuck up prick!(Another male voice was heard where Matthew turned and saw another being coming down)

God: Hello my son, how are things at home.

They are good father and Eve do really appreciates that you visit since I know you are a busy man but it wouldn't hurt too visit time to time.

God: I will see what my schedule is. Oh Matthew this is my son, Adam. The same Adam you and the people on Earth read about in the bible. Adam this is your descendent, Matthew Roberts.

Matt: Adam like the actual Adam, wow its a pleasure to meet you sir. I am honored.

Adam: Likewise, I been watching you for a long time Matthew, I see your deeds and you are a good person who would do anything to keep those closest to you. Though sorry for your quick loss.

Matt: Thank you sir. But what did you mean about your counterpart in that new universe is he really that bad?

Adam: Argh..he is a disgrace to all Adams of the multiverse. I despised of what he does and not to mention he became cocky and a complete asshole. I wouldn't be surprised if someone took him out, he's better off dead.

Matt: That bad huh.

God: You see, once every year that version of Adam goes down to Hell with his shadow angels knows as the Exorcists and kill demons and sinners who are human souls to avoid over population and they do it for sport and for their entertainment.

Matt: That sicken wrong.

Adam: Agreed but we know for a fact that the sinners can be redeemed and let go of their past mistakes.

God: Which is why I am sending you there Matthew to help someone who has a plan to get sinners to redeem themselves.

Matt: Who?

Adam: She is the daughter of the Lucifer of that universe and princess of Hell. She is trying to find a way to get sinners to redeemed and be brought to heaven so we think that you can help her achieve her goal.

Matt: Intersting.

God: But before we send you there I will like to offer you something.

Matt: What is it?

God: I will like to give some gifts for your journey to the new universe though I cannot send you to the heaven of that universe but I can send you to their version of Hell. What is that you always wanted and I can make it happened.

Matt: Anything.

Adam: Anything, he's God after all.

Matthew thought it for a hour and then felt something in his jacket pocket and took it out and looked to see it was a DeadPool comic book and after seeing it, the idea came to Matthew's head.

Matt: I want you to make me into him minus the hideous skin change. I want his powers and his ability to regenerate. I want to become the universe's version of DeadPool.(Matt saids and shows the comic book of DeadPool to God)

God: Hehehe I had to figured since you were a big fan of his when you were a kid and now. Sure I can make this happen and what of the weapons do what they upgraded?

Matt: Yes, unlimited ammo as well as blades that can cut down those shadow angels or Exorcists that you mentioned. Maybe some bullets as well and normal bullets just in case some sinners or demons tried to attack me.

God: Considerate done.

Adam: I can have the bullets made for you Matthew. Also if you see my counterpart, beat the living shit out of him or better yet shoot him or slice and dice him.

Matt: I will see what will happens.

God began to work on the spells to turn Matthew into his favorite marvel character while Adam makes the special angelic bullets for Matthew's journey. After hours later Matthew still looked to the same which was confused until God explained.

God: You will be changed into your new form once you wake up in that version of Hell. Though just a reminder this Hell is completely different compared to the Hell that you read in the books and bible.

Matt: I am sure I will figure it out once I am there.

Adam: Also one more thing, when you arrive it would be the day of extermination meaning that my counterpart and his Exocolsists will most likely attack Hell soon just be aware of that.

Matt: Got it.

God: All right time for to enjoy your new life, I will have to put to sleep but when you wake up you will be in that universe while still looking the same but with DeadPool's abilities and techniques.

Matt: Thank you God and I will not let you down and I will help this princess of hell with her dream and also Adam if I see your counterpart lets just I going to turn him into a fucking kabob.

Adam: Hehehe I like that.

God: Sleep.(God saids and touches Matthew's forehead who now falls asleep)

Matthews falls asleep and blacks out for a least a couple hours until he started to hear explosions as well as violence. He started to wake up from his slumber and rubbed his eyes and he looked around him and saw that he was in an alleyway. When he got up and was about to walk and see where he was, he stopped and looked into a mirror and he gasped of what he was seeing it was him as DeadPool himself like the one from the movie.

DeadPool(Matt): Holly shit! I am fucking DeadPool! This is awesome! Wow I look good in this suit, lets see here pistols check with unlimited ammo which is good, twin swords made for slicing and dicing check, healing factor I wonder...

CUT!(Matt cuts his arm with a knife and watches it heal on its on)

DeadPool(Matt): Check, now that only leaves....





DeadPool(Matt): Ooh looks like the fun has arrived lets go see.

Matthew now DeadPool comes out of the alleyway and looks to see demons and sinners in a totally strange version of Hell. He saw them running for their lives and looks to see the Exorcists killing so many of the demons around the area.

DeadPool(Matt): This shit is going to have nuts in it. I always wanted say that.

DeadPool makes his appearance and started to shoot the bitches out of the sky with his angelic bullets and one by one they were falling to the ground like flies. The Exorcists saw what was happening and looked to see who was doing this, they landed on the ground and aimed their weapons at DeadPool.

Deadpool(Matt): Ooh epic landing poses!

Clapping! Clapping!.....

DeadPool(Matt) Bravo! Bravo! What an amazing entrance you girls have very impressive. Also what's with the weird looking mask is it Halloween already? Man I forgot my trick or treat bucket at home.

Exorcist 1: Who the heck is that?

Exorcist 2: Probably another hellspawn.

Exorcist 3: How the heck did he kill so many of us?

DeadPool(Matt): Ooh nice shiny spears you girls have might if I have a crack at them.

Exorcist 1: Sure after we gut you death you demon scum!

DeadPool(Matt): Looks like daddy needs to express some rage. I guess this is where bitches die.

The Exorcists charge at DeadPool in which the guy dodged every blow as well as every attack being thrown at him until he unleashed a world of hurt where he started to cut down the Exorcists by chopping off their heads where they all lay in a pool of golden blood.

DeadPool(Matt): Wow who would of guessed their blood is made of gold. I wonder if I can make a fortune out of it. But no time for that because this sexy mother fucker right here is on a mission and that is to kill these crazy ass pigeons. So lets count on how many I can kill in less than oh I don't know an hour.

An hour later DeadPool slaughtered and shot almost 150 Exorcist that left the demons and sinners in shock and awe of who this new guy was while the Exorcists were in horror of seeing their comrades slaughtered and killed by this stranger with guns and swords.

DeadPool(Matt): Wow 150 kills in an hour must be a new record. Now to get the rest...OOF!

DeadPool was then tackled to the ground and looked to see another Exorcists putting her weapon at the Anti-Heroes face.

Exorcist: Who the fuck are you suppose to be? Don't you know disgusting sinners like you don't have a chance against us.

DeadPool(Matt): Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Mama is that you? Have you come to take me home and tuck me in night.

Exorcist: My name is Lute you fucking asshole! Remember that name because it is going be your last.

DeadPool(Matt): Seriously, Lute? I mean really what kind of fuck name is that.

Lute: It brings fear into the hearts of all sinners.

DeadPool(Matt): No I am pretty sure your name after an old music instrument that nobody gives a damn. You know what I will give you a new name. Hows about Shadow Angel because not only you are a dark Angel but you got some nice soft melons there sweet cheeks and wow that is fine ass.


Lute stabs DeadPool in the head and smirks that she just killed another sinner but before she was going to sleeve she heard laughter that was coming from DeadPool who was standing up with the spear still in his head.

DeadPool(Matt): HAHAHAHAHA! Wow Shadow Angel that was something. I mean like wow that was awesome lets do that again.

Lute: W..what.....WHAT THE FUCK HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!!! I just stabbed you in the head.

DeadPool(Matt): Well I guess you gonna have to try a little bit more harder baby cakes.(DeadPool saids and pulls out the spear from his head)

Lute was fulled with anger and attacked DeadPool head on with hand to hand combat but it wasn't enough because DeadPool was faster and smarter. He punched Lute in the gut then followed by a drop kick to the head and then double slaps to the face.

DeadPool(Matt): 🎶 Can't touch me nah nah nah can't touch me 🎶 Oh oh oh oh It's DeadPool time!

Lute: I will kill you.

DeadPool(Matt): Gasp! Oh my gosh I am so scared. The flying pigeon is going to get me.

Lute: DIE SINNER!!!!

Lute uses her weapon and slices off DeadPool's head from his body in which the body fell down to the ground the head rolled over towards Lute who smirked that her target was dead.

Lute:  Finally now I can....

DeadPool(Matt): Wow are you wearing black panties and a black bra underneath there. Is that spring addition very kinky if I do say so myself.(DeadPools head saids)

Lute: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!! I JUST CUT OFF YOUR HEAD!!!! WHAT THE SHIT ARE YOU?!!!!!(Lute screams in horror and fright)

DeadPool(Matt): Oh can you hang on for one second let my body grow back and then I will tell you.

DeadPool's whole body began to grow back on its own starting with flesh, bones, organs, then skin that left Lute eyes widen like dinner plates as well as fear of what she was seeing and the minute DeadPool stood tall he was completely naked that made Lute's face turn crimson red under her mask and she couldn't help but stare at the guys ten pack and muscular features.

DeadPool(Matt): Why don't you take a picture it will last longer.(DeadPool saids and puts on his suit)

Lute's blushes increased ever more under her mask that she couldn't move her body nor stand of what she just saw. Lute then shrugged if off and got back up and ready to fight but stopped when she sees that her target was gone. She then felt something grabbing her in which she looked down and saw two hands squeezing her breast.

DeadPool(Matt): Hehe hehe hehe squeeze squeeze. Wow they are soft like a marshmallow.


SPANK!(DeadPool spanks Lutes butt)

Lute: EEPPPPP!!!!!

DeadPool(Matt): Wow you really do have a nice ass. I like you.

LUTE!(A male voice saids who lands on the ground)


Angel: Who the fuck are you suppose to be?

DeadPool(Matt): You.

Angel: No not me you.

DeadPool(Matt): Yes I am you.

Angel: Just answer the damn question who are you?!

DeadPool(Matt): I have told you.

Angel: Are you deft or something.

DeadPool(Matt): No you is blind.

Angel: I'm not blind you blind.

DeadPool(Matt): That is what I just said.

Angel: You just said what.

DeadPool(Matt): I did not say what I said you.

Angel: Thats what I am asking you.

DeadPool(Matt): And you is answering.

Angel: All right shut the fuck up! Lute what is going on and why is half of our army dead?

Lute: Dead sir?

Angel: Yea dead, I found like hundreds of them cut down, heads chopped off and some of them with bullet holes in their skulls.

Lute: How is that possible.

DeadPool(Matt): Ok explanation time! Yea it was me.

Angel and Lute: YOU!!!

DeadPool(Matt): Yea I killed all of your pigeons and did a little bit of this and that. By the way Shadow Angel who's the KFC chicken man here.

Angel: He called you Shadow Angel? Huh that's actually not a bad name. But hey asshole I am the one with the nicknames here and besides her is nickname DangerTits and also the names Adam not KFC chicken man.

DeadPool(Matt): Sorry but Shadow Angel sounds a whole lot better than DangerTits. Oh and nice to meet you A-Dum.

Adam: It's Adam! As in like the original dick, all of mankind came from these fucking nuts right here.

Deadpool(Matt): Really because this has to be the smallest dick I have ever seen and dude seriously you need to loose weight. I think you should eat for fiber in your diet.(DeadPool while checking up Adam's robe)

Adam: WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!!!! Geez give the guy some personal space.

DeadPool(Matt): Sure thing cricket crouch.

Adam: Grrrr.....ok I am going to enjoy killing you.

Lute: Wait sir I tried that already and he wont die. When I cut off his head from his body all of sudden his while body grew back and it was the most horrific experience I have ever seen.

Adam: Seriously? And not even your weapon did anything to him. Well lets just rip his brains out and remove his heart from his chest surely that would kill him.

DeadPool(Matt): Wow hard believe that this is my Adam's counterpart.(DeadPool saids in thought)

DeadPool then looked to see more the remaining Exorcists landing near Adam and Lute meaning that it was one against nine hundred in which earned DeadPool a big smile on his face meaning more bitches to kill and more fun.

Adam: Surround this asshole whatever he is...uh whats your name again?

DeadPool(Matt): Gasp! You never heard of me, I feel ruined. I was basically in ever comic book, video game, movie, tv series, and musical. I really loved the musical it was was funny and charming. I mean have you guys seen DeadPool musical 2 anyone?

Adam: What the fuck is he talking about?

Lute: I don't know.

DeadPool(Matt): Seriously none of you heard of the musical. Sigh all right time for example. Song from DeadPool Musical 2 let's show them a great performance.

Exorcist 4: Who is he talking to?

Exorcist 5: How should I know?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(DeadPool Musical 2: You're Welcome/I'm Deadpool)


Oh, I see what's happening here You're face to mask with Deadpool and you're scared

You feel your knees start to shake Did you just piss?! You faceless goons are always unprepared

Meet my two girls, let's be clear Yes, it's me! Dwayne Johnson Eyes up here

I know it's a lot - the black, the red But it's to hide the blood when you're all dead! So, what can I say except: I'm Deadpool! With my swords, these guns, you'll die!

You'd better pray it's okay, I'm Deadpool! I'm just your friendly neighborhood fucked-up-guy!

Exorcist: It's Deadpool!

DeadPool(Matt): Yup, I'm Deadpool!

Video Game VOICES: Maximum effort? HELL YEAH!

DeadPool(Matt): Man, honestly, I could go on and on Actually, I'm a mutated phenomenon The strength, the bod to boot Doesn't my junk look great in this suit? I hit this guy, right in the nuts Why do the fans seem to like that so much? Don't need a hammer, don't need a gamma ray I'll make you laugh as I'm taking your life away

Damage the suit and reveal my skin Look at this leg coming off at the shin The merc with the mouth always knows what to say Hey, look at these dudes 'cause they're coming my way And it's hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Ow! Ow! Five Nights At FUCK YOU, buddy!

Exorcist: Let it go....let go let it....?

BANG!(Shot the Exorcist in the head)

DeadPool(Matt): ...MY musical.

DeadPool(Matt)/Video Game Vocies:[He's Deadpool!] I'm Deadpool! [He's Deadpool!] I'm Deadpool! [He's Deadpool!] I'm Deadpool!

DeadPool(Matt): Thank you, uh thank you very much.

Deadpool(Matt): Oh chicken wings thanks for the guitar man I think I will keep it. Though I hope you enjoy my musical.

Adam and Lute stared with wide eyes and their expressions to horrific of what they just seen in which their entire Exorcists army were all dead and none of them couldn't land a scratch on DeadPool who looked completely fine just with some angelic blood on him.

Lute: He....he just killed our entire army.......

Adam: How the fuck did he get my guitar ax? I just had it in my hands just a minute ago.

DeadPool(Matt): Wow I thought you guys were tough but no you guys suck at fighting I mean really I was hopping for a bigger challenge. You guys suck ass!


DeadPool(Matt): AAHHH DON'T KILL ME!(DeadPool saids and fires his gun)



DeadPool: Hm? Gasp! Holly shit I shot him in dick.


DeadPool(Matt): Oh my gosh I shot the creator mankind in the dick.

Lute: ADAM! Sir sir are you all right?


DeadPool(Matt): Oh my god I am so sorry.(Whisper) Actually I'm not he deserved it.


DeadPool(Matt): Hey I was defending myself. He started it.

DING! DING!(Bell ringing meaning the extermination is over)

DeadPool(Matt): Oh is it lunch time already.


DeadPool(Matt): Wait before you go Shadow Angel there is something I need to do.

Lute: WHAT?!

DeadPool rushes towards her and removed her mask and smashed his lips to hers that made her eyes go wide and blush red from what was happening. It both felt embarrassed and yet good at the same time.

DeadPool(Matt): Damn I always wanted to do that. Hm? Whoah....

DeadPool(Matt): Wow she's beautiful.(DeadPool saids in thought)

DeadPool(Matt): Damn Shadow Angel you're even more hotter and gorgeous without the mask.

Lute: I...I.....I....

DeadPool(Matt): Since I saw you, I guess it wouldn't hurt if you saw me.(DeadPool saids and takes off his mask to reveal his face)

🎶 Sexy Man 🎶

The minute Lute saw DeadPool aka Matthew's face her whole face blushed at the site she was seeing and she couldn't help but stare at the most hottest and handsome guy she was seeing more handsome than Adam in which caused her to have a nose bleed.

Matt: Oh and that was my first kiss, thanks for being my first. Lute~


Matt: Though hope we meeting again soon. Catch you later Shadow Angel.

Matthew puts on his mask and leaves with Adam's ax as well as some Exorcist weapons. Lute just starred for a minute and then shrugged it off and carried her boss back to heaven. But she can't get over the guy who killed her soldiers and kissed her on the lips in public. She's going keep having dreams about it all day.

Lute: He is so going to pay. That psychotic, murdering, totally hot, very handsome and sexy ......WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?!!!!


As soon as the last two angels left Hell, all the sinner and demons came out of hiding and were asking themselves who was that masked man dressed red and black and how was he able to kill the entire Exorcist army all by himself. Some even took out their phones and recored the whole fight even the part when DeadPool took off his mask that made a lot of demons girls blushed at how sexy and attractive he was. One thing is for sure is that Hell has a new guest in town and his name is Captain DeadPool.

DeadPool(Matt): Nah just DeadPool.

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